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371 -1 -0291: An Introduction to Computer Networks Homepage http: //help. cse. bgu. ac. 371 -1 -0291: An Introduction to Computer Networks Homepage http: //help. cse. bgu. ac. il/cse/Courses/list. asp Handout #17: Network Security 1

Network Security Outline v Application Layer Security v Transport Layer Security v Link Layer Network Security Outline v Application Layer Security v Transport Layer Security v Link Layer Security v Firewalls & Intrusion Detection Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 2

Network Security Systems The systems can be categorized by the protocol layer they operate: Network Security Systems The systems can be categorized by the protocol layer they operate: v Network layer Ø IPSEC (IP Security) v Transport layer Ø SSL (Secure Socket Layer Security) Ø HTTPS (HTTP Secure) Ø TLS (Transport Layer Security) – IETF standard based on SSL v Application layer Ø PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Ø PGP (Privacy Good Privacy) Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 3

Application Layer Security Systems Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 4 Application Layer Security Systems Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 4

Email Security Challenges v Most email system expect ASCII chars while crypto alg generate Email Security Challenges v Most email system expect ASCII chars while crypto alg generate binary data v Email messages pass through systems assuming line format v length, EOL ( or ) v Breaking lines may cause signed messages appear invalid v Making sure that mail to multiple recipients (via mailing list “machines”) are secure Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 5

Email Security Requirements Main requirements • Confidentiality • Authentication • Integrity Other requirements • Email Security Requirements Main requirements • Confidentiality • Authentication • Integrity Other requirements • Non-repudiation • Proof of submission • Proof of delivery • Anonymity • Revocability • Resistance to traffic analysis Many of these are difficult or impossible to achieve Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 6

Security Mechanisms Detached signature • Leaves original message untouched • Signature can be transmitted/stored Security Mechanisms Detached signature • Leaves original message untouched • Signature can be transmitted/stored separately • Message can still be used without the security software Signed message • Signature is always included with the data Encrypted Message • Usually encrypted by recipient(s) public key(s) Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 7

Security Mechanisms Counter signed Encrypted and signed message • Sign first then encrypt Lect-13: Security Mechanisms Counter signed Encrypted and signed message • Sign first then encrypt Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 8

PEM A suite of 4 IETF RFCs (1993) specifying: v Message format for PEM PEM A suite of 4 IETF RFCs (1993) specifying: v Message format for PEM users v Certification Authority (CA) hierarchy v Cryptographic algorithms v Message format 4 requesting and re-invoking certificates v Encodes 3 binary bytes as 4 ASCII characters Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 9

PEM (cont. ) Uses RSA public keys for encryption and authentication v Needs a PEM (cont. ) Uses RSA public keys for encryption and authentication v Needs a CA from which A can obtain B’s PK v Since a centralized CA doesn’t scale, PEM specifies a tree Internet Policy Registration Authority Policy Certification PCA 3 Authority IPRA PCA 1 CA PCA 2 CA CA user Lect-13: Network Security user CA CA user CA Certification user CA Authority CA user Computer Networks user 10

PEM (cont. ) v Each CA level can delegate its authority to a lower PEM (cont. ) v Each CA level can delegate its authority to a lower level v Example: Ø CA 1 may sign CA 2 certificates Ø If user A trust CA 2 and knows its PK, it can get CA 2’s PK and learn user B PK from CA 2 Ø A user can learn the PKs of all users in its CA sub-tree v The PCA certifies CA – a PCA per CA type v Each PCA publishes it requirements PCA 1 CA CA 2 v The IPRA certifies the PCAs v PEM certificates follow X. 509 standard Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks CA 1 A B 11

PEM (cont. ) Sending an authenticated message v A conveys its PK to B PEM (cont. ) Sending an authenticated message v A conveys its PK to B with a CA A trusts – it may go up to IPRA v A sends an authenticated message M to B in the form of: M+E(MD 5(M), Private. Key[A]) v To authenticate M, B needs only A’s PK Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 12

