Скачать презентацию 4 Stacks and Queues ISC 241 Data Structures Скачать презентацию 4 Stacks and Queues ISC 241 Data Structures


  • Количество слайдов: 14

(4) Stacks and Queues ISC 241 Data Structures Dr. Jehad Al Dallal Spring 2017/2018 (4) Stacks and Queues ISC 241 Data Structures Dr. Jehad Al Dallal Spring 2017/2018 © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal

Outlines n Stacks n n Example Applications Implementation Queues n n n Example Applications Outlines n Stacks n n Example Applications Implementation Queues n n n Example Applications Implementation © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 2

Stacks n n Last In First Out It has a top element and the Stacks n n Last In First Out It has a top element and the following operations: n n n Push: to add an element to the stack Pop: to delete an element to the stack is. Empty: to check whether the stack is empty size: to get the number of elements in the stack top: to get the top element of the stack © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 3

Example Operation push(5) push(3) pop() push(7) pop() top() pop() is. Empty() push(9) push(7) size() Example Operation push(5) push(3) pop() push(7) pop() top() pop() is. Empty() push(9) push(7) size() push(3) push(5) pop() © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Output – – 3 – 7 5 5 “error” true – – 2 – – 5 stack (5) (5, 3) (5, 7) (5) () (9) (9, 7) (9, 7, 3, 5) (9, 7, 3) Stacks and Queues 4

Applications of Stacks n n n Page-visited history in a Web browser Undo sequence Applications of Stacks n n n Page-visited history in a Web browser Undo sequence in a text editor Chain of method calls in the Java Virtual Machine © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 5

Implementation n Can be implemented using n n n An array A linked list Implementation n Can be implemented using n n n An array A linked list A doubly linked list © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 6

Queues n n First In First Out (FIFO) It has a top element and Queues n n First In First Out (FIFO) It has a top element and the following operations: n n n enqueue: to add an element to the queue dequeue: to delete an element to the queue is. Empty: to check whether the queue is empty size: to get the number of elements in the queue front: to get the oldest element in the queue © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 7

Example Operation enqueue(5) enqueue(3) dequeue() enqueue(7) dequeue() front() dequeue() is. Empty() enqueue(9) enqueue(7) size() Example Operation enqueue(5) enqueue(3) dequeue() enqueue(7) dequeue() front() dequeue() is. Empty() enqueue(9) enqueue(7) size() enqueue(3) enqueue(5) dequeue() © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Output – – 5 – 3 7 7 “error” true – – 2 – – 9 Q (5) (5, 3) (3, 7) (7) () (9) (9, 7) (9, 7, 3, 5) (7, 3, 5) Stacks and Queues 8

Applications of Queues n n n Waiting lists Access to shared resources (e. g. Applications of Queues n n n Waiting lists Access to shared resources (e. g. , printer) Multiprogramming © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 9

Array-based Queue n n Use an array of size N in a circular fashion Array-based Queue n n Use an array of size N in a circular fashion Two variables keep track of the front and rear f index of the front element r index immediately past the rear element n Array location r is kept empty normal configuration Q 0 1 2 f r wrapped-around configuration Q 0 1 2 © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal r f Stacks and Queues 10

Queue Operations n We use the modulo operator (remainder of division) int size() return Queue Operations n We use the modulo operator (remainder of division) int size() return (N f + r) mod N boolean is. Empty() return (f == r) Q 0 1 2 f 0 1 2 r r Q © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal f Stacks and Queues 11

Queue Operations (cont. ) void enqueue(o) if (size() == N 1) error else Q[r] Queue Operations (cont. ) void enqueue(o) if (size() == N 1) error else Q[r] = o r = (r + 1) mod N Q 0 1 2 f 0 1 2 r r Q © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal f Stacks and Queues 12

Queue Operations (cont. ) object dequeue() if (is. Empty()) error else o = Q[f] Queue Operations (cont. ) object dequeue() if (is. Empty()) error else o = Q[f] f = (f + 1) mod N return o Q 0 1 2 f 0 1 2 r r Q © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal f Stacks and Queues 13

Reference n Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Reference n Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 6 th Edition, 2015 © 2009 Jehad Al Dallal Stacks and Queues 14