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360 Degree CEO Perspective Of The Global Healthcare Industry
The CEO’s Perspective Of The Complex Business Universe TECHNOLOGY Ensure a solid understanding of emerging technologies: affects and Competitive opportunities; plan for potentially Benchmarking disruptive technologies; leverage new products Emerging applications for and/or growth Competition Non Customer Industry Integration GLOBAL Emerging Opportunities Cultural Political & Regulatory Identify unmet needs; tailor CUSTOMER products and services to market needs; manage. Economic brand equity; identify Trends emerging customer Disruptive segments; Industry track of keep Technologies Expansion changing cultural trends Potential CEO Economic Threats Industry Shifts Competitor’s Pinpoint Customers Growth Functions 3/19/2018 Country Economic Identify Emerging geographic expansion & Trends opportunities, monitor the political and Technology Issues regulatory effects of doing business in another country; understand cultural implications and requirements Risk current and future Competitive economic trends; identify Strategy growing customer Growth segments; take advantage of emerging Team opportunities; adjust for currency changes ECONOMIC Growth Process Maintain an effective. BEST Growth Plan for 3 - 5 years in the future; create PRACTICES and develop the Growth Team; External ensure Growth Team members Industry understand their functions and Impact contributions to growth; leverage Career INDUSTRY industry Growth Thought Leaders Development and best practices. Maintain a solid grasp of. Demo- key your Industry graphics industries and the industries that could Convergence have an impact on your business; identify factors that are causing new trends and changing buying behaviours; address industry convergence and integration; identify opportunities to expand within the market Behavior COMPETITIVE Know any and all emerging competition; identify In-Direct alliance Competition New partners; benchmark your growth Applications against the industry; refine competitive strategy; monitor market perceptions, changing processes, technologies, culture, etc. 2
Agenda A Global Healthcare Industry Outlook B Overview By Area 1. Top 10 Global Healthcare Trends 1. Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 2. The Triple Healthcare Crisis 2. Clinical Diagnostics 3. Shifting Healthcare Expectations 3. Medical Devices 4. Convergence in Healthcare 4. Medical Technologies 5. Healthcare Paradigm Shift 6. Hot Spots & Emerging Geographies 7. PESTLE Analysis 8. Opportunity Analysis – Major Areas 3/19/2018 3
Top 10 Global Healthcare Trends The Triple Healthcare Crisis Shifting Healthcare Expectations Global Healthcare Industry Outlook Convergence in Healthcare Paradigm Shift Hot Spots & Emerging Geographies PESTLE Analysis Opportunity Analysis 3/19/2018 4
Top 10 Global Healthcare Trends More Info 2010 – 2020 High Impact Projected Impact on the Healthcare Industry Low Impact Low 3/19/2018 Certainty High 5
Patients Become Healthcare Kings And Queens, Medical Communities Become Interconnected, Doctor-Patient Relationship Goes Virtual Major Trend 1 Power Patient Generation 2 Patients Become Customers 3 Prevention Before Cure 4 Personalised Healthcare 5 Healthcare Globe Trotters 6 Hospitals Go Virtual 8 Innovation vs. Knowledge 9 Devices Become Monitors 10 Cyber. Docs 3/19/2018 2015 Patients gain access to health quality information Smarter Drugs 7 2010 2020 Patient centred care Baby Boomer retirement starts Consumerism holistic health and well being One stop shop Customised products Implementation of IT Early treatment Genetic testing Targeted clinical trials Immediate Treatment abroad becomes an option Information based medicine "medical tourism" crosses the US$2 billion mark War for medical talent Disease management Virtual face to face doctor- patient relationship Home services Precise therapy becomes reality Wellness care Major diseases understood at molecular level Non-invasive delivery All departments/buildings within hospitals are connected Patients become healthcare Kings and Queens Presymptomatic diagnostics & treatments Private companies invest in facilities and services abroad Drug cocktails will enhance productivity, memory, and physical performance Medical communities (1°, 2° care) become interconnected Baby Boomer retirement starts Remote patient monitoring Perform routine diagnostics with predictive precision Regional/Country-wide connectivity Medical professionals keep up with knowledge growth Self-monitoring Cheaper care available to more people in need 6
