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2015 TELPAS Training for CTCs February 2, 2015
Manuals CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 2
2014 DCCM – p. T-3 General Information • TELPAS fulfills federal requirements for assessing the English language proficiency of English Language Learners (ELLs) in grades K-12 • Four language domains: • • Listening Speaking Reading Writing CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 3
2015 DCCM – p. T-3 General Information • Reports student performance in terms of four proficiency levels • • Beginning Intermediate Advanced High • Results are used in accountability and performance-based monitoring (PBM) indicators CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 4
2015 DCCM – p. T-3 Assessment Components • Grades K-1 • Holistically rated observational assessments of listening, speaking, reading, and writing • Grades 2 -12 • Multiple-choice online reading tests in six grade clusters (Gr. 2, 3, 4 -5, 6 -7, 8 -9, and 10 -12) • Holistically rated student writing collections • Holistically rated observational assessments of listening and speaking CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 5
2015 DCCM – p. T-3 Eligibility Requirements • ALL K-12 ELLs are required to participate in TELPAS, including students whose parents have declined bilingual/ESL program services (parent denials – PEIMS code of C) • ELLs are required to be assessed annually until they meet bilingual/ESL program exit criteria and are reclassified as non-LEP CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 6
2015 DCCM – p. T-4 Rare Circumstances for Non-Participation • Students may not be required to participate in one or more TELPAS language domains • ARD Decision • ARD committee, in conjunction with LPAC, may determine that an ELL receiving special ed. services not be assessed in one or more domains based on student’s disability • Decision must be made on domain-by-domain basis – NOT blanket decision • Reason must be well-supported and documented in IEP & LPAC paperwork • Newly Enrolled ELL – Holistically Rated Domains Date: March 16 th • ELL from another Texas school district, state, or country who enrolls on or after the first day of the TELPAS testing window will not be assessed by the receiving district in the holistically rated domains • Are required to take the TELPAS reading test, if not already tested CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 7
Steps to the TELPAS Process 1. Identify students who need to be assessed 2. Identify teachers who will serve as raters and verifiers 3. Train teachers & verifiers (no later than Feb. 6 th) • • • Access/complete required online courses in the Texas Training Center (texas. pearson. desire 2 learn. com) Verify that courses have been completed BEFORE rating/verifying takes place Local procedures for collection, assembly, verification, & rating of writing samples CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 8
Steps to the TELPAS Process 4. Attend training for online Reading test 5. Create Reading test sessions in TAMS, train test administrators, & ensure all students are assessed 6. Create Holistic Rating groups and ensure all holistic ratings are entered in TAMS 7. Verify that all assessment components are complete for all eligible students by the end of the TELPAS window 8. File all required documentation on campus CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 9
2015 DCCM – p. T-9 Calendar Dates - 2015 • CTCs train all teachers by Feb. 6 th • January 12 – assemblying/verifying module opens • January 26 – “basic” training modules open • Must be completed by all NEW raters • February 16 – calibration modules open • Must be completed by all new & returning raters • February 17 - Begin collecting TELPAS writing samples TELPAS window: March 16 -April 8, 2015 CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 10
Training Spring TELPAS Administration Procedures Training As a key part of this training, information from the TELPAS Rater Manual is reviewed to prepare raters to proceed with online holistic rating training New Raters Returning Raters Online Basic Training Course Online Calibration (Sets 1 and 2*) If not calibrated: Supplemental Holistic Rating Training * Set 2 required only if not successful on Set 1 Final Online Calibration (Set 3) CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 11
Training of Teachers Who Will Be Raters • As part of annual spring TELPAS administration procedures training, holistic rating training requirements are reviewed with raters, as well as information about how to access the online training and calibration components • In addition, raters receive training on assessment procedures such as how to assemble writing collections, how to record students’ proficiency ratings, etc. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 12
Two Types of Training • Online basic training course • This course is for new raters. • It provides instruction on using the PLD rubrics and gives raters practice rating students in each language domain. • There are separate courses for K-1 and 2 -12. • Online calibration • This is for ALL raters. • Raters use the PLDs to rate students in each language domain. • Raters have three opportunities to calibrate on assigned grade clusters CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 13
Training & Calibration Grade Clusters • Raters must know their assigned grade cluster to select the appropriate online training. • Raters should consult with their campus testing coordinator if they are unsure of their assigned cluster. Grade Clusters • • • CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic Grades K– 1 Grade 2 Grades 3– 5 Grades 6– 8 Grades 9– 12 January 2015 14
Raters with Students in Multiple Grade Clusters “within” Grades 2 -12 • Raters are required to train and calibrate in the cluster in which they have the most ELLs. • As a best practice, these raters should also review online basic training course practice activities in the additional cluster(s). Example: A grade 2– 5 ESL teacher has most of her ELLs in grade 3. She must complete training and calibration in grades 3– 5. As a best practice, she should review the online practice activities for grade 2 to check her readiness to apply the rubrics appropriately. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 15
