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2012 e-Government – frameworks and services Arvo Ott, Ph. D, arvo. ott@ega. ee e-Governance Academy www. ega. ee
What are we? • We are non-profit, non-government organization working in private law founded as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (June 2002) between – UNDP (Bratislava), – OSI (Budapest) and – Estonian government (Ministry of Economy and Communication) to facilitate the knowledge creation and knowledge transfer on e-governance. • EGA formally founded December 2002
E-Governance Academy - Programs • • • Central e-government program 2002 Local and regional e-governance program 2005 e. Democracy program 2004 ICT in education 2004 Mobile governance 2008 Geographic Information Systems in public administration - 2008 • e. Government in the field of Social Security – 2008 • Cyber security – policies and frameworks…
E-Estonia • 76 % of population are Internet users • 63 % of the households have a computer at home, 82 % of home computers connected to Internet. • over 700 Public Internet Access Points in Estonia, 51 per 100 000 people. • More than 1 100 000 smart-card type IDcards issued • 92% (citizens) of tax declarations were edeclarations (2010), 97% businesses • 1 place in Internet Banking – (next are Norway, Nederlands, New Zealand…. Finland in the 6 th place) • 18 th (all 134) place in Network Readiness index, 3 th in e. Gov, 1 in e. Gov services (Global IT Report 2008 -2009 for World Economic Forum)
E-Estonia • In August 2000, the Government of Estonia changed its Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based document system.
Balanced e-Governance Combination of electronic services and participatory services e- GOVERNMENT Transaction of user-oriented services offered by government that are based on information and communication technologies. e-DEMOCRACY Digitally conveyed information (transparency) and the political influence (participation) exerted by citizens and business on the opinionforming processes of public – state and non-state –institutions
e. Government example: Parental benefit – best e. Gov service in 2004 (interoperability of 5 information systems from 5 goverment institutions)
e. Participation example: EVoting in Estonia (140 8 46 evoters in 2011!)
Driving forces of e. Gov • Stable and functioning organizational setup for coordination. • Leadership and political will. • Fixed info-political principles. • PPP, good telecom infrastructure and high level of e. Banking • Supporting legal and fiscal frameworks. • Interoperable ICT architecture.
Framework I N F O R M A T I O N P O L I C Y C O A L I T I O N A G R E E M E N T A C T I O N P L A N Parliament Government Ministries Informatics Council
Example: Fixed info-political principles in Estonia • Citizen (customer) orientation • Leading role for the private sector • Efficient and transparent public sector. e. Democracy and participation. • Functioning model for protection of personal data • Measures against digital divide (ID-cards example…) • Neutrality concerning technological platforms • etc.
Government County Local governments IT managers Representative Ministries Management representatives & IT managers of ministries Subordinate agencies IT managers IT councils of ministries Councils directors ICT work groups of ministries IT councils of counties Local government associations Council representative Informatics Council Representative IC secretariat IT manager Department of State Information Systems (RISO) ICT work groups of counties MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATIONS Informatics Centre
State Chancellery / Ministry e. Gov Center (CIO office) ICT work group of ministries ICT work group of regional development • Regulation initiatives • e. Gov budget planning • monitoring of implementation • Interoperability Framework agreements Ministries Reform initiatives ICT Budget CIO-s e. Gov implementing institution IT Businesses project procurement, supervision, implementation systems maintenance end user training
Nature of document Name of Document Nature of regulation Policy and strategy documents e. Gov Strategy, Interoperability Framework Infopolitical agreement, strong recommendation Laws and sub-acts Databases acts, Personal Data Protection Act, Digital Signature Act etc. Compulsory Framework descriptions Architecture descriptions Strong recommendation Interoperability Related Standards Advise and recommendation Documents, digital signature, security, message transfer etc.
Legislation – – Databases Act (1997/ 2006) Public Information Act (2001) Digital Signatures Act (2000) Act on Intellectual Property (applicable also for state databases) – Principles of Estonian Information Policy (1998, 2004) – Action Plan of Estonian Information Policy – (e. Estonia) (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. . . ) – Personal Data Protection Act (1996)
Governmental Registries • Many registries, all very different, managed and developed by different organizations and financed separately • Very many users, most of them are very small organizations without security knowledge and with a very small IT budget • Very high security requirements. Registries contain personal data that is in some cases used to make high value decisions and in some cases needed in real time
Service Points VISION Ministries E- Gov Center: -strategy -budget -regulation -training Shared, services infrastructure, portal, interoperability architecture, e. ID, payment gateway etc. More and better services, More locations, 24/7, smaller Government, lower costs
110 DB Case: Estonia 550 org. ~ 400 000 2010 45 000 ~ 13 April www. ega. ee 5 1, 100, 000 500 DB
Authentication for Interoperability Framework: ü ü ü ü passwords Cryptographic smartcard ID-card Mobile-ID software certificates PIN calculators federated authentication (authentication service providers) Parameters: • security level of the authentication scheme • associated costs • ease of deployment
ICT Infrastructure (example): • PKI • National chip-based Identity Cards Issuing authority: Estonian Citizenship and Migration Board Service contractor: TRÜB Switzerland Start of issue: January 1, 2002 Conformance with: ICAO Doc. 9303 part 3 Inside 16 Kb RSA crypto chip are : 2 private keys; authentication certificate; digital signature certificate; personal data file
ID card as key • ID-card is key component – e-police – e-health record – e-school – e-elections –. . .
ID card based public transportation tickets Phone/GSM Internet bank Population register ID-tickets Service points ID-card is used to purchase ID-ticket and on validation
Thank you for your attention! Arvo Ott, Ph. D Director e. Governance Academy arvo. ott@ega. ee www. ega. ee