PEM (cont. ) Sending an encrypted message v A learns B’s PK via CA PEM (cont. ) Sending an encrypted message v A learns B’s PK via CA or via Email from B and then: M Gen a random secret key K E(M) = DES(M, K) M = DES(E(M), K) E(K) = RSA(K, Public. Key[B]) K = RSA(K, Private. Key[B]) ASCII_encode(E(K), E(M)) ASCII_decode(E(K), E(M)) transmit Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 13

Why PEM Failed? v PEM has only moderate deployment v The main shortcoming: Ø Why PEM Failed? v PEM has only moderate deployment v The main shortcoming: Ø A full-fledged certification hierarchy tree is required Ø Requires X. 500 names for CA but Email uses Email addresses Ø CA’s for commercial organizations and universities can’t meet the same requirements as government defense contractors for high-assurance CA’s Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 14

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v Released in June 1991 v MD 4 + RSA PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v Released in June 1991 v MD 4 + RSA signatures and key exchange v Encryption alg IDEA (PGP 2. 0) v MD 4, MD 5 v LZH data compression (PGP 1. 0) Info. Zip (PGP 2. 0) v uuencoding ASCII (PGP 1. 0) base 64 (PGP 2. 0) v PGP was immediately distributed worldwide via a Usenet post Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 15

PGP v PGP differs from PEM mainly by allowing CAs to be arbitrarily meshed PGP v PGP differs from PEM mainly by allowing CAs to be arbitrarily meshed v Each user may decide how much trust s/he wishes to place in the certificate and what cryptographic algorithms to use PGP Key Ring file v PGP signing parties exchange/sign/certify PKs from parties and individuals they know (mainly in IETF meetings) v PGP store the certificates having various degree of trust in a file called Key Ring v To verify/obtain a public key, a user uses PGP s/w to search the Key Ring file and get the level of trust (based on # of certificates and trustworthiness who signed the certificates) Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 16

PGP Key Ring file (cont. ) v Keys in the Key Ring file is PGP Key Ring file (cont. ) v Keys in the Key Ring file is looked up by • user. ID (free-form name) • key. ID (64 -bit value derived from the public key) PGP Key Problems v One can construct keys with arbitrary ID’s v Allows signature spoofing v Key fingerprints can also be spoofed Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 17

Transport Layer Security Systems Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 18 Transport Layer Security Systems Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 18

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Security Hazards v Information in transit could be intercepted (=> Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Security Hazards v Information in transit could be intercepted (=> Privacy) Ø unauthorized use of credit card number Ø purchase private details (what, how much) v Information in transit could be modified intercepted (=> Integrity) Ø get the wrong order, pay more v E-commerce site authentication (=> Authentication) SSL v The 1 st widely solution to the problems above v IETF TLS standard evolves from SSLv 3 Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 19

SSL Services TCP/IP socket encryption v Usually authenticates server using digital signature v Can SSL Services TCP/IP socket encryption v Usually authenticates server using digital signature v Can authenticate client, but rarely used v Confidentiality protection via encryption v Integrity protection via MAC’s v Provides end-to-end protection of sessions Application (e. g. , HTTP) Secure Transport (e. g. , SSL) TCP IP Subnet Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 20

SSL History v SSLv 1 designed by Netscape, broken by members of the audience SSL History v SSLv 1 designed by Netscape, broken by members of the audience while it was being presented v SSLv 2 shipped with Navigator 1. 0 v Microsoft proposed PCT: PCT != SSL v SSLv 3 was peer-reviewed, proposed as an IETF standard Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 21

SSL Protocols v SSL is two phase protocol: Ø Handshake protocol Ø Data transfer SSL Protocols v SSL is two phase protocol: Ø Handshake protocol Ø Data transfer protocol Handshake protocol 1. Negotiate the cipher suite 2. Establish a shared session key 3. Authenticate the server (optional) 4. Authenticate the client (optional) 5. Authenticate previously exchanged data Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 22

