- Количество слайдов: 73
2011/12 ANNUAL REPORT 17 OCTOBER 2012 Sibusiso Xaba Director-General: Arts and Culture
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Performance overview • Budget and expenditure • Explanation of expenditure per economic classification • Performance against key indicators • Governance and audit outcomes
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance % Spent R’ 000 Administration 212, 459 210, 944 1, 515 99% Performing Arts 594, 631 562, 647 31, 984 95% 99, 418 98, 734 684 99% Cultural Development 140, 471 121, 087 19, 384 86% Heritage Promotion 752, 702 690, 554 62, 148 92% National Archives & Library Services 737, 252 721, 866 15, 386 98% 2, 536, 933 2, 405, 832 131, 101 95% National Language Services GRAND TOTAL
EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance % Spent R’ 000 Compensation of Employees 165, 692 163, 731 1, 961 99% Goods & Services 269, 056 249, 475 19, 581 93% Provinces & Municipalities (Conditional Grant) 569, 934 - 100% Dept. Agencies & Accounts (Cur/Cap) 1, 068, 158 1, 058, 158 10, 000 99% 251, 224 189, 319 61, 905 75% 355 - 100% 12, 258 - 100% 193, 790 158, 951 34, 839 82% 6, 406 3, 591 2, 815 56% 60 60 - 100% 2, 536, 933 2, 405, 832 131, 101 95% Capital Works Gifts & Donations Non Profit Organisations Households Payments for Capital Assets Payments for Financial Assets (Theft & Losses) Grand Total
COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES • 99% of budget was spent as at end of March 2012 as follows: Per Programme Final Actual Appropriation Expenditure Variance Expenditure as a % of final appropriation R’ 000 Administration 71, 904 71, 246 658 99% Performing Arts 7, 668 7, 469 199 97% Nat Language Service 20, 638 20, 336 302 99% Cultural Development 25, 053 - 100% Heritage Promotion 13, 572 13, 510 62 100% Nat Archives & Library Services 26, 857 26, 117 740 97% 165, 692 163, 731 1, 961 99% Total 9
COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES • The 9 Provincial Coordinators dismissed were reinstated. An amount of R 8, 5 million was spent for salaries backdated for 22 months • These employees are deployed in various Programmes in the Department 10
GOODS AND SERVICES • 93% of budget was spent as at the end of March 2012 Per Programme Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance Expenditure as a % of final appropriation Administration 135, 149 135, 060 89 100% Performing Arts 28, 578 27, 717 861 97% 4, 130 - 100% Cultural Development 32, 622 32, 064 558 98% Heritage Promotion 38, 675 32, 369 6, 306 84% Nat Archives & Library Services 29, 902 18, 135 11, 767 61% 269, 056 249, 475 19, 581 93% 11 National Language Service Total
GOODS AND SERVICES • The variance is due to the following reasons: (i) Geographical Place Names workshop focusing on the Act and Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) was postponed and held in April 2012; (ii) Social cohesion summit postponed to July 2012 and (iii) The procurement of flags was delayed due to the delays in the appointment of a service provider 12
PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES (CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES) • 100% of the budget was transferred to the various Provinces at the end of March 2012 as follows: Province 581 Division of Revenue Act Gov. Gazette: Provinci al rollover Total available Actual transfer by National R’ 000 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 80, 974 14, 500 19, 537 115, 011 95, 474 92, 134 22, 877 80. 1% Free State 47, 909 46, 388 1, 521 96. 8% Gauteng 54, 716 55, 297 54, 716 54, 987 310 99. 4% Kwa. Zulu-Natal 45, 401 3, 570 48, 971 49, 361 (390) 100. 8% Limpopo 66, 497 8, 444 81, 337 74, 941 50, 378 30, 959 61, 9% Mpumalanga 66, 497 62, 460 4, 037 93, 9% Northern Cape 69, 900 3, 902 73, 802 69, 900 73, 714 88 99. 9% North West 62, 832 16, 310 79, 142 62, 832 59, 382 19, 760 75. 0% Western Cape 48, 694 - 100% 616, 660 569, 934 537, 498 79, 162 87. 2% Total 543, 420 581 26, 514 6, 396 46, 726 Provincial actual payments Provincial variance % Spent 13
PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES (CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES) Variances by Provinces: Province Actual Transferred R’ 000 Eastern Cape R 115, 011 Actual Expenditure Reason for Variance R’ 000 92, 134 • (COEGA as an implementing agent had challenges with one of their subcontractors which delayed the construction of 2 new libraries) • Construction of Mount Ayliff library was at 90% complete with variance of R 86 thousand • Construction of Tsolo library was at advertisement stage with variance of R 150 thousand 14
PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES (CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES) Province Actual transfer R’ 000 Limpopo 81, 337 Actual Reason for Variance Expenditure R’ 000 50, 378 • • North West 79, 142 59, 199 • Six new libraries planned for construction but could not complete any of the six. The construction of these libraries had started by the end of the financial year. The delays caused by the implementing agent’s late advertisement of the tenders, site handover were only done in November and December 2011. Funds allocated for purchasing of new furniture was not utilized due to incomplete buildings. R 19, 9 million was not spent. R 8, 5 million was allocated for 5 new libraries but was not spent. R 7 million was earmarked for the 5 upgrades was not utilised. Contractors for all projects were only appointed at the beginning of March 2012. 15
PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES (CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES) Province Actual transfer R’ 000 Mpumalanga 66, 497 Actual Reason for Variance Expenditure R’ 000 62, 450 • 3 new libraries were not completed as planned due to : (i) Libangeni (JS Moroka): The contractor has cast the surface bed, but quality does not conform to standard (ii) Perdekop (Pixley) His progress is slow because the contractor does not have capacity to complete the building on time. (iii)Klarinet (Emalahleni): Tender evaluation and adjudication meeting took place in March 2012. 16
PROVINCES AND MUNICIPALITIES (CONDITIONAL GRANT ON COMMUNITY LIBRARIES) Province Actual transfer R’ 000 North West 79, 142 Actual Reason for Variance Expenditure R’ 000 59, 199 The Department could not implement projects identified for the 2011/12 financial year for Swartruggens, Delareyville, Coligny, Lebotlwane and Itsoseng as there were backlog projects that had to be implemented and completed. The Department had a backlog projects dating back to 2009 and were implemented in clusters. Cluster C consisted of Bloemhof, Louie De Beer and Schweizer Reneke. Cluster D consisted of Huhudi and Ganyesa Community libraries. Department only managed to appoint contractors for all projects as the beginning of March 2012 and budget could not be used as this was just a handover phase of projects. 17
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CURRENT TRANSFERS) • 100% of the subsidies paid over to the various Playhouses, Heritage Institutions, Libraries and Pan. Salb Name of Institution Final Appropriation Actual transfer R’ 000 Pan. Salb 56, 119 Total 56, 119 18
PERFORMING ARTS INSTITUTIONS Name of Institution Final Appropriation Actual transfer R’ 000 Artscape 42, 332 Market Theatre Foundation 23, 112 Performing Art Council of the Free State (PACOFS) 31, 092 Playhouse Company 36, 138 State Theatre 37, 109 Windybrow Theatre 8, 888 National Arts Council 68, 485 National Film & Video Foundation (NFVF) 74, 879 322, 035 Total 19
HERITAGE INSTITUTIONS Name of Institution Final Appropriation Actual transfer R’ 000 4, 226 Freedom Park Trust 60, 403 Iziko Museum of Cape Town 53, 920 6, 621 Natal Museum 14, 310 National Heritage Council 47, 323 National Museum 30, 960 Nelson Mandela Museum 16, 630 Ditsong Museum 54, 411 Robben Island Museum 54, 981 Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum Luthuli Museum 20
