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4 th Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy Turkey, 7 -8 th September, 2004 Overview of the Nile Basin Initiative Programs. by Patrick Kahangire, Executive Director, Nile-Sec
The Nile Basin ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Burundi D. R. Congo Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda Sudan Tanzania Uganda Key Challenges Poverty, ¨History ¨demography(60 0 by 2025, ¨ Vulnerability ¨Economicsnothing flows ¨Degradation, . . . ¨ Opportunities Win-win development projects (food production, energy, transport, flood control, industrial growth, envir. Watershed, … 2
The Shared Vision “To achieve sustainable socio-economic development through equitable utilization of, and benefits from, the common Nile Basin water resources. ”
Strategic Action Program for the Nile Basin Main Tasks Shared Vision Ø Create an enabling environment for cooperative investments and action on the ground, within a basin-wide framework. Ø Promote Shared Vision through a limited, but effective, set of subregional activities and projects. Shared Vision Program Subsidiary Action Prog. Action on the ground - NBI Policy Guidelines 4
SVP Project Portfolio Function Common Elements • Basin-wide engagement and dialogue • Dev. Strategic & analytical frameworks • Dev. Best practical tools & demost. • Stakeholder involvement • Human & institutional capacity Type T H E M A T I C F A C I L I T A T I V E Project 1. Nile Transboundary Environmental Action 2. Nile Basin Regional Power Trade 3. Efficient Water Use for Agricultural Production 4. Water Resources Planning & Management 5. Confidence Building & Stakeholder Involvement 6. Applied Training 7. Socio-Economic Development & Benefit Sharing 8. SVP Coordination 5
Preparation of the SVP: Reaching Consensus on ‘The What’ NBI Policy Guidelines Priority Projects NBI Framework Project Concepts Feb 99 May 99 Working Group Meetings Project Documents ‘The What’ Dec 99 COM Endorsement SVP Portfolio Jul 00 Mar 01 ICCON Donor Partnerships & Financing Jun 01 A complex, multi-country, participatory process 6
Implementation Arrangement – Decentralized Approach Project Management Units: Confidence Building Nile-SEC HQ Environment Sudan Power Trade Tanzania Agriculture Kenya Water Resources Ethiopia Applied Training Egypt Benefit Sharing Uganda/Nile. SEC HQ SVP Coordination Project Nile-SEC
Rolling Out the SVP: Status 8
Subsidiary Action Programs Ø Investment projects planned at the lowest appropriate level - within the basin-wide framework Ø Aimed at poverty reduction, economic development & reversal of environmental degradation Ø Seeking win-win opportunities between riparian countries
Global (ICCON incl. International Discourse) Ethiopia Burundi Eastern Nile sub basin Eritrea Rwanda Sudan Egypt Nile Equatorial Lakes sub-basin Tanzania Kenya DRC Uganda Nile Basin (SVP, Cooperative Framework) 10
The Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Program ¨ Egypt ¨ Ethiopi a ¨ Sudan The Technical regional Office (ENTRO) Established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2002
Integrated Development of Eastern Nile Projects 1. Eastern Nile Planning Model 2. Baro-Akobo Multi-purpose water resources development 3. Flood Preparedness and Early Warning 4. Ethiopia –Sudan Transmission Interconnection 5. EN Power Trade Investment Program 6. Irrigation and Drainage 7. Watershed Management.
Nile Equatorial Lakes Region Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) Burundi DRC Egypt Kenya Rwanda Sudan Tanzania Uganda The Coordination Unit NEL-CU established Dec 2001 In Entebbe relocated to Kigali-Rwanda (Jan /04)
12 NELSAP Projects identified for preparation Environment & Natural Resources Management • 3 River Basin Management Projects (Mara, Kagera, Sio. Malaba-Malakisi) • Regional Agriculture project • Fisheries & Catchment Management Project for Lake Albert and Lake Edward • Water Hyacinth Abatement in the Kagera River Hydropower Development & Power Trade in the NEL region (Bur, DRC, Ken, Rwa, Tan, Uga) • Rusumo Falls HEP (BUR, RWA, TAN) • Ranking and Feasibility Study of HEPs in NEL-region • Four Transmission interconnection projects: Ken-Uga; DRC-Bur-Rwa; Bur. Rwa; Uga-Rwa 14
Project Execution-SVP Promotes ownership: Nile-COM Ø Oversees portfolio & provides overall guidance on policy matters Nile-TAC Ø Reviews project portfolio and provides technical advice to Nile-COM Nile-SEC Ø Serves as executing agency with overall responsibility for project delivery on behalf of Nile countries through Nile-COM/Nile-TAC Ø Ensure integration, coordination, info-sharing and M&E
Financing Arrangements: Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF) Nile-COM, March 2001 decided: Ø Request to World Bank to establish Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF) Ø Preferred funding mechanism for SVP Ø Trust Fund Committee (riparian & donors) Ø Trust Fund administered by World Bank Ø Eventual transfer of TF to Nile Basin institution
Issues Ø Not all donors agree to use preferred. Trust Fund arrangement; Ø Implementation process is long; Ø Not all priorities of governments are included and not all projects get financing; Ø The process and implementation coordination are costly, and high accountability standards; Ø High expectations & therefore priority for investment oriented projects (stakeholders tired of meetings and capacity building!)
Countries’ Contributions. Ø Contribute in kind to the SVP implementation equivalent to $14 million plus Cash eg taxes Ø Continued to finance operating costs of the NBI Secretariat, TAC and COM. Ø Establishment and maintenance of national NBI Offices Ø Investment projects
Critical Elements and Lessons Ø A Shared Vision Ø Strong riparian ownership Ø Effective lead donor/partner Ø Partnership and commitment of donors/partners (funds, technical and facilitation) Ø Flexible financing mechanisms Ø Basin specific priorities based on the situation
Critical Elements and Lessons (continued) Ø Staying with the process by incremental steps, Ø Multi-track approach to create incentives for the process and demonstrate benefits, Ø Adequate funding and investments for the process (time money, expertise, political, etc. ) and coordination CRITICAL,
Efforts and Strategies Major infrastructure Fast track projects 5 + bn $ 1 - 2 bn $ • Sustain cooperation and partnerships • Implement initial set of projects basin wide • Stakeholder participation, confidence, capacity building, and plan investments $ 150 m grants • Strengthen institutional arrangements • Continue mobilising resources $ 10 m grants • Initiate engagement • Develop shared vision • Setup institution • Policies and guidelines • Mobilise support and partners • Set agenda and programs
www. nilebasin. org