Raters with Students in Multiple Grade Clusters that “include” Grades K-1 • Because of differences in the instructional content and rating rubrics, these raters must complete training and calibration for K-1 and at least one other cluster in 2 -12. • Raters with more than one additional cluster should train in the cluster in which they have the most ELLs. • As a best practice, these raters should also review online basic training course practice activities in the additional cluster(s). Example: A grade 1– 3 ESL teacher has most of his ELLs in grade 2. He must complete training and calibration in grades K– 1 and 2. As a best practice, he should review the online practice activities for grades 3– 5 to check his readiness to apply the rubrics appropriately for his 3 rd grade students. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 16
When and where do raters take the online training? • Depending on campus arrangements, raters may either complete training and calibration during school hours, after school, or on weekends. • The online training system allows raters to access the training from any computer that meets the minimum system requirements. • Training courses (basic & calibration) need to be completed independently, NOT group. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic in a January 2015 17
Why is calibration necessary? • Calibration helps ensure that raters have adequate training, including ample practice and feedback, before they assess their students in the spring. • Calibration ensures that raters clear their heads and consider only the elements of student performance included in the PLDs. • Calibration supports assessment validity and reliability and is an important part of holistically scored assessment processes. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 18
Preparing for Calibration Sets • New raters must complete the online basic training course before beginning calibration. • All raters have the option to review the online basic training course (which includes practice rating activities) before beginning calibration. • As a reminder, returning raters that have not been trained as raters within the last three school years are required to complete the online basic training course CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 19
Other Things to Know About Calibration • Raters affirm online that they will keep the contents of the calibration sets secure and confidential. • Calibration activities are taken from a bank and randomized. Trainees will rate different sets of students. • Raters can work at their own pace, go back and review students, and change ratings as they work. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 20
Other Things to Know About Calibration (con’t) • Raters can exit and return later to finish. They click a “submit” button when they are finished with a set. • After completing a calibration set, raters immediately see results. Results show both the rating assigned by the rater as well as the correct rating. • Raters see annotations explaining the correct ratings. Raters should use the annotations to go back and review any incorrectly rated students. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 21
Other Things to Know About Calibration (con’t) Is calibration a test? • No, it is a training method that ensures that raters have enough guidance, practice, and support to assess students consistently and accurately. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic How many students must be rated successfully? • To be successful, raters need to rate students in their assigned grade cluster with at least 70% accuracy. January 2015 22
Will raters be able to refer to any resources during calibration activities? • Yes. Raters should use their rating rubrics (PLDS) and refer to, as needed, information from the: • • Online basic training course Holistic rating Power. Points Produced by TEA TELPAS Rater Manual Educator Guide to TELPAS CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 23
Recap of Calibration Process • There are 3 sets of 10 students. • Raters who calibrate successfully on set 1 are done. • Raters who do not calibration on set 1 go on to set 2. If they calibrate successfully on set 2 they are done. • Raters who do not calibrate on set 2 receive supplemental training. • Raters attempt their and final calibration set. • If they are successful on set 3, they are done. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 24
What happens if a rater is unsuccessful in calibrating? • Raters who are not successful after sets 1 and 2 must receive supplemental training. • The rater will meet with a district-appointed supplemental support provider. • After the rater has received supplemental training, he or she will be able to access the third and final calibration set. • If rater does not successfully pass SET 3 after supplemental support they must work with a qualified rater and the qualified rater must sign off as the teacher of record. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 25
2015 Rater Manual– p. 14 Basic Training & Online Calibration • No state-required level of rating accuracy for the online basic training course • Calibration, however, must be completed at 70% or better • Calibration is completed “across” domains, not on separate domains • You may refer to the PLDs (pp. 33 -37 in the 2015 Rater Manual) as you rate each student. • You may refer to other holistic rating training material, as well. • The first 2 calibration sets are available February 16 th. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 26
TELPAS Reminders • It is a violation of state assessment procedures and a serious testing irregularity to record, discuss, or share answers to the rating practice and calibration activities • Calibration must be completed individually, not in a group setting. • NEW: After completion of calibration activities, raters must destroy all notes taken about specific student profiles. • Returning raters who have not completed calibration activities within the last three school years are required to complete the online basic training course before calibrating. • Must have calibrated in 2012, 2013, or 2014 to be current CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 27
