Скачать презентацию 2011 SYA Warriors Lady Warriors Lacrosse Player-Parent Скачать презентацию 2011 SYA Warriors Lady Warriors Lacrosse Player-Parent


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2011 SYA Warriors & Lady Warriors Lacrosse Player-Parent Meeting Thursday, January 20, 2011 2011 SYA Warriors & Lady Warriors Lacrosse Player-Parent Meeting Thursday, January 20, 2011

Agenda • Welcome • Purpose – Introduce Ourselves – Provide a Program Overview – Agenda • Welcome • Purpose – Introduce Ourselves – Provide a Program Overview – Answer Your Questions • Player-Parent Briefing – – – – 2011 NVYLL Rule Exception Update Warriors & Lady Warriors Board 2011 Fundraising Player-Parent’s Roles & Responsibilities Coaching Roles & Responsibilities Upcoming Events • Open Discussion/Questions? • Age Group Huddles – age group specific questions?

2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Boys’ Rule Exceptions • The NVYLL uses 2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Boys’ Rule Exceptions • The NVYLL uses the NFHS Rules with these exceptions: • U-17 – No skill levels; ball advancement enforced; 12 minute quarters; 5 goal rule; take out body checks; start/stop clock during last 2 minutes of regulation & OT; 4 minute sudden victory; 2 TOs/half, 1 in OT; Goalies – shin guards OK, arm pads – encouraged; may play high school teams; players must be US Lacrosse members for insurance purposes • U-15 – A, B, and C skill levels – same rules as U-17 except – cannot play HS teams; no need to be US Lacrosse members; ball advancement enforced at A & B levels only • U-13 – A, B, and C skill levels – Same as U-15 -C except – goalies must wear arm pads; ball advancement enforced at A level only • U-11 – A, B, and C skill levels – Same as U-13 except no OT; can have 3 long sticks (42 -60”); upright body checks, no take out body checks; B & C - Stalling shall not be called in the last two minutes; controlled stick checks; no body checks – U-11 B & C, U-9 Full Field - 1 -Pass rule in offensive end of the field. Legitimate passes include any attempt, either completed or attempted in the air or on the ground, towards a teammate. Once one pass is completed or attempted in the offensive end, no other restriction on the offensive team will be in effect until a change of possession or timeout has occurred after which the 1 pass count starts over. If a goal is scored without one pass attempt, the goal SHALL NOT count and the ball shall be awarded to the opposing team at mid-field line. Clarifications: Both the player attempting the pass and the player receiving the pass must be on the offensive side of the field for the one pass count to be satisfied. A pass or clear made from the defensive end of the field into the offensive end of the field does not satisfy the one pass count. A change of possession is considered to have occurred if the goalie has made a save or any defender has obtained control of the ball. Deflected shots or passes are not considered a change of possession. A penalty does not reset the count.

2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Boys’ Rule Exceptions • U-9 – Full 2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Boys’ Rule Exceptions • U-9 – Full Field & Modified Field Skill Levels – U-9 Full Field, 10 v 10; no score; no playoffs; player development; 1 coach on field; running clock; 1 TO/half; penalties are not served – U-9 Modified Field, 8 v 8 (2, 3, 2, 1 goalie), ~½ field, no score, no playoffs, emphasis on teaching, goalie not required, but no shooting barrier permitted – U-9 Modified Field - 2 -Pass rule is in effect anywhere on the field by any player including the goalie. Legitimate passes include any attempt, either completed or attempted in the air or on the ground, towards a teammate. Once two passes are completed or attempted in the offensive end, no other restriction on the offensive team will be in effect until a change of possession or timeout has occurred after which the 2 pass count starts over. If a goal is scored without two pass attempts, the goal SHALL NOT count and the ball shall be awarded to the opposing team at mid-field line. Clarification: At U 9 B, the player attempting the pass and the player receiving the pass may be anywhere on the field for the pass count to be satisfied. A pass or clear made in or from the defensive end of the field (including from the goalie) counts as a legitimate pass. A change of possession is considered to have occurred if the goalie has made a save or any defender has obtained control of the ball. Deflected shots or passes are not considered a change of possession. A penalty does not reset the count. • Eligibility based on age as of December 31, 2010 • Up to 4 coaches allowed on sidelines during games - only head coach speaks to officials

2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Girls’ Rule Exceptions • Eligibility based on 2011 Northern Virginia Youth Lacrosse League (NVYLL) Girls’ Rule Exceptions • Eligibility based on current grade – 9 th graders must be 14 on December 31, 2010, to participate • 7 th, 8 th & 9 th grades – full checking skill level and two modified checking (below shoulders w/ 3 second “held ball” rule) skill levels – B & C • 5 th & 6 th grades – A, B & C skill levels – all with modified checking (below shoulders w/ 3 second “held ball” rule); fast break limitation • 3 rd & 4 th grades – A, B & C skill levels - no checking • 1 st & 2 nd grades – no skill levels - 8 v 8 including goal keeper, 7 field players, ~ ½ field, goalie not required – inverted goal • All age groups - After issuance of yellow card any subsequent – team plays down a player for 3 minutes – coaches yellow creates free shot for opponent • Up to 4 coaches allowed on sidelines during games - only head coach speaks to officials

