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4 th Bi-Monthly Regional ALS Conference Host : Division of Malabon City August 2, 2013
national UPdates and concerns FELICINO C. TRONGCO Asst. Chief, ALS Division
Field Operations Programs/ Projects Activities Status 1. Dep. ED Services Delivered by ALS MTs & DALSCs • Downloading of Allowances (Teaching Aid & Transportation Allowance) • Approved Memo re: downloading of funds (April 10, 2013) ü Awaiting for the approval of SARO visà-vis the revised breakdown/ allocation ü DBM released 300 new items for MTs (Jan. 11, 2013) • Issued Dep. ED Order #19, s. 2013 re: Revised Guidelines on the Provision of Teaching Aid & Transpo Allownaces 2. Services Procured by DEp. ED for Various ALS Programs • Small Private Organization ü Downloading of learning funds per contract • Approved memo re: downloading of funds on April 10, 2013 ü Approved SARO • Literacy Volunteers (AGAP) ü Downloading of funds for stipend, transportation & teaching aid • Approved memo re: downloading of funds on April 10, 2013 ü Approved SARO ü Increased the number from 719 to 911 AGAPs
Support To Operations Programs/ Projects Activities • Evaluation of the translated (35) modules 3. Learning Resources Development, • Finalization of the translated (59) Translation, modules Digitization, • Validation of the and BRAILLE materials Production (17 BLLM) • Finalization of BRAILLE (17 BLLM) Status • Accomplished (10 days workshop - TICC, Tagaytay City on May 14 -24, 2013) • Accomplished (10 days workshop - GSP, Tagaytay City on May 27 -June 7, 2013) • Accomplished (Pasay on July 1, 2013) • Finalization is on-going in coordination with Printing for the Blind
Support To Operations Programs/ Projects Activities 4. Learning • Revision of Digitized Resources modules (A&E modules) Development, Translation, Digitization, and Production • Training on ALS On-line Learning/ALS Virtual CLC Implementors (Pilot Implementation) Status • Awaiting for the approval of memo by Usec. Varela
Support To Operations Programs/ Projects Activities Status • Development of ALS e. MIS • Awaiting for the approval of (4 major activities) memo by Usec. Varela 5. Management Information System Development & • Distribution of laptops in Program partnership with ICTU Installation cum Training • Finalization of MIS Forms (from 5 forms to 3 forms) • Approved memo on July 5, 2013 (4 clsuters) ü Luzon 1 - DAP ü Luzon 2 - DAP ü Visayas - ECOTECH ü Mindanao - Davao • Disseminated to the ALS Field Implementors (on-going utilization)
Support To Operations Programs/ Projects 6. Program Monitoring and Evaluation (Kumustahan) Activities • Revision of M&E Forms Status • Translated the M&E Forms into English version and submitted to • Orientation-Training the World Bank on the Utilization of • Awaiting for the Revised M&E approval of Usec. Forms Varela
Support To Operations Programs/ Projects 7. Capability Building Program Activities Status • Enhancement on the New Strategies & Techniques in Teaching ALS (Different Modalities (781 MTs/DALSCs) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela • Special Encounter with ALS for School Heads (1, 230 + 320 = 1, 550) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela • Fostering Partnership with LGUs for the Sustainability of the ALS Mobile Project (64 pax) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela • Orientation-Training on ALS for SPED • Awaiting for the Approval Teachers Handling Visuallyof Usec. Varela Impaired & Hearing-Impaired Learners (50 LFs) • Basic Course for newly ALS Literacy Volunteers (917) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela (c/o Continuing Budget)
