Скачать презентацию 2008 GT STRUDL Users Group Meeting Training Скачать презентацию 2008 GT STRUDL Users Group Meeting Training


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2008 GT STRUDL Users Group Meeting & Training Seminar Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of a 2008 GT STRUDL Users Group Meeting & Training Seminar Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Composite Structure on a Backfill Hilltop WSRC-STI-2008 -00269 Rev 0 Lisa Anderson, Bechtel National, Inc. Jay Amin, Washington Savannah River Co. June 25, 2008 6/25/2008 1

Overview Scope of Analysis Building Description Analysis Conclusions 6/25/2008 2 Overview Scope of Analysis Building Description Analysis Conclusions 6/25/2008 2

Scope of Analysis 6/25/2008 3 Scope of Analysis 6/25/2008 3

Scope of Analysis Assess feasibility of adding new process to this complex n n Scope of Analysis Assess feasibility of adding new process to this complex n n n 6/25/2008 Building complex constructed in 1980’s Not designed to resist current seismic loads or wind loads Lateral load path is not well defined 4

Scope of Analysis Evaluate the structures for n n n Normal operating dead and Scope of Analysis Evaluate the structures for n n n Normal operating dead and live loads PC-3 seismic loads* PC-2 wind loads* administrative controls will stop process prior to tornado events n II/I concerns* *DOE Standard 1020 6/25/2008 5

Building Description 6/25/2008 6 Building Description 6/25/2008 6

Building Complex Split up for analysis n n n 6/25/2008 Filter Cells and Hold Building Complex Split up for analysis n n n 6/25/2008 Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room (Concrete) Enclosure Building (Steel) Benzene Stripper Building (Composite) 7

Building Complex 6/25/2008 8 Building Complex 6/25/2008 8

Building Complex 6/25/2008 9 Building Complex 6/25/2008 9

Analysis 6/25/2008 10 Analysis 6/25/2008 10

Finite Element Models Create finite element models in GT STRUDL using a model builder Finite Element Models Create finite element models in GT STRUDL using a model builder program n Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Convert Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room to SASSI House Model STRUSASSI n n 6/25/2008 Enclosure Building Benzene Stripper Building 11

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room SBHQ 6 Elements Filter Cells 1: 1 Mesh Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room SBHQ 6 Elements Filter Cells 1: 1 Mesh Hold Tank Room except column support 6/25/2008 12

Enclosure Building 6/25/2008 13 Enclosure Building 6/25/2008 13

Benzene Stripper Building SBHQ 6 Concrete Elements < 2: 1 Mesh 6/25/2008 14 Benzene Stripper Building SBHQ 6 Concrete Elements < 2: 1 Mesh 6/25/2008 14

General Site Analysis Generation of time histories Amplified for hilltop Free-field soil analysis 6/25/2008 General Site Analysis Generation of time histories Amplified for hilltop Free-field soil analysis 6/25/2008 15

Amplified Hilltop Response Spectra 6/25/2008 16 Amplified Hilltop Response Spectra 6/25/2008 16

Horizontal Hilltop Time History Plot 6/25/2008 17 Horizontal Hilltop Time History Plot 6/25/2008 17

Soil Profile 6/25/2008 18 Soil Profile 6/25/2008 18

Soil Profile 6/25/2008 19 Soil Profile 6/25/2008 19

Free-Field Soil Analysis Best Estimate Soil (Upper and Lower Bound not shown) High Strain Free-Field Soil Analysis Best Estimate Soil (Upper and Lower Bound not shown) High Strain 6/25/2008 Low Strain 20

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Analysis Perform Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) on the Filter Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Analysis Perform Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) on the Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room SASSI model n n 6/25/2008 Obtain response at connection points of Enclosure Building Apply response to FEM of Enclosure Building and Benzene Stripper Building 21

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Mode Shapes EW Frequency 26 Hz NS Frequency Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Mode Shapes EW Frequency 26 Hz NS Frequency 28 Hz E-W N-S 6/25/2008 22

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Transfer Functions Fixed-Base Frequency 26 Hz 6/25/2008 Soil Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Transfer Functions Fixed-Base Frequency 26 Hz 6/25/2008 Soil Structure Interaction Frequency 7 Hz 23

In-Structure Response Spectra at Top of Filter Cells 6/25/2008 24 In-Structure Response Spectra at Top of Filter Cells 6/25/2008 24

In-Structure Response Spectra at Top of Hold Tank Room Spectra Amplifies at Thin Wall In-Structure Response Spectra at Top of Hold Tank Room Spectra Amplifies at Thin Wall of Hold Tank Room 6/25/2008 25