Handshake protocol Client Server Hello + optional certificate Client key exchange Change cipher + Handshake protocol Client Server Hello + optional certificate Client key exchange Change cipher + MAC of prev. fields [finish] Secure session Lect-13: Network Security Secure session Computer Networks 23

Client hello: • Client nonce • Available cipher suites (e. g. , RSA + Client hello: • Client nonce • Available cipher suites (e. g. , RSA + RC 4/40 + MD 5) Server hello: • Server nonce • Selected cipher suite • Server adapts to client capabilities • Optional certificate exchange to authenticate server/client. In practice only server authentication is used Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 24

Client shared-key exchange: • RSA-encrypt( pre-master secret ) Both sides computes: • 48 -byte Client shared-key exchange: • RSA-encrypt( pre-master secret ) Both sides computes: • 48 -byte master-secret = hash(pre-master + client-nonce + server-nonce ) Client/server change cipher spec: • Switch to selected cipher suite and key Client/server finished: • MAC of previously exchanged parameters (authenticates data from previous exchanges) – Uses an early version of HMAC Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 25

SSL Extra Features Must be immune to “man-in-the-middle” attack v Before the agreement on SSL Extra Features Must be immune to “man-in-the-middle” attack v Before the agreement on the crypto suite, a man in the middle may alter the choice into a weaker suite v A good SSL design must be selective and not settle for any suite Session Resumption v Optimizes handshake in case of session breakdown or in case where client-server have shaken hands before v The client includes a session ID he got before in its first Hello v The server may answer if it still has the session state v The client will continue with the record protocol v Fallback to standard handshake if miss-match Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 26

Data Transfer (Record) protocol v Procedure and formats specifying the appl messages passed to Data Transfer (Record) protocol v Procedure and formats specifying the appl messages passed to SSL Ø Message fragmentation Ø Message compression Ø Integrity protected (e. g. , MD 5) Ø Encrypted Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 27

SSL Characteristics v Protects the session only v Designed for multiple protocols (HTTP, SMTP, SSL Characteristics v Protects the session only v Designed for multiple protocols (HTTP, SMTP, NNTP, POP 3, FTP) but only really used with HTTP v Compute-intensive: Ø 3 CPU seconds on Sparc 10 with 1024 bit RSA key Ø 200 MHz NT allows about a dozen concurrent SSL handshakes – Use multiple servers – Use hardware SSL accelerators v Crippled crypto predominates Ø Strong servers freely available (Apache), but most browsers US-sourced and crippled Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 28

v When HTTP is used this way it is called HTTPS (default port 443) v When HTTP is used this way it is called HTTPS (default port 443) v Not as with PEM/PGP, there is a real-time negotiation for crypto algs Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 29

Strong SSL Encryption v Most implementations based on SSLeay http: //www. ssleay. org/ v Strong SSL Encryption v Most implementations based on SSLeay http: //www. ssleay. org/ v Servers Ø Some variation of Apache + SSLeay Ø Mostly Unix-only, some NT ports in progress Ø SSL portion is somewhat painful to configure Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 30

Strong SSL Browsers v Fortify, http: //www. fortify. net/ v Patches Netscape (any version) Strong SSL Browsers v Fortify, http: //www. fortify. net/ v Patches Netscape (any version) to do strong encryption v Opera, http: //www. operasoftware. com/ Ø Norwegian browser, uses SSLeay v Cryptozilla, http: //www. cryptozilla. org/ Ø Based on open-source Netscape Ø Strong crypto added within one day of release from the US v Exported US-only versions, ftp: //ftp. replay. com/pub/replay/pub/ Contains copies of most non-exportable software Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 31

Strong SSL Proxies Tunnel weak or no SSL over strong SSL Lect-13: Network Security Strong SSL Proxies Tunnel weak or no SSL over strong SSL Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 32