Course and Calibration Certificates • Raters who take the basic training course get a certificate from the online Training. Center after completing the course components. • Raters will receive a certificate of successful calibration when they calibrate. • You can have them bring you their certificate so you can verify on your rater roster that they have completed their required training. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 28
2015 DCCM – p. T-4 Rater Training • Online holistic rating training prepares teachers to rate English language proficiency consistent with the holistic rating rubrics (PLDs) from the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) • Raters are required to complete holistic rating training annually • The training is available through the Texas Training. Center website: • https: //texas. pearson. desire 2 learn. com/ CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 29
2015 DCCM – p. T-6 Rater Credentials • A teacher (including a substitute teacher) selected to rate an ELL MUST: 1. Have the student in class at the time of the Spring assessment window 2. Be knowledgeable about the student’s ability to use English in instructional and informal settings 3. Hold valid Texas education credentials, such as a teacher certificate or permit 4. Be appropriately training, as required by TEA CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 30
2015 DCCM – p. T-7 Raters • May include • • • Bilingual teachers ESL teachers General education teachers Special education teachers Gifted and talented teachers Teachers of enrichment subjects Note: Paraprofessionals may NOT serve as raters CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 31
2015 DCCM – p. T-6 TELPAS Rater Responsibilities • A student’s TELPAS rater is the teacher designated by the district as the official rater of the student’s English language proficiency • The student’s rater must rate the student in ALL domains for which the student is eligible • A student is NOT permitted to use different raters for different domains. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 32
2015 Rater Manual – p. 8 Rating and Reporting Process • Rater responsibilities include • Assessing the English language proficiency of students assigned to you to rate • Assign one of four ratings: beginning (B), intermediate (I), advanced (A), or advanced high (H) • Record students’ ratings and related information on the TELPAS Student Rating Roster • Complete in ink; cross out and initial corrections (no “white out”, etc. ); sign and date roster – make sure everything written on roster is legible • Submit Student Rating Roster to your Campus Test Coordinator (CTC) by campus deadline CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 33
2015 Rater Manual – Appendix B TELPAS Student Rating Roster • Complete it in ink • If any information is corrected or changed cross out the incorrect info, write in new info, and “initial” the correction • Make sure student information is accurate based on TEAMS • Make sure information is written legibly • Campus principal must sign/date each rating roster CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 34
TELPAS Student Rating Roster Ratings are: B = beginning I = Intermediate A = Advanced High CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic E = Extenuating Circumstances X = ARD Decision January 2015 35
TELPAS Student Rating Roster Each Rating Roster must be signed/dated by principal CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 36
Online Systems • Texas Training. Center o texas. pearson. desire 2 learn. com/ • Texas Assessment Management System (TAMS) • www. texasassessment. com • Used by CTCs to look up & verify rater training • Used by raters to completed training modules o Verifying, basic training, & calibration CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic • Used by CTCs to set up reading test sessions and data entry sessions o Students test online using Test Nav (web-based software system) o Holistic ratings are entered for each student in TAMS January 2015 37
Texas Training Center • Texas. pearson. desire 2 learn. com CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 38
• If you have previously been in the system, login using previous info (login help link can be used if you have forgotten user name or password) CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 39
• If you have never been in the system, go through the “self-registration” process CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 40
Site Code: telpas 2015 CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 41
Enter Registration Details Use your CISD email address for registration. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 42
Enter Registration Details (con’t) Note: When you train teachers regarding new registration, make sure they do NOT check the CTC box. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 43
Home Page User Lookup is where you will go to look up individual teachers to check their training history. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 44
Access to Reports CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 45
Training. Center Resources/Reports • User lookup tool • Used to look up the online holistic rating training history of individual raters throughout the state • Planning roster of returning raters • Uses records beginning with the 2009 -2010 school year to generate a list of previously trained raters • Course completion roster • Lists online basic training course completion and in-progress status and performance by user for the current year • At-a-glance report • Lists online basic training course and calibration status, as well as time spent in each calibration set, for all registered users for the current year CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 46
Click “TELPAS 2015” under training center program to access courses CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 47
