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5 Years Strategic Plan and Financials Mr Fundisile Mketeni: CEO SANParks
Presentation Content • SANParks Constitutional Mandate • Background Information • SANParks High Level Structure & Staff Complement • Contribution to the NDP 2030 • SANParks Strategic focus and Strategy Map • SANParks MTSF / MTEF priorities – 5 Year (2016/17 to 2019/50) • Key Strategic Risks • 2016/17 Budget and MTSF Estimates Augrabies National Park 2
SANParks Constitutional Mandate • SANParks was established in terms of the now repealed National Parks Act, 57 of 1976 and continue to exist in terms of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 57 of 2003; with the mandate to conserve; protect; control; and manage national parks and other defined protected areas and their biological diversity (Biodiversity). • Section 17(i) and 20 (2)(c) - sustainable development • As a public entity, SANParks is also governed by the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999 (as amended by Act 29 of 1999), and it is listed as Schedule 3 A: Public Entity Richtersveld 3 National Park
Background Information Vision A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society. Mandate Delivery of Conservation Mandate by Excelling in the Management of a National Park System. Mission To develop, expand, manage and promote a system of sustainable national parks that represents biodiversity and heritage assets, through innovation and best practice for the just and equitable benefit of current and future generations 4
Background Information • South Africa has 509 state owned terrestrial and 25 marine protected areas, and are managed by 13 different states authorities. • Collectively, terrestrial protected areas exceed 8. 9 million ha (7. 4% of the country), while the marine protected areas comprise over 18, 5 million ha; • Nearly 4 million ha (3. 2% of SA surface and 67% of state owned terrestrial protected areas) are under SANParks management. Northern Cluster Arid Cluster Frontier Cluster Cape Cluster G. Route Cluster 5
High Level Structure 6
Contribution to the NDP 2030 7
NDP Contribution SANParks contributes to the following key NDP Priorities: • Economy and employment – SANParks plays a key role in employment creation through implementation of EPWP Programmes, 12 000 people will be provided with temporary work in the 2016/17 financial year. • Economic infrastructure – over the medium term SANParks will spend just over R 672 million on a number of infrastructure projects. • Inclusive rural economy – SANParks contributes to rural development through corporate social investment initiatives and community development programmes in communities adjacent to National Parks. • South Africa in the region and the world – SANParks promotes regional corporation and promotes exchange of conservation expertise with countries such as Mozambique, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. 8
NDP Contribution. . . continued • Improving education training and innovation – SANParks implements a comprehensive environmental education programme which sees over 200 000 learners participating in the programme. This programme will be scaled up in future. • Building safer communities – As a player in conservation management, SANParks has a responsibility to protect natural resources under its management. This includes programmes to fight poaching of Rhino, elephant, abalone and cycads. Visitor safety is also a key priority for SANParks. • Building a capable and developmental state – SANParks contributes to transformation objectives of the country through implementation of the Tourism B-BEE Charter. This includes specific focus on skills development, enterprise development and preferential procurement programmes. 9
Alignment with DEA SANParks strategic plan is aligned to the following DEA Programmes: • Biodiversity and Conservation • Environmental Programmes and • Administration. Therefore, SANParks contributes to the following key Strategic objectives of DEA: • • • Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated; Fair access and equitable sharing of benefits from biological resources promoted; Improved socio-economic benefits within environmental sector; Ecosystem services restored and maintained; Enhanced contribution of the environmental sector towards Sustainable development and transition to a green economy; Adequate and appropriately skilled staff; Secure, harmonious, transformed and conducive working environment; Efficient and effective information technology service; Equitable and sound corporate governance; Improved access to information; Improved sector education and awareness; and Effective knowledge and information management for the sector. 10
SANParks Strategy Map 11
