- Количество слайдов: 98
32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan 2011 -12
1 National Scenario 2 State Scenario 3 State Proposal for 2011 -12 4 Summary of Action Plans
National Scenario
State-wise details of Districts included under NHM Sl. No. Name of State/ UT Total No. of Districts in the State No. of Districts include till date 1. Andhra Pradesh 23 20 10 2. Bihar 38 23 5 3. Chhattisgarh 16 11 11 4. Goa 2 2 12 5. Gujarat 25 15 10 6. Haryana 20 18 9 7. Jharkhand 22 17 17 8. Karnataka 29 29 11 9. Kerala 14 14 10 10. Madhya Pradesh 50 39 8 11. Maharashtra 33 33 11 12. Orissa 31 24 6 13. Punjab 21 16 6 14. Rajasthan 32 24 10 15. Tamil Nadu 29 20 6 16. Uttar Pradesh 72 46 15 17. West Bengal 18 14 9 18. Delhi 1 1 4 19. Lakshadweep 1 1 4 20. Andaman & Nicobar 2 2 4 21. Puduchery 2 4 8 483 373 Total No. of covered Crops 4
NHM : Achievements Enhancement 2010 -11 over 2004 -05 Crops Area (%) Production (%) Productivity (%) Fruit 26. 0 40. 5 10. 8 Vegetable 19. 1 32. 1 10. 6 Plantation crops 5. 2 21. 7 15. 6 Spices 29. 7 0. 5 23. 1 Flowers 80. 0 848. 1 427. 2
NHM : Achievements Availability of Fruits: Year Population(million) Production (000 MT) Availability(gm/persons/day) 2005 -06 1094. 58 55355 138 2006 -07 1109. 8 59563 147 2007 -08 1124. 8 65587 159 2008 -09 1140 68466 164 2009 -10 1156 71515 169
NHM : Achievements Availability of Vegetables: Year Population(million) Production (000 MT) Availability(gm/persons/day) 2005 -06 1094. 58 111399 279 2006 -07 1109. 8 114993 284 2007 -08 1124. 8 128449 313 2008 -09 1140 129077 310 2009 -10 1156 133737 317
NHM : Achievements
NHM : Achievements Export of Fruits : Qty(2006 -07) Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT Value(2006 -07) Qty(2009 -10) Value(2009 -10) Apple 25936. 5 31. 3 26880. 3 32. 10 Banana 11475. 6 16. 0 54319. 2 130. 25 Grapes 85562. 8 300. 5 117337. 5 431. 06 Mango 79060. 8 141. 9 83703. 1 170. 7 Papaya 10344. 4 11. 6 17925. 0 17. 49 Sapota 2089. 5 7. 4 4112 6. 0 Total 214469. 6 508. 7 304277. 1 787. 66
NHM : Achievements Export of Vegetables: Qty(2006 -07) Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT Qty(2009 -10) Value(2009 -10) Cauliflowers 44. 6 0. 03 1674. 1 0. 91 Onion 1378373 1163. 3 1664923 2319. 4 Peas 1183. 5 2. 7 1270. 7 3. 54 Potato 89024. 5 57. 7 94087. 9 74. 2 Sweet Potato 532. 5 0. 47 550. 40 0. 56 Tomatoes 33592 34. 10 105861. 6 103. 2 Cassavas 56. 1 0. 19 1123. 2 2. 97 3728321 4455. 64 Total 2971964 2482. 69
NHM : Financial Rs. In Cr Year Allocation Release 2005 -06 650 630. 00 2006 -07 950 945. 29 2007 -08 900 917. 33 2008 -09 1000 1010. 50 2009 -10 800. 00 2010 -11 986 970. 86
State-wise position on Release and Expenditure (2010 -11) (Rs. in crore) USB (01. 04. 10) State Release Expenditure USB (01. 04. 11) Andhra Pradesh 17. 40 105. 18 109. 06 13. 52 Bihar 31. 78 - 26. 08 5. 70 Chhattisgarh -4. 60 96. 57 86. 10 5. 88 Goa -0. 39 2. 12 2. 18 -0. 46 Gujarat -4. 50 54. 97 64. 78 -14. 31 Haryana -3. 45 51. 50 51. 56 -3. 52 Jharkhand 3. 63 16. 00 41. 30 -21. 67 Karnataka -15. 51 93. 25 86. 63 -8. 90 Kerala 46. 48 44. 00 61. 95 28. 54 Madhya Pradesh 10. 61 51. 00 58. 75 2. 86 Maharashtra 21. 14 126. 14 92. 69 54. 58 Orissa 13. 83 32. 59 45. 21 1. 20 Punjab 1. 62 35. 00 37. 03 -0. 41 Rajasthan 8. 46 40. 00 41. 37 7. 09 -22. 18 77. 50 80. 30 -24. 98 Uttar Pradesh 18. 37 54. 00 56. 63 15. 74 West Bengal 13. 68 28. 80 30. 54 11. 95 Delhi 0. 32 - 0. 16 0. 15 Lakshdweep 0. 26 - - 0. 26 Andaman & Nicobar 0. 66 1. 52 3. 02 -0. 84 Pondicherry 0. 05 0. 56 0. 85 -0. 24 138. 07 910. 70 939. 84 76. 01 Tamil Nadu Total SHM
Share of expenditure under NHM - All India till 2010 -11 Planting Material (PM) Market Others PHM HRD Organic Farming (OF) INM/IPM Area coverage (AC) Protected Cult Water Res Rejuvenation (RJ)
NHM : Physical Area Expansion: Fruit 11. 88 lac ha Flowers 1. 26 lac ha Spices 3. 80 lac ha M&A Plants 0. 58 lac ha Plantation Crops 1. 30 lac ha (As on 30. 4. 2011 web posting)
Area Coverage till 2010 -11 (lac ha) Perennial fruits 0. 58 1. 3 Cost intensive fruits High Density planting Normal spacing 3. 8 8. 26 Non perennial fruits Tissue culture based Sucker based Cut flowers 0. 76000000 03 0. 5 0. 21 0. 1 Loose flowers Spices 2. 92 0. 03 0. 06 0. 3 M&A Plants Plantation crops
Area coverage during 2010 -11 (Lac ha) Perennial fruits 0. 38 0. 55 Cost intensive fruits High Density planting Normal spacing 0. 03 Non perennial fruits 0. 03 Tissue culture based 0. 06 Sucker based 0. 46 Cut flowers 0. 30 Loose flowers 0. 11 Spices 0. 11 0. 21 0. 10 0. 19 M&A Plants Plantation crops
NHM : Physical v. Rejuvenation of 3. 24 lakh ha of senile plantations v Adoption of IPM programme in an area of 8. 56 lakh ha, besides establishment of 1563 IPM/INM infrastructure facilities such as biocontrol labs, plant health clinics, leaf tissue analysis labs, disease forecasting units. v 2281 nurseries have been established for production for quality planting materials. v Creation of 20939 community water tanks. v An area of 1. 49 lakh ha was brought under organic farming, besides establishment of 1. 16 lakh units of vermin-compost units. v Assistance has been provided for establishment of 10048 pack houses, 339 cold storages, 32 refer vans besides creation of 34 whole sale markets and 216 rural markets, 14. 6 lakh MT Cold Storage capacity has been added. v Training of 9. 30 lakh farmers.
