Скачать презентацию 2014 Ⅰ UST Current Status Ⅱ Vision Скачать презентацию 2014 Ⅰ UST Current Status Ⅱ Vision


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2014 2014

Ⅰ. UST Current Status Ⅱ. Vision and Strategy Ⅲ. UST Educational System Ⅳ. Major Ⅰ. UST Current Status Ⅱ. Vision and Strategy Ⅲ. UST Educational System Ⅳ. Major Achievements [Annex] Majors

1. UST is. . . 2. Operating System 3. Breif History 4. Main Research 1. UST is. . . 2. Operating System 3. Breif History 4. Main Research Area 5. Facts & Figures

UST current status 1 UST is. . . Ⅰ 경기도 서울특별시 대전광역시 창원 2 UST current status 1 UST is. . . Ⅰ 경기도 서울특별시 대전광역시 창원 2

UST current status 1 UST in the World Ⅰ UST(2003) Helmholtz(2006) IMPRS(1999) 30 GRIs UST current status 1 UST in the World Ⅰ UST(2003) Helmholtz(2006) IMPRS(1999) 30 GRIs Helmholtz Institute Max Planck Institutes Watson School(1998) Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Germany Korea U. S. A Japan Israel Feinberg School(1958) Weizmann Institute Kellogg School(2002) The Scripps Research Institute SOKENDAI(1988) 22 Research Institutes 3

UST current status 2 Operating System Ⅰ Suggest New Paradigm of Higher Education Grant UST current status 2 Operating System Ⅰ Suggest New Paradigm of Higher Education Grant Educational Function to GRIs Cutting-edge Equipment World-Class Faculty Participating in Natl. projects 4

UST current status 3 Brief History ’ 14. 3 30 Campuses, 968 Students ’ UST current status 3 Brief History ’ 14. 3 30 Campuses, 968 Students ’ 10. 11 UST Main Office Completion ’ 06. 2 The 1 st Commencement ’ 04. 3 The 1 st Entrance Ⅰ ’ 03. 10 Authorization of Establishment 2014 2010 2006 2004 2003 5

UST current status 4 Main Research Areas Bioscience ICT • ETRI • KISTI Ⅰ UST current status 4 Main Research Areas Bioscience ICT • ETRI • KISTI Ⅰ • KRIBB | KRICT • KFRI | KIST Energy/Resource • KAERI | KIGAM • KIER Environment Astronomy/Space/Air Leading National R&D • KIST • KIMS | KIER • KARI • KASI Military • ADD Ocean/Polar • KOPRI • KIOST Human Recognition • KIST | KITECH • KRISS 6

5 Facts & Figures UST current status (As of March, 2014) Ⅰ Members Faculty 5 Facts & Figures UST current status (As of March, 2014) Ⅰ Members Faculty 1, 747 Enrolled Students M. S. Ph. D. Integrated Total 306 327 335 968 Graduates HQ Staffs 985 44 International Students Rate : 30% Currently, UST has more than 260 international students from 26 countries including Vietnam, France, India and Turkey. 7

1. Strategy Map 1. Strategy Map

Vision & Strategy 1 Strategy Map Ⅱ Global Leading, Asian Best GFRI University World Vision & Strategy 1 Strategy Map Ⅱ Global Leading, Asian Best GFRI University World Best Educational Competitiveness Industry-Academia-Research Integration Global Reputation as NRL based Graduate School Excellent UST Entrepreneur UST Global UST Smart UST Life-cycle Education Industry-oriented Professionals Improve Brand Value Cutting-edge Educational Environment New Education Industry-Academia. Research Cooperation System Strong Network Efficient Management Creativity Challenge *GFRI : Government-Funded Research Institute Convergence Creative Knowledge Management Credibility 9

1. Research-focused Education 2. Converged & Special Majors 3. Convergence Education 4. Stable Educational 1. Research-focused Education 2. Converged & Special Majors 3. Convergence Education 4. Stable Educational Environment

Educational System 1 Research-focused Education Usual Universities Research 42% Ⅲ UST System Research 56% Educational System 1 Research-focused Education Usual Universities Research 42% Ⅲ UST System Research 56% Credit Coursework 44% Coursework 58% Average of 5 universities including Korea Univ. , KAIST and DGIST. Supervising Prof. 1 : Student N Prof. Team : Student Professors, Post-Docs and students make an unit conducting research while educating. 11

2 Converged & Special Majors KBSI KRISS KRIBB KRISS KIMM KARI NFRI KOPRI Bio-Analytical 2 Converged & Special Majors KBSI KRISS KRIBB KRISS KIMM KARI NFRI KOPRI Bio-Analytical Science Nanobiotechnology Educational System Ⅲ C O N V E R G E D Space Launch Vehicle System Engineering Nuclear Fusion Technology S P E C I A L Polar Science 12

Educational System 3 Convergence Education Co-Research Ⅲ Team-Teaching Composite a class by more than Educational System 3 Convergence Education Co-Research Ⅲ Team-Teaching Composite a class by more than 2 professors from different campuses Co-research by more than 2 campuses Share the latest S&T trends and information 55 lectures were open as team-teaching in 2013 Leading Convergence Conferences composed of professors from various campuses - Go across boundaries of fields Currently, 12 conferences are operated Cross-Campus Lab. -Rotation among GRIs, industries and universities is mandatory. -Students will have various experiences -as of April, 2013, 37% of the students are participating. Lab-Rotation 13

Educational System 4 Stable Educational Environment Ⅲ Medical Check-up Support for Study Abroad Students Educational System 4 Stable Educational Environment Ⅲ Medical Check-up Support for Study Abroad Students Insurance Family Event Celebration Psycho Therapy Students Welfare Study Abroad Intl. Academic Exchange Post-Doc Abroad Tablet PC Rental Students Award Etc. UST Thesis Award Alumni of the Year Thesis Dissertation, Admission Fee Exemption 14