CA with SSL v SSL enables Web commerce via a commercialized CAs v CA’s CA with SSL v SSL enables Web commerce via a commercialized CAs v CA’s Public keys are included with the Web Browsers v E-commerce companies wishing to accept credit card payment simply obtain certificates from those CAs v Server verification by browsers are then straightforward v Example: Credit card purchase Ø Only server is authenticated Ø Client encrypts/sign with server Public Key Ø Server encrypts/sign with its Private Key Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 33

TLS (“SSL 3. 1”) Main objective: To secure a purchase transaction using a credit TLS (“SSL 3. 1”) Main objective: To secure a purchase transaction using a credit card v A general purpose protocol evolved from SSLv 3 Ø Non-patented technology Ø Non-crippled crypto Ø Updated for newer algorithms v Sits between Appl layer (e. g. , HTTP) and Transport layer (e. g. , TCP) Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 34

Secure Shell (SSH) v Originally developed in 1995 as a secure replacement for rsh, Secure Shell (SSH) v Originally developed in 1995 as a secure replacement for rsh, rlogin, et al (ssh = secure shell), http: //www. cs. hut. fi/ssh/ v Allows tunneling over SSH v Built-in support for proxies/firewalls v Includes Zip-style compression v Originally implemented in Finland, available worldwide v SSH v 2 submitted to IETF for standardization v Can be up and running in minutes Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 35

SSH Protocol Server uses two keys: • Long-term server identification key • Short-term encryption SSH Protocol Server uses two keys: • Long-term server identification key • Short-term encryption key, changed every hour Client Server Long-term + short-term keys Double-encrypted session key Encrypted confirmation Encrypted data Long-term server key binds the connection to the server Short-term encryption key makes later recovery impossible • Short-term keys regenerated as a background task Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 36

SSH Authentication v Multiple authentication mechanisms Ø Straight passwords (protected by SSH encryption) Ø SSH Authentication v Multiple authentication mechanisms Ø Straight passwords (protected by SSH encryption) Ø RSA-based authentication (client decrypts challenge from Ø server, returns hash to server) Ø Plug-in authentication mechanisms v Developed outside US - crippled crypto not even considered: Ø 1024 bit RSA long-term key Ø 768 bit RSA short-term key (has to fit inside long-term key for double encryption) Ø 3 DES session encryption (other ciphers available) Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 37

Link Layer Security System Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 38 Link Layer Security System Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 38

IP Security (IPSEC) v IP security — security built into the IP layer v IP Security (IPSEC) v IP security — security built into the IP layer v Provides host-to-host (or firewall-to-firewall) encryption, authentication, integrity and anti-reply v Required for IPv 6, optional for IPv 4 v Comprise two parts: Ø IPSEC proper (authentication and encryption) Ø IPSEC key management v The SPI (Security Parameter Index) defines the precise details in one-way connection between IPSEC hosts pair Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 39

v Users may Ø select from various crypto suites Ø various security services Ø v Users may Ø select from various crypto suites Ø various security services Ø control the scope to which security service will apply (packets from a specific TCP connections, all packets between tow set of addresses, etc. ) v All above are identified by the SPI Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 40

IP High Level Structure Security Services Key Management Authentication Header (AH) IS Association and IP High Level Structure Security Services Key Management Authentication Header (AH) IS Association and Key Management protocols (ISAKMP) Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) v AH services: connectionless message integrity, Security Association (SA) authentication, Binds between the two set of protocols per oneway connection between two hosts anti-reply protection v ESP Services: as above + encryption Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 41

v SA is assigned a Security Parameter Index (SPI) by the receiving host v v SA is assigned a Security Parameter Index (SPI) by the receiving host v The SPI is part of the AH and ESP packet headers v The receiving host learns from the SPI field to which SA the incoming packet belongs to ISAKMP Role v Defines the procedures and packet formats to establish, negotiate, modify and delete SAs v Defines packet formats for key exchange and authenticated data Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 42

