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2008 Personnel Trends. 2008 Terry Bledsoe March 31, 2008
Terry Bledsoe Chief Information Officer Catawba County Tbledsoe@Catawba. County. NC. gov http: //www. slideshare. net/tbledsoe http: //www. linkedin. com/in/terrybledsoe http: //del. icio. us/Terry. Bledsoe http: //www. facebook. com/people/Terry_Bledsoe/1061492979
Terry Bledsoe Chief Information Officer Catawba County • What is my role? • What do I do? • What is the role of the Technology Department?
IT Job Skills for 2008 What’s hot What’s not • Project management skills and certifications • Security experience • Business process understanding • Communication skills, especially writing and teaching expertise • The ability to manage remote workers and virtual teams • Software development and programming • Quality assurance • Technical certifications Skills in highest demand • • • http: //www. networkworld. com/etm/2007/122007 -etm-jobs-matter. html Vo. IP Unified Communications Convergence Virtualization Security
It’s not about the Internet…. . What is Technology About? It’s not about Email…. . It’s not about Programs…. . It’s not about People. Soft…. . It’s not about the Phones…. .
What is Technology About? It’s about People…. . It’s about empowerment…. . It’s about how they interact…. . It’s about how they work…. .
Systems of People centralized reputation partners collaborators aggregate adapt specialized Self-organizing trust outliers
Kid 2. 0 Worker 2. 0 Personnel 2. 0 Are you left. behind? “Web 2. 0, is disrupting everything. Web 2. 0 is not just adding to the communication mix. It requires a completely new way of thinking” Peter Debreceny, chair of the Institute for Public Relations Gov 2. 0 Web 2. 0 Wikis, Blogs, Social Networks Citizen 2. 0 Voter 2. 0 Technology Disruptive Is not black and white! Are you already there and just don’t know it?
Defining Web 2. 0 – Core Tenets • Shared content • Shared tools • Unbounded dialogue • Cooperate, don’t control • Users add value Imagine That!
Defining Web 2. 0 • Perpetual Beta State • Allows for self organizing groups/ systems – ( the long tail) • Today’s internet makes the citizen an active participant. Will government adapt to Web 2. 0 by design or by default?
http: //www. go 2 web 20. net/
Millennials Average Age - 43 Years
Generational Use of Technology • Boomers – Those who have chosen to embrace technology, use email, as they are exposed to new technology, if they see value to it, they may embrace it. They still like paper. • Gen X – Use e-mail, text-messaging, blogs, instant-messaging, and rely on a combination of Boomer old-fashioned socializing and Millennial social networking. • Millennials – It’s the air they breathe. To be human = to be a digital native (for many of us, this is a paradigm shift)
Generations Help Understand Web 2. 0 Millennials 1977 to 2000 Gen X 1965 to 1976 Boomersis a Web 2. 0 1945 to 1964 reflection of the Matures Millennial Before 1945 Generation. Technology is not a “Tool” for Millennials, it is the very “Foundation” for everything they do. 700 631 600 500 449 400 300 237 200 80 100 0 4 Millinnials 3 Gen X 2 Boomers 1 Matures Average Age of Catawba County Worker - 43 Years
Internal Applications Linked to External
Hardware Software Users Peripherals Capacity
? ? ? Lets hire someone…………
• Matures (65+) are biggest audience • Boomers 2 nd • Age 18 – 34 lowest and decreasing • Minorities have the lowest readership • Before 1965 most households took 2 newspapers, now less than half of the households take 1 newspaper. • Online readership growing
Recruit in the newspapers and you will mainly attract the Boomers……… and will completely miss the ……Millennials
http: //www. careertours. com/
Digital Resumes…. Now that you got their …Portfolios… attention, are you ready for……. …Thumb drives… …Web Pages…
? ? ? What about online applications and online assessments? . . . . Are you ready………………
!! Do Your Homework, Check Them Outl a g e L h it W k c e h C : g in rn a W
Expectations Have Changed • Email • Office Suites • Unified Communications • Web Apps • Security • Public Records/retention/e-Discovery
Ergonomics Where FLSA Appearance Environment Security
Online Training Services Manage Life
? BLOG Are you brave enough to • Employee Information • RSS Feeds • Record of Notification • Feedback (if you want it)
Text Messaging = Powerful Tool • Important announcements like benefit enrollments • Changes in policies • Physical and certificate renewal reminders • Reminders of County Events • Securing resources for an event/emergency
The simple cell phone is a relic Laptops replace desktops personal use / business use The new personal computer…. .
No Well Defined Slots New Tax Laws Old Rules Become Unrealistic Work is an Activity, Not a Place
IP IP/AVL IP Surveillance IP Monitoring IP GPS Locating IPIPIPIPIP….
What is attached to the network? What is the employee really doing? Programs? Stored Data?
Government Attack Trends from 2007 • Government accounted for 26 percent of data breaches that could lead to identity theft. • The primary cause of data breaches that could lead to identity theft was theft or loss of a computer or other medium used for data storage or transmitting , such as a USB key. www. symantec. com/ISTR 2007
? ? ? What about your service providers? . . . . Insurance/benefits……… Are they carrying your employees around on a laptop? . . .
digital picture frames WIFI. http: //www. economist. com/science/displaystory. cfm? story_id=10410912 http: //flickr. com/ http: //www. digiframes. com/related/1017 -4820/Wi. Fi-Digital-Picture-Frames-Sungale-AW 15 B-WF. html
Termination…… • Shut down accounts • Email • Network Access • Phone System • Secure equipment • Secure data stored on remote/mobile equipment • Make sure public record files are obtained • Signed statement that all data has been returned
Implications…… • Realize program and data may reside anywhere in the world • Web 2. 0 applications/concepts are here to stay • Skills needed in Internet application development and interactive user interface • Collaboration – the network indispensible • Be careful choosing applications – must be able to integrate – standards • Be aware of static forms and formats
Implications…… • Applicants and employees will expect more services from government online • Must reach out to the world to get the best employees • Flexibility for all types of resumes and portfolios • Redefine work as an activity not a place • Schedules will need to be flexible • Policies may need to change • Change is accelerating, expected life of devices and skills are unknown • Termination may require new processes
Implications…… • Government records are a big source of identity threat and we must recognize that fact. • Good policies and procedures are needed for all devices. Mobile devices offer additional security challenges. • Mobile devices require special security training. • Training in security practices needs to be ongoing. • Security practices will at times be a burden but users must understand the importance.
2008 CHANGE. Be the change you want to see in the World 2008 Ghandi
? ? ? Questions?
2008 Personnel Trends. 2008 Terry Bledsoe March 31, 2008
Tagged and Shared • Careertours http: //www. careertours. com/ • Catawba County http: //www. catawbacountync. gov/ • Symantec Government Internet Security Threat Report www. symantec. com/ISTR 2007 • Facebook http: //www. facebook. com/ • Google Images http: //images. google. com/imgres/ • Linked in http: //www. linkedin. com/ • Mashable : 70+Tools for Job Hunting 2. 0 http: //mashable. com/2007/07/21/job-hunt/ • Springwise. comhttp: //www. springwise. com/marketing_advertising /new_job_for_online_video_recru/index. php • State of the News Media http: //www. stateofthenewsmedia. org/2008/narrative_newspapers _audience. php? cat=2&media=4 Catawba County does not promote, endorse and is not responsible for content on any of the sites or materials referenced on this page. References are for informational purposes only and the appropriateness is the sole responsibility of the individual viewing.