SANParks Strategic Focus Over the MTEF, SANParks will pursue the following key Strategic Goals: Strategic Goal Statement SG 1: Sustainable conservation asset To ensure that environmental assets and natural resources are well protected and continually enhanced through an adaptive and effective National Parks System. SG 2: Diverse and responsible tourism To enhance the tourism plant in order to maximise economic returns, social and environmental benefits, by creating diversified and better tourism products for people to enjoy, visit and appreciate. SG 4: Progressive, equitable and fair socio-economic To foster an efficient, effective and development transformation oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship that will enable the creation of decent employment through inclusive economic growth, vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities. SG 4: Effective resource utilisation and good governance To create and maintain a conducive workplace for skilled and capable workforce that will form a responsive, accountable, effective and efficient National Parks System. 12
SANParks Strategic Focus Through the management of the National Parks System, SANParks has the following key strategic objectives: • SO 1: Improved representative conservation estate – To improve the conservation estate through effective and efficient management of national parks systems • SO 2: Effectively managed eco-system, species and cultural heritage assets - To effectively manage sustainable ecosystems and cultural heritage resources 14
Golden Gate Highlands National Park RESPONSIBLE AND DIVERSE TOURISM 15
SANParks Strategic Focus (Cont. ) • SO 4: Enhanced tourism returns – Enhanced tourism returns and diversifying the visitor profile • SO 5: Diversified and enhanced tourism opportunities and experiences – To attract and retain old and new markets by enhancing the Park visitor experience 16
SANParks Strategic Focus (Cont. ) • SO 6: Optimised contribution to the green and blue economy - To optimise our contribution to community socio-economic development through effective SMMEs support leading to sustainable enterprise development, job creation and efficient equity partnering. • SO 7: Enhanced awareness and skills – To improve environmental awareness amongst communities through targeted SANParks environmental education programmes 18
Mapungubwe National Park & World Heritage Site CROSS CUTTING 19
SANParks Strategic Focus (Cont. ) • SO 3: Enhanced knowledge for decision making – To continuously generate knowledge and information for better decision making • SO 8: Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement – To improve environmental stewardship and organisational reputation through a proactive and strategic stakeholder engagement. 20
SANParks Strategic Focus (Cont. ) • SO 9: Adequate, appropriately skilled, transformed and diverse human capital- To ensure that SANParks has the appropriate Diverse, Transformed and Talented human capital to achieve its objectives. • SO 10: Conducive working environment – To promote workplace cohesion and harmony and healthy working environment. • SO 11: Optimised business processes and knowledge management systems – To improve and enhance SANParks business processes • SO 12: Accountable corporate governance - To foster a systematic and robust approach that will enable SANParks to optimise its corporate governance to efficiently achieve it corporate goals. • SO 13: Financial sustainability - To sustain organisational revenue streams through the effective and efficient management of financial resources. 22
SANParks 2016 MTSF Priorities Kruger National Park-Skukuza 23
MTSF Priorities – Internal process Strategic Objective Baseline (201516 performance) Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target Terrestrial = 1 387 ha Terrestrial = 3 715 million ha SO 1: Improved, Marine = 0 km 2 Total Area Added to National Parks 42% conservation State of Biodiversity rating of 3 or above achieved and baseline report (cumulative) % from underrepresented biomes = 34% ≥ 3 69% METT Score 70% 75% New indicator So. AIM baseline report Assessments rating completed Energy audit generated energy completed. Baseline consumption New indicator State of Area Integrity % Reduction of fossil fuel New indicator conservati on he Marine = 2 200 km 2 completed representa tive Terrestrial = 8 726 ha State of biodiversity maintained New indicator Impro ved % from underrepresented biomes = representative estate Marine = 0 km 2 2019/20 Target established % Reduction of water consumption Water consumption audit completed. Baseline established ≥ 3 2% year on year 24 2% year on year
MTSF Priorities – Internal process Strategic Objective SO 1: Improved, representative conservation estate Improv Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure Initial =50 836 ha 2016/17 Target Initial = 38 537 ha Follow up = 209 630 Follow up =205 956 ha ed ha Total Hectares of Land 2019/20 Target Initial = 250 429 ha Follow up = 1 063 388 ha Rehabilitated / Restored representa tive conservati Wetland = 13 440 m³ (29 sites) Wetlands = 6 600 m³ (26 sites) Wetlands = 80 640 m³ (130 Sites) on he 25