HERITAGE INSTITUTIONS Name of Institution Final Appropriation Actual transfer R’ 000 The National English Literacy Museum 7, 101 Msunduzi/Voortrekker Museum 9, 835 War Museum of the Boer Republics 6, 737 William Humphreys Art Gallery 4, 941 38, 526 410, 925 South African Heritage Resources Agency Total 21
LIBRARIES Name of Institution Final Amount Appropriation transferred R’ 000 National Library of SA 58, 360 South African Library for the Blind 13, 478 2, 852 74, 690 Community Libraries Grant: Nat Library of SA Total 22
CAPITAL WORKS • 84% of the budget was spent by the end March 2012 Capital Works of Playhouses Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance % Spent 140, 571 130, 571 10, 000 Capital Works of Heritage Institutions 56, 820 - Capital Works of Libraries 6, 998 - Capital Works (Building & Other fixed structures including legacy projects) 251, 224 189, 319 61, 905 Total 455, 613 383, 708 71, 905 84% 23
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CAPITAL TRANSFERS) Name of Institution Playhouses Final Appropriation Actual transfer Variance R’ 000 Artscape 26, 650 Market Theatre 31, 470 NFVF 10, 000 - 7, 580 Playhouse Company 28, 770 State Theatre 13, 210 Windybrow Theatre 22, 891 140, 571 130, 571 PACOFS Total R’ 000 10, 000 24
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CAPITAL TRANSFERS) Name of Institution Final Actual Appropriation transfer Museums & Libraries R’ 000 Iziko Museum Cape Town 7, 994 - Nelson Mandela Museum 1, 826 - SAHRA 47, 000 - Total 56, 820 - 6, 998 - National Library of South Africa Variance 25
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CAPITAL TRANSFERS) • R 10 million (variance) was not transferred due to the fact that the set criteria was not met by NFVF. They have not reported on the 1 st tranche transferred. The funds were earmarked for the pilot of the digital screens. 26
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CAPITAL WORKS/BUILDINGS & OTHER FIXED STRUCTURES) Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance R’ 000 9, 429 4, 000 5, 429 Capital Works of Heritage Institutions 220, 793 165, 301 55, 492 Capital Works of Libraries 21, 002 20, 018 984 251, 224 189, 319 61, 905 Capital Works of Playhouses Total 27
DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES ACCOUNTS (CAPITAL WORKS/BUILDINGS & OTHER FIXED STRUCTURES) Variance Analysis (61, 905) • R 12 million was never transferred to Northern Cape Theatre due to set criteria by the Department. This is one of the 2010 infrastructure Legacy project • An amount of R 49, 920 million paid to IDT and has been treated as a prepayment in the 2011/12. NB: There is a great improvement on the spending of this budget compared to the R 79, 787 million under expenditure in 2010/11 financial year 28
NON PROFIT INSTITUTIONS • 100% of the budget which relates to the subsidies of BASA, Blind SA and the Engelenburg House Art Collection and funds has been transferred as follows: Name of Institution Final Appropriation Actual transfer R’ 000 Business Arts South Africa (BASA) Engelenburg House Arts Collection Blind SA Total R’ 000 6, 225 246 5, 787 12, 258 29
HOUSEHOLDS • Expenditure was at 82% as at the end of March 2012. The detail is as follows: Transfers: Financial Assistance Final Appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance R’ 000 Promotion of Performing Arts 79, 749 64, 474 15, 275 National Language Service 17, 603 17, 576 27 Cultural Development 23, 291 18, 988 4, 303 Investing in Culture 56, 155 42, 000 14, 155 2, 822 - 11, 289 - National Archive Service 1, 215 136 1, 079 Service benefits 1, 666 - 193, 790 158, 951 International Cooperation Promotion of Heritage Total 34, 839 30
HOUSEHOLDS • The variance relates to IIC projects and MGE unspent funds • The Roll Over funds was requested from Treasury of an amount of R 7, 760 million for MGE 2 nd tranches. An approval of R 7, 7 million has been granted by Treasury in the 2012/13 financial year • There are 30 IIC projects remaining with a total amount of R 8, 2 million. Treasury has approved an amount of R 8, 2 million in the 2012/13 financial year • Service benefits (Administration): An amount of R 98 thousand paid for leave gratuity and R 1, 568 million for Claims against the State 31