Warriors & Lady Warriors Update • • • Must recover any outstanding equipment and Warriors & Lady Warriors Update • • • Must recover any outstanding equipment and jerseys from last spring and this fall Current Registration status - 193 boys and 89 girls – 282 total We still need a few boys and girls at all age/grade levels Assessments are held on weekends in February – attend as many as possible, so we get the best look at your abilities Teams will be selected on February 27 – provided all goes as planned Team practices can begin on February 28 The first weekend of games is March 26 and 27 No games will be held Easter or Memorial Day weekends Team and Individual photos will be held on Sunday, April 10, at ECL Home Game Field – E. C. Lawrence Park fields 2 & 3 Practice fields – Mountain View, E. C. Lawrence, Arrowhead Park, Braddock Park? • SYA Warriors/NVYLL Web pages – www. syasports. org – http: //nvyll. org

Gary Flather SYA President Warriors & Lady Warriors Board SYA Office syaboard@verizon. net 703 Gary Flather SYA President Warriors & Lady Warriors Board SYA Office syaboard@verizon. net 703 -815 -3362 Paul Saint Germain Secretary PSaint. Germain@verizon. net -Oversight -Communication -NVYLL Meetings -Discipline -Budget -Field Allocations Bill Hughes Commissioner Ken Murphy Vice-Commissioner 8 meterfan@gmail. com 571 -221 -2499 (C) robert. k. murphy@saic. com 703 -676 -4626 (W) -Oversight -Communication -NVYLL Meetings -Web Page -Discipline -Meeting Minutes -Communication Jim Richbourg Equipment Coordinator Jeff Marciano Team Photo Coordinator Mike Duncan Lady Warriors Coordinator jrichbourg@rwmurray. com jsmarciano@verizon. net duncanmh@cox. net Elizabeth Schultz Merchandise/ Sponsorship Coordinator Kelly Roberts-Estep Snack Stand Coordinator Mark Mohr Coaching Coordinator kmroberts 84@yahoo. com mohrfamily@hotmail. com elizabeth. l. schultz@att. net -Inventory -Storage -Issue -Collection -Schedule -Distribution -Recruiting -Coach Assignments -Communication -NVYLL Meetings Red Bold indicates replacement needed – While no replacements are needed at this time, our Merchandise/Sponsorship and Equipment Coordinators could use assistants. -Snack Stand Merchandise -Warriors Apparel -Allocation of Funds At-Large Board Members Ho Chang yhchang@atcsplc. com Doug Markert dmarkert@cox. net -Support to other Board Members -Coach Recruiting -Certifications -Communications

2011 Fundraising • Goal: Raise money to help with the operation and growth of 2011 Fundraising • Goal: Raise money to help with the operation and growth of Warriors lacrosse – fees, uniforms, equipment, coaches clinics, tournaments, fields, etc. • Warriors Snack Stand – Generated ~ $2, 200 in 2010 – Game day refreshment & apparel stand • Saturdays & Sundays (if support is available) • All parents are expected to volunteer to set up, man, and close the snack stand before/during/after games • Team Apparel Orders – Generated ~ $1, 800 in 2010 – All teams participate – any other team apparel must be board approved – Order forms to be provided at equipment issue and assessments and will be collected by coaches after the first week of team practices (early March) • Warriors & Lady Warriors Sponsors – always welcome

Player-Parent’s Roles & Responsibilities • • • HAVE FUN learning, and enjoy playing the Player-Parent’s Roles & Responsibilities • • • HAVE FUN learning, and enjoy playing the “fastest game on foot” Show respect for coaches, teammates, referees, opponents & parents Pr. ACTice and play like a Champion - Arrive on time and ready to participate Inform coaches of absences as far in advance as possible (practices & games) Assessments are very important (just short of mandatory) for correct skill level placement – “A” team coaches lead assessments – The more a player attends the better the evaluation by the coaches – We understand many are involved with winter sports, that is why we schedule so many assessments – Proper player placement ensures more fun, playing time and a better chance for all to succeed and return to play another season – Final team selection will occur around February 27, then head coaches will contact their players with team practice schedule • • • “A” skill level teams require a complete commitment from Players and Parents – 3 practices per week, Saturday/Sunday games, great competition Treat SYA equipment and uniforms as you would your own. Game jerseys are not to be worn for practice and are not for sale.

Parent’s Roles & Responsibilities • Provide a copy of proof of age/grade to your Parent’s Roles & Responsibilities • Provide a copy of proof of age/grade to your team head coach (not assessments) – • Provide any medical waivers for equipment exceptions – • • Helmet $150 Arm pads $50 Jersey $100 - Shoulder pads $50 - Gloves $50 - Goggles $55 Renting equipment for summer/fall/winter seasons – – – • with practice & game field preparation by manning the Warriors snack stand by being a field coordinator, timekeeper, scorekeeper, statistician, team mom/dad, etc. There is plenty we will need help with Be aware of the non-returned/missing/damaged equipment charges – – – • tinted glasses, special mouth guard for braces, etc. Volunteer to assist your head coach – – • Birth certificate, DMV walker ID, or military ID/report card, school ID, etc. Rental cost is $25 per off-season Spring - $50 ($125 per year) A new $250 deposit check is required for each season Old deposit checks will be destroyed or returned Parents bear the responsibility to return the equipment to SYA within 2 weeks of the end of the season. We will not try to track you down. Deposit checks will be cashed. Those with their own equipment are responsible for making sure it is certified and provides the proper amount of protection. Thank you for your cooperation.

Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Provide a fun, positive learning atmosphere for all Warriors Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Provide a fun, positive learning atmosphere for all Warriors & Lady Warriors and their parents • Improve players’ individual skills and provide a better understanding of the “Team game” – the ball moves faster than our feet – High schools would like us to develop fit athletes able to use both hands • Assist Warriors & Lady Warriors board whenever possible • Pre-season: – Register as a volunteer lacrosse coach at syasports. org • Undergo background check – Fill out NVYLL Code of Conduct (NVYLL) nvyll. org – Head Coach or one representative for each team must attend the NVYLL Mandatory Coaches Meeting – Boys & Girls Rules Review – Head Coach must Complete the US Lacrosse Coaches Education Program – Level I Course – prior to first game – Level II is also available – Confirm age/grade of all players on team via proof of age/grade provided by players/parents

Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Manage Practices: – U-17 - TBD – U-15 & Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Manage Practices: – U-17 - TBD – U-15 & U-13 allocated 3, 2 hour practice slots per week (1/2 of field) – U-11 & U-9 allocated 2, 2 hour practice slots per week (1/2 of field) (U-11 -A may get 3) – One goal per team practicing – All coaches will help line fields • Field lining support from parents during practice is appreciated – Coaches responsible for fines for practicing on closed fields

Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Game days: – 8 game regular season for boys, Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • Game days: – 8 game regular season for boys, 8 for girls – usually Saturdays for boys and Sundays for girls + playoffs if eligible – No make-up games for first rain-out – Arrive early with Game Day Exchange Rosters & Official Rosters – Acts as Field Coordinator during home games if required – Organize parents to man Warriors & Lady Warriors Snack Stand – First game of the day sets-up field and opens Snack Stand • Re-line field (girls), goals, cones, scorers table (Game record sheets, clocks, horn), balls, first aid kit, etc. – Home team provides score keeper & time keeper – Last game of the day tears down field and closes Snack Stand – Report scores, at a minimum, to nvyll. org (great job for team parent) • Pass code access will be provided for each team

Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • End of season – Coaches/Team Mom/Dad responsible for equipment Coaching Roles & Responsibilities • End of season – Coaches/Team Mom/Dad responsible for equipment & jersey collection – Copies of equipment rental sheets and deposit checks will be passed out to all coaches before season’s end • Deposit checks can be returned or destroyed when equipment and jersey is returned in a reasonable condition • Deposit checks will be cashed if equipment is not returned within 2 weeks of season’s end – Collect all equipment and jerseys (ask parents to wash equipment after last game and collect it at the postseason team party) • Jerseys are not for sale and should not be worn for practice, players keep their shorts

Upcoming Events Player Assessments – ELC Field #2, turf (weather permitting) (make as many Upcoming Events Player Assessments – ELC Field #2, turf (weather permitting) (make as many as possible) Times are subject to change weekly. Please check web page often (syasports. org). • U-15 boys: Saturdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26 - 10: 00 -11: 30 Sundays, February 6 & 13 - 11: 00 -12: 30 • U-13 boys: Saturdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26 - 11: 30 -1: 00 Sundays, February 6 & 13 - 12: 30 -2: 00 • U-11 boys: Saturdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26 - 1: 00 -2: 30 Sundays, February 6 & 13 - 2: 00 -3: 30 • U-9 boys: Saturdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26 - 2: 30 -4: 00 • 7 th-9 th grade girls: Saturdays, February 5 & 12 - 1: 00 -2: 30 Sundays, February 20 & 27 - 11: 00 -1: 00 • 5 th-6 th grade girls: Saturdays, February 5 & 12 - 2: 30 -4: 00 Sundays, February 20 & 27 - 1: 00 -3: 00 rd-4 th grade girls: Sundays, February 6 & 13 - 3: 30 -5: 00, Feb. 20 & 27 - 3: 00 -5: 00 • 3 • 1 st-2 nd grade girls: Sundays, February 20 & 27 - 3: 00 -5: 00 • Practice field lining party – Saturday (girls) & Sunday (boys), February 26 & 27, 12: 00 • Coaches Pre-Season Meeting – Sunday, February 27, SYA Office, 4: 00 pm - Final team selections/assignments, practice field allocations • Team Practices can begin Monday, February 28

Open Discussion/Questions? • Thank you for your time tonight and in advance for your Open Discussion/Questions? • Thank you for your time tonight and in advance for your help and support throughout the season. • Please consider becoming a Warriors & Lady Warriors volunteer to spread our community service and make it easier on all of us. The more the merrier. • Go Warriors & Lady Warriors! Chop, Chop!