Programs/ Projects 8. Advocacy and Social Mobilization Activities Status • Production/Printing of IEC materials (tarpaulinbanner) • Approved & funds downloaded already P 7, 650/div • Development & Reproduction of IEC Materials (Fact Sheet and additional IEC Materials) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela • Printed & distributed brochures (16), abridged brochures (16), posters (15), banners (17) • Printing of Coffee Table Book • On-going printing • Search for the Most Outstanding ALS Implementors (MTs, DALSCs, ES I) • Shortlisted 5 finalists per category • On-going on-site validation • Community Town Meetings, Immersion Activity of Local Government Units (Luzon Group)
Programs/Projects 9. Research & Development Activities Status • ALS Mobile Library, FBLP, ALS-PWD ü Initial/Expansion • Awaiting for the Approval Implementation of of Usec. Varela ALS Mobile Library, FBLP, ALS-PWD • SEED ü Expansion of SEED Implementation (13 sites) ü Development, Validation & Finalization of Materials. Environmental Issues (20 mat. ) • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela
Support To Operations Programs/Projects Activities • 10. Other Projects A D D • O N S ALS Champions ü Recognition of ALS Partners thru Certificate of Commendation Functional Literacy Test (FLT) ü Revision of FLT Status • Released 512 Certificates of Commendation • On-going • Distributed revised FLT (hard copy) • Disseminated thru email (BALS Facebook Account) ü Translation of FLT • • Submitted translation to World. Bank as reference (Impact Evaluation) ALS Lingap Kalikasan ü Coordination of Activities with SHN • Issued Advisory re: Continuation of ALS Lingap Implementation
Support To Operations Programs/Projects Activities • 11. Other Projects A D D O N S National ALS Convention ü Preparation of Issuance Status • Prepared & facilitated the approval of Dep. ED Memo # 23, s. 2013 • On-going • • Menu of ALS Needs ü Gathering of data • On-going (53 Divisions submitted) Success Stories ü Gathering of success stories of ALS learners • Submitted to the Office of Communication Unit (selection for publication in the Educ. News) • On-going gathering of success stories for ALS Field Implementers (MTs, DALSCs, Supervisors) for submission to the Office Communication Unit
Programs/Projects Activities • 12. Coordinating Activities with Other Partners A D D O N S • • ALS On-Line Learning (Prime Logic Corporation) ü Training on ALS On. Line Learning/Virtual CLC Implementers (pilot-50) e. Library (Thistle, Inc. ) ü Access to e. Library Status • Awaiting for the Approval of Usec. Varela • MOA signed between Dep. ED & Thistle, Inc. re: provision of free use of Electronic Library Cards (Encyclopedia Britannica Online ) to ALS learners KCH Lite Packages (Knowledge Channel) ü Acquisition & Utlization of KCH Lite Packages for ALS Mobile Teachers • Facilitated the activities re: distribution of 20 KCH Lite Packages to 20 MTs
Support To Operations Programs/Projects 13. Coordinating Activities with Other Partners Activities • ALS APP (Smart Communications, Inc. ) ü Uploading of ALS Materials in the Tablet • A D D O N S Status • Infoboard for ALS (Smart Communications, Inc. ) ü Dissemination of Information/updates Installation of ALS CLC (Cebuana Lhuiller, Inc) ü Environmental Scanning • Awaiting for the Approval of MOA re: utilization of ALS APP • On-going • Identified 8 priority sites from 8 Regional Project Sites
Support To Operations Programs/Projects 14. Coordinating Activities with Other Partners A D D O N S Activities • Status Impact Evaluation Study • Conducted environmental on ALS (World Bank) scanning in Region XI ü Conceptualization of • Validated instruments/tools in the Study Region IVA ü Development of instruments/tools • Revision of instruments/tools • Completion of data requirements (2010 -2012) • Pilot implementation in NCR, III and IVA
