4 Easy steps to earn $10, 000 per month
What is Cliq? It is a consumer based business that provides members with access to products and services in a convenient manner.
Our Mission To provide easy access to products and services through mobile and internet capable devices, while providing an opportunity for companies to market and expose their product and services.
Our Vision Creating a community where Merchants/Distributors and Customers can transact business, without barriers.
Goals and Objectives To provide a convenient easy to use method for customers to access products and services. To provide products and services that people need. To create a community of retailers and consumers interacting to create better products and services. To be on the cutting edge of mobile commerce technology for the growth of services offered by company.
Who can become a member? Individuals are eligible at the age of 18 and over Professionals who appreciate the convenience of transactions via the internet and mobile phones Businesses looking for other Opportunity to earn income
What is needed to join? A mobile phone and/or access to the internet TRN Valid Identification e. g. Passport, Driver’s License, National Id etc. .
STEP 1. - Register Visit http: //cliqja. com Click the Register Link Complete the registration form
STEP 2. – Starting Selling You can start Selling Top. Up Earn a Commission on Sales
STEP 3. – Sign-Up Friends and Family Get 7 Friends to sign-up Teach them the business
STEP 4. – Earn from Friends and Family Earn everytime Friends and Family sell products and service Set them a target of $50, 000 per month
Additional Information Website: http: //cliqja. com Email: support@cliqja. com Office at 118 Mountain View Avenue KGN. 6 (Priority House)
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