1. Students Research Achievements 2. After Graduation Career [Annex] Majors 1. Students Research Achievements 2. After Graduation Career [Annex] Majors

1 Students Achievements Major Achievements Ⅳ SCI Thesis : 5. 02 | SCI thesis 1 Students Achievements Major Achievements Ⅳ SCI Thesis : 5. 02 | SCI thesis as 1 st author : 2. 29 I. F. per SCI thesis : 3. 68 | Patents: 2. 04 Nature (Dr. Seungsub Bae, Marine Biotechnology) - Sep. 2010. Deep sea micro-organism generates own energy Science (Dr. Boeun Yoon, Neuroscience) - Sep. 2010. Discovery of new function of non-neuron cell Cell (Dr. Dongho Woo, Neuroscience) - Sep. 2012. Neurotransmitter secretion process of astroglia cell Angewandte Chemie (Dr. Jinyoung-Jung, Nano-Bio Engineering) - Jul. 2009. Development of new bio-nano material Neuron(Dr. Tariq Zaman, Neuroscience) - Apr. 2011. Identification of epilepsy mechanism 16

주요 성과 2 After Graduation Career Employment Rate Ⅳ GRIs Private Companies 80. 6% 주요 성과 2 After Graduation Career Employment Rate Ⅳ GRIs Private Companies 80. 6% Public Sector Educational Institution Etc. GRIs Public Sector Private Companies SMB&Venture Educational Institution ETRI, KRIBB, KRISS Korea Broadcasting System, Korea Railway Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, POSCO, IBM Institut Pasteur Korea, Humax Dankuk Univ. , Hanoi Univ. (Vietnam), Univ. of Auvergne(France), King Abdulaziz Univ. (Saudi Arabia) 17

[Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Leading Campus Participating Campus Science and Technology [Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Leading Campus Participating Campus Science and Technology Policy UST Headquarter KIST | KISTI | KRIBB | KAERI ETRI | KERI | KASI KARI | KRICT | IBS Nanomaterials Science and Engineering KIST IBS | KIGAM | KRISS | KRICT Nanobiotechnology KRIBB IBS | KIMM | ETRI Bio-Analytical Science KBSI IBS | KRIBB | KRISS Biomolecular Science KRIBB IBS | KIST | KRICT Accelerator and Beam Nano Engineering KAERI IBS | KIGAM Nano-Mechatronics KIMM KBSI | KERI Radiation Measurement and Radiation Safety KINS KAERI | KRISS Energy System Engineering KIER KITECH Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology KRICT IBS |KBSI | KRIBB Functional Genomics KRIBB KBSI 18

[Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Leading Campus Participating Campus Virtual Engineering KITECH [Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Leading Campus Participating Campus Virtual Engineering KITECH KRRI Construction Environment Engineering KICT KIST Broadband Network Technology ETRI KISTI Big Data Science KISTI KIOM Isotope Geochemistry KBSI KIGAM Neuroscience KIST IBS Pharmacology and Toxicology KIT KIST Advanced Device Technology ETRI KRISS Green Process and System Engineering KITECH KIST Transportation and Logistics System & Engineering KRRII KICT Aircraft System Engineering KARI KRISS 19

[Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Campus HCI & Robotics KIST Medical Physics [Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Name Campus HCI & Robotics KIST Medical Physics KRISS Computer Software ETRI Mobile communication & Digital Broadcasting Engineering ETRI Grid and Supercomputing KISTI Resources Recycling KIGAM Polar Science KOPRI Renewable Energy Engineering KIER Nano and Bio Surface Science KRISS Electrical Functionality Material Engineering KERI Nano Science KRISS Electrical Equipment Information and Communications Engineering KERI Electronic Counter-Measure Communications Technology ADD Electronic Packaging Engineering KITECH Department of Mineral & Groundwater Resources KIGAM Environment and Energy Mechanical Engineering KIMM Chemical Convergence Materials KRICT Information Security Engineering ETRI Geophysical Exploration KIGAM Information and Communications Technology Management ETRI Space Launch Vehicle System Engineering KARI Intelligent Robot Engineering KITECH Radiation Biotechnology and Applied Radioiostope Science KAERI Rare Metals Engineering KITECH Bioinformatics KRIBB Geotechnical & Geo-Space Engineering KICT Bioprocess Engineering KRIBB Knowledge and Information Science KISTI Biological Chemistry KIST Astronomy and Space Science KASI 20

[Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Major Campus Weapon Systems Engineering ADD Railway System [Annex] Majors(79, as of March. 2014) Major Campus Weapon Systems Engineering ADD Railway System Engineering KRRI Petroleum Resources Technology KIGAM Clean Energy and Chemical Engineering KIST Ship and Ocean Plant Engineering KIOST Science of Measurement KRISS Biosystems & Bioengineering KRIBB Plant System and Machinery KIMM Food Biotechnology KFRI Korean Medicine Life Science KIOM Advanced Materials Engineering KIMS Marine Environmental Chemistry and Biology KIOST Advanced Energy Technology KIER Marine Biotechnology KIOST Advanced Nuclear System Engineering KAERI Marine Biology KIOST Quantum Energy Chemical Engineering KAERI Marine Information and Communication Engineering KIOST Energy and Power Conversion Engineering KERI Marine Environmental System Science KIOST Energy and Environmental Engineering KIST Nuclear Nonproliferation Engineering KINAC Radiological Cancer Medicine KIRAMS Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Science NFRI Satellite Systems & Applications Engineering KARI Biomedical Engineering KIST Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry KRICT 21