State-wise position on Release and Expenditure (2010 -11) (Rs. in crore) USB (01. 04. 10) State Release Expenditure USB (01. 04. 11) Andhra Pradesh 17. 40 105. 18 109. 06 13. 52 Bihar 31. 78 - 26. 08 5. 70 Chhattisgarh -4. 60 96. 57 86. 10 5. 88 Goa -0. 39 2. 12 2. 18 -0. 46 Gujarat -4. 50 54. 97 64. 78 -14. 31 Haryana -3. 45 51. 50 51. 56 -3. 52 Jharkhand 3. 63 16. 00 41. 30 -21. 67 Karnataka -15. 51 93. 25 86. 63 -8. 90 Kerala 46. 48 44. 00 61. 95 28. 54 Madhya Pradesh 10. 61 51. 00 58. 75 2. 86 Maharashtra 21. 14 126. 14 88. 83 58. 45 Orissa 13. 83 32. 59 45. 21 1. 20 Punjab 1. 62 35. 00 37. 03 -0. 41 Rajasthan 8. 46 40. 00 41. 37 7. 09 -22. 18 77. 50 80. 30 -24. 98 Uttar Pradesh 18. 37 54. 00 56. 63 15. 74 West Bengal 13. 68 28. 80 30. 54 11. 95 Delhi 0. 32 - 0. 16 0. 15 Lakshdweep 0. 26 - - 0. 26 Andaman & Nicobar 0. 66 1. 52 3. 02 -0. 84 Pondicherry 0. 05 0. 56 0. 85 -0. 24 138. 07 910. 70 972. 33 76. 01 Tamil Nadu Total SHM 18
Performance wise Status of States Best States in terms of area expansion related activities during 2005 -06 to 2010 -11 are Maharashtra followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Kerala , Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Best States in terms of PHM and Market related activities during 2005 -06 to 2010 -11 are Karnataka followed by Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh, Haryana Orissa and Rajasthan.
Annual Action Plan(AAP) 2011 -12 Budget Provision for 2011 -12 Rs 1200 crore. Tentative Allocation to States was communicated on 17 th February, 2011 to submit AAP based on Strategy and Road Map prepared for horticulture development during 2010 -11 for next three years. Allocation was made based on the performance of State/utilization of funds during 2007 -08 to 2010 -11(XI Plan). Progress of 2010 -11 and draft AAPs of States were discussed thread bare in two meetings held on 24 th March and 7 th April, 2011, under the Chairmanship of JS(NHM).
Annual Action Plan(AAP) 2011 -12 Based on the discussion, final shape is available in the form of proposed allocation in the respect of 17 States, except Delhi which is not contributing State share during XI Plan. Proposed allocation is placed before the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. State wise details of horticulture scenario, performance and proposed Action Plan follows.
State Scenario
ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005 -06 4420. 96 1444. 09 32. 66 2976. 87 2006 -07 7500. 00 10476. 87 6950. 52 66. 34 3526. 35 2007 -08 7836. 94 11363. 29 8539. 01 75. 15 2824. 28 2008 -09 12968. 39 15792. 67 10504. 6 68. 86 4917. 42 2009 -10 9566. 59 14484. 01 8872. 89 52. 51 6879. 05 2010 -11 10518. 00 12258. 41 10906. 22 88. 97 1352. 19
ANDHRA PRADESH PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT ACHIEVEMEN T UNIT TARGET Area Expansion Ha. 202930. 00 196409. 64 Rejuvenation Ha. 69401. 30 73320. 17 INM/IPM Ha. 117568. 00 90216. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 9150. 00 8815. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 2106. 86 587. 48 Nurseries No. 143 Community Tanks No. 1015 990 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 695 344 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 61 10
Andhra Pradesh : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 104. 96 12. 8 43. 56 16. 4 1. 16 66 2007 -08 122. 14 13. 7 49. 46 16. 5 1. 07 3 2008 -09 114. 07 12. 2 52. 68 16. 2 1. 25 3 2009 -10 129. 18 14. 0 54. 26 16. 4 1. 30 6202 2009 -10 (National) 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 6671
Andhra Pradesh: Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Unit Phy Fin. % Target Outlay 1 No. 14 68. 75 0. 55 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion Mushrooms Ha. 9800 1570. 11 12. 67 3 Maintenance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 27969 1571. 57 12. 68 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 30650 2462. 75 19. 87 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 10000 100. 00 0. 81 6 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 7000 630. 00 5. 08 7 GAP Ha. 2500 125. 00 1. 01 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 471 2570. 60 20. 74 9 Creation of Water resources No. 250 1000. 00 8. 07 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 714 511. 50 4. 13 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 1475 397. 50 3. 21 12 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 24806 306. 75 2. 47 13 Mission Management Awareness 721. 00 5. 82 14 Plantation Infrastructure and Development of Data base on Hort. Statistics 360. 78 2. 91 12396. 31 100. 00 G. Total
BIHAR FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005 -06 3100. 00 3. 02 0. 10 3096. 98 2006 -07 3500. 00 6596. 98 2403. 91 36. 44 4193. 07 2007 -08 269. 72 4462. 79 2129. 73 47. 72 2333. 06 2008 -09 3122. 48 5455. 54 2432. 49 44. 59 3023. 05 2009 -10 2435. 17 5458. 22 2280. 19 41. 77 3178. 03 2010 -11 0. 00 3178. 03 82. 04 570. 46 2607. 57
BIHAR PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 35564. 00 38619. 63 Rejuvenation Ha. 13417. 00 372. 04 INM/IPM Ha. 16500. 00 3158. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 2000. 00 1170. 24 Protected Cultivation Ha. 370. 65 263. 34 Nurseries No. 54 157 Community Tanks No. 40 287 PHM (Pack house, CS, RV etc) No. 15 15
BIHAR : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 34. 27 12. 3 136. 13 16. 5 0. 023 11 2007 -08 32. 52 11. 4 140. 68 17. 1 0. 023 11 2008 -09 37. 23 12. 8 133. 86 16. 2 0. 023 11 2009 -10 34. 65 11. 8 139. 07 16. 6 0. 23 11 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
