LAW 9000 l Background l SAI Global l Statistics
QL Board l Role l Liaison with SAI l Feedback l www. ql. org. au
Purpose of Survey l Better understand concerns l Identify opportunities for improved service
Survey Process l Sub committee l Questionnaire l 21 firms l Report of Results
Survey Results l Predominant themes l Recommendation
A FEW concerns … l ISO 9001 jargon l Frequency of audits l Price
Jargon l LAW 9000: ISO 9001 l Copyright l Handbook
Frequency of SAI Audits l Guidelines l Briefing new auditors l Consider process l Document control systems -time consuming
Price l Cost of implementation l “Value for money”
Valuable Investment … l “Yes” l Hidden benefits…
Benefits l l l l Uniformity Systems Review Responsibility Addressing Risks Organisational excellence Acknowledgement
Effectiveness of LAW 9000 … l “Very Effective” l Good vehicle l Standard easy to administer
LAW 9000 means … l To staff l To clients
Implementing l l l l Language Schedule Precedents Visits User groups Gap Analysis Consultant Allocate resources
Getting the most out of it … l l l Inclusion Partner “Buy in” Sharing knowledge Audit Marketing Blame process on “LAW 9000”
Amendments to LAW 9000 l Internal audits l Detailed recommendations from auditors l Auditing process shortened/ streamlined l Implementation Plan
Inspections of certified firms l Suggestion l Practice
Networking l QL facilitate networking l Proposal l Issues
Question Time
Where to now?
Thank you to the QL Board Subcommittee for the QL Survey Patrick Fair from Baker and Mc. Kenzie for providing the location and Andrea Foot from Axxia Systems www. axxi. com. au for sponsoring this evening