HOUSEHOLDS (IIC) Name of Project Province Contract Balance amount R’ 000 Bayede Traditional Project KZN Bosele Handcraft Centre Limpopo Celinhlakanipho co-operative R’ 000 375 188 KZN 250 Darling Focus Arts & Culture Western Cape 250 Edan Art & Craft Eastern Cape 250 Flonel African Beauty Free State 187 Glass Bottle Recycling project Gauteng 250 Glengrey Cultural Group Eastern Cape 250 Great Brak River Craft Workshop Western Cape 125 Kwa. Nokuthula Renaissance Western Cape 250 Masikhanye Handcraft Project Eastern Cape 125 32
HOUSEHOLDS (IIC) Name of Project Province Contract Balance amount R’ 000 Nyamezela Cultural Crafters Phakamani Hand Craft Simunye Handcraft co-operative Six Villages Project Mount Ayliff Siyaphambili Arts & Pottery Eastern Cape KZN Eastern Cape Northern Cape 500 250 500 500 250 Siyazama Organisation KZN 250 Siyazenzela KZN 250 Sizosizana Beaders Club Thohoyandou Arts & Culture Thuthuka Project KZN Limpopo Eastern Cape 250 125 250 Umtshezi Arts & Culture Project KZN 250 33
HOUSEHOLDS (IIC) Name of Project Province Contract Balance amount R’ 000 Umzontsundu Community Development Eastern Cape 375 Vukani Cultural Group Eastern Cape 250 Willowvale Community Centre Eastern Cape 125 Woza moya KZN 652 Chiz boyz KZN 125 Sokapase Eastern Cape 125 Imagogeni Woodcarving project Mpumalanga 125 Voices of Cape Town Western Cape 500 8, 152 Total 34
PAYMENTS FOR CAPITAL ASSETS • 56% of the budget was spent. The expenditure include the purchasing of machinery and equipment, IT equipment and heritage assets. The detail is as follows: Final appropriation Actual Expenditure Variance R’ 000 Machinery & Equipment Heritage Assets Total R’ 000 6, 183 3, 376 2, 807 223 215 8 6, 406 3, 591 2, 815 • The expenditure has improved compared to the 2010/11 financial year and 34% has been incurred which include heritage assets 35
PAYMENTS FOR CAPITAL ASSETS • R 882 thousand has been committed for machinery and equipment • Out of R 882 thousand, R 419 thousand approved by Treasury. The DAC will pay the balance from the current budget 36
Programme 1: Administration
PURPOSE: PROVIDE OVERALL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES TO DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO CREATE AN ENABLING ENVIROMENT FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT % of expenditure of approved budget 98% expenditure of approved budget by March 2012 95% of the approved budget was spent by March 2012 % of funded vacancy rate Percentage (%) of approved Performance Agreements (PAs) submitted VARIANCE/COMMENTS Under expenditure due to (a) IIC projects not paid out (b) Capital projects not finalized (c) Social Cohesion summit not executed and (d) MGE projects delayed Funded vacancy rate Current vacancy rate is at None maintained below 10% 9. 5% by 30 March 2012 100% of PAs submitted 96% of PAs submitted to Finalisation of PAs took to HRM by 31 May 2012 HRM longer than planned.
PURPOSE: PROVIDE OVERALL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES TO DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO CREATE AN ENABLING ENVIROMENT FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS % of Annual Assessment reports from the previous year received by HRM before 31 May Achievement of set Employment Equity (EE) targets 100% of Annual Assessment Reports received by HRM before 31 May 2011 All eligible employees were informed of their final assessment ratings and performance incentives were processed in December 2011 Actual achievement: 40% female at SMS. 1. 6% People with Disability None Achievement of the following EE targets -49, 5% women in SMS -1, 8% people with disabilities Partial moratorium on the filling of posts Only priority posts were filled in anticipation of the re-aligned organisational structure % of financial 100% of SMS members None disclosures submitted by disclosed their financial by 30 April 2011 interest.