BIHAR: Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Unit Phy Fin. % Target Outlay 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 6 153. 13 3. 83 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 9600 1502. 29 37. 56 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 5333 395. 64 9. 89 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 500 75. 00 1. 88 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 1000 58. 00 1. 45 6 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 1000 137. 95 3. 45 7 GAP Ha. 500 25. 00 0. 63 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 27 626. 00 15. 65 9 Creation of Water resources No. 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 8 522. 00 13. 05 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 30 45. 00 1. 13 12 Beekeeping No. 10000 153. 50 3. 84 13 Human Resource Development (HRD)+FLD No. 1560 52. 49 1. 31 14 Mission Management+Awareness 254. 00 6. 35 4000. 00 100. 00 G. Total 0. 00
CHHATTISGARH FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005 -06 2367. 83 342. 51 14. 47 2025. 32 2006 -07 5500. 00 7525. 32 4733. 26 62. 90 2792. 06 2007 -08 6252. 41 9044. 47 3016. 77 33. 35 6027. 70 2008 -09 3000. 00 9027. 70 7994. 41 88. 55 1033. 29 2009 -10 6000. 00 7033. 29 6441. 00 2010 -11 9657. 00 9197. 15 8609. 58 91. 58 93. 61 5929. 29 587. 57
CHHATTISGARH PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 117327. 00 129382. 27 Rejuvenation Ha. 5640. 00 2870. 00 INM/IPM Ha. 41400. 00 51083. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 5550. 00 4645. 20 Protected Cultivation Ha. 5105. 75 24110. 00 Nurseries No. 86 65 Community Tanks/Wells No. 3677 4741 PHM (Pack house, CS, RV etc) No. 314 313 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 2 4
CHHATTISGARH : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 6. 10 6. 7 28. 02 10. 1 0. 078 - 2007 -08 9. 15 8. 5 29. 34 10. 069 - 2008 -09 9. 66 8. 6 30. 41 10. 1 0. 069 - 2009 -10 11. 86 9. 5 36. 01 11. 4 - - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
CHHATTISGARH : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 No. 89 300. 50 2. 73 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion Mushrooms Ha. 21404 4033. 26 36. 63 3 Maintenance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 6710 385. 61 3. 51 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 500 75. 00 0. 68 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 1000 104. 00 0. 95 6 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 3250 1192. 50 10. 84 7 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 522 3123. 50 28. 40 8 Creation of Water resources No. 405 490. 80 4. 46 9 Protected cultivation Ha. 1451. 6 237. 65 2. 16 10 Horticulture Mechanization No. 300 383. 75 3. 49 11 Beekeeping No. 1365 14. 30 0. 13 12 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 1466 135. 18 1. 23 13 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Mission Management Awareness 523. 95 4. 76 1100. 00 100 G. Total
GOA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005 -06 315. 20 112. 91 35. 82 202. 29 2006 -07 200 402. 29 182. 27 45. 31 220. 02 2007 -08 3. 19 223. 21 160. 75 72. 02 62. 46 2008 -09 100. 45 162. 91 181. 48 111. 4 -18. 57 2009 -10 150 131. 43 170. 69 129. 87 -39. 26 172. 74 218. 39 126. 43 -45. 65 2010 -11 212
GOA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 2062. 00 2532. 07 Rejuvenation Ha. 3927. 97 3645. 63 INM/IPM Ha. 700. 00 96. 19 Organic Farming Ha. 750. 00 1287. 60 Protected Cultivation Ha. 16. 64 5. 59 Nurseries No. 6 8 Community Tanks No. 0 0 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 1 0
GOA : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 . 88 8. 1 . 84 10. 3 - 2007 -08 . 98 8. 9 . 85 10. 0 - 2008 -09 . 88 7. 4 . 58 10. 1 - 2009 -10 . 78 7. 1 0. 58 10. 1 - - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
GOA : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit No. 1 25. 00 7. 14 2 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 550 93. 39 26. 68 3 Maintenance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 1668. 65 71. 59 20. 45 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 300 45. 00 12. 86 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 7 GAP Ha. 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 9 Creation of Water resources No. 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 12 Beekeeping No. 50 1. 45 0. 41 13 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 400 3. 48 0. 99 14 Mission Management+Awareness 17. 51 5. 00 1 G. Total 450 16. 50 4 4. 71 40. 20 0. 5 11. 49 35. 88 10. 25 350. 00 100. 00
GUJARAT FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Year Rs. in Lakh Releases Total Funds Expenditure % Unspent Available Expenditur Balance e 2005 -06 3239. 28 944. 00 29. 14 2295. 28 2006 -07 2577. 03 4872. 31 2784. 71 57. 15 2087. 60 2007 -08 1954. 24 4041. 84 3638. 28 90. 02 403. 56 2008 -09 3531. 83 3935. 39 3558. 36 90. 42 377. 03 2009 -10 2521. 32 2898. 35 3348. 72 115. 54 -450. 37 2010 -11 5497. 00 5046. 63 6477. 73 128. 36 -1431. 10
GUJARAT PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 83301. 40 97843. 62 Rejuvenation Ha. 3545. 00 1375. 88 INM/IPM Ha. 21808. 00 29178. 37 Organic Farming Ha. 835. 00 3497. 16 Protected Cultivation Ha. 2340. 99 2547. 73 Nurseries No. 91 46 Community Tanks No. 206 127 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 133 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 16 16
GUJARAT : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 53. 44 18. 5 60. 63 16. 6 0. 50 5063 2007 -08 58. 50 19. 1 74. 03 18. 0 0. 50 5063 2008 -09 58. 22 18. 4 68. 07 17. 2 0. 50 5063 2009 -10 69. 8 19. 8 72. 6 17. 8 . 50 5063 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