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Analysis Perform SSI on the House model n Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Analysis Perform SSI on the House model n Obtain zero-period accelerations at each node Apply as equivalent static loads in GT STRUDL Run GT STRUDL stiffness analysis n n Apply section cuts to obtain demands Compute capacities based on existing conditions Shear wall demand to capacity spreadsheet macro n 6/25/2008 Report demand to capacity ratios 26

Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Shear Demands 6/25/2008 27 Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Shear Demands 6/25/2008 27

Enclosure Building Analysis Run GT STRUDL response spectra analysis n n 6/25/2008 Using the Enclosure Building Analysis Run GT STRUDL response spectra analysis n n 6/25/2008 Using the soil-structure interaction input motion Check ASD 9 code Check ASCE 7 -05 wind loads Report demand to capacity ratios 28

Enclosure Building Mode Shapes EW Frequency 2. 9 Hz NS Frequency 4. 3 Hz Enclosure Building Mode Shapes EW Frequency 2. 9 Hz NS Frequency 4. 3 Hz N-S 6/25/2008 29

Enclosure Building Mode Shapes at Stairwell Occurs at NS Frequency 1. 8 Hz 6/25/2008 Enclosure Building Mode Shapes at Stairwell Occurs at NS Frequency 1. 8 Hz 6/25/2008 30

Enclosure Building ASD 9 Code Check Members in red fail due to seismic F Enclosure Building ASD 9 Code Check Members in red fail due to seismic F factor is necessary 6/25/2008 31

Enclosure Building F Factor The elastically calculated PC-3 seismic responses can be reduced by Enclosure Building F Factor The elastically calculated PC-3 seismic responses can be reduced by the inelastic energy absorption capacity factor (Fμ). 6/25/2008 32

Enclosure Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 107 mph 6/25/2008 33 Enclosure Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 107 mph 6/25/2008 33

Enclosure Building Wind Demand to Capacity Ratios 6/25/2008 34 Enclosure Building Wind Demand to Capacity Ratios 6/25/2008 34

Enclosure Building Shear Comparison PC-2 Wind Base Shear EW 137 kips < PC-3 Seismic Enclosure Building Shear Comparison PC-2 Wind Base Shear EW 137 kips < PC-3 Seismic Base Shear 150 kips PC-2 Wind Base Shear NS 68 kips < PC-3 Seismic Base Shear 112 kips 6/25/2008 35

Benzene Stripper Building Analysis Run GT STRUDL response spectra analysis n n n Using Benzene Stripper Building Analysis Run GT STRUDL response spectra analysis n n n Using the soil-structure interaction input motion Including ASCE 7 -05 wind Check ASD 9 code Report demand to capacity ratios Apply section cuts to obtain concrete demands Compute capacities based on existing conditions Shear wall demand to capacity spreadsheet macro n 6/25/2008 Report demand to capacity ratios 36

Benzene Stripper Building Mode Shapes EW Frequency 3. 9 Hz 6/25/2008 NS Frequency 3. Benzene Stripper Building Mode Shapes EW Frequency 3. 9 Hz 6/25/2008 NS Frequency 3. 0 Hz 37

Benzene Stripper Building Seismic Demand to Capacity Ratios 6/25/2008 38 Benzene Stripper Building Seismic Demand to Capacity Ratios 6/25/2008 38

Benzene Stripper Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 107 mph 6/25/2008 39 Benzene Stripper Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 107 mph 6/25/2008 39

Benzene Stripper Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 6/25/2008 40 Benzene Stripper Building ASCE 7 Wind Loading 6/25/2008 40

Benzene Stripper Building Wind Demand to Capacity Ratios Braces that exceed 1. 0 are Benzene Stripper Building Wind Demand to Capacity Ratios Braces that exceed 1. 0 are qualified as tension members 6/25/2008 41

Seismic Displacements Enclosure Building Displacement Enclosure Wind Seismic NS 0. 18 in 0. 97 Seismic Displacements Enclosure Building Displacement Enclosure Wind Seismic NS 0. 18 in 0. 97 in Vertical 0. 98 in 6/25/2008 0. 26 in EW North 0. 07 in 1. 21 in Stripper Building Displacement Wind Seismic 0. 001 in 42

Conclusions 6/25/2008 43 Conclusions 6/25/2008 43

Conclusions Adequate for PC-3 seismic and PC-2 wind loads n n n Enclosure Building Conclusions Adequate for PC-3 seismic and PC-2 wind loads n n n Enclosure Building Filter Cells and Hold Tank Room Benzene Stripper Building No pounding occurs 6/25/2008 44

Questions? 6/25/2008 45 Questions? 6/25/2008 45