Results of 2012 A & E Test Above Nat’l / Below Nat’l. Elem. Takers Elem. Passers % Sec. Takers Sec. Passer CALOOCAN 356 75 21. 06 2092 646 30. 88 29. 45 -14. 63 LAS PIÑAS 54 15 27. 78 9. 08 326 35. 90 35. 45 - 8. 63 MAKATI 108 30 27. 78 952 441 46. 32 44. 18 +0. 1 MALABON 59 16 27. 12 812 284 34. 98 34. 44 -9. 64 MANDALUYONG 67 12 17. 91 514 165 32. 10 36. 12 -7. 92 MANILA 407 122 29. 98 4002 1863 46. 55 45. 05 +0. 97 MARIKINA 29 9 31. 03 1387 754 54. 36 53. 88 +9. 8 MUNTINLUPA 172 21 1221 440 36. 04 33. 09 -10. 99 DIVISION REGIONAL % NATIONAL % 24. 56 31. 15 % % Combined 39. 86 45. 82 38. 39 44. 08 -5. 69
% Combined Above Nat’l / Below Nat’l. 188 35. 81 32. 03 -12. 05 1192 352 29. 53 25. 29 -18. 79 28. 23 1419 786 55. 39 56. 82 +12. 74 18 16. 67 1470 500 34. 01 18. 50 -25. 58 481 120 24. 95 4656 1543 33. 15 32. 37 -11. 71 31 6 19. 35 314 119 37. 90 36. 23 -7. 85 TAPAT 122 14 11. 48 11. 62 492 42. 34 39. 41 -4. 67 VALENZUELA 60 18 30. 00 942 367 38. 96 38. 42 -5. 66 39. 86 38. 39 45, 82 44. 08 -5. 69 Elem. Takers Elem. Passers % NAVOTAS 112 16 14. 29 525 PARAÑAQUE 195 24 12. 31 PASAY 124 35 PASIG 108 QUEZON CITY DIVISION SAN JUAN Regional % National % 24. 56 31. 15 Sec. Takers Sec. Passers %
Concerns & Updates : 3. Installation of Knowledge Channel Educational Video Materials DIVISION Laptops E-Lab / Desktops TOTAL CALOOCAN 14 14 LAS PIÑAS 17 1 dt 18 MAKATI 37 1 lab / 12 dt 49 MALABON 23 3 labs / 35 dt 38 MANDALUYONG 12 MANILA 34 5 labs / 44 dt 83 MARIKINA 6 4 lab / 71 dt 81 MUNTINLUPA 39 1 lab / 18 dt 58 NAVOTAS 21 1 lab / 11 dt 33 PARAÑAQUE 41 2 lab / 10 dt 53 12
Concerns & Updates : 3. Installation of Knowledge Channel for ALS Educational Video Materials DIVISION Laptops E-Lab / Desktops TOTAL PASAY 16 16 PASIG 6 1 lab / 4 dt 11 QUEZON CITY 49 1 lab / 11 dt 61 SAN JUAN 4 TAGUIG/PATEROS 20 4 lab / 53 dt 77 VALENZUELA 14 1 lab / 9 dt 24 TOTAL 304 24 labs / 265 dt 569 4
NCR Hosting of the Benchmarking Activity of School Administrators and ALS Implementers from CARAGA Region TERESITA D. GUEVARRA Education Supervisor II
Benchmarking Activity : 1. No. of participants : 40 Schools Administrators / ALS Implementers • Date • Activity : Aug. 16, 17, 18, 2013 : Benchmarking thru site visits, interview – Date Division Aug. 16, 2013 Muntinlupa City [Billeting] Aug. 17, 2013 Taguig City & Pateros Aug. 18, 2013 Pasay City • Other Participants : ES Is [13] , ES IIs [4] • Grouping : Muntinlupa Cluster Taguig / Pateros Pasay City
Proposed Budget : • Meals - Breakfast , Lunch, Dinner , a. m. & p. m. snack [ 50 x 3 ] = P 52, 500. 00 • Tokens - [250 x 40] 10, 000. 00 • Contingency = 10, 000. 00 Total : = P 72, 500. 00 16 = P 4, 500 per Division
Division School/Registration/Testing Center Caloocan a. Caloocan High School Extension Testing Center b. Caloocan City Jail c. Camarin HS Division Test Registration Officer Dela Paz Retirado a. Las Piñas NHS Extension Testing Center b. BJMP Las Piñas Mrs. Rebecca Tayangona Makati a. Pitogo High School Rosalinda T. Sta. Teresa Malabon a. Malabon National HS b. BJMP Brgy. Catmon Mr. Kenneth See Mandaluyong a. Mandaluyong ES Mrs. Myla B. Ramirez Manila a. Jacinto Elem. School • Rainmiel Robles/Merly Japone • Leticia Fulay • Wilfredo Villagracia Las Piñas b. P. del Pilar Elem. School c. Sta. Ana Elem. School • Salome Recto/