GUJARAT : Action Plan 2011 -12 Phy Fin. % Target Outlay S. NO ACTIVITY Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 19 371. 25 4. 13 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion Mushrooms Ha. 5200 962. 77 10. 70 3 Maintenance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 5100 255. 00 2. 83 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 1000 90. 00 1. 00 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 1600 76. 00 0. 84 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 315. 00 3. 50 7 GAP Ha. 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 194 3491. 59 38. 80 9 Creation of Water resources No. 55 465. 00 5. 17 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 127. 65 2610. 38 29. 00 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 540 172. 00 1. 91 12 Beekeeping No. 2010 13. 70 0. 15 13 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 10500 51. 25 0. 57 14 Mission Management Awareness 126. 06 1. 40 9000. 00 100. 00 G. Total 0. 00
HARYANA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance 2005 -06 1050. 00 180. 33 17. 17 869. 67 2006 -07 3480. 00 4349. 67 3079. 06 70. 79 1270. 61 2007 -08 6476. 49 7747. 10 4671. 80 60. 30 3075. 30 2008 -09 3300. 31 6357. 61 5641. 87 88. 49 733. 74 2009 -10 5600. 00 6333. 74 6906. 85 109. 05 -573. 11 2010 -11 5150. 00 4804. 68 5156. 32 107. 32 -351. 64
HARYANA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 48037. 35 44950. 06 Rejuvenation Ha. 4938. 00 1259. 54 INM/IPM Ha. 20996. 00 21274. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 4039. 00 11540. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 1458. 60 5748. 60 Nurseries No. 63 63 Community Tanks No. 1251 2048 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 204 144 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 14 13
HARYANA : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 241. 9 8. 0 3366. 9 12. 0 52. 1 9. 3 2007 -08 240. 4 7. 2 3277. 1 11. 9 61. 8 10. 1 2008 -09 263. 90 7. 0 3893. 43 13. 0 53. 9 9. 8 2009 -10 303. 9 7. 3 3987. 0 13. 3 60. 3 9. 7 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
HARYANA : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year 4 183. 50 1. 93 8669 1880. 21 19. 79 Ha. 6168 379. 17 3. 99 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 200 30. 00 0. 32 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 1000 71. 25 0. 75 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 43. 37 0. 46 7 GAP Ha. 300 15. 00 0. 16 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 351 1465. 90 15. 43 9 Creation of Water resources No. 354 1852. 58 19. 50 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 569. 79 1978. 88 20. 83 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 1152 374. 25 3. 94 12 Beekeeping No. 15000 253. 00 2. 66 13 Human Resource Development (HRD)+TD No. 5700 452. 32 4. 76 14 Mission Management+Awareness 520. 57 5. 48 G. Total 9500. 00 100. 00
JHARKHAND FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 3030. 00 2. 97 0. 10 3027. 03 2006 -07 4000. 00 7027. 03 1948. 42 27. 73 5078. 61 2007 -08 781. 00 5859. 61 2351. 33 40. 13 3508. 28 2008 -09 5000. 00 8508. 28 5201. 46 61. 13 3306. 82 2009 -10 3084. 00 6390. 82 6027. 30 94. 31 363. 52 2010 -11 1600. 00 1963. 52 4130. 41 210. 36 -2166. 89
JHARKHAND PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 62346. 00 74238. 21 Rejuvenation Ha. 425. 00 100. 00 INM/IPM Ha. 4806. 00 517. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 850. 00 172. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 2921. 25 2231. 75 Nurseries No. 148 149 Community Tanks No. 207 208 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 23 14 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 17 17
JHARKHAND : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 3. 82 11. 6 33. 95 15. 2 0. 003 273 2007 -08 3. 82 10. 2 36. 40 15. 2 0. 002 73 2008 -09 3. 96 5. 5 36. 37 15. 0 0. 22 1711 2009 -10 5. 78 15. 3 34. 69 16. 4 . 22 1711 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
JHARKHAND : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Rejuvenation/ replanting Promotion of IPM/INM Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units GAP Post Harvest Management & Markets Creation of Water resources Protected cultivation Horticulture Mechanization Beekeeping Front Line Demonstration (FLD) Human Resource Development (HRD) Special Interventions Mission Management+Awareness TSG Fin. Phy Target % Outlay Unit No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 G. Total 787 Ha. Ha. Ha. No. Ha. No. No. 340. 63 5. 68 7898 43271 50 101 8108 951. 29 1927. 57 7. 50 5. 00 416. 00 733. 10 907. 35 157. 20 9. 25 11. 10 18. 75 106. 30 5. 00 279. 80 124. 15 15. 85 32. 13 0. 08 6. 93 0. 00 12. 22 15. 12 2. 62 0. 15 0. 19 0. 31 1. 77 0. 08 4. 66 2. 07 6000. 00 100. 00 294 117 76050 15 1230 1 5002 1
KARNATAKA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 4455. 17 1576. 12 35. 38 2879. 05 2006 -07 8448. 25 11327. 30 7798. 02 68. 84 3529. 28 2007 -08 8571. 05 12100. 33 13739. 30 113. 54 -1638. 97 2008 -09 12536. 88 10897. 91 9302. 00 85. 36 1595. 91 2009 -10 8001. 67 9597. 58 11149. 51 116. 17 -1551. 93 2010 -11 9325. 00 7773. 07 8662. 71 111. 45 -889. 64
KARNATAKA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 176793. 90 166359. 94 Rejuvenation Ha. 19236. 58 15117. 00 INM/IPM Ha. 241088. 00 439734. 40 Organic Farming Ha. 13410. 00 18669. 20 Protected Cultivation Ha. 3284. 64 2444. 69 Nurseries No. 479 406 Community Tanks No. 3257 4385 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 1203 1043 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 80 25