Healthcare Is Challenged By Three Interlocking Crises That Make Present Healthcare Systems Unsustainable q Healthcare is challenged by three interlocking crises that make present healthcare systems unsustainable: þ Rising costs þ Changing demographics þ Quality The Size of the Problem – Quality q 15% of patients admitted to hospital suffer an adverse event. q 8% of adverse events result in death. q 6% of adverse events result in permanent disability. q 10 -20% of all adverse events are caused by medication errors. q 10 -15% of hospital admissions occur because providers do not have access to previous care records. q 20% of laboratory tests are requested because the results of previous investigations are not accessible. 3/19/2018 7
If Current Trends Hold, By 2050 Health Care Spending Will Almost Double Claiming 20% – 30% Of GDP For Some Economies Unsustainable Levels!!! q In almost all countries worldwide, per capita healthcare spending is rising faster than per capita income. q No country can spend an ever-rising share of its output on health care, indefinitely. Spending growth must eventually fall in line with growth in per capita income. 3/19/2018 8
Balance Between Young And Old Is Shifting, Ageing Related And Chronic Diseases Increase, People Living With Multiple Long Term Conditions q In 2000, 10% (606 million) of the global population was aged 60+. By 2050 this will be more than 21% (2 billion). q People aged 60+ utilise 3 -5 times more healthcare services than younger people. q 75% of people aged 60+ have one chronic condition, while 50% have two or more chronic conditions. q Chronic diseases account for more than 60% of all health care spending. q Health economics dictate a shift in spending – away from treating and towards predicting, diagnosing and monitoring. 3/19/2018 30% of the population consumes 90% of health care resources 9
Consumer Experiences In Other Markets Affecting Expectations From Healthcare Greater variety of providers, products and services e. g. expensive health plans and alternative medicine services Power patients have increased access to computers and information through multiple channels to seek and analyse health information Retailing & Finance § § Customer service Comparison shopping Self-service Special offers Manufacturing & Distribution Healthcare § § Faster time to market One stop shop Anytime anywhere care Supply chain integration Entertainment & Media § § Customised products Home services Health care that is customised to monitor, diagnose, educate, and intervene regardless of location or time-will be common. Freedom to make own decisions 3/19/2018 10
Convergence In Healthcare Enables Personalisation, Targeted Medicines, Virtual Patient Monitoring, Enabling A Preventative Approach To Healthcare Bio Chips: Controlled Released Tailored Treatments. Genomic/Proteomics based Drug Delivery Disease Management Telemedicine Health Management Predictive tests Gene Mapping & Functional Analysis Remote Patient Monitoring Preventative Programmes Nanotechnology Delivery Systems IT / Digital Information Systems Life Sciences Technology……. Enables it Economics………………Require it Demographics…………. Demand it Medical Devices 3/19/2018 Medical Technologies 11
Riding On A Wave Of Technical Innovations Healthcare Will Change From A “Find It And Fix It” System To A “Wellness Tracking” System Current Healthcare Systems Future Healthcare Systems Suffer from the Must Apply a “RADAR” Syndrome “GPS” Logic Telehealth for virtual interactions q Patient Appears (falls sick) q Patient is treated “find it and fix it” q Patient is discharged Web portals to EHR Systems Patient then disappears from radar screen Patient Scan Sharable Personal Health Records Good Chronic Disease care q System oriented to acute illness q Patient’s role not emphasised q Follow up sporadic Patient Support Tools q Prevention overlooked Provider Support Tools Home monitoring devices Personal Health Records Chronic Disease Management Systems Web- based education and support 3/19/2018 Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Personal Digital Assistants Disease Management Program 12
A Modern Healthcare System Is On The Horizon Demanding A Healthcare Paradigm Shift. . . To . . . From Fragmented Patient Flow Integrated & automated Invasive Diagnosis & Treatment Less invasive, Preventative, image based Provider Centric Focus Patient Centric Centralised – Hospital Monitor De-Centralised–Shift to Community One Size Fits All Approach Personalised Medicine Therapeutics/Diagnostics/ Devices Tools “Theranostics” Treating Sickness Objective Preventing Sickness – “Wellness” 3/19/2018 13
