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27– 30 September 2010 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers Tallinn, 27 -30 September 2010 Session Conveners Summary Thursday, 30 th September 2010
Session 1 Country Progress Reports Svetlana Shutova Statistics Estonia
Country Progress Reports n New template (Excel) from the year 2009 n Aggregated table is available n Response: n 2009 year — 37 countries/organisations n 2010 year — 42 countries/organisations (89 069 542 enterprises) Summary Session 1 — Svetlana Shutova 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Themes of Country Progress Reports Profiling Documentaion Dissemination of registers' data Business Census Farm Register Business Demography Plans_2010 Register Quality Progress_2010 Classifications (NACE Rev. 2, NAICS. . . Progress_2009 Frame & Coverage Development of the Register Co-operation with administrative. . . Enterprise Groups 0 Summary Session 1 — Svetlana Shutova 10 20 30 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Coverage of the 22 nd Wiesbaden Group Summary Session 1 — Svetlana Shutova 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 2 Concepts and Methods for Information and Data Sharing Andreas Lindner, OECD
Summary n This session focused on the impact of globalisation on registers n The globalisation issue was tackled from 3 related perspectives: n First, the design, purpose and role of the EGR (Eurostat) n Second, the impact of globalisation on statistical units (Netherlands) n Third, the impact of globalisation on the NACE classification (Finland) Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
1) Eurostat: The Euro. Groups Register: a tool to share information on globalisation – Clemens Schroeter, Eurostat n The EGR is a platform, allowing access to integrated and up-to-date data on MNEs, collected from different sources (pooled information) n Secure remote access becomes a necessity for optimal use n Compilers most concerned are: I-FATS, O-FATS and FDI n The process from deriving statistical data from administrative data (legal) was explained (Enterprise Group, Global enterprise, National enterprise) Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
EGR: n Meets information needs from different compilers (NA, BS…)… n For the top 500 MNEs (later 1000) n Is a platform for coordination between register staff and compilers (data correction)… n …and with Central Banks n CONCLUSION: the EGR is a unique and promising tool to better statistically capture MNEs. Needs for integration of outside-EU MNEs were mentioned for a truly global dimension Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
2) Impact of globalisation on the EU-system fo statistical units – Jean Ritzen, Netherlands n Fundamental principle: MNEs’ economic processes, not the administrative organisation matter n Problem is that the sum of parts of a MNE do not match the total n Identification need of enterprise unit calls for a change in unit definitions n A review of EGs towards truncated EGs plus SPEs necessary n Proposed definition of EG as a set of legal units under common direct or indirect control was explained n In conclusion: statistical systems need to adapt to globalisation, taking into account growing interdependencies and going beyond EU boundaries Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
3) Impact of Globalisation on defining the NACE code – Tarja Hatakka, Finland n International sourcing becomes not only more important, but can be core business function for smaller economies n Most often, it is insourcing, i. e. taking place within the same enterprise group n Global manufacturing complicates statistical tracing (reexports, goods for processing, merchanting, etc. ) n Contradictory international recommendations and no clear guidance complicate the matter (goods or services? )… n Could factoryless goods production (FGP) be classified in manufacturing (NACE)? n Global vs. national view, ESSnet good forum for discussion Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Concluding remarks n These 3 presentations presented an excellent summary of globalisation-induced statistical problems and a good lead for the following session 3 n Q&A showed considerable interest of delegates in this matter and the difficulties, statisticians face to better capture global production activities n It became clear that n Different classifications and delineation of EGs greatly affect the statistical representation of today’s economic processes (“global value chains, trading of tasks”) n An internationally coordinated (EU +) effort is needed to provide guidance on a better measurement of MNEactivities across countries and sectors n The “truncated” EG approach deserves follow up Summary Session 2 — Andreas Lindner 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 3 Profiling (Costs and Benefits) Shirin Ahmed U. S. Census Bureau