KARNATAKA : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 47. 36 17. 0 54. 79 13. 3 1. 92 5660 2007 -08 50. 00 16. 7 73. 67 17. 2 1. 80 5700 2008 -09 52. 70 16. 7 77. 25 17. 2 2. 04 5867 2009 -10 57. 12 16. 3 70. 82 16. 1 2. 04 5860 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
KARNATAKA: Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO 1 ACTIVITY Fin. Phy Target % Outlay Unit No. 2 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms 3 502. 50 4. 02 Ha. 20912 3440. 182 27. 52 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 29493 1837. 13 14. 70 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 8600 1290. 00 10. 32 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 50000 560. 00 4. 48 6 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 18460 925. 10 7. 40 7 GAP Ha. 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 577 1407. 70 9 Creation of Water resources No. 580 348. 00 2. 78 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 505 953. 94 7. 63 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 200 255. 00 2. 04 12 Beekeeping No. 10200 79. 95 0. 64 13 Front Line Demonstration (FLD) No. 4 35. 25 0. 28 14 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 17514 272. 16 2. 18 593. 09 4. 74 12500. 00 15 Mission Management+Awareness G. Total 237 0. 00 11. 26
KERALA FINANCIAL PROGRESS : 2005 -11 Year Releases Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Rs. in Lakh Unspent Balance 2005 -06 3533. 98 170. 45 4. 82 3363. 53 2006 -07 7959. 53 11323. 06 2359. 40 20. 84 8963. 66 2007 -08 6147. 73 15111. 39 6416. 97 42. 46 8694. 42 2008 -09 7517. 29 16211. 71 4166. 40 25. 70 12045. 31 2009 -10 12045. 31 7396. 58 61. 41 4648. 73 2010 -11 4400. 00 9048. 73 6194. 66 68. 46 2854. 07
KERALA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 120491. 80 141648. 35 Rejuvenation Ha. 61766. 68 75533. 65 INM/IPM Ha. 18124. 00 18833. 28 Organic Farming Ha. 6039. 00 14527. 75 Protected Cultivation Ha. 680. 50 108. 50 Nurseries No. 260 300 Community Tanks No. 283 387 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. 2 1 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No. 41 41
KERALA : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 25. 27 8. 0 32. 34 20. 1 - - 2007 -08 25. 80 8. 0 34. 79 20. 8 - - 2008 -09 25. 59 8. 0 35. 04 21. 5 - - 2009 -10 23. 98 8. 1 35. 18 23. 2 - - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
KERALA : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Rejuvenation/ replanting Promotion of IPM/INM Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Post Harvest Management & Markets Creation of Water resources Protected cultivation Horticulture Mechanization Beekeeping Front Line Demonstration (FLD) Human Resource Development (HRD) Kuttanad Package Idukki Package Kerala State Agency for expansion of Cashew Cultivation Horticulture Census Mission Management+Awareness No. 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Fin. Phy Target % Outlay Unit G. Total Ha. Ha. Ha. No. No. No. 141 364. 75 4. 82 7990 2241. 802 3880 367. 24 1700 255. 00 3060 360. 00 51 1181. 55 4 64. 50 2. 5 158. 79 354 97. 50 15101 69. 50 25. 00 2239 155. 58 440. 90 200. 00 971. 75 245. 44 360. 21 29. 64 4. 85 3. 37 0. 07 4. 76 15. 62 0. 85 2. 10 1. 29 0. 92 0. 33 2. 06 5. 83 2. 64 12. 85 3. 24 4. 76 7565 100. 00
MADHYA PRADESH FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Rs. in Lakh Year Release Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 2839. 77 411. 96 2427. 81 2006 -07 4291. 75 4736. 23 1983. 33 2007 -08 5537. 49 4306. 30 3214. 52 2008 -09 6000. 00 5972. 73 3241. 79 2009 -10 3545. 00 6677. 97 108. 82 2010 -11 5100. 00 5874. 87 286. 36
MADHYA PRADESH PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 103090. 00 116173. 98 Rejuvenation Ha. 10150. 00 12372. 75 INM/IPM Ha. 25815. 00 28976. 75 Organic Farming Ha. 9323. 00 10406. 75 Protected Cultivation Ha. 478. 29 3631. 20 Nurseries No. 170 203 Community Tanks No. 839 775 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 116 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 17 17
MADHYA PRADESH : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 12. 26 25. 7 28. 14 14. 0 0. 014 - 2007 -08 12. 37 26. 5 29. 20 13. 9 0. 015 - 2008 -09 23. 73 25. 7 41. 06 14. 1 0. 018 - 2009 -10 28. 64 25. 3 31. 13 12. 4 . 005 - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
MADHYA PRADESH : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 20 393. 75 4. 63 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 12430 1884. 99 22. 18 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 14650 857. 01 10. 08 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 2000 300. 00 3. 53 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 50. 00 0. 59 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 188. 50 2. 22 7 GAP Ha. 1000 50. 00 0. 59 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 234 1841. 32 21. 66 9 Creation of Water resources No. 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 3047. 3 1708. 92 20. 10 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 300 227. 50 2. 68 12 Beekeeping No. 13 Human Resource Development (HRD)+TD No. 14 Mission Management+Awareness G. Total 0. 00 11970 0. 00 372. 65 4. 38 625. 36 7. 36 8500. 00 100. 00