Authentication Header (AH) v Provides connectionless message integrity, data origin authentication and optionally anti-reply Authentication Header (AH) v Provides connectionless message integrity, data origin authentication and optionally anti-reply v The AH header follows the IPv 4 header or is an IPv 6 extension header 0 31 Next. Hdr Payload length reserved SPI sequence number Authentication data Next. Hdr: identifies the next payload type (e. g. , TCP) Payload Length: AH length in 32 -bits units Sequence number: Monotonically increasing sequence to protect against reply Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 43

Authentication Header (AH) – cont. Anti-reply protection § Connection parties initialize Sequence number to Authentication Header (AH) – cont. Anti-reply protection § Connection parties initialize Sequence number to 0 when SA is setup § When ant-reply is enabled, sequence numbers must never cycle § After 2^32 packets a new SA must be established § Receiver tracks packets within a 64 -entry sliding window Authentication Data: - Contains a variable length message integrity code for this packet - Multiple of 32 bits - Specifies the message digest length, comparison rules and processing steps to validate Mutable fields (time-to-live, IP checksums) are zeroed before AH is added Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 44

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) v Provides connectionless message integrity, data origin authentication, optionally anti-reply Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) v Provides connectionless message integrity, data origin authentication, optionally anti-reply and encryption v The ESP header follows the IPv 4 header or is an IPv 6 extension header 0 31 SPI sequence number Payload data Padding (0 -255 bytes) Pad length Next. Hdr Authentication data Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 45

w/o encryption with encryption § Encryption protects payload § Authentication protects header and encryption w/o encryption with encryption § Encryption protects payload § Authentication protects header and encryption Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 46

ESP – cont. v The set of services depend on the SA pointed by ESP – cont. v The set of services depend on the SA pointed by the SPI v If encryption is selected, the payload data is encrypted by the alg associated with the SA (described by the Next. Hdr field) Ø Padding is required since encryption requires a specified multiple number of plaintext bytes or to ensure that ciphertext terminates on a 4 -byte boundary v The most popular use of ESP is to setup a tunnel between 2 routers Ø e. g. , a secure Internet path between two offices can be configured in both pf their LAN’s gateways Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 47

IPSEC Processing v IPSEC node must implement protocols and configure SA Data Base v IPSEC Processing v IPSEC node must implement protocols and configure SA Data Base v Receiving host uses SPI to look up SA in its DB v Performs authentication using SA v Performs decryption of authenticated data using SA v Operates in two modes Ø Transport mode (secure IP) - protects only payload Ø Tunneling mode (secure IP inside standard IP) - protects entire payload + IP header – Popular in routers - Communicating hosts don’t have to implement IPSEC Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 48

Firewalls Intrusion Detection Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 49 Firewalls Intrusion Detection Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 49

The Best Firewall to network power Lect-13: Network Security Functionality is Bad Computer Networks The Best Firewall to network power Lect-13: Network Security Functionality is Bad Computer Networks 50

Lesser Firewall to network firewall (p: packet) { if (allow (p)) forward (p); else Lesser Firewall to network firewall (p: packet) { if (allow (p)) forward (p); else drop (p); } Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 51

A Simple Packet Filter boolean allow (packet) { if ( match (packet. source, “ A Simple Packet Filter boolean allow (packet) { if ( match (packet. source, “ 132. 72. 105. *”) ) return false; // No packets from CS machines. else if (match (packet. source, “ 132. 68. *. *”)) return false; // Technion else return true; } Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 52