Profiling (Costs and Benefits) n Profiling sources and methods: n Administrative records n Direct collections: n Surveys n Direct access to payroll systems n Established relationships with enterprises n Profiling provides the following uses: n Quality frames for statistical surveys n Replacement of direct collections (surveys) Summary Session 3 — Shirin Ahmed 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Profiling (Costs and Benefits) n Production of useful data products – i. e. , characteristics of businesses, local area information, and so on. n Research about businesses n Quantifying effectiveness of profiling is important n More costly means of profiling – i. e. , surveys and human capital – are targeted n Measuring impact of profiling is progressing n Useful measures to consider are profiling effects on employment, turnover, survey responses Summary Session 3 — Shirin Ahmed 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Profiling (Costs and Benefits) n Progress in Profiling Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) n Framework/approach being developed n Evaluation of MNEs for building/refining framework n Challenges with MNE’s n Understanding the economics and effects of MNEs in measuring “national” activities n Ensuring no duplication and completeness n Traditional classification schemes do not reflect MNE influences Summary Session 3 — Shirin Ahmed 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Profiling (Costs and Benefits) n Special considerations with MNE’s and measuring national activity – as examples n n n Auxiliaries Human resource management R+D Transfer pricing Autonomy of units n Increase sharing of related enterprise information among statistical offices could reduce costs, enhance enterprise knowledge, and address issues related to understanding MNE Summary Session 3 — Shirin Ahmed 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 4 Co-operation with Administrative Sources Andrew Allen Office for National Statistics, UK
Cooperation Admin Data Themes Making more use of administrative data – its time has come Drive to use admin data to reduce burden on business and costs in now quite strong Linking of multiple registers – confrontation improves quality Summary Session 4 — Andrew Allen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Cooperation Admin data n Some Issues: n Loss of control – cannot amend records/change variables etc n Risk of dependency Summary Session 4 — Andrew Allen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 5 Register quality as a common task: Cooperation of the register department and survey departments Roland Sturm Federal Statistical office, Germany
n Wiesbaden Group 2010 n Session 5 n Register Quality as a common task: Cooperation of the register Department and survey departments n Results and conclusions Summary Session 5 — Roland Sturm 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Sharing register maintenance may work by centralizing the information while having/keeping decentralized workshare: n Bring together survey information and data from administrative sources n Central data bank as technical infrastructure promotes cooperation n Look for synergies in data capture for subject matter goals and for the register Summary Session 5 — Roland Sturm 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Sharing the workload of register maintenance needs incentives for all involved: n Survey departments define information needs n Offer survey specific fields in the databank n Offer automated information routines Summary Session 5 — Roland Sturm 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Sharing responsibility for register maintenance needs clear description of rules and roles: n Distinguish appropriate user roles n Train all participants n Follow the general organization model of the office? Summary Session 5 — Roland Sturm 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 6 Improving sector’s coverage of the BR: agriculture, public sector and non-profit institutions Enrica Morganti ISTAT, Italy
Papers n Natalie Rosenski: identification of the non-profit sector n Geoff Mead: integrated use of the statistical BR for the agriculture and non-profit sector n Vibeke Skov Moller: improving the coverage of agricultural sector with admin sources Summary Session 6 — Enrica Morganti 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
n. Economic relevance n Agriculture: in NZ accounts for 44% exports! n Not for profit: slow but increasing trend n Public Sector: public finance economic n indicators for EU n. Social relevance n Environmental indicators n Social indicators Summary session 6 — Enrica Morganti 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Users needs n Sectors affected by rapid changes n Need to have updated survey frames n Information is asked more and more at micro level for economic analysis n Integrated approaches may keep costs down Summary Session 6 — Enrica Morganti 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Outcome n Availability of admin sources: n Scarce for not-for-profit sector n Many and differentiated for the agricultural sector n Treatment of admin sources: n Conceptual challenges to transform admin units into statistical units n Technical problems in physical data integration Summary Session 6 — Enrica Morganti 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Conclusions n It would be beneficial to exchange best practises as regard to def. of the statistical units n … and for technical solutions n Integrated registers may improve the quality also of the for-market-for-profit register n Use of a single register may reduce costs n Interest on the non-market-not-for-profit sector registers in the future Summary Session 6 — Enrica Morganti 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 7 Technical developments of the registers (Re-engeneering) But, the meaning of “technical” has shifted over time Jean Ritzen Statistics Netherlands