MAHARASHTRA FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 8260. 28 1848. 35 22. 38 6411. 93 2006 -07 14492. 65 20904. 58 8837. 12 42. 27 12067. 46 2007 -08 13224. 97 25292. 43 12677. 89 50. 13 12614. 54 2008 -09 13021. 70 25636. 24 14097. 28 54. 99 11538. 96 2009 -10 9173. 20 20712. 16 18598. 02 89. 79 2114. 14 88. 83 60. 30 2010 -11 12614. 00 14728. 14 58. 45
MAHARASHTRA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 188479. 00 222491. 09 Rejuvenation Ha. 79209. 00 92319. 71 INM/IPM Ha. 50767. 00 42284. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 14522. 61 5827. 19 Protected Cultivation Ha. 4235. 02 3402. 53 Nurseries No. 139 74 Community Tanks No. 2410 4368 HRD (No. of Farmers) No. 835 796 PHM & Market Infra No. 10 10
MAHARASHTRA : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 103. 25 7. 4 61. 48 14. 2 0. 89 4774 2007 -08 110. 48 7. 7 64. 55 14. 2 0. 70 5728 2008 -09 109. 25 7. 6 63. 68 14. 2 0. 90 5728 2009 -10 103. 97 6. 7 61. 73 13. 7 0. 91 7914 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
MAHARASHTRA : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit No. 2 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms 800. 16 5. 33 Ha. 12101 2913. 95 19. 43 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 10708 876. 87 5. 85 3 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 3920 447. 75 2. 99 4 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 1324 495. 33 3. 30 5 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 1334 119. 50 0. 80 6 GAP Ha. 5699 249. 10 1. 66 7 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 936 3385. 37 22. 57 8 Creation of Water resources No. 882 2253. 00 15. 02 9 Protected cultivation Ha. 1764 1699. 76 11. 33 10 Horticulture Mechanization No. 1047 270. 00 1. 80 11 Beekeeping No. 1514 40. 00 0. 27 12 Front Line Demonstration (FLD) No. 8 748. 93 4. 99 13 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 44427 400. 28 2. 67 14 Mission Management+Awareness 300. 00 2. 00 15000. 00 1 G. Total 1147
ORISSA FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 3611. 91 599. 21 16. 59 3012. 70 2006 -07 4450. 00 7462. 70 1711. 61 22. 94 5751. 09 2007 -08 3812. 16 9563. 25 3016. 75 31. 55 6546. 50 2008 -09 2341. 00 8887. 50 5444. 34 61. 26 3443. 16 2009 -10 3500. 00 6943. 16 5560. 24 80. 08 1382. 92 2010 -11 3259. 00 4641. 92 4374. 87 94. 25 267. 05
ORISSA PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 115185. 00 149206. 95 Rejuvenation Ha. 7333. 00 2109. 43 INM/IPM Ha. 2759. 00 200. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 1900. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 731. 04 10970. 60 Nurseries No. 167 128 Community Tanks No. 77 24 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 75 72 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 49 0
Orissa : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 14. 25 5. 6 81. 80 12. 4 0. 02 - 2007 -08 12. 75 4. 8 82. 15 12. 4 0. 07 - 2008 -09 15. 33 5. 4 84. 67 12. 6 0. 24 - 2009 -10 18. 45 6. 1 89. 64 12. 9 0. 25 5356 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
ORISSA : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 21 181. 25 2. 90 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 14506 1987. 63 31. 79 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 44408 2155. 97 34. 48 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 200 2 0. 03 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 300 90 1. 44 7 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 1300 1177. 3 18. 83 8 Creation of Water resources No. 9 Protected cultivation Ha. 204 69. 75 1. 12 10 Horticulture Mechanization No. 50 8. 75 0. 14 11 Beekeeping No. 1000 22 0. 35 12 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 5600 120. 75 1. 93 13 Mission Management Awareness 437. 77 7. 00 6253. 17 100. 00 G. Total 0. 00
PUNJAB FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 2868. 82 31. 23 1. 09 2837. 59 2006 -07 1150. 00 3987. 59 2299. 08 57. 66 1688. 51 2007 -08 2409. 99 4098. 50 1791. 51 43. 71 2306. 99 2008 -09 1412. 48 3719. 47 2526. 57 67. 93 1192. 90 2009 -10 2578. 00 3770. 90 3609. 10 95. 71 161. 80 2010 -11 3500. 00 3661. 80 3703. 17 101. 13 -41. 37
PUNJAB PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 31921. 00 32301. 08 Rejuvenation Ha. 9379. 65 8278. 67 INM/IPM Ha. 800. 00 2000. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 7500. 00 6300. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 828. 10 826. 45 Nurseries No. 14 2 Community Tanks No. 161 304 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 107 103 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 49 46
Punjab : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 8. 31 14. 5 25. 18 15. 1 0. 74 - 2007 -08 10. 56 17. 1 27. 72 16. 2 0. 78 - 2008 -09 11. 83 18. 3 34. 10 19. 1 0. 82 - 2009 -10 13. 65 20. 2 35. 22 19. 2 0. 82 - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
PUNJAB : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 234 428 7. 78 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 2894 558. 64 10. 16 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 5500 329. 14 5. 98 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 1200 180 3. 27 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 2502 58 1. 05 6 Vermi compost Units Ha. 835 79. 25 1. 44 7 GAP Ha. 500 25 0. 45 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 380 1844. 7 33. 54 9 Creation of Water resources No. 50 600 10. 91 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 291. 74 617. 14 11. 22 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 932 325. 8 5. 92 12 Beekeeping No. 9137 86. 38 1. 57 13 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 4620 68. 57 1. 25 14 Mission Management+Awareness 299. 93 5. 45 5500. 55 100. 00 G. Total
