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61 st Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference The Nation’s Hurricane Program: An Interagency Success Story March 5 - 9, 2007
CLOSING / WRAPUP REMARKS --61 st INTERDEPARTMENTAL HURRICANE CONFERENCE --Mr. Samuel P. Williamson Federal Coordinator for Meteorology
Overview • Objective Results • Successes And Challenges • Action Items/Next Steps • Feedback • Special Recognition • Location for Future IHCs • Thank You
Conference Objectives • Review the Nation’s tropical cyclone forecast and warning program form end-to-end, and update the National Hurricane Operations Plan for 2007 • Evaluate the 2006 Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) results and successfully transition research results into operations, as well as potential candidates for 2007 and beyond • Address/build upon the actions and results from the 60 th IHC – Roll out the Interagency Strategic Research Plan for Tropical Cyclones: The Way Ahead and begin addressing recommendations – Examine how hazard risk reduction improvements can be made through stronger partnerships and alliances
Successes and Challenges • Successes –Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast System (ATCF) –Advances in modeling / data assimilation (HWRF) –Joint Hurricane Test bed (JHT) –Joint hurricane field programs –Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer—operational on the WC -130 J for the 2007 season • Challenges –Data assimilation / modeling / computing power –Improved forecast skill for: • Storm intensity / structure • Storm track • Sea state & storm surge • Inland flooding –Observation gaps (e. g. , ocean surface vector winds) –Information dissemination (technology, message) • Incorporating results of social science research into operations
Action Items / Next Steps • 59 TH IHC Action Items – Develop a Strategic Plan for Improved Tropical Cyclone Reconnaissance Systems (ITCRS) (manned, unmanned, spaced-based, etc. ) • – TC Strategic Research Plan recommendation Facilitate bringing together the web site owners from NOAA (e. g. , HRD, NHC), Navy, etc. to improve linkages for supporting R&D • Action deferred to new Working Group for Tropical Cyclone Research
Action Items / Next Steps • 60 th IHC Action Items: – Additional funding should be solicited to allow inclusion of social science research into the activities of the Joint Hurricane Testbed without compromising current projects • TC Strategic Research Plan Recommendation
Action Items / Next Steps • 60 th IHC Action Items: – NWS should work with diverse user groups to develop and test message format modifications • It is recommended that, rather than try to modify the current system, researchers start from scratch and develop new formats and products based on the latest communication techniques • Two types of messages should be considered: technical and actionable • Current Status: Work ongoing
Action Items / Next Steps • 60 th IHC Action Items: – – Empirical research should be encouraged and supported to develop and test modifications to current terminology used to define levels of hurricane threat (e. g. , watch, warning, CAT 1 -5, etc. ) The OFCM will coordinate bringing together the appropriate federal agencies to begin the process of reviewing and improving the National hurricane warning “system” • • Key recommendations of the TC Strategic Research Plan Completed exploratory review at two locations—Charleston, SC, and Mobile, AL. Final report is in the works
Action Items / Next Steps • 61 st IHC Action Items: – – – Revise NHOP and publish by May 15, 2007 Establish Working Group for Tropical Cyclone Research Implement the Interagency Strategic Research Plan for Tropical Cyclones: The Way Ahead • • Develop a succinct 10 -year implementation plan to address the strategic plan’s research priorities and update annually Establish a Joint Action Group to develop a strategic/ implementation plan for improved tropical cyclone reconnaissance and surveillance systems
Presentation Availability Presentations and other material will be available on the OFCM web site shortly after the IHC. Click on “Special Projects” and navigate to the 60 th IHC. http: //www. ofcm. gov/
FEEDBACK IS WELCOME Samuel. Williamson@noaa. gov Robert. Dumont@noaa. gov Mark. Welshinger@noaa. gov (301) 427 -2002
SPECIAL RECOGNITION Participants Session Leaders / Moderators / Chairpersons / Panelists / Rapporteurs OFCM / STC Staff Marriott New Orleans at the Convention Center Governor Blanco’s Office Mayor Nagin’s Office, City of New Orleans, LA Media Support
Location of Future IHCs • 62 nd IHC is tentatively slated for Charleston, SC, in March 2008. The back-up location will be Tampa, FL. • 63 rd IHC is tentatively slated for Biloxi, MS. Cohosted by the 403 Wg/53 WRS
Thank You! Thank you for attending and participating in this conference! On behalf of the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Have a safe trip home. . . And Thanks Again!