Скачать презентацию 9 th European Conference of Medical and Health Скачать презентацию 9 th European Conference of Medical and Health


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9 th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries. Santander, September 20 th-25 th 9 th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries. Santander, September 20 th-25 th 2. 004 PLAGIARISM: OLD WINES IN NEW BOTTLES Sobrido Prieto M González Guitián C Ribes Cot MF Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Plagiarism Appropriation of ideas and works already published without quoting the source. There is Plagiarism Appropriation of ideas and works already published without quoting the source. There is also not citing the author of an idea or a piece of writing. Real Academia Española – 1869 • Voice of hidden creation, taken directly from the Latin plagium, that meant robbery of other people's slaves “To copy other people's works, presenting as your own” Concise Oxford Dictionary “taking or use of another person's thoughts, writings or inventions as one's own" Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Historical plagiarisms Claudio Ptolomeo (II b. C. ) The 1025 star system of his Historical plagiarisms Claudio Ptolomeo (II b. C. ) The 1025 star system of his own catalog was copied from Hiparco ofe Rhodes works (I a. C), only observable in the island of Rhodes Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Historical plagiarisms • Hydrodynamica (Daniel Bernoulli, 1738) • Hydraulica (Johann Bernouilli, 1732) Publication data Historical plagiarisms • Hydrodynamica (Daniel Bernoulli, 1738) • Hydraulica (Johann Bernouilli, 1732) Publication data 1739 Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

AIDS Virus and co paternity authorship • Montagnier / Gallo • The National Academy AIDS Virus and co paternity authorship • Montagnier / Gallo • The National Academy of Sciences (USA), expressed the fraud of Gallo. • Despite, the fact that in 1987 they signed up a compromise with the participation of the presidents (Chirac-Reagan) of both countries Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

 • “Buscar lo que han dicho otros • “Se zurce, se teje, se • “Buscar lo que han dicho otros • “Se zurce, se teje, se corta, se y contarlo. No vas a inventar. Lo hacemos todos”. L. Racionero • To look for what others have said and to tell it. You are not going to invent. We all do it • Atenas de Pericles (1993) añade, como rapsodas. Y no puedes estar poniendo comillas a cada rato”. L. Alberto de Cuenca (El País, 30 -10 -2000) • It is mended, it tiled, it cut, it added, like rhapsodes. And you cannot be putting in inverted commas every few minutes Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

 • Medline: – Internet tool that facilitates previously unheard of levels of information • Medline: – Internet tool that facilitates previously unheard of levels of information dissemination – More than 30 manuscripts taken from prior publications Marshall E. Medline searches turn up cases of suspected plagiarism. Science 1998; 279 (5350): 473 -4 Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Electronic plagiarism Cybernetic tailors cut and paste to make a suitable suit, but they Electronic plagiarism Cybernetic tailors cut and paste to make a suitable suit, but they don’t tell the precedent of remnants of his new suit. Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

The edition facility in the Network, the absence of revision by experts (to peer The edition facility in the Network, the absence of revision by experts (to peer review), favors this practice. Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Plagiarism also includes • Similar domains creation • Documents transfer from one web page Plagiarism also includes • Similar domains creation • Documents transfer from one web page to another page (framing) • Appropriation of resources or directories • The simple mouse click is enough to copy, to interchange and to modify original texts Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

In favour of. . . Critical Art Ensemble (1994) “To sell wine without bottles In favour of. . . Critical Art Ensemble (1994) “To sell wine without bottles the economy of the mind in the Global Network” It contributes to the cultural enrichment Against the privatization of culture It helps the diffusion of ideas Digital information is a continuous process in continuous change. John Perry Barlow Co-founder and executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. First person to refer to the internet "Cyberspace" Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Academic World Why students plagiarize? Lack of research skills Problems evaluating Internet sources Confusion Academic World Why students plagiarize? Lack of research skills Problems evaluating Internet sources Confusion between plagiarism and paraphrasing Careless note-taking Confusion about how to properly cite sources Where Do Students Get The Material? 85% of plagiarized papers from the Internet 13% from other student term papers 0. 5% from paper mills. B. Reagan, “E-commerce (a special report) – siting sources, ” Wall Street Journal (September 16, 2002), p. R 4. Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

 • An evil house of cheat • http: //osiris. 978. org/~brianr/mirrors/www. cheathouse. com/ • An evil house of cheat • http: //osiris. 978. org/~brianr/mirrors/www. cheathouse. com/ • Schoolsucks • http: //www. schoolsucks. com/ Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Plagiarism: Prevention and Detection Hospital Plagiarism: Prevention and Detection Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Hospital Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism: Scientific Integrity and ethics • The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) USA Detection plagiarism: Scientific Integrity and ethics • The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) USA http: //ori. dhhs. gov/ Promotes integrity in biomedical and behavioral research supported by the Public Health Service (PHS) at about 4, 000 institutions worldwide • Data Acquisition & management • Mentoring • Lab animals • Publication practices • Peer review • Collaborative Science • Human subjects • Research misconduct • Conflict of interest & commitment Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • Spain: Law 1/1996 of intellectual property • http: //www. Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • Spain: Law 1/1996 of intellectual property • http: //www. mec. es/gabipreu/documentos/indice cult. htm "they are protected works all the literary, artistic or scientific creations original expressed by any means or have supported, tangible or intangible, at the moment or that are invented in the future” • Digital Millenniun Copyright Act (USA 28 th october 1998) http: //www. copyright. gov “Modifies the Copyright Act referring to explotion and protection of orginal works in digital format” Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • INFORMATIVE GLOBALIZATION Information can be consulted from any part Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • INFORMATIVE GLOBALIZATION Information can be consulted from any part of the world, independently of the emission place and of the receiver of this information Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, • “Council directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information Society” Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism tools • Turnitin http: //www. turnitin. com/ – compiles a massive database Detection plagiarism tools • Turnitin http: //www. turnitin. com/ – compiles a massive database of digital material • Updated with automated web robots • Focus on searching online paper mills • Includes papers from participating courses – Document Source Analysis: • Make a digital "fingerprint" of document • Compare against documents in its database. – SCAM copy detector in digital libraries http: //www. dlib. org/dlib/november 95/scam/11 shivakumar. html – CHECK information retrieval techniquese Información http: //www-db. stanford. edu/~shiva/SCAM/scam. Info. html Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • Detection plagiarism Legal Perspective • "World Intellectual Property Organization” (WIPO) • http: //www. wipo. org – Author rights Treatment – To establish a legal base in the protection of the author rights and to turn Internet trustworthy means to create, to distribute and to control the work use in the digital surroundings. Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca

Librarians play an important role Consciousness about plagiarism as fraudulence Authorship check systems Vancouver Librarians play an important role Consciousness about plagiarism as fraudulence Authorship check systems Vancouver style Hospital "Juan Canalejo". Servicio de Biblioteca