RAJASTHAN FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 2259. 57 1421. 31 62. 90 838. 26 2006 -07 3837. 93 4676. 19 3306. 96 70. 72 1369. 23 2007 -08 5673. 19 7042. 42 4602. 29 65. 35 2440. 13 2008 -09 4097. 71 6537. 84 4726. 00 72. 29 1811. 84 2009 -10 2500. 00 4311. 84 3466. 19 80. 39 845. 65 2010 -11 4000. 00 4845. 65 4137. 10 85. 38 708. 55
RAJASTHAN PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 77118. 03 93175. 59 Rejuvenation Ha. 1967. 58 2393. 70 INM/IPM Ha. 16143. 00 43670. 55 Organic Farming Ha. 6250. 00 4227. 25 Protected Cultivation Ha. 310. 24 51. 78 Nurseries No. 92 127 Community Tanks No. 634 1462 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 81 59 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 17 17
Rajasthan : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 4. 02 14. 6 7. 88 6. 4 0. 03 - 2007 -08 4. 22 10. 1 8. 53 6. 0 0. 06 - 2008 -09 4. 85 15. 8 7. 37 5. 9 0. 05 - 2009 -10 6. 76 21. 1 10. 72 8. 1 0. 05 - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
Rajasthan : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Unit Phy Fin. % Target Outlay 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 9 171. 88 2. 46 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 14403 1792. 33 25. 60 626. 01 8. 94 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 10947. 3 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 750 112. 50 1. 61 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 4000 40. 00 0. 57 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 1000 200. 00 2. 86 7 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 813 1134. 10 16. 20 8 Creation of Water resources No. 390 1674. 00 23. 91 9 Protected cultivation Ha. 57. 5 473. 63 6. 77 10 Horticulture Mechanization No. 180 185. 75 2. 65 11 Beekeeping No. 8000 60. 00 0. 86 12 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 5002 93. 93 1. 34 13 Mission Management+Awareness 435. 88 6. 23 7000 100. 00 G. Total
TAMIL NADU FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 3891. 67 2418. 30 62. 14 1473. 37 2006 -07 6450. 00 7923. 37 3353. 15 42. 32 4570. 22 2007 -08 8536. 82 13107. 04 10396. 60 79. 32 2710. 44 2008 -09 9688. 00 12398. 44 8941. 34 72. 12 3457. 10 2009 -10 6180. 00 9637. 10 11854. 98 123. 01 -2217. 88 2010 -11 7750. 00 5532. 12 8029. 81 145. 15 -2497. 69
TAMIL NADU PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 210921. 80 215946. 24 Rejuvenation Ha. 21290. 00 18419. 03 INM/IPM Ha. 40868. 00 46769. 05 Organic Farming Ha. 11151. 60 12882. 96 Protected Cultivation Ha. 515. 48 547. 51 Nurseries No. 80 162 Community Tanks No. 455 329 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 0 0 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 76 76
Tamil Nadu : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 62. 41 22. 4 70. 70 28. 0 2. 18 - 2007 -08 75. 30 25. 7 79. 76 30. 4 2. 15 - 2008 -09 82. 08 25. 8 86. 94 30. 4 2. 34 - 2009 -10 63. 79 21. 9 76. 28 28. 9 2. 41 - 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
TAMIL NADU : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 30 331. 25 2. 28 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 47100 7877. 94 54. 33 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year + HDP project Ha. 19692 877. 38 6. 05 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 2500 375. 00 2. 59 5 Promotion of IPM/INM 1 40. 00 0. 28 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 1000 95. 00 0. 66 7 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 25 1593. 55 10. 99 8 Creation of Water resources No. 9 Protected cultivation Ha. 1050 1997. 58 13. 78 10 Horticulture Mechanization No. 372 100. 10 0. 69 11 Beekeeping No. 670 10. 05 0. 07 12 Human Resource Development (HRD)+TD No. 8130 392. 80 2. 71 13 Mission Management+Awareness 809. 35 5. 58 14500. 00 100. 00 G. Total Ha. /no 0. 00
UTTAR PRADESH FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 5340. 25 552. 97 10. 35 4787. 28 2006 -07 1500. 00 6287. 28 3341. 49 53. 15 2945. 79 2007 -08 9425. 90 12371. 69 6672. 26 53. 93 5699. 43 2008 -09 6372. 78 12072. 21 8764. 93 72. 60 3307. 28 2009 -10 9143. 38 12450. 66 10613. 78 85. 25 1836. 88 2010 -11 5400. 00 7236. 88 5664. 50 78. 27 1574. 24
UTTAR PRADESH PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 96205. 69 118110. 38 Rejuvenation Ha. 17729. 00 8052. 63 INM/IPM Ha. 13414. 00 21515. 00 Organic Farming Ha. 12116. 00 30240. 20 Protected Cultivation Ha. 4526. 50 6304. 10 Nurseries No. 176 114 Community Tanks No. 229 129 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 376 239 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 39 10
Uttar Pradesh : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 34. 40 11. 2 181. 90 20. 3 0. 12 3746 2007 -08 39. 33 12. 5 197. 9 20. 6 0. 18 2928 2008 -09 44. 40 12. 8 189. 5 19. 2 0. 24 3467 2009 -10 53. 80 15. 1 224. 36 22. 0 0. 18 2958 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
UTTAR PRADESH : Action Plan 2011 -12 Fin. Phy Target % Outlay S. NO ACTIVITY Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 2930 1449. 63 12. 08 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 17070 2972. 34 24. 77 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 18777 1073. 88 8. 95 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 2325 348. 75 2. 91 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 2034 64. 31 0. 54 6 Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost Units Ha. 2985 343. 50 2. 86 7 GAP Ha. 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 449 2561. 55 9 Creation of Water resources No. 160 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 230 155. 78 1. 30 12 Beekeeping No. 18141 148. 62 1. 24 1 25. 00 0. 21 16300 387. 30 3. 23 571. 44 12000. 28 4. 76 Front Line Demonstration (FLD) Human Resource Development (HRD) 14 Mission Management+Awareness No. G. Total 0. 00 21. 35 801. 60 6. 68 32. 13 1096. 58 13 9. 14 100. 00