The main issues in technical developments in the past n Dedicated automation of the BR and/or its functionalities (e. g. automatic coding, matching) n Hardware selection and criteria n Software selection and criteria n Performance issues n Matching issues n Centralised or decentralised systems n Modelling n Modernising These issues are still important, but most have become part of the going business and are not longer on the agenda explicitly. If on the agenda, then in a broader contex Summary session 7 — Jean Ritzen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
More than 50% of the participating agencies at the meeting of the Wiesbaden Group 2010 in Tallinn reported issues on technical developments and/or redesigns in the progress reports Summary session 7 — Jean Ritzen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
The main issues nowadays (1) Technical issues and redesigns mainly in a broader context n Improvement of efficiency (e. g. budget reduction) n Quality improvement (e. g. consistency) n Adaptations because of regulations (e. g. introduction of the Enterprise Group unit in the BR) and revisions (e. g. SNA) n Improvement of the use of administrative data n Process integration/tuning - more integrated role and position of the BR - several stages in statistics compilation - integrated modelling - facilitating easier access to administrative data sources n Adaptations for response burden reduction Summary session 7 – Jean Ritzen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
The main issues nowadays (2) Presented in more detail in the session 7: n Tuning and important improvement of the BR position in the chain of processing economic statistics in Finland n Initial construction/major redesign of the BR in Turkey n Improvement of the BR in Germany to reach higher quality and better efficiency Summary session 7 – Jean Ritzen 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Session 8 Business Registers and Business statistics in Developing countries Jaime Silva Herzog Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, National Departament of Business Registration, Brazil
Yang Kuankaun, Shen Na, Dejun Du BR Initiative Improvement in China n Current situation of unit management in China n Main Government Agencies of Registration and Management on Legal Unit n Positives and Negatives Effects of Government agencies on Units Registration and Management n Initiatives performed by NBS to improve efficiency in BR registration and management Summary Session 8 — Jaime Silva Herzog 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Marielle Borthwick Statistical Business Register – the Estonian experience n n n n n Registration Business in Estonia History of the Statistical Business Register Coverage and Structure Classification Data sources and users Survey Frame – statistical Profile Business Demography Enterprise Groups Register Statistics and Dissemination Future Developments Summary Session 8 — Jaime Silva Herzog 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Susana Pérez Cadena National Institute of Statistics and Geography Mexico n DENUE - Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas n DENUE´s Usefulness n Current View n Legal Framework n Government Offices Participating n Strategy for Building DENUE n High Mobility of Economic Units in Mexico n All the country is covered n Denue´s Content n Denue Consultation System Summary Session 8 — Jaime Silva Herzog 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Vitalia Gaucaite A brief overview of the 2010 UNECE BR Survey results n n n SBR: challenges & issues Sources Coverage of units Variables Enterprise groups Summary Session 8 — Jaime Silva Herzog 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers Tallinn, 27 -30 September 2010 Future work
Ideas for WG themes (A. Lindner) 1) Need for the Global Approach (EU alone is not enough!) to globalisation challenge: n We have “wrong” statistics n We need worldwide definition of MNEs n “GDP” is outdated => need world “National Income” frame 2) Wiesbaden Group is the only forum for this paradigm change Summary Session. Future work 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
3) Multy-year Development Programme needed, including mechanism to link across SBS–FT–NA–Bo. P 4) Advocacy needed: WG to showcase problems to Statistical Community 5) Gather support, thanks to (4) 6) We must design International Guidelines encompassing EU + OECD + UNECE +UNSD + IMF Otherwise => FAILURE Summary Session. Future work 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
The Steering Group has drafted a list of themes and issues for consideration: n MNE’s profiling n Partnership between statisticians and businesses n From global level to national: from GDP to GNI. Why not — to regional? n European/Worldwide Common Identification Number n Dissemination of register’s data n Use of Metadata in BR processes Summary Session. Future work 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
n Expansion of BR into the NPI’s sector and measurement of services n Development and re-engineering of BR n Management relationships with administrative registers holders n Quality of BR n BR development in the developing countries Summary Session. Future work 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group
Please note in your calendar: the 23 rd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group will take place in United States of America, Washington September 2012 Hosted and organized by U. S. Bureau of Labour Statistics and the U. S. Census Bureau Summary Session. Future work 22 nd Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group