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2020 vision for the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the University of Zululand by Senate Task Team 4 June 6 th, 2012
‘ 2020 Vision of our University ecology’ University of Zululand How can we help you? . . . from Greek universitas 'the whole' and oikos 'house' Council Management Student & Staff administration, support & development ICTs network the ecology Support Departments Senate Committees Teaching & Learning Catering & accommodation Health & safety Research & Community engagement
Council & Management n n n Financial Management (ITS) Knowledge Management (TPACK, Moodle, IR & ITS) Records Management (ITS, Moodle, IR, Share. Point Server, DAM) Risk Management (firewall intranet & secure wireless network, mirror & backup to the Cloud) Marketing & Publicity (Webometrics maintains a global university ranking system that is updated every 6 months. ) Harvard Manage Mentor 10 ICT has become the fundamental building blocks of a modern enterprise. .
Student and staff administration, support & development n n n n career guidance & aptitude test (Online) enrolment & registration (CAO replacement & ITS) student and staff laptop initiative coupled with expanding the wireless network academic development & support (determine learning styles & recommend curriculum design, types of learning resources and pedagogy for each module) basic literacy unit (computer, language, numeracy etc. ) e-learning (Moodle, linked to ITS Integrator Turn-it-in) & alumni development ‘life long learning’ (short courses & employment links) institutional repository (IR - Duraspace)
Support departments, Senate & Committees n n n quality assurance (online survey for learners & lecturers linked through Moodle to all modules) human resources (RM & KM) senate & committees (RM & KM) faculties (RM & KM) library needs to re-visit most appropriate information resources, create a successful learning environment
Catering, accommodation, health & safety n n n healthy catering (brain food, e-menu) health tests (blood sugar, HIV AIDS, blood type) safe accommodation (accommodation register) ensure safe teaching & learning environment (drills, check points, communication) exercise for bodies and minds (15 min exercise points for staff, sport, gym, yoga etc. )
Research & Community engagement host research on IR n host community e ngagement on IR n use these resources in teaching & learning n fe llowships (improve research output) n
Teaching & Learning n Research recommends that institutions of HE need to follow global education trends in technology and innovation.
Teaching & Learning Need to change our learning theories to promote participation, collaboration and interaction between learners : Out In n Intructivist n n n Constructivist Experiential learning Problem based learning (PBL) Engagement theory Connectivism Blooms Revised Taxonomy
Teaching & Learning Image reference: http: //lh 6. ggpht. com/philippe. boukobza/R 9 es. WOb-1 n. I/AAAAA 30/FTg. IHl. Oi 5 oc/image%5 B 5%5 D
Introduction and Conceptual Setting Research E-learning e. g. Blended learning approach Community Outreach LMS, Blog , Quiz, Wiki, Email, Chat, multimedia etc. Face to Face Experiential Mentoring Learning
New teaching & learning ecology Critical success factors n n n a cohesive vision and services across departments & faculties to support teaching & learning funding for & investments to support curriculum change policies & procedures conducive to offering a blended teaching & learning student & staff access to teaching & learning resources and support a technology infrastructure to support a teaching & learning enterprise
Thank you for your attention. n E-learning portal n Moodle