Threats Arise From Unconventional Players Outside The Traditional Healthcare Boundary Biotech is the changing face of agriculture. Biotech crops were planted in 18 countries in 2004. By 2010, it is projected that 15 million farmers will grow genetically modified crops on up to 375 million acres in 30 countries. 2010: Roche and Toyama Chemical enter licensing agreement to develop potential breakthrough drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis Agriculture & Food Companies Chemical Companies 2010 : Integrated Healthcare Management in the US has been launched as the systematic application of processes and shared information to optimise the coordination of benefits and care for the healthcare consumer Employers & Government Healthcare Companies Consumer Product Companies Telecommunication Companies 2010 : SUPERMARKETS in the UK are increasingly becoming one-stop-shops for everything by branching out into healthcare, with everything from in-store pharmacies to blood tests, blood pressure checks and health checks on your lungs. 2008: Virgin Group launched a new healthcare network. The first of six “one-stop shops” clinics will offer extra NHS and private services including dentistry, screening, a pharmacy and complementary therapies alongside GP practices. Ultimately, offering wider options for patients. 3/19/2018 2010 : Orange launches "Connected Hospital", its first e-healthcare offering designed to improve patient comfort and care quality 14
A Look At The Future: Patient Centric Health & Wellness Care Eco. Medicine Doctors & Medical Team Nano. Medicine Web of Care Pre-emptive Medicine Regenerative Medicine Coaches & Advocates Friends & Family e. Health Advisor Network Nano. Care Online Support Communities Digital Medicine Mobile EHR Implantable e. Care My Health & Wellbeing Databases Self Care Diet & Nutrition Humour & Joy Lifestyle & Stress Reduction Smart e. Homes Mind Body & Spirit Health Robots 3/19/2018 Exercise & Fitness Wearable Bio. Sensors Decision Support 15
Hot Spots And Emerging Geographies Canada Relatively high government spending on healthcare, small number of local market players, sizeable market U. S. Huge healthcare market and growing, large opportunities, niche players will be more successful Hong Kong High government spending on healthcare, small domestic market, gateway to China Germany/Switzerland High spending on healthcare, large market with not too many market players, increasing focus on e. Health and digitisation Venezuela & Colombia Constituting part of the Andean Region are the fastest growing countries in many HC categories due to large public investment Brazil & Mexico Two largest healthcare markets in Latin America and growing at a sustained pace 3/19/2018 UK/Scandinavian Countries High government spending on healthcare IT, large market, high number of healthcare IT players. India Large market, low operating costs, excellent local skills, high local competition, Distribution hub to the Middle- and South. East of Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Limited current government spending on healthcare IT, increases planned in the future. Private sector developing increasing focus on e. Health. Moderate number of players mainly operating from South Africa. Israel Computerized HMOs. Project to determine regulations/law for national EHR Australia & New Zealand High government spending on healthcare IT, small number of local market players, increasing focus on e. Health and digitisation 16
PESTLE Analysis – Timeline 2010 POLITICAL ECONOMIC 2015 Growing Political Focus and Pressure on Healthcare Spend per capita on health globally grows Divide between the EU, US and rest of the world grows LEGAL ENVIRONMENTAL 3/19/2018 Health awareness (prevention) Increasing pressure from patient groups Personalised healthcare Medical Ethics Health education Information Based Systems Internet Pharmacogenomics Direct to Patient Advertising Drug Design Therapeutics>Theranostics (Rx/Dx) Biogenerics/biosimilars Mergers and Acquisitions Global ‘Not for Profit’ Pharma Supply for developing countries Patient Centric Healthcare Raised consumer expectations TECHNOLOGICAL Increasing harmonisation Increase influence by regulatory bodies Reduction in pharma growth (business model changes) Ageing population SOCIAL 2020 Health card / Smart Cards Increasing customer awareness Genomic Drugs Combined diagnostics and therapeutics Customised treatments Genetic Discrimination Privacy Faster Drug Approvals Medical Errors / Safety Development of specialist therapy providers Biotech companies transition to Pharma companies Impact of HIV and other pandemics 17
Opportunity Analysis – Major Areas (Europe), 2010 -2012 High Revenues Projected Revenues In 2012 ($ Billions) Low Revenues High Low Growth Rate (2010 -2012) 3/19/2018 18