4 -H 101 Series
Characteristics of a 4 -H Club
4 -H Club Basics
4 -H Club Basics cont’d.
Why Start a New 4 -H Club?
Why Start a New 4 -H Club?
Enrolling as an Official 4 -H Club
Enrolling as an Official 4 -H Club
4 -H Charter
4 -H Charter
Enrolling 4 -H Members
Enrolling 4 -H Members
Enrolling Volunteers
Securing a Meeting Place
Choosing a 4 -H Club Name
Selecting a Type of 4 -H Club
Selecting a Type of 4 -H Club
Establishing 4 -H Club Guidelines
Establishing 4 -H Club Rules
4 -H Club By-Laws
By-Laws Components
Selecting 4 -H Club Officers
Selecting 4 -H Club Officers
Selecting 4 -H Club Officers
4 -H Club Officer Duties
4 -H Club Officer Duties
Training 4 -H Club Officers
Planning the 4 -H Club Meeting
Business Portion of Meeting
Sample Business Meeting Agenda
Educational Portion of Meeting
Recreation Portion of Meeting
Recreation Portion of Meeting
Conducting the 4 -H Club Meeting
Evaluating the 4 -H Club Meeting
Using Parliamentary Procedure
Using Parliamentary Procedure
Planning the 4 -H Club Year
Step 2: Put Suggestions into a Plan
Step 5: Set Goals
Step 5: Set Goals
Step 6: Create Action Plans
Step 6: Create Action Plans
Step 8: Approve the Yearly Plan
Step 9: Measure Club Success
Roles and Responsibilities
4 -H Club Officers
4 -H Club Volunteers
4 -H Club Volunteers
Community Members
Extension Staff
Marketing 4 -H Clubs
Marketing 4 -H Clubs
Marketing 4 -H Clubs
Marketing 4 -H Clubs
Use of the 4 -H Name and Emblem
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