MTSF Priorities – internal Processes Perspective Strategic Objective Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target 2019/20 Target Total Number of Park 2 Management Plans Reviewed and 2 2 per annum Submitted per annum % Reduction in recorded fatalities of 33. 5% (600 carcasses: 1793 SO 2: Effectively rhinos and elephants poached as a ratio of activities) recorded number of baseline (Yo. Y) 2% poaching activities in KNP managed Number of Rhino’s ecosystem, species and 2% reduction from 0 cultural poached per annum in 6 Rhino Parks (other than 0 0 KNP) heritage sites % Implementation of New indicator SANParks Rhino Management Strategy No of J 534 fines (key % Increase in SANParks species): 0 EMI fines and arrests for identified key 100% implementation of Rhino Management planned annual activities Strategy and related annual activities 2% Yo. Y 26
MTSF Priorities – internal Processes Perspective Strategic Objective Baseline No of J 534 fines (total): 326 : No of arrests (total): 168 2019/20 Target % Increase in the total 2% Yo. Y number of SANParks EMI fines and arrests heritage sites determined for Rhino, for identified key Elephant, Cycads and Abalone SANParks Wildlife 100% implementation of Wildlife utilisation Utilization Strategy Plan and related annual strategy New indicator sustainability threshold % implementation of species and Sustainability threshold species New indicator ecosystem, cultural 2016/17 Target % Variation against SO 2: Effectively managed Performance Indicator/ Measure completed activities % implementation of 80% SANParks Cultural Heritage Management Plan TBD Cultural Heritage Management Plan 100% implementation of finalised Plan and related annual 100% implementation of activities annual activities 27
MTSF Priorities – internal Processes Perspective Strategic Objective Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target % of research SO 3: Enhanced 73% projects relevant to knowledge for SANParks key issues decision 74% 2019/20 Target 75% per annum Total Number of Peer making 20 Reviewed Research 20 50 (cumulative) 11. 0% 8. 0% (Yo. Y) Publications 7. 0% % Growth in Tourism Revenue (Yo. Y) Total Number of 5, 235, 095 506, 275 SO 4: Enhanced tourism returns 40, 585 70. 9% 560 000 76% Visitors to National Parks % Growth in Total Number in local Black Visitors % Growth in Over Night of local Black Visitors % Accommodation Occupancy Total Number of Accommodation Unit Nights Sold Customer 5, 660, 000 5, 890, 000 per annum 2% 2% (Yo. Y) 4% 4% (Yo. Y) 72. 5 % 565 600 75. 0% per annum 595 000 per annum 28 78% 80%
MTSF Priorities – internal Processes Perspective Strategic Objective SO 5: Diversified and Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target 5 Total Number of Revenue Generating Products Implemented 13 enhanced 30 (cumulative) Total Number of Park tourism opportunities 2019/20 Target 6 and experiences Visitor Management and Interpretation Plan 6 6 (per annum) Implemented EPWP = 7 942 Socio-Economic = TBD PPP = TBD Total Number of Fulltime Equivalent Jobs Created EPWP = 6 469 Socio-Economic Development Strategy completed EPWP = 7 942 SED = TBD EPWP = 540 SO 6: Optimised contribution to EPWP = 501 Socio-Economic = TBD the green and Total Number of SMMEs / Enterprises Supported Socio-Economic EPWP = 500 Development Strategy SED = TBD completed blue economy New Indicator Total Number of Green & Blue Economy Project Implemented Green = 2 Green = 5 (cumulative) Blue = 1 (cumulative) 5 pa 5 per annum Number of social New Indicator legacy projects implemented 29
MTSF Priorities – internal Processes Perspective Strategic Objective SO 7: Enhanced Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target 213 744 Total Number of Participants in Environmental Education Programme 218 000 53 028 Total Number of Free Access Entrants awareness and skills Media Release = 100 SO 8: Enhanced stakeholder Media Events = 14 Positive/ Neutral > 95% engagement 100% Total Number of Proactive Media Engagements Media Reputation Rating % PAIA applications responded to within prescribed time frames 54 000 (Parks week only) 2019/20 Target 227 000 per annum 56 700 (Parks week only) Baseline established for Planned events Planned Events = TBD Articles = 125 per annum Media Events = 10 per annum Positive/ Neutral > 95% 100% 30
MTSF Priorities – Learning and growth Strategic Objective Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target 2019/20 Target Equity Groups BM = 60% BM = 70% a)BM =Total number of Black as % of total management (grade D and upper). Equity Groups WM = 50% a)WM = Total number of Women as % of total management (grade D and upper). Equity Groups Pw. D = 2. 0% Pw. D =2% a)Pw. D = Total number of people with disabilities as % of total of complement. % of Employees from Designated Employment BM = 56. 0% % of Employees from SO 9: Adequately Designated Employment and appropriately WM = 50. 0% skilled, transformed and divers % of Employees from Designated Employment Pw. D = 1. 3% 31
