- Количество слайдов: 11
7 Wonders of Bashkortostan Выполнили: ДАНИЛИН ДМИТРИЙ ЮРЬЕВИЧ, Каламова Фигиса, Наширбанов Денис, Ильясов Ахмед Все представленные ученики учатся в 10 классе
Капова пещера Башкирский мед Наш вернисаж Памятник Салавату Юлаеву Курай Янгантау Эпос «Урал - батыр» Красноусольские минеральные источники
This cave is one of the largest in the Southern Urals. Entrance to the cave - Asymmetrical arch width of about 40 m and a height of 22 meters - the outline of a magnificent portal, able to stun the imagination. In Kapova - 2250 m underground passages, 9 rooms, lots of caves, three funnels, underground river, two lakes, a few "windows" in the walls halls and corridors. In 1959, zoologist A. Rumin it were discovered cave paintings, age of almost 20 thousand years. Performed by primitive artists with red ocher, frozen on the wall in the hall "Drawings" mammoths and rhinos, cave bear and saber-toothed tiger. Назад
Salavat Yulaev (16. 07. 1754 - 10. 08. 1800) - Bashkir national hero and poet, one of the leaders of the Peasants' War of 1773 -1775. , Associate Pugachev. Monument in Ufa Salavat Yulaev set November 17, 1967. This is the largest equestrian statue in Russia, the height of nearly ten meters. The monument is unique by the fact that weighs 40 tons, it has only three control points, and the center of gravity shifted significantly sculptures (in order to make the sculpture more dynamic and expressive). Назад
In the spiritual culture of the Bashkirs significant place is occupied by folk instruments - kurai, kubyz, dumbyra, kyl-kubyz, sornay. Can hardly be a more popular and a favorite tool of the Bashkir people, than the chicken, which has no analogues in a voeobraziyu and timbre of sound! This is purely a national invention, numbering tens of centuries and which is a whole stratum of life, from which it is impossible to separate the culture of the people! Confirmation of this - on the flag and emblem of the republic Kurai flower on the flag - a sign of friendship, and seven of its petals, symbolize the seven genera, which ushered in the unity of peoples, Назад residing in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
On all sides the resort is surrounded by protecting it from strong winds, the Ural Mountains. The first mention of Krasnousolsk sources refers to the end XYI century. In the last century they acquired the name of the Saints. In the early twentieth century, during the cross procession is going to up to 20 thousand people from far and near cities - Ufa Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Tobolsk, Kiev. Назад
Урал-батыр» — башкирский национальный эпос. Сказание «Урал-Батыр» , записанное в 1910 году Мухаметшой Абдрахмановичем Бурангуловым , самое крупное произведение башкирского эпоса (4576 поэтических и 19 прозаических строк). Оно занимает особое, знаковое место в устнопоэтическом наследии народа. «Урал-Батыр» принадлежит к древнему жанру башкирской народной поэзии — кубаир (kобайыр — песнь-восхваление, героическая песнь). В эпосе выражена идеи вечной жизни народа. Эпос был записан от двух сэсэнов(сказителей)-кураистов: Габита (≈1850 -1921) из аула Идрис Иткульской волости Оренбургской губ. (ныне Баймакский р-н РБ) и Хамита Альмухаметова (1861 -1923) из Аула Малый Иткул. Назад
Gore used to be called Yangantau Karagosh-tau (Berkutova mountain. Yangantau Mountain is located in the RB Salavat area. Extends from east to west for 2. 5 miles along the right. r. Yuryuzan coast. Translated from the bash. lang. means "Burning Mountain". The absolute height of 143 m, with respect to - 160 m above the river. In the 70's and 80's. The 20 th century. hypothesis appeared of the natural nuclear reactor and rare meteorite, which has become a catalyst for thermal processes. In addition to the hot gases and vapors with a valuable therapeutic properties Yangantau known presence of a number of sulfur, zinc and radon Назад
Bashkir honey is valued for its properties, which are determined by climatic conditions Bashkortostan, his rich and unique flora. More than one-third of the republic's territory is covered by forests, that in such a significant scale there is little of the Altai Mountains to the Carpathians. Feature of the Bashkirian forest is they concentrate in the country's most extensive area of the honey vegetation. Bashkir honey - the greatest medicine created by nature. Назад
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