a. Marikina E. S. b. Sta. Elena H. S. Extension: c. Marikina City Jail ILALAP • Ms. Jocelene Parungao • Angelo E. Libuton a. Pedro Diaz H. S. Extension Testing Centers: b. Max. Compound BUCOIR-NBP(Poblacion Muntinlupa) c. Medium Compund BUCOR NBP (Poblacion) d. BJMP (BJMP Tunasan) Lerma Galang TRO Navotas a. Navotas Elem. School b. Navotas City Jail Mrs. Violeta Crampatana Parañaque a. Parañaque National HS Extension Testing Cntr BJMP–Parañaque City Roselle Tresvalles a. Pasay City ALS CLC Mrs. Ma. Laurence Baes Marikina Muntinlupa Pasay • LALAP PGI Eduardo M. Cabuhat Mrs. Malou Pastrana J/Supt. Nestor V. Velasquez Sr. Dsc
a. Pasig ES Extension Testing Center b. Pasig City Jail Catherine Penetrante Quezon City a. San Francisco High School b. Lagro High School c. Don A. Roces Sr. H. S. d. New Era University • Milagros Gobungin/Rebecca Kalaw • Marivic Ruedas • Dennis Mañio • Alma Orosco San Juan a. Pinaglabanan Elementary School Mengote Pasig Christine Vanzuela
Taguig/Pateros a. Upper Bicutan Elementary Mrs. Clarissa Senosa School Extension testing Centers: a. DOH-Camp Bagong Diwa. Taguig City b. Taguig City Jail-Camp Bagong Diwa c. Metro Manila District Jail. Bagong Diwa d. Special Intensive Care Area Faculty (SICA JAIL) e. Pateros Municipal Jail Caloocan City a. Caloocan High School Extension Testing Center a. Caloocan City Jail Dela Paz Retirado
Total Number of Mobile Teachers Male: Female: Total: 25 73 98 29
Total Number of District ALS Coordinators Male: Full time 3 Part time 13 Female: Full time 22 39 Part time Total: 77 30
Total Number of AGAP Volunteers Male: Female: 15 33 Total: 48 31
Total Number of Instructional Managers Dep. ED: Male 88 Female 322 Partner: Male 41 Female 170 Total: 621 32
Total Number of Service Providers Dep. Ed : Partner : Total: 8 54 62 33
Total Number of CLCs Dep. Ed: Partner: 430 297 Total: 727 34
Data on Dep. Ed Delivered BLP: 350 A&E Elementary: 2, 004 Secondary: 1, 1703 Total: 13, 707 35
Data on Dep. Ed Procured BLP: 412 A&E Elementary: 757 Secondary: 3, 351 Total: 4, 108 36
Data on Non-Dep. Ed BLP: 142 A&E Elementary: 2, 055 Secondary: 7, 654 Total: 9, 709 37
Special Programs & projects Education behind ALSPWD Bars 1, 852 BPOSA 808 AGAP ALIVE 162 AFLEP 1, 896 INFED e-Skwela 62 802 51 3, 629 38
Grand Total 33, 909 39
The Changing Ecology of Learning: ICT in Education ROGER R. MORALLOS Regional ALS Coordinator 40
“Diversity has become the norm among the students in the classrooms of today” (Johnson, 1990) n Languages n Families n Cultural backgrounds n Economics n Experiential background
Student Diversity n Aptitude n Achievement n Interest n Motivation n Needs n Ability
Paradigm Shift in Education: Curriculum n Traditional n Evolving n Major focus on n Content & process content n Content acquisition n Lock step progress balance n Learning to learn n Continuous progress
Instruction n Traditional n Evolving n Teacher-centered n Child-centered n Single textbook n Resource-based n Single instructional learning n Multiple approaches to instruction n Active learning approach n Passive learning
Environment n Traditional n Evolving n Competitive n Cooperative n System level n School-site management n Supervision of learners n Hierarchical structures management n Empowerment of learners n Professional/collegial structures
Students need to become … n Independent n Active n Self-organizing n Responsible n Empowered
Brain Research n Confirms what teachers have always known: n No two children are alike. n No two children learn in the identical way. n An enriched environment for one student is not necessarily enriched for another. n In the classroom we should teach children to think for themselves. n --Marian Diamond
Differentiation is a philosophy that enables teachers to plan strategically in order to reach the needs of diverse learners in the classrooms.