PURPOSE: PROVIDE OVERALL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES TO DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO CREATE AN ENABLING ENVIROMENT FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHEIVEMENT % of disciplinary cases finalised in compliance with prescribed policies 100% of disciplinary None cases were handled and finalised Approved Marketing and Public Relations Strategy approved by Top Management by 31 March 2012 VARIANCE/COMMENTS Integrated Marketing None and Public Relations strategy presented and approved by Top Management by 31 March 2012 Number of Izimbizo and At least 10 Izimbizo and 46 Izimbizo arranged by None stakeholder 31 March 2012 engagements arranged by 31 March 2012 Number of media arts, Host 4 media briefings 17 Media campaigns None culture, heritage and arts, culture, heritage held. 75 media economic journalist and economic journalists statements and by 30 March 2012 invitations released
Programme 2: Performing Arts
PURPOSE : PROMOTING PERFORMIING ARTS INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Draft Strategy/Policy on BUBPSP developed and implemented Two (2) Bontle-Ubuhle Beautification of Public Spaces Programme (BUBPSP) implemented by March 2012 One BUBPSP was implemented in KZN during COP 17 - November 2011. Integration of existing public art programme initiatives into the bigger MGE public art programme Youth Month plans developed, approved and implemented 1 Cultural programme of National Youth Day supported and 2 Youth month programme implemented by July 2011 The Youth Month None cultural programme was held in Orlando stadium in June 2011. A youth seminar was held at the state theatre and a national youth service programme was held in Mamelodi
PURPOSE : PROMOTING PERFORMIING ARTS INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT Artists placed 50 Artists placed in schools in 50 Artists were in schools two provinces (Western Cape placed in schools - through Artists and Northern Cape) 25 in the Western in Schools (Ai. S) Cape and 25 in programme Northern Cape. Number of arts, culture heritage projects implemented. 3 joint projects implemented in collaboration with DBE (South African School Chorale Eistedford, Train the trainer in Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement, Development and production of arts, culture heritage career guidance publication by March 2012 VARIANCE/COMMENTS None 2 of the envisaged 3 Prolonged joint projects with procurement DBE were processes successfully implemented - SASCE and Train the Trainer projects.
PURPOSE : PROMOTING PERFORMIING ARTS INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Approved Arts, Culture and Heritage Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Strategy. Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Gender Equity Mainstreaming Strategy consulted. The draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Gender Equity Mainstreaming Strategy was developed but consultations have not taken place yet. 2 Women's programmes (i. e. Arts, Culture and Heritage Women's Month calendar of events and Women's Empowerment project) were implemented Staff capacity constraints Programmes for 365 3 Women's days National Plan of programmes Action to End implemented Violence Against Women and Children and National Women's month implemented Delay in finding an accredited shelter
Programme 3: National Language Service
PURPOSE : PROMOTE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF SOUTH AFRICA AND ENHANCE LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Approved South African Languages Practitioners Council (SALPC) Act by Cabinet Legislative processes for promulgation of SALPC Act initiated by March 2012. None Translated and edited documents into and from all official languages and foreign languages by 2012. Translation and editing of documents into and from all official languages, and foreign languages by March 2012 Completed the legislative processes (i. e. submission and Cabinet memo generated) towards the promulgation of SALPC Act. 680 documents were received and translated from English into African languages and vice versa. Functional translation and editing as per client request 233 documents were None received and translated from English to Afrikaans and vice versa: English: 127; Afrikaans: 96 531 documents were None received and translated from Foreign Language into English
PURPOSE : PROMOTE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF SOUTH AFRICA AND ENHANCE LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY INDICATOR Number of developed terminologies on HIV/Aids and Election terms. ANNUAL TARGET Verifying term equivalents in 3 official languages for HIV/Aids and finalising the source-text of Election Terms by 2012. HLT research, Memorandum of development and Understanding with collaboration projects Dutch Language Union supported signed and implemented by March 2012 ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS The term equivalents None for 3 official languages for HIV/Aids project were verified and the source-text for Election Terms project was completed. Declaration (Mo. U), None Mo. A and Programme of Collaboration signed. First call for proposals published by 14 March 2012.