WEST BENGAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 Year Releases Rs. in Lakh Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 2005 -06 4035. 31 0. 75 0. 02 4034. 56 2006 -07 4600. 00 8634. 56 1013. 19 11. 73 7621. 37 2007 -08 681. 82 8303. 19 2500. 65 30. 12 5802. 54 2008 -09 607. 20 6409. 74 2893. 66 45. 14 3516. 08 2009 -10 3516. 08 2147. 76 61. 08 1368. 32 2010 -11 2880. 00 4248. 32 3053. 61 71. 88 1194. 71
WEST BENGAL PHYSICAL PROGRESS: 2005 -11 COMPONENT UNIT TARGET ACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha. 41045. 50 41400. 43 Rejuvenation Ha. 5230. 00 6129. 04 INM/IPM Ha. 21350. 00 21348. 53 Organic Farming Ha. 6600. 00 6232. 00 Protected Cultivation Ha. 510. 70 914. 05 Nurseries No. 154 109 Community Tanks No. 136 295 PHM (Pack House, CS, RV etc) No. 49 34 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc. ) No. 28 13
West Bengal : Production & Productivity Fruits Vegetable Flower Loose Cut Production Productivity Production (in LMT) (MT/ha) (in LMT) (in lakh Nos. ) 2006 -07 26. 41 14. 1 171. 40 13. 1 43. 7 12966 2007 -08 27. 67 14. 2 224. 57 17. 1 48. 4 19680 2008 -09 27. 76 13. 7 227. 57 17. 2 52. 0 21232 2009 -10 28. 61 13. 7 219. 06 16. 8 0. 55 22170 2009 -10 715. 15 11. 3 133. 74 16. 7 10. 21 66671 (National)
WEST BENGAL : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 Plantation Infrastructure and Development No. 13 41. 13 0. 82 2 Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 6255 1281. 29 25. 63 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 5472 225. 06 4. 50 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 950 142. 50 2. 85 5 Promotion of IPM/INM Ha. 6 Adoption of Organic Farming. Ha. 7 GAP Ha. 8 Post Harvest Management & Markets No. 73 1418. 23 28. 36 9 Creation of Water resources No. 180 396. 00 7. 92 10 Protected cultivation Ha. 28. 1 625. 90 12. 52 11 Horticulture Mechanization No. 170 90. 25 1. 81 12 Beekeeping No. 1000 22. 00 0. 44 13 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 85 18. 27 0. 37 14 Mission Management+Awareness+Survey 545. 62 10. 91 5000. 00 100. 00 G. Total 250 0. 00 193. 75 3. 88 0. 00
PUDUCHERRY FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2009 -11 Year 2009 -10 2010 - 11 Releases Total Funds Expenditur % Unspent Available e Expenditure Balance 33. 25 56. 34 33. 25 61. 63 27. 96 85. 38 84. 09 138. 54 5. 29 -23. 75
PUDUCHERRY : Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit No. 1 6. 25 4. 17 2 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Ha. 340 56. 45 37. 64 3 Protected cultivation Ha. 21 29. 00 19. 32 4 Beekeeping No. 40 0. 30 0. 20 5 Human Resource Development (HRD) No. 11 50. 00 33. 34 6 Mission Management+Awareness 8. 00 5. 33 159. 00 100. 00 1 G. Total
A & N Islands FINANCIAL PROGRESS: 2006 -11 Year 2006 -07 2007 -08 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 - 11 Releases Total Funds Expenditure % Available Expenditure Unspent Balance 85. 00 4. 18 4. 92 80. 82 0. 00 80. 82 10. 77 13. 33 70. 05 0. 00 70. 05 70. 04 99. 99 0. 01 200. 00 200. 01 133. 91 66. 95 66. 10 152. 00 218. 10 107. 20 49. 15 110. 90
A & N ISLANDS: Action Plan 2011 -12 S. NO ACTIVITY Phy Fin. % Target Outlay Unit 1 No. 6 28. 13 7. 03 2 Establishment of new garden – Fruits (Perennial & Non Perennial) Ha. 555 94. 5 23. 63 3 Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Ha. 307 19. 59 4. 90 4 Rejuvenation/ replanting Ha. 100 15. 00 3. 75 5 Protected cultivation Ha. 17 114. 75 28. 69 6 Beekeeping No. 600 16. 00 4. 00 7 HRD No. 277 56. 28 14. 07 8 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Mission Management+TSG+Awareness 55. 76 13. 94 G. Total 400. 00 100. 00
STATE WISE SUMMARY OF OUTLAY 2011 -12 (Rs. in crore) S. No. Name of State/UT 1 Andhra Pradesh 2 Bihar 3 Outlay 2011 -12 for EC’s approval Out lay (Go. I share) 124 105. 4 40. 00 34 Chattisgarh 110 93. 5 4 Goa 3. 50 2. 975 5 Gujarat 90. 00 76. 5 6 Haryana 95. 00 80. 75 7 Jharkhand 60. 00 51 8 Karnataka 125. 00 106. 25 9 Kerala 77 65. 45 10 Madhya Pradesh 85. 00 72. 25 11 Maharashtra 150. 00 127. 5 12 Orissa 63 53. 55 13 Punjab 55. 00 46. 75 14 Rajasthan 70. 00 59. 5 15 Tamil Nadu 145. 00 123. 25 16 Uttar Pradesh 120. 00 102 17 West Bengal 50. 00 42. 5 18 A&N Islands 4. 00 4. 0 19 Puducherry 1. 50 1. 275 Total States 1469 1248. 41
Overall Targets during 2011 -12 v v Area expansion in 2. 18 lakh ha Rejuvenation of 00. 57 lakh ha of senile plantations v Adoption of IPM programme in 0. 84 lakh ha + Infrastructure v Setting up of 5705 nurseries for production for quality planting materials. v Creation of 20939 community water tanks. v Adoption of organic farming in 0. 50 lakh ha + establishment of vermicompost units. v Setting up of 6694 Nos of PHM infrastructure besides creation of markets. v Training of 1. 66 lakh farmers.
Share of Outlay during 2011 -12 0. 693. 00 2. 14 5. 51 4. 24 Plantation Infrastructure and Development Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+Mushrooms Maintentance 1 & 2 Year Rejuvenation/ replanting 26. 12 Promotion of IPM/INM Adoption of Organic Farming. GAP Post Harvest Management & Markets Creation of Water resources Protected cultivation Horticulture Mechanization Beekeeping Human Resource Development (HRD) Mission Management+Awareness+Survey 9. 83 10. 77 7. 50 20. 41 0. 37 3. 90 1. 19 4. 32