Скачать презентацию 2020 vision for the use of Information and Скачать презентацию 2020 vision for the use of Information and


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2020 vision for the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the University 2020 vision for the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the University of Zululand by Senate Task Team 4 June 6 th, 2012

‘ 2020 Vision of our University ecology’ University of Zululand How can we help ‘ 2020 Vision of our University ecology’ University of Zululand How can we help you? . . . from Greek universitas 'the whole' and oikos 'house' Council Management Student & Staff administration, support & development ICTs network the ecology Support Departments Senate Committees Teaching & Learning Catering & accommodation Health & safety Research & Community engagement

Council & Management n n n Financial Management (ITS) Knowledge Management (TPACK, Moodle, IR Council & Management n n n Financial Management (ITS) Knowledge Management (TPACK, Moodle, IR & ITS) Records Management (ITS, Moodle, IR, Share. Point Server, DAM) Risk Management (firewall intranet & secure wireless network, mirror & backup to the Cloud) Marketing & Publicity (Webometrics maintains a global university ranking system that is updated every 6 months. ) Harvard Manage Mentor 10 ICT has become the fundamental building blocks of a modern enterprise. .

Student and staff administration, support & development n n n n career guidance & Student and staff administration, support & development n n n n career guidance & aptitude test (Online) enrolment & registration (CAO replacement & ITS) student and staff laptop initiative coupled with expanding the wireless network academic development & support (determine learning styles & recommend curriculum design, types of learning resources and pedagogy for each module) basic literacy unit (computer, language, numeracy etc. ) e-learning (Moodle, linked to ITS Integrator Turn-it-in) & alumni development ‘life long learning’ (short courses & employment links) institutional repository (IR - Duraspace)

Support departments, Senate & Committees n n n quality assurance (online survey for learners Support departments, Senate & Committees n n n quality assurance (online survey for learners & lecturers linked through Moodle to all modules) human resources (RM & KM) senate & committees (RM & KM) faculties (RM & KM) library needs to re-visit most appropriate information resources, create a successful learning environment

Catering, accommodation, health & safety n n n healthy catering (brain food, e-menu) health Catering, accommodation, health & safety n n n healthy catering (brain food, e-menu) health tests (blood sugar, HIV AIDS, blood type) safe accommodation (accommodation register) ensure safe teaching & learning environment (drills, check points, communication) exercise for bodies and minds (15 min exercise points for staff, sport, gym, yoga etc. )

Research & Community engagement host research on IR n host community e ngagement on Research & Community engagement host research on IR n host community e ngagement on IR n use these resources in teaching & learning n fe llowships (improve research output) n

Teaching & Learning n Research recommends that institutions of HE need to follow global Teaching & Learning n Research recommends that institutions of HE need to follow global education trends in technology and innovation.

Teaching & Learning Need to change our learning theories to promote participation, collaboration and Teaching & Learning Need to change our learning theories to promote participation, collaboration and interaction between learners : Out In n Intructivist n n n Constructivist Experiential learning Problem based learning (PBL) Engagement theory Connectivism Blooms Revised Taxonomy

Teaching & Learning Image reference: http: //lh 6. ggpht. com/philippe. boukobza/R 9 es. WOb-1 Teaching & Learning Image reference: http: //lh 6. ggpht. com/philippe. boukobza/R 9 es. WOb-1 n. I/AAAAA 30/FTg. IHl. Oi 5 oc/image%5 B 5%5 D

Introduction and Conceptual Setting Research E-learning e. g. Blended learning approach Community Outreach LMS, Introduction and Conceptual Setting Research E-learning e. g. Blended learning approach Community Outreach LMS, Blog , Quiz, Wiki, Email, Chat, multimedia etc. Face to Face Experiential Mentoring Learning

New teaching & learning ecology Critical success factors n n n a cohesive vision New teaching & learning ecology Critical success factors n n n a cohesive vision and services across departments & faculties to support teaching & learning funding for & investments to support curriculum change policies & procedures conducive to offering a blended teaching & learning student & staff access to teaching & learning resources and support a technology infrastructure to support a teaching & learning enterprise

Thank you for your attention. n E-learning portal n Moodle Thank you for your attention. n E-learning portal n Moodle