Rater Monitor Form • Use to note which courses teachers need to take and to verify the date courses are completed. • This form becomes part of your required documentation. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 48
Verification Course Form • Use to note who your verifiers will be and verify the date they complete the online verification course. • This form becomes part of your required documentation. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 49
Assembly & Verification of Writing Collections (Gr 2 -12) 2015 Rater Manual – p. 8 • Establish a process & timeline for the assembly & verification of your campus’s writing collections • Student writing assigned February 17 or later may be considered • Assembly/verification can occur as writing samples are collected/completed – may continue after TELPAS window opens, if needed • Verification must occur before ratings are assigned • Rating, however, CANNOT be completed until the first day of the TELPAS window (March 16 th) • All rating must be done during the TELPAS window • March 16 – April 8, 2015 CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 50
Assembly & Verification of Writing Collections (Gr 2 -12) 2015 Rater Manual – p. 8 • Teacher/Rater is responsible for gathering writing samples and putting writing collection together. • Teacher/rater passes samples on to the verifier so they can ensure collection meets guidelines; verifier signs off on checklist (or lets rater know what is missing or needs corrected). • Teacher/rater will begin rating collections once the TELPAS window opens (March 16 th); rating CANNOT occur before March 16 th. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 51
2015 Rater Manual – Appendix C Writing Collection Cover Sheet • Must be completed and stapled to the front of each student’s writing collection. • Verification checklist must be copied onto the back of cover sheet. • Collection must be verified first • Ratings should be assigned after checklist is verified • Ratings cannot be assigned until the TELPAS window opens (March 16 th) • Make sure handwritten information is legible and completed in ink CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 52
2015 Rater Manual – Appendix C Writing Collection Verification Checklist • This page should be copied on the back of the cover sheet 1. 2. 3. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic Rater completes items and initials each box as tasks are completed during “assembly” Then, collection given to verify to complete “verification” process – intial in boxes Last, collection is rated and ratings assigned – rater should complete Student TELPAS Rating Roster when ratings are being completed January 2015 53
2015 Rater Manual – p. 8 Student Writing Collections • Must be kept in students’ permanent record files for two years from the time of testing. • Campuses must also maintain a file of the rating rosters. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic • Form that documents procedures for ensuring the validity and reliability of TELPAS results also must be kept (gets signed by the principal). January 2015 54
2015 DCCM – p. T-23 -24 Ensuring Validity & Reliability • Procedures must be implemented to help ensure the validity & reliability of the holistic rating process. • Collaboration helps ensure that ratings in all domains reflect the ability of the students to understand & use English in different content areas in accordance with federal requirements • Use the form provided to document procedures implemented – form must be signed by CTC and campus Principal. Keep with required documentation for five years. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 55
2015 DCCM – p. T-24 Validity & Reliability Procedures • All Language Domains, K-12: • Raters collaborate with other teachers of these students to determine ratings (other teachers do not have to be raters) • To determine ratings of students near the border between proficiency levels, raters collaborate with each other • Writing, Grades 2 -12: • 2% of your writing collections must be rated a second time • If the ratings differ, resolution ratings are provided and used CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 56
• Validity & Reliability CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 57
2015 Rater Manual– p. 18 -23 Importance of Writing Collections • Use writing samples from “authentic” classroom activities that are grounded in the content area TEKS and ELPS • Assemble writing collections that accurately depict students’ overall ability to communicate in writing in English • Rating of writing for K-1 is required, but districts are not required to assemble writing collections for these grade levels CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 58
2015 Rater Manual– p. 18 Writing Collections – Grades 2 -12 • Important for collections to include writing from a variety of core academic content areas. • Each writing collection must contain at least five writing samples and must include at least one narrative writing sample about a past event and at least two academic writing samples from mathematics, science, or social studies • All samples must be assigned on or after February 16, 2015; Writing assigned before this date is not eligible for inclusion • Samples may continue to be gathered until time for raters to turn them in to CTC • All writing should reflect a student’s current proficiency level; for a student near the border between two levels, the rater should consider using writing assigned during the latter part of the collection window as more accurately reflect student’s proficiency level at the time of the ratings CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 59
2015 Rater Manual – p. 19 Writing Collections – Grades 2 -12 • All writing samples must include the student’s name and date • The cover sheet and verification checklist must be completed and stapled to each student’s writing collection • Photocopies of classroom writing assignments may be included in the writing collections as long as all copied pages are clear and legible • Writing samples may be typed provided that spell check and grammar check are disabled –ASK DTC • If writing ratings submitted to TEA are based on incorrectly assembled writing collections, a testing irregularity report must be submitted. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 60