MTSF Priorities – Learning and growth Strategic Objective M: F = 1 : 0. 8 SO 9: Adequately skilled, 94% M: F = Total male to total female ratio 2019/20 Target M: F = 1 : 0. 9 M: F = 1 : 1 Minimum Educational Requirements 95% per annum (C and Upper) transformed and divers a) 2016/17 Target % of Employees Meeting and appropriately Performance Indicator/ Measure Baseline 1% % of payroll spent on the Skills Development Programme 2% 3% ≤ 5% % Staff Turnover ≤ 5% % Staff Vacancy Rate ≤ 5% 85% % Success Rate at CCMA 87% 90% 2% 2% (Yo. Y) < 0. 78 < 0. 75 5. 6 days SO: 10 Conducive working environment (sick leaves days taken: 22, 668; staff establishment: 401 % reduction in average number of sick leave days taken annually per capita 7) 0. 87 Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (DIFR) 32
MTSF Priorities – Learning and Growth Strategic Objective SO: 11 Optimised business new indicator 2016/17 Target 2019/20 Target Mapped = 3 per annum Automated = 3 Automated = 4 per annum 4 4 per annum Business Processes Reviewed processes and knowledge management Performance Indicator/ Measure Total Number of Baseline new indicator systems Number of ICT Strategy Projects implemented Unqualified Auditor General Audit Unqualified with other matters Report with no other matters 100% 100% % Compliance with 100% Governance Requirements % of Legal Opinions on SO: 12 Accountable corporate governance SANParks business 100% needs generated as per requests (provided no more than 80 requests received annually) 100% % of Litigious Matters Attended 33
MTSF Priorities – Learning and growth perspective Strategic Objective Baseline Performance Indicator/ Measure 2016/17 Target 2019/20 Target Break even (1: 1) Income-to-Cost Ratio 1 : 1 ≤ 0% 56% 55% 70% 80% 30 30 R 50 Million per annum < 0% 57% SO: 13 Financial sustainability 70% 30 30 % Expenditure Budget Variance Direct HR as % of Total Expenditure Own revenue generated as % of Total Revenue Average number of days: Debtor collection Average number of days: Creditor payment Total Revenue New Indicator generated from Fundraising 34
STRATEGIC RISKS Tsitsikamma National Park 35
Key Risks Risk name Risk description Mitigation measures Inability to deliver on our strategic and operational obligations Implement fund raising strategy; Identify and invest in significant revenue generating products; Reduce operational costs through reprioritisation; Improved operational efficiency 1. Inadequate revenue to realise • Revenue reduction due to objectives and mandate budgetary cuts Impact of the risk Strengthened implementation partnerships (eg. SATourism to prioritise SANParks Marketing) • Decline in tourism income 2. Wildlife crime Wild crime that may result in depletion of populations Depleting species/ecosystems Declining tourism numbers Loss of reputation Revenue loss Visitor and Employee safety compromised Area Integrity compromised • Ops Rhino - NATJOINTS joint Strategy implementation – KNP • Ranger capacity building • Implement park safety and security plans • Research and deploy new technology • Improve gate management system 36
Key Risks Risk name Risk description Impact of the risk Mitigation measures 3. Inadequate and obsolete tourism reservation and property management system • Limitations within our reservation systems due to old technology • Loss of revenue • Loss reputation • Limitation on expansion possibilities 4. Inability to acquire new firearms or retain existing ones • SANParks is at risk of not retaining current stock of firearms and/or acquire new firearms 5. Infrastructure maintenance • Insufficient budget for infrastructure maintenance Inability to execute mandate of ensuring area integrity Loss of reputation Financial exposure • Reputational damage • Drop in visitor numbers • Loss of revenue Tourism strategy developed • Continuous engagement with SAPS Firearms registry to ensure full compliance • Appointment of dedicated officials in Kruger and Parks division • Engagements with Security Cluster • Improve planning and project management • Improve infrastructure budgeting 37
2016/17 Annual Budget and MTSF Estimates 38
2016/17 Annual Budget
2016/17 Annual Budget
Interventions relating to Rhino Poaching • Number of Rhinos poached stabilised in 2015 • In 2015, 202 poachers were arrested in Kruger Park and 115 arrested in the area adjacent to the Park. 150 rangers recruited in the KNP in past 4 years • Going forward • Continued joint law enforcement operations in and around the Kruger park. • Close corporation with neighbouring countries such as Mozambique • Use of modern technologies • Active involvement of neighbouring communities • Engage government for additional funding
Rhino Distribution in the Kruger NP Landscape
Cooperation with Stakeholders 43
Socio-Economic Transformation 44
Communities: EPWP Employment 45
Thank You 47