ICT in Education n “Whereas once the learner was in a desert of ignorance looking for a wellspring of knowledge somewhere, now the student is overwhelmed in an ocean of information around them. This changes the role of research, the role of teaching, and indeed the very process of learning. ” n “The role of the teacher must change from a source of information, or even a channel or a path to the wellspring in the desert, to one of being a fellow passenger in the same boat on the ocean of information, helping the student sort out and make sense of the information all around them” n Ordonez, 2002 49
The UNESCO World Education Report (1998) n “New technologies challenge traditional concepts of both teaching and learning, and by reconfiguring how teachers and learners gain access to knowledge, have the potential to transform teaching and learning process” 50
21 st Century Skills 51
Overview: Computers at Schools 5 2
Evolution of Computers at Schools Desktops (1980 s) Laptops (early 2000 s) Smart phones (mid 2000 s) New devices with greater mobility and better display Netbooks (2009~) Tablet PCs (2010~) 5 3
Approaches to Computers at Schools Computer labs 30 -40 computers per lab, several labs per school Computers in all classrooms Classrooms (5 -10 computers per classroom) One computer per teacher 1: 1 computing One computer per child 5 4
Governance/Financing of Computers at Schools Government initiatives • Malaysia: Smart Schools • Singapore: Future Schools • Australia: National Secondary School Computer Fund • Korea: e-Book Private Sectors • Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, etc NGOs • Computer Aid International (UK) • Open Society Institute (USA) Overseas Development Aid • Chinese government to Laos and Mongolia • Spanish government to Cambodia • USAID to ASEAN 5 5
Tablet PCs and 1: 1 Computing 5 6
Tablet PCs in the Market Renowned brands (Apple i. Pad, HP slate, Dell streak, Samsung Galaxy, etc, Cost: USD 200 -600) Tablet PC from India (Sakshat Tablet, Tablet PC from Philippines (e. Rizal tablet, DOST robust tablets, Cost: USD 70) Cost: USD 35) Tablet PC from China (i. Ped, in-Pad, lifes. Pad, etc, Cost: USD 40 -200) Tablet PC from Thailand (by Forth Co. Cost: USD 100). 5 7
• Value for money • Sustainability • Technical compatibility User perspectives Policy perspectives Criteria for Tablet PCs • Ruggedness • Sunlight readability • Technical Compatibility • Battery life 5 8
Opportunities vs. Challenges Opportunities • Inexpensive • Light and mobile • Learn anywhere and anytime Challenges • Maintenance • Contents & applications • Human resources and capacity • Child safety/risks 5 9
Different Deployment Approaches at a Glance Primary level Secondary and Primary levels • Thailand (tablet pc) • Portugal (laptops), • OLPC (yr 6 -12) • Hong Kong (i. Pad) • Malaysia (desktops) Secondary level • Australia (Yr 9 -12) (school choice) Postsecondary • India (tablet pc) • Singapore (i. Pad) • Maine, USA (laptops) 60
Lessons Learnt n Smart policy and strategic planning is needed. n Sustainability: n Hardware: Maintenance n Software: e-Contents & teacher education n Indicators to measure success: Shifting from infrastructure to pedagogical success - learning outcomes
ICT and Learning Outcomes
Comparison of ICT Utilization and Student Achievement
Access to ICT and Student Achievement of Problem Solving Korea Finland 550 Japan 500 Poland Hungary Canada New Zealand Ireland Belgium Germany Switzerland Austria Portugal Italy 450 Sweden Iceland Denmark U. S. Slovak Re. Australia Greece 400 Turkey R =. 76 Mexico 50 60 Source: PISA 2003 Data Analysis. 70 80 90 Percentage of Student Using Computer at Home
Use of Computer at HOME & Math Performance Source: Are Students Ready for a Technology-Rich World? , What PISA Studies tell us, OECD(2006)
Length of time using computer and math performance Source: Are Students Ready for a Technology-Rich World? , What PISA Studies tell us, OECD(2006)