2014 DCCM – p. T-25 Rating Support Requirements • If a rater did not successfully calibrate, they cannot serve as a rater independently • Rater can still be used, but must provide support • Assign a calibrated rater to collaborate with the individual to determine the ratings of the individual’s students • The calibrated rater will sign off as the primary rater of the student, while the individual will sign off as the “additional” rater (on TELPAS Student Rating Roster) • Support must be provided in all domains CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 61
Grades 2– 12 Writing Collection Overview 2014– 2015 Texas Education Agency Student Assessment Division CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 62
Goal in Assembling Writing Collections To make sure the collections portray the students’ overall English language writing proficiency CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 63
Writing Activities TELPAS writing samples should be taken from authentic classroom activities grounded in • content area TEKS • ELPS CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 64
February 16, 2015 • Writing assigned on or after February 16, 2015 may be considered. • Writing samples may continue to be gathered until the date designated by the district as the deadline for completing the collections in order to submit the ratings. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 65
Samples Required • At least 5 total samples are required in each collection. • In each collection there must be - at least 1 narrative about a past event - at least 2 writing samples from math, science, or social studies CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 66
Some Eligible Types of Writing • Descriptive writing on a familiar topic • Writing about a familiar process • Narrative writing about a past event • Personal narratives and reflective pieces • Expository and other extended writing from language arts classes • Expository or procedural writing from science, math, and social studies classes CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 67
Papers Not to Include • Papers containing copied language • Papers in which student relies heavily on resources (dictionary, thesaurus, etc. ) • Papers showing teacher comments and corrections • Worksheets and question-answer assignments • Papers that have been polished with help from peers or teachers • Papers written primarily in student’s native language • Papers that are brief, incomplete, or rushed CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 68
Building Collections • Strive to gather more than 5 writing samples for each student. • Choose at least 5 samples that meet the criteria and do the best job of portraying the student’s current proficiency level. • If a student is near the border between two proficiency levels, consider including samples written in the latter part of the TELPAS assessment window. The more recent the writing samples, the more accurately they will reflect the proficiency level of these students. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 69
Building Collections • Collections should contain some papers in which students showcase English they know and feel comfortable using. “Comfort zone” writing is especially important for students at lower proficiency levels. • Collections should also include papers in which students are stretched and pushed beyond their comfort zone so the collection shows that a student has not yet reached the next level (the student is beginning but not yet intermediate, intermediate but not yet advanced, advanced but not yet advanced high). CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 70
Building Collections • The papers you assemble need to help you determine and justify your ratings. They must give you evidence to say, “I know the student is at least at X proficiency level because of these characteristics in his or her writing. I know the student is not yet at the next proficiency level because of these other characteristics in his or her writing. ” Reminder: The characteristics you consider must come from the PLDs. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic TEA 71 January 2015
Beginning Level • The ELPS require ELLs of all proficiency levels to learn to write in English. • It is not acceptable for writing collections of students at the beginning level to include samples written primarily in the native language. Such samples do not provide evidence of English writing proficiency. • Writing tasks of these students should be adapted to their needs. Their writing in English will likely be formulaic or memorized, include recently practiced vocabulary, lack detail, etc. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 72
Summarizing Tips • Students who are capable of expressing themselves in English in a detailed, extended way should do so. Do not include brief responses from students who know enough English to respond to writing tasks in extended ways. • In other words, consider students’ English -language proficiency levels in determining whether papers are too brief to be included. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 73
Summarizing Tips • Build writing collections that have a balance of writing from language arts and other core content areas. • Collections should show what the student knows and can do as well as what the student struggles with in second language acquisition. • Remember, build the collections to portray the student’s overall ability to communicate in writing in English. CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 74
Verification of Collection Contents Campuses follow procedures outlined in the TELPAS Rater Manual to ensure that the writing collections are assembled correctly and include the necessary number and types of writing. NOTE: CISD requires that all verifiers complete the “assembling and verification” course in the Texas Training Center CISD CTC Training - TELPAS Holistic January 2015 TEA 75