Скачать презентацию 2008 Summer North American Stata Users Group meeting Скачать презентацию 2008 Summer North American Stata Users Group meeting


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2008 Summer North American Stata Users Group meeting Chicago, 24 -25 July 2008 Using 2008 Summer North American Stata Users Group meeting Chicago, 24 -25 July 2008 Using SPSS files in Stata Sergiy Radyakin The World Bank

How to get the data in? • Use Stata to manipulate the data and How to get the data in? • Use Stata to manipulate the data and read it in • Use the data producing application to export the data in the proper format that Stata can later import • Use specialized conversion software to convert to a proper format • Use another statistical package that supports both formats to make it convert the dataset • Write own conversion program in/as: – Stata (slow, portable) – Mata (faster, portable) – Plugin (very fast, not portable, dependent on Stata’s bit-width) – Standalone (very fast, not portable, independent of Stata’s bitwidth) 2

Which data formats does Stata support (as of v 10)? • • Stata native Which data formats does Stata support (as of v 10)? • • Stata native formats (use) ASCII data with dictionaries (insheet/infix) SAS XPORT format (fdause) Data import via ODBC, provided that a required driver is installed and configured • But, no SPSS support 3

When SPSS is available: • SPSS v 14 and later supports exporting data to When SPSS is available: • SPSS v 14 and later supports exporting data to Stata format • SPSS_to_Stata_00. sbs script by Alasdair Crockett is available for earlier releases, requires both SPSS and Stata for conversion Data Services Guides: SPSS_to_Stata Conversion Utility Guide http: //www. data-archive. ac. uk/support/conversionguide. pdf • This can be automated with an. ado wrapper similar to USESAS by Dan Blanchette, which requires SAS to be installed to import data to Stata • These are not “true readers”, since they require SPSS or SAS to be installed (with license costs, etc. ) 4

Specialized Conversion Software • Stat/Transfer – http: //www. stattransfer. com/ – $295 (New unit, Specialized Conversion Software • Stat/Transfer – http: //www. stattransfer. com/ – $295 (New unit, Windows) • DBMS/Copy – http: //www. dataflux. com/Product. Services/Products/dbms. asp – $495 (New individual, Windows) • Both support command line parameters to convert in a batch-mode and thus can be “wrapped” for use with Stata, see e. g. STCMD by Roger Newson (as of July 13, 2008) 5

USESPSS • USESPSS is a new command for Stata to read in SPSS data USESPSS • USESPSS is a new command for Stata to read in SPSS data (*. sav files) • It is a “true reader” – does not require any other software (other than OS Windows) • Free • Implemented as a plugin, with portions of code (e. g. file decompression) written in assembler for performance optimization • Note: SPSS format documentation is not released, and only fragmented information is available in the Internet 6

USESPSS Features • Reads *. sav files originating from both Windows and UNIX versions USESPSS Features • Reads *. sav files originating from both Windows and UNIX versions of SPSS (Lo. Hi and Hi. Lo byte orders) • Supports compressed and non-compressed SPSS files • Preserves variable and value labels • Optimizes data storage types (2 -pass) • Supports long variable names • Automatically renames not allowed variable names and resolves naming collisions • Preserves number of decimals in numeric formats. • Transfers, but does not format date/time variables 7

USESPSS Syntax usespss can be used as any other command in the command line, USESPSS Syntax usespss can be used as any other command in the command line, user’s. do files and. ado programs: usespss [using] “filename. sav” [, clear saving(“filename. dta”) iff(condition) inn(condition) memory(memsize) lowmemory(memsize)] 8

Memory Tradeoff • Stata and plugins share the same address space • As a Memory Tradeoff • Stata and plugins share the same address space • As a consequence, plugins can read Stata’s data directly (if they know where it is located) and call Stata’s subroutines (if exposed). • However, the more memory is allocated for Stata data, the less memory is available to the plugins, because the size of the address space is limited (typically 2 GB on a 32 -bit Windows system). In other words, plugins compete for memory between themselves and with Stata. 9

Memory Tradeoff • Similarly to Stata, usespss attempts to load the whole data file Memory Tradeoff • Similarly to Stata, usespss attempts to load the whole data file into memory; this speeds up the 2 -pass processing (1 st pass – optimization of the storage types, 2 nd pass – actual conversion) • But, when user loads the SPSS data Stata data (if any) is discarded. So Stata’s memory use can be temporarily decreased within usespss. ado • It is important to do this when working with large files, otherwise the plugin will not be able to allocate enough memory to load the SPSS data file. 10

Memory Use Consider the following code: set mem 800 m usespss using “mydata. sav”, Memory Use Consider the following code: set mem 800 m usespss using “mydata. sav”, lowmemory(10) memory(800) Limit, e. g. 2 GB Plugin code Free memory Memory Plugin data 10 m 800 m Stata data Stata code usespss. ado starts Any dataset in Stata’s memory is cleared Stata memory is temporarily set to a low value Stata memory is set to a higher value usespss. ado ends time 11

DESSPSS • desspss is a new Stata command to describe the contents of an DESSPSS • desspss is a new Stata command to describe the contents of an SPSS system *. sav file • does not destroy data in the memory • works much faster than usespss using filename. sav, saving(filename. dta) describe because no optimization/conversion is actually performed, but does not list the variable types (these are determined after optimization) • saves all descriptive information in r() 12

DESSPSS Example Report. desspss using artificial. sav DESSPSS Report ======= SPSS System file: artificial. DESSPSS Example Report. desspss using artificial. sav DESSPSS Report ======= SPSS System file: artificial. sav Created (date): 17 -Jul- 8 Created (time): 22: 4: 0 SPSS product: SPSS-X SYSTEM FILE. SPSS 5. 0 MS/Windows made by DBMS/COPY File label (if present): File size (as stored on disk): 382692 bytes Data size: 381432 bytes Data stored in compressed format This file is likely to originate from a Windows platform ( Lo. Hi byte order) Number of cases (observations): 10000 Number of variables: 10 Case size: 88 bytes -----------------------------------Variables: GENDER AGE MARRIED EMP_STAT B_YEAR WAGE W_HOURS FULLTIME CITY_COD CITY_NAM 13

Demonstration: • Embedded artificially created dataset in SPSS format: Click on the icon opens Demonstration: • Embedded artificially created dataset in SPSS format: Click on the icon opens the SPSS file in Stata if: 1. usespss is installed in Stata, and 2. file assosiation was set: ----------- beginning of sav_file. reg ----------Windows Registry Editor Version 5. 00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. sav] @="sav_auto_file" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTsav_auto_file] @="SPSS Dataset" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTsav_auto_fileshell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTsav_auto_fileshellopencommand] @=""C: \Stata 10 se\wsestata. exe" usespss "%1"“ ----------- end of sav_file. reg ------------- Substitute with the full name of the Stata’s executable • Questions? 14