Скачать презентацию 3 rd Grade Expectations MS DIAKATOS MS KHAN Скачать презентацию 3 rd Grade Expectations MS DIAKATOS MS KHAN


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3 rd Grade Expectations MS. DIAKATOS, MS. KHAN & MS. SPANOS 3 rd Grade Expectations MS. DIAKATOS, MS. KHAN & MS. SPANOS

Schedule – Mrs. Khan 8: 30 AM – Breakfast 8: 45 AM – Reading Schedule – Mrs. Khan 8: 30 AM – Breakfast 8: 45 AM – Reading and Writing 10: 45 AM – Specials 11: 50 AM – Lunch 12: 35 PM – Bathroom Break 12: 45 PM – Math 2: 30 PM – Science/Social Studies

Schedule – Ms. Spanos 8: 30 AM – Breakfast 8: 45 AM – Reading Schedule – Ms. Spanos 8: 30 AM – Breakfast 8: 45 AM – Reading 10: 45 AM – Specials 11: 50 AM – Lunch 12: 35 PM – Bathroom Break 12: 45 PM – Writing 1: 20 PM - Math 2: 30 PM – Science/Social Studies

Arrival & Attendance School starts at 8: 30 AM I will pick students up Arrival & Attendance School starts at 8: 30 AM I will pick students up outside Students must come to school everyday. Students may only miss school if: Illness Family emergency Religious holiday Students must be at school by 8: 30 AM everyday If you show up at 8: 35 AM you will be marked as tardy

Dismissal Students will be dismissed at 3: 30 PM through Door 3 Supervision for Dismissal Students will be dismissed at 3: 30 PM through Door 3 Supervision for students ends at 3: 45 PM Please do not be late to pick your child up

Homework Policy Homework must be completed at home every night Students must read for Homework Policy Homework must be completed at home every night Students must read for 30 minutes every night Students must go on IXL and Raz Kids at least 3 times a week Homework will help students do well in class

Food Students may not bring food for birthdays There is no sharing of food Food Students may not bring food for birthdays There is no sharing of food in the lunch room Allergies

Rules: Classroom Behavior Follow directions Complete work on time Write your name on all Rules: Classroom Behavior Follow directions Complete work on time Write your name on all of your work Respect your classmates and teachers Be kind Work quietly Respect the opinions of others Stay on Task Do your work Raise your hand wait to be called on No yelling or shouting out Do not speak over your teachers or classmates If the teacher is working with a small group, please wait until she is done to ask questions If there is an emergency, you may talk to the teacher immediately Respect other people’s things If something is not yours, don’t touch it Be gentle with the teacher’s materials (classroom library) Always Do Your Best

School Supplies Please ensure your child has all the school supplies on the list School Supplies Please ensure your child has all the school supplies on the list Please ensure your child has several pencils with him/her everyday We are always in need of white copy paper and tissues

Promotion 3 rd graders must get a “C” or better in Reading and Math Promotion 3 rd graders must get a “C” or better in Reading and Math to go to 4 th grade If students do not get a “C” or better in Reading and Math by the end of the year average, they will have to go to summer school If students do not do well in summer school, they must repeat 3 rd grade

NWEA/PARCC NWEA The NWEA is a computerized test Students take it in Math and NWEA/PARCC NWEA The NWEA is a computerized test Students take it in Math and Reading at the end of the year When taking the NWEA test, the difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all the previous questions Students are expected to show growth from 2 nd to 3 rd grade, and so on PARCC The PARCC is a standardized test replacing the ISAT All students must take this test The test is difficult and takes at least one week to complete The test questions are the same for all students

Communication If you would like to meet with me, please set up an appointment Communication If you would like to meet with me, please set up an appointment time Ms. Spanos’ Email: anspanos@cps. edu Ms. Khan’s Email: fkhan 7@cps. edu Ms. Diakatos’ Email: pdiakatos@cps. edu