PURPOSE : PROMOTE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF SOUTH AFRICA AND ENHANCE LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Number of 180 students 312 Students were offered bursaries by March 2012 to undergraduate by March 2012 and postgraduate students GENERAL STATISTICS OF STUDENTS IN THE BURSARY PROGRAMME 2011 -2012 Gender Females: 67% Males: 33%
PURPOSE : PROMOTE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF SOUTH AFRICA AND ENHANCE LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY GENERAL STATISTICS OF STUDENTS IN THE BURSARY PROGRAMME 2011 -2012 Home Language Region Free State University: (Xitsonga, isi. Xhosa, isi. Zulu, Afrikaans, Sesotho, English, Setswana, isi. Ndebele, Si. Swati, Tshivenda, Sepedi) Rhodes University: (isi. Xhosa, English, Sepedi, Afrikaans, Tshivenda, isi. Ndebele, Setswana) Free State University: (Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo) Rhodes University: (Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Kwa. Zulu-Natal, Limpopo, North West, Gauteng)
Programme 4 : Cultural Development
PURPOSE: IMPROVE ECONOMIC AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN ARTS AND CULTURE NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY THROUGH MUTUAL BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS THEREBY ENSURING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE SECTOR INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS National Book Week held as an annual event. One (1) National Book Week held by September 2012. Host Moshito Music Conference, Exhibition and Showcase by September 2011. 40 new playwrights trained by March 2012. National Book Week was successfully held from 5 -10 September 2011 None Successful Annual Moshito Music Conference, Exhibition and Showcase hosted. Number of new playwrights trained. Moshito 2011 was None held in Johannesburg from 31 August – 2 September. 30 new playwrights Insufficient were trained. funds/budget
PURPOSE: IMPROVE ECONOMIC AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN ARTS AND CULTURE NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY THROUGH MUTUAL BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS THEREBY ENSURING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE SECTOR INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET Number of programmes supported 3 existing programs and 2 new projects supported: Emerging supported by 30 Creatives, Script to Screen March 2012 indigenous language program, Jewellery Design, Training of young: photographers and art administrators Successful Participation in participation in annual continental events. arts and culture festivals. ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/ COMMENTS None Participated in the International None Cinema Festival of the Western Sahara (FISAHARA); International Art and Craft Fair, Ouagadougou (SIAO)]; Festival of Pan African Music (FESPAM); and Africa Day Celebrations.
PURPOSE: IMPROVE ECONOMIC AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN ARTS AND CULTURE NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY THROUGH MUTUAL BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS THEREBY ENSURING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE SECTOR INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Signed Bilateral and Trilateral Agreements with identified partners by March 2014 Strengthened and expanded continental partnerships. Implementation of Phase 2 of the Rock Art Project by 30 March 2012 Implementation of None Phase 1 was done. Funds of Phase 2 have been transferred to WITS as the implementing agent Implement and 10 agreements and Servicing of service existing Po. Cs were agreements included agreements and Po. Cs. implemented and international partners serviced for India, China, Germany, New Zealand, Jamaica, Argentina, Cuba, France, United Kingdom and Belgium.
PURPOSE: IMPROVE ECONOMIC AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN ARTS AND CULTURE NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY THROUGH MUTUAL BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS THEREBY ENSURING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE SECTOR INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/ COMMENTS Number of events participated in internationally, regionally and nationally None Participate in one Participated in two international events: international event. Venice Biennale took place from 4 June – 27 November 2011. The official opening by Minister took place on 4 June 2011. Eco Design project: Exhibition started in Malmo – Sweden in June and will conclude end of October in Johannesburg.
Programme 5 : Heritage Promotion
PURPOSE: DEVELOP AND MONITOR THE IMPLEMENATION OF POLICY, LEGISLATION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES FOR IDENTIFICATION, CONVERSATION AND PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET Functioning 31 Bursaries and efficient awarded by March heritage 2012 bursaries programme. ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/ COMMENTS 106 Bursaries None Demographics: 16 WITS, 18 University of Limpopo, 1 Monash University, 1 University of the Free State, 2 University of Johannesburg’ 9 UNISA, 8 (5 Universities of Cape Town and 3 Western Cape), 34 University of Pretoria, 1 University of Venda, 12 University of North West, 4 (3 University of KZN and 1 Fort Hare) In the 2011 -2012 financial year 80% were black and 20% white, whereas 62% were female and 38% were male.