ICT in Teacher Training 67
Inclusion of ICT in Initial Education of All Teachers Primary Education Source : Eurydice (2003) General lower and Upper Secondary Education
In-Service ICT Teacher Training in South Korea Training Level ICT Literacy Course Information search and use of ICT tools ICT Advanced Course Basic ICT Use Course ICT-based problem-based education • Creative lesson planning for ICT use • Teaching with ICT for developing thinking skills ICT Leadership Course • Building a 21 st century school • Leading innovation Peer coaching course on ICT use Target Audience School teachers Teachers’ career stages (from induction to retirement) School CEOs
Teacher Capacity Building for ICTPedagogy Integration • Shift of training focus üFrom ICT literacy to ICT-Pedagogy Integration üHelp teachers develop from emerging stage to transforming stage • Singapore: MP 3 üProvides practice-based professional development to enable teachers to plan and implement ICT enriched student-directed learning activities ü“ICT mentorship” and “professional learning communities” Transforming • Creating & managing ubiquitous & interactive e-learning environments • Understanding how and when to use ICT Infusing • Facilitating blended learning within or across subject areas • Learning how to use ICT in subject teaching Applying • Enhancing traditional teaching • Becoming aware of ICT Emerging • Applying productivity tools • Specializing in the use/design of ICT (a) Stages of ICT usages (b) Pedagogical Usages of ICT 70
Teacher Education for ICT in Ed n Curriculum development for ICTCurriculum Development Teacher Capacity Building Leadership: Deans Forum integrated curriculum for preservice teachers (Next Generation Teachers, 2009 -2011, Japanese Funds-in-Trust) n Facilitating ICT-Pedagogy Integration for in-service teachers (2010 -2012, Korean Funds-in-Trust) 71
ICT in National Curriculum 72
ICT-related Curriculum in Southeast Asia v Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam üIntegrated into all subject areas and is perceived as one of the key enablers to engage students in their learning üStill considered as a tool rather than a pedagogical agent v Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand üUsed only in discrete subjects and most of the use of ICT is within the ICT unit or course. (e. g. In Thailand, the use of ICT in schools is mainly in the Career and Technology course, recently introduced the tablet to Grade 1) v. Timor Leste and Lao PDR üOnly those schools in pilot projects have some basic ICT application training for both students and teachers Source: SEAMOE(2010) 73
Facilitating ICT-Pedagogy Integration KFIT project (2009 -2011) To develop HOTS Project-based Telecollaboration 3 Is: interdisciplinary, Inter-schools, inter-cultural 74
st 21 Assessing Century Skills 75
Inquiry and 21 st Century Skills n Explore n Information literacy n Question n Technology literacy n Investigate n Critical thinking and n Explain reasoning n Collaboration n Self direction n Connect n Communicate n Evaluate 76
Components of Formative Assessment n Students have clear picture of learning targets n Students received feedback n Students engaged in self-assessment n Provide understanding of specific steps students can take to improve 77
21 st Century Assessments n Support a balance of assessments n Emphasizes useful feedback on student performance n Require a balance of formative and summative assessments that measure students mastery of 21 st Century skills 78
Lessons Learned: Toward ICT-Enhanced Education for All. Lesson Learned: Towards ICT-Enhanced Education for All Taking diverse needs and e-readiness of each country into consideration • Evidence-based advice for policy makers • ICT to support transforming pedagogical paradigm: Requires harmonization between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment 79
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