Typical Packet Filtering Rules Inbound packets: permit [from: ] 0. 0 [to: ] 128. Typical Packet Filtering Rules Inbound packets: permit [from: ] 0. 0 [to: ] 128. 143. 137. 19 TCP src >= 1024 dst = 25 permit [from: ] 0. 0 [to: ] 128. 143. 137. 19 TCP src = 25 dst >= 1024 Outbound packets: permit [from: ] 128. 143. 137. 19 [to: ] 0. 0 TCP src = 25 dst >= 1024 permit [from: ] 128. 143. 137. 19 [to: ] 0. 0 TCP src >= 1024 dst = 25 Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 53

Packet Filter Layers Application Presentation FTP SMTP HTTP Real. Player . . . Session Packet Filter Layers Application Presentation FTP SMTP HTTP Real. Player . . . Session TCP Transport IP Network Data Link Ethernet FDDI Physical Lect-13: Network Security UDP Computer Networks CDMA Smoke Signals Other 54

Application-Layer Proxies Sits between clients and server v Analyze communication at application layer v Application-Layer Proxies Sits between clients and server v Analyze communication at application layer v All communication must go through a proxy that knows about application (http proxy, Email proxy, etc. ) v v Poor scalability, performance Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 55

Why Check. Point’s Firewall is Successful ? v Statefull Inspection Ø Ø Intercept packets Why Check. Point’s Firewall is Successful ? v Statefull Inspection Ø Ø Intercept packets at network layer, but analyze at all communications layers Maintain application-specific state • e. g. , Save PORT command of outgoing FTP session, compare with incoming FTP data Ø Ø Programmable filters and manipulators Provide a graphical front end for programming filters and monitoring activity Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 56

Intrusion Detection Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 57 Intrusion Detection Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 57

Why Detect Intruders? v Catch them before they cause damage and plug holes v Why Detect Intruders? v Catch them before they cause damage and plug holes v Identify damage v Collect evidence for prosecution v Deterrent Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 58

Processing Profile Obviously Normal Lect-13: Network Security Obviously Malicious Computer Networks 59 Processing Profile Obviously Normal Lect-13: Network Security Obviously Malicious Computer Networks 59

Theoretical Graph Probability density function Authorized user profile Intruder profile Measurable behavior parameter Lect-13: Theoretical Graph Probability density function Authorized user profile Intruder profile Measurable behavior parameter Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 60

More Realistic Graph Probability density function Authorized user profile Intruder profile Measurable behavior parameter More Realistic Graph Probability density function Authorized user profile Intruder profile Measurable behavior parameter Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 61

False Positives Dilemma v v v Doctor invents a new, inexpensive test for a False Positives Dilemma v v v Doctor invents a new, inexpensive test for a deadly disease that is 95% accurate Assume 1 in 1000 people have deadly disease (but don’t know it yet) Should everyone get the test? Ø Ø 1000 people tested Expect. 95 + (999 *. 05) positives 50 people will be told they have disease If you test positive, there is a 1/50 chance you have disease Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 62

Intrusion Detection Approaches v Statistical Anomaly Detection Ø Ø v Produce a profile of Intrusion Detection Approaches v Statistical Anomaly Detection Ø Ø v Produce a profile of the normal behavior of each user (or independent of user) Notice statistical deviations from that behavior Rule-based Detection Ø Ø Think really hard and make up rules that describe intruder behavior. Hope intruders can’t read and figure out the rules also. Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 63

When Detecting an Intrusion Do nothing v Email system administrator v Page system administrator When Detecting an Intrusion Do nothing v Email system administrator v Page system administrator v Shut down system v Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 64

Network Intrusion Detection Monitor activity on many hosts v Aggregate audit records to detect Network Intrusion Detection Monitor activity on many hosts v Aggregate audit records to detect anomalous behavior v v Managed Security Monitoring Counterpane Inc. ) Ø $12, 000/month Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 65

Challenges in Intrusion Detection v The first thing a smart intruder will do is Challenges in Intrusion Detection v The first thing a smart intruder will do is tamper with the Intrusion Detection system! v Few activities are either obviously normal or obviously malicious v False positives dilemma Lect-13: Network Security Computer Networks 66