PURPOSE: DEVELOP AND MONITOR THE IMPLEMENATION OF POLICY, LEGISLATION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES FOR IDENTIFICATION, CONVERSATION AND PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Number of Legacy Projects implemented and stages of development achieved. Sarah Baartmann Centre of Remembrance completed. The Sarah Baartmann Centre of remembrance has not been completed. The budget has been approved and construction of the Centre will commence during the 2012 -2013 financial period. The Sarah Baartmann Centre of Remembrance is projected to be completed over five years (up until 2015). Architectural design processes are at an advanced stage. Women’s Museum and Development Centre site bought. Department held a meeting with relevant stakeholders regarding the challenges delaying the development of the Women’s Museum. A need to conduct sociohistoric research was identified and this impacted on the time frames. The owner has since developed the identified property into student accommodation.
PURPOSE: DEVELOP AND MONITOR THE IMPLEMENATION OF POLICY, LEGISLATION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES FOR IDENTIFICATION, CONVERSATION AND PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET Number of Legacy Matola Raid Projects Monument implemented and construction begun. stages of development achieved. 1912 Bloemfontein sites costing completed. ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS The construction for the None Matola Raid Monument is almost complete. It will be unveiled at the beginning of next year. 1912 Bloemfontein sites costing has been completed and approved. None
PURPOSE: DEVELOP AND MONITOR THE IMPLEMENATION OF POLICY, LEGISLATION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES FOR IDENTIFICATION, CONVERSATION AND PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET Number of Ncome Project Legacy Projects construction implemented progress. and stages of development achieved. JL Dube Project : Rehabilitation commenced. ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COM MENTS Construction is almost complete. The museum will officially opened on 16 December 2012. None Phase 1 of the rehabilitation completed, i. e. rehabilitated the graves of JL Dube and his wife and grandchildren. None
PURPOSE: DEVELOP AND MONITOR THE IMPLEMENATION OF POLICY, LEGISLATION AND STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES FOR IDENTIFICATION, CONVERSATION AND PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Number of national flags installed in schools. 6 000 national flags installed annually. 3 000 national flags installed. Service provider ran behind schedule thus the project’s deliverables were affected. The National Orders Awards Ceremony was co-hosted by June 2012. None Successful Co-host 1 National Orders National Awards Ceremony. Orders Ceremony conducted by March 2012.
Programme 6 : National Archives and Library Service
PURPOSE : GUIDE, SUSTAIN AND DEVELOP THE ARCHIVAL AND LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RESOURCES OF SOUTH AFRICA SO THAT GOOD GOVERNANCE IS SUPPORTED, SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IS SUSTAINED AND CITIZENS ARE EMPOWERED THROUGH FULL PARTICIPATION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS % of processed input for NAAl. RS’s database and link to National Digital Repository 90% of records received, captured and processed by March 2012. 160% (52 713 of 2 801) of records received, captured and processed by 30 March 2012. More records were captured and processed than received, which means that part of the backlog carried over from the previous years was captured. Number of records registered on NAAIRS. 24 000 forms data 28 841 forms data coded by March 2012. coded by 31 March 2012 Number of records registered on NAAIRS.
PURPOSE: GUIDE, SUSTAIN AND DEVELOP THE ARCHIVAL AND LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RESOURCES OF SOUTH AFRICA SO THAT GOOD GOVERNANCE IS SUPPORTED, SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IS SUSTAINED AND CITIZENS ARE EMPOWERED THROUGH FULL PARTICIPATION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS Successful Annual Oral History Conference cohosted with the North West Province Archives. North West Provincial Archives to co-host 2011 Annual Oral History Conference with the National Archives by March 2012. Conference co-hosted in None Mafikeng with North West Department of Sports, Arts and Culture from 11 -14 October 2011. Number of mini 6 mini-libraries established by 30 March 2012. 24 mini-libraries established. More requests were received than expected. Approved Community Libraries Bill amended and Bill. submitted to Min. MEC. Community Libraries Bill Slow consultative submitted to Min. MEC process. on 29 March 2012.
