2015 Line Release BREYER Part 2.ppt
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2015 Welcome to Breyer’s 65 th Anniversary Part Two
Picasso Wild Stallion of the Sand Wash Basin • Picasso is a beautiful sight amongst the sagebrush and salt grass of the Sand Wash Basin with his loud bay overo coat. • A portion of the proceeds will benefit Front Range Equine Rescue in Larkspur, Colorado which works to prevent abuse and neglect of horses through education and rescue, and is an active supporter of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burro Act. • First regular line release of this new sculpture by Kristina Francis Item 1742 Suggested Retail: $44. 99
Jubilation Mule – Ltd to 2015! • Mules are hybrid equines and are a cross between a jack donkey and a horse mare. • Since Roman times, Mules have helped to shoulder our burdens as work, harness, riding, driving and pack animals. • Mules come in all shapes, sizes and colors and are very hardy and intelligent. Item 1746 Suggested Retail: $44. 99 Sold Separately: 2496 Ltd Ed Pack Saddle Set
Packsaddle with Panniers Set Perfect for any Wilderness Adventure • Used throughout history to carry large loads, packsaddles are perfect for any camping or wilderness adventure! • Realistically designed, it features a wooden saddle horn, cinches, saddle pad, halter, cotton lead and two box panniers with straps. • Limited to 3, 000 sets! Item 2496 Suggested Retail: $39. 99
Wood Livestock Feeder Perfect for all Your Breyer Animals! • This Livestock Feeder is made of wood, and is designed to keep hay off the ground. • A hay bale (not included) can be loaded into the feeder from the top, allowing your horses and animals to graze from the sides. • Complete your ranch scene! • Limited to 2015 production. Item 2058 Suggested Retail: $24. 99
Metal Livestock Corral The Best Enclosure for your Model Horses! • Whether on the road or at home a corral is always useful item to have on hand! • The four silver metal panels connect to create a stall or square enclosure. • Pieces breakdown for easy travel and storage. • Metal Ranch Corral is limited to 2015 production. Item 2059 Suggested Retail: $24. 99
Hot Walker • This Hot Walker is perfect for cooling down up to four horses simultaneously after a good workout. • Made of wood with four arms featuring hanging leads with clip ends which attach to a horses halter. Hot walker rotates manually. • A unique accessory limited to 2015! Item 2057 Suggested Retail: $34. 99
Cow and Calf Set • Back by popular demand, the Breyer Cow and Calf Set are 1/9 scale and finely detailed • Perfect to complement a child’s ranch or farm scene. Item 1732 Suggested Retail: $49. 99
Hereford Bull • This beautiful red and white baldy makes its return to the Breyer line! • The Hereford Bull is 1/9 scale and looks just like the real thing. Item 1733 Suggested Retail: $49. 99
Whitetail Deer Family • Named for their tail’s white underside, Whitetail Deer are beautiful and graceful animals. • Breyer’s 1/9 scale three-piece family set includes the Buck, Doe and spotted Fawn. Item 1734 Suggested Retail: $49. 99
Breyer Model Storage Pouches The best way to travel with your Breyer models! • These brightly patterned and thickly padded pouches are perfect for traveling with your Breyer models. • Generous 13” x 15” pony pouch holds most single Traditional or Classics size models. • Two styles each have custom printing featuring Breyer models, plus a card to display owner’s name and model’s name. • Window box Item 2056 Denim + Diamonds Item 2066 Show Horses Suggested Retail: $15. 99 each
Horse Crazy Colorful Breeds Paint Kit Whether it is a palomino or pinto, children will love to paint their favorite horse! The activity set includes everything needed. 5 Primed and ready to paint Stablemates Pop-out paint sheet 6 Paint pots Paint brush Fully illustrated directions Item# 4198 Suggested Retail: $19. 99
Horse Crazy Watercolor Painting This beautifully illustrated book is ready for watercolor painting. Includes 20 -page book with sixcolor paint pallet on each page and a paintbrush. Item# 4159 Suggested Retail: $4. 99
Horse Crazy Surprise Paint Kit Collects all four horse models in this all-new, do-it-yourself paint kit from Breyer! Each foil bag include a random horse whiteware, paint brush, 3 paint pots, and an instruction booklet. Instruction booklets teaches children how to paint their own Breyer horse model! Item# 4199 Suggested Retail: $4. 99
3 D Paint by Number, Dapple Grey Horse Bring model horses to life with this 3 -D paint by number kit! Includes: Pre-marked 7. 5” resin horse sculpture 6 Paint pots 3 Paint brushes Full-color instruction booklet Item# 4203 Suggested Retail: $19. 99
® Classics Chestnut Mustang Stallion Mustang, the name given to the wild horses of America are known for their strong build, agility and stamina. They come in a variety of colors and sizes. Mustang is derived from the Spanish word, “mesteño, ” meaning wild horse. Item# 926 Suggested Retail: $17. 99
® Classics Dun Quarter Horse Mare The Quarter Horse excels at sprinting short distances, specifically the quarter mile, which gave the breed its name. Their versatility makes them successful in many other disciplines as well. Item# 927 Suggested Retail: $17. 99
® Classics Chestnut Morgan Mare The Morgan is an ideal family horse, pleasure horse, and show ring competitor, due to its stamina, intelligence, and bravery. Morgans are easily recognized by their graceful carriage and usually tend to be bay, black or chestnut. Item# 928 Suggested Retail: $17. 99
® Classics Singles 12 pc Assortment This new assortment of Breyer Classics Single horses contains 12 different breed models! Item# 66004 Suggested Retail: $17. 99
® Classics A Champion is Born Arabians are intelligent, have tremendous stamina and a wonderful temperament. They are very competitive in endurance riding, racing and horse showing. These Arabian Cross horses have beautiful blue, strawberry and bay roan coloring! This 3 -Horse Deluxe Set includes a stallion, mare, foal, water trough, carrot bundle, horse ball, bucket and 6 sections of fencing. Item# 61087 Suggested Retail: $49. 99
2015 Horse of the Year – Liam, Strawberry Roan Quarter Horse New Sculpture! The Quarter Horse is descended from a mix of breeding including Thoroughbreds and Chickasaw ponies and was named for its incredible sprinting ability at distances of a quarter mile or less. The Quarter Horse is multitalented, excelling at farm work, racing, in performance at rodeos and horse shows. As a ranch horse, it is best known as the cowboy’s working mount. 3 rd in a Limited Edition Series Item# 62115 Suggested Retail: $19. 99
2015 Line Release BREYER Part 2.ppt