Скачать презентацию 605451 Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1 Part 1 Artificial Скачать презентацию 605451 Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1 Part 1 Artificial


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605451 Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1 –Part 1 Artificial Intelligence Dr. Hassan Al-Tarawneh 605451 Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1 –Part 1 Artificial Intelligence Dr. Hassan Al-Tarawneh

What you will learn: : • Knowledge about A. I • Real things about What you will learn: : • Knowledge about A. I • Real things about A. I (no more moronic + movies thoughts) • How weak we are. . compared to our Creator.

My Expectation: : • • • Always be prepared. Read. . read… Minimize absenteeism My Expectation: : • • • Always be prepared. Read. . read… Minimize absenteeism Think beyond (no more spoon feeding) Always submit your works!

A. I ? “The Terminator III: TX and T 100” “Artificial Intelligence”: David “Star A. I ? “The Terminator III: TX and T 100” “Artificial Intelligence”: David “Star Wars”: R 2 D 2 & C 3 PO “I, Robot”: NS 5 Sunny

A. I ? • Fictions ? ~ computer program that wipes out humanity, intelligent A. I ? • Fictions ? ~ computer program that wipes out humanity, intelligent robotics ? , movies (The Terminator 3, I Robot, HAL 2000 – The Space Odyssey , AI, . . ), Artificial Insemination ? , or Avian Influenza? • Bunch of academia works ~ who cares? • Being God? • Artificial (a: tfiil) “made or produced by man in imitation of something natural”. • Intelligence (/intelid 3 entsie) “power of learning, understanding & reasoning + mental ability”

A. I : for dummies! • John Mc. Carthy (1956) “a mechanical system capable A. I : for dummies! • John Mc. Carthy (1956) “a mechanical system capable to perform actions for human deemed to be intelligent” • Elaine Rich (1991) “the science of how to make computer/machine do things, at this moment, human do better” • Michael Negbevitsky (2002) “in which we consider what it means to be intelligent and whether machines could be such a thing” • Azizi Ab Aziz (2002) “inspired by nature, engineered by us”

AI: The Past • Greek philosophers - Plato (428 -248 BC), Aristotle (384 -322 AI: The Past • Greek philosophers - Plato (428 -248 BC), Aristotle (384 -322 BC), Diogenes (400 -325 BC) logics, philosophy of mind. • Muslim mathematician – Al-Khawarizmi (800 -840) work in algorithm and algebra. • Descartes (1596 -1650), Leibniz (1646 -1716), Kant (1724 -1804) works in conceptual and philosophy in intelligence. • Babbage (1792 -1871) works in Difference Engine, and Ada Lovelace (1815 -1852) ~ first programmer!

AI: The Birth • Mc. Culloch and Pitts (1943) neural computation “a logical calculus AI: The Birth • Mc. Culloch and Pitts (1943) neural computation “a logical calculus for the ideas of immanent in nervous activity”. • Turing (1950) The Turing Test : “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” • Shannon (1950) “The Chess Playing Computer” • Dartmouth Conference (1956) coined the term of “Artificial Intelligence” : Father of AI John Mc. Carthy. • Newell and Simon (1956) General Problem Solver. • Cancellation of machine translation project by US government (1969)

AI: The Renaissance • The emergence of knowledge based system @ expert systems (1969 AI: The Renaissance • The emergence of knowledge based system @ expert systems (1969 -1980) DENDRAL, MYCIN & … etc! • The birth of artificial neural networks (1986 present) • The birth of genetic algorithm (Holland, 1972; Schewfel, 1995) • The emergence of intelligent agents, swarm intelligence (1995 – present) • Chess playing computer – Deep Blue II beats Kasparov (1997) • Sociable and Affective Computing (1997 –present)

AI: The Fundamental Artificial Intelligence Augmentation of Human Abilities • Engineering, mathematics, economics, computer AI: The Fundamental Artificial Intelligence Augmentation of Human Abilities • Engineering, mathematics, economics, computer science, operational research. Understand Human Mind • Cognitive science, developmental psychology, linguistic, philosophy.

Augmenting Human Abilities • To develop intelligent system that capable to diagnose, to recognize, Augmenting Human Abilities • To develop intelligent system that capable to diagnose, to recognize, to predict, to reason, …. . etc (as human counterparts) • Example: biometrics, speech recognition, decision support system, image recognition, etc. Power Transformer Fault Detection Car Plate Recognition System

Understanding Human Mind • To model how our mind works. – for better humanmachine Understanding Human Mind • To model how our mind works. – for better humanmachine interaction, understand mental related disorder, coordination. • E. g: humanoid COG from AI Lab MIT, Infanoid from Japan. INFANOID: to understand infant-adult interaction COG: to understand human social interaction

AI: The Essences • Reasoning, pattern recognition, learning or some other form of inference. AI: The Essences • Reasoning, pattern recognition, learning or some other form of inference. • Focus on problems which is non-algorithmic (heuristics). • Attempt to deal with semantic meaning @ syntactic form. • Answer that are neither exact / optimal form ~ sense of sufficient. • Using meta-knowledge to solve problem.

Artificial Intelligence “Branch of computer science that studies the human thinking process, and to Artificial Intelligence “Branch of computer science that studies the human thinking process, and to imitiate and represent the process into computer programs“ 14

How do we classify research as AI? 15 How do we classify research as AI? 15

Branches of AI Machine Learning Automatic Programming Speech Understanding Robotic Natural Language Processing Game Branches of AI Machine Learning Automatic Programming Speech Understanding Robotic Natural Language Processing Game Playing Neural Network Expert System Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithm Intelligent Tutor Computer Vision AI Tree Linguistics Computer Science Psychology Philosophy Management & Management Science Electrical Engineering 16

Applications using AI www. google. com MS Word + office assistant Asimo Hotmail junk Applications using AI www. google. com MS Word + office assistant Asimo Hotmail junk mail filtering 17 Samsung fuzzy logic washing machine

Daily Applications • GOOGLE : self-organizing searching engine (web mining). • Microsoft Word: office Daily Applications • GOOGLE : self-organizing searching engine (web mining). • Microsoft Word: office assistant (intelligent agent + decision theoretic reasoning), spelling checker (natural language processing). • Washing Machine: automated setting (neural networks and fuzzy logic). • Digital camera (Sony) with DVD burner: image stabilizer (neural networks and fuzzy logic). • Hotmail, Yahoo e-mail spam filtering: data mining.

Daily Applications www. google. com MS Word + office assistant Hotmail junk mail filtering Daily Applications www. google. com MS Word + office assistant Hotmail junk mail filtering Samsung fuzzy logic washing machine

Suggested Reading • Russell and Norvig (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2 nd Suggested Reading • Russell and Norvig (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education, pp. 1 -30. • Mc. Carthy, J. (2004). Retrieved from internet: http: //www-formal. stanford. edu/jmc/whatisai. html • Luger, G. (2005). Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, Addison-Wesley, pp. 1 -30. • “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” – A Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Psychology. Retrieved from: http: //www. abelard. org/turpap. htm