PURPOSE : GUIDE, SUSTAIN AND DEVELOP THE ARCHIVAL AND LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RESOURCES OF SOUTH AFRICA SO THAT GOOD GOVERNANCE IS SUPPORTED, SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IS SUSTAINED AND CITIZENS ARE EMPOWERED THROUGH FULL PARTICIPATION INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET Numbe of Library 14 new libraries structures established by March and upgraded and 2012 library material purchased 75 existing library structures upgraded by March 2012 ACTUAL ACHIEVEMENT VARIANCE/COMMENTS 13 new libraries established as at 30 March 2012 Delayed procurement processes 56 existing libraries were upgraded Delayed procurement processes 500 000 library 293 559 Library Delayed procurement material purchased by processes March 2012 end of March 2012
REPORT FROM THE AUDIT COMMITTEE • The Audit Committee and Internal Audit Unit were in place and fully effective and five( 5) meetings were held in the period under review • Audit Committee operates in accordance with approved and written Terms of Agreement/Audit Charter • The Audit Committee is satisfied with the quality of the quarterly reports prepared
REPORT FROM THE AUDIT COMMITTEE • The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the Annual Financial Statements with Auditor General and Accounting Officer and concur and accepts conclusion thereof. • The Audit Committee recommended that ongoing attentive focus should be received in the following domains to effect qualitative administration and financial management: Human Resource Management, Supply Chain Management, Infrastructure Management (Facilities) and Monitoring and Evaluation • The Audit Committee also considers the Internal Audit function to be under resourced and can not operate optimally
REPORT FROM THE AUDITOR GENERAL Opinion • Unqualified Audit Report Attention was drawn on the following • Performance information (predetermined objectives). Findings, however, represents an improvement from previous year’s findings • Material misstatements on Annual Financial Statements that were adjusted • Payments not always settled within 30 days after receipt of invoice • Inadequate systems to prevent Irregular Expenditure • Ongoing investigations by the Special Investigation Unit
UNAUTHORISED EXPENDITURE Financial Year R’ 000 2008/9 41, 769 • The department incurred unauthorised expenditure of R 41, 769, 000 due to funds expended for purposes which were not in accordance with the original intended purpose it was allocated for and no approval from National Treasury was obtained. • Relates to shifting of Earmarked funds from 2010 FIFA World Cup budget during 2008/9 financial year • An amount of R 35 million was however redirected from the Department’s normal activities to the 2010 FIFA World Cup budget in the 2010/11 financial year • The SIU pronounced upon this Unauthorised Expenditure in its final Report • Request for condonation will be directed to SCOPA
IRREGULAR EXPENDITURE Previous Financial Years R’ 000 2006/7 No proper tender process followed to appoint Events Manager for Cultural Programme of 2006 FIFA World Cup Finale. Final Report received by SIU in May 2012. 54, 503 2008/9 Amount appropriated for capital expenditure was utilised to defray current expenditure. Request for Condonation forwarded to National Treasury in May 2010. No response received as yet. 5, 968 2009/10 Establishment of Downtown Studios Music Hub without National Treasury approval. 3, 000
IRREGULAR EXPENDITURE 2011/12 Financial Year R’ 000 Quotations from three suppliers accepted without proof of Tax Clearance Certificate 434 No evidence that preference points system was applied in procuring goods and services above R 30 000 in five instances 1, 139 Supplier listed on National Treasury Database as persons prohibited from doing business with the Public Sector was appointed by the Department 10 Contract signed between a winning bidder and Department did not detail the same service as those specified in the tender specification. All expenditure falling outside the original tender specification was deemed to be Irregular Expenditure 7, 262 Total 8, 845
FRUITLESS EXPENDITURE Financial Year R’ 000 2008/9 Incorrect VAT payments made during 2008/9 financial year. SIU Report received in May 2012 743 2011/12 Interest paid for breach of contract relating to a Service Provider not deemed to have performed adequately in a previous financial year. Court ruling was in favour of the service provider Cancellation fee paid for workshop venue not utilised Total 1, 294 5 2, 042