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2000, 2011, 2012 Why still so much Evil Based on slides from DP Red color slides and different net resources
• Arabian spring 2011 Arab Spring 2010, 2011, 2012… Mankind seeking True Freedom
2008, 2011… Financial Cricis
• Root Cause Fall of Man • For 2000 years there has been lack of 100% spiritually pure sacrifice • Solution 2 nd Coming & Blessing by True Parents
The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall Spirit self Spiritual fall __________________________ Physical self Physical fall which took place through the sexual The relationship between the angel and Eve was the spiritual fall, while the fall which occurred through the sexual relationship between Eve
The whole purpose of Human history war and Religions is to bring the new Adam = The Messiah Spiritual salvation The Messiah Physical salvation Heavenly Kingdom on Earth “CIG” surely will establish the everlasting and He indestructible Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Providence of restoration in Adam’s Family Foundation for the Messiah Foundation of Substance Foundation of Faith On these two foundations, the foundation for the Messiah was to have been established, and the Messiah could have come to Adam’s family (p. 189).
Abraham’s Offering of Isaac Symbolic offering Isaac (burnt offering) After in the symbolic Abraham failedsacrifice his only offering, God a commanded him to son Isaac as burnt offering.
The Foundation of Substance Foundation of Faith (Abel) (Cain) To in establish the foundation forofthe Messiahhad to Isaac’s family, the foundation substance be laid next. For this purpose, Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob,
3. 2 The Foundation of Substance Foundation of Faith (Abel) Foundation of Substance (Cain) Indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature By making the substantial offering, they were responsible to fulfill the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature and lay the foundation of substance.
So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. Halfbrothe rs If Abraham had not failed in the symbolic offering, Isaac and his half-brother Ishmael, in place of Abel and Cain, should have set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature, which had been left unaccomplished by Cain and Abel. Because of Abraham's failure, God, by setting up Isaac in Abraham's position, and Esau and Jacob in place of Ishmael and Isaac, worked the providence to have them set up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature.
As discussed in the Principle, Ishmael, the elder of Abraham's two sons, could not receive God's blessing when Abrahams position a father of faith was passed to Isaac, the second son. Abraham ha made a mistake in the sacrifice of birds and animals but through his determination to restore that mistake he offered his son as sacrifice. In the original dispensation, Abraham was to lay a foundation of faith after which Ishmael and Isaac would lay a foundation of substance: God's blessing would then have been given to Isaac and Ishmael.
Because Ishmael was not responsible for losing his Providential position in Abraham's family, and the blessing that came with it, God's promise to bless him became a commitment to be fulfilled in time. Ishmael, like Jakob, became the father of the twelve sons who became the patriarchs of 12 tribes. These 12 tribes, cousins to the 12 tribes of Israel, were progenitors of the Arabs. The Ishmaelites inherited the burden of a blessing denied, which created a historical base for resentment towards the Israelites. /Esentials of the UNIFICATION PRINCIPLE
1312 BCE(? *) Exodus from Egypt (Moses) Ca 1500 BCE(? *) Canaan 600 AD Islam Gods promiss to Bless Abr. descendents 2000 year Jewish diaspora Palestine 450 BC – 1948 AD Hitler Holocost 1948 Israel Palestine
1948 Israel Wiki: Israel =…. Following the 1947 United Nations decision to partition Palestine, on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared Israel a state independent from the British Mandate for Palestine. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs. Palestine Wiki: Palestine=…used between 450 BC and 1948 AD to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands.
Israeli – Arab conflict and wars
Both Israel and Palestine claim the land ISRAEL CLAIMS • Jewish, Muslim and Christian groups invoke religious arguments for their uncompromising positions. • Contemporary history of the Arab–Israeli conflict is very much affected by Christian and Muslim religious beliefs and their interpretations of the idea of the chosen people in their policies with regard to the "Promised Land" and the "Chosen City" of Jerusalem. • The Land of Canaan or Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) was, according to the Torah (and the Koran, The Table 5: 23), promised by God to the Children of Israel. • According to biblical studies, the Israelites ruled that land from the 13 th or 14 th century BCE to the 1 st century BCE (with short periods of foreign rule), remaining an ethnic majority of the population in the area until the 7 th century CE. • In his 1896 manifesto, The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl repeatedly refers to the Biblical Promised land concept. The Likud is currently the most prominent Israeli political party to include the Biblical claim to the Land of Israel in its platform.
Both claim the land PALESTINE CLAIMS • Muslims also claim rights to that land in accordance with the Quran. • Contrary to the Jewish claim that this land was promised only to the descendants of Abraham's younger son Isaac, they argue that the Land of Canaan was promised to all descendants of Abraham, including his elder son Ishmael, from whom Arabs claim descent. • Additionally, Muslims also revere many sites holy for Biblical Israelites, such as The Cave of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount, and in the past 1, 400 years have constructed Islamic landmarks on these ancient Israelite sites, such as the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Muslims also believe that Muhammad passed through Jerusalem on his first journey to heaven. Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, claims that all of the land of Palestine (the current Israel and Palestinian territories) is an Islamic what that must be governed by Muslims.
Sunni & Shia Muslims Introduction • The division between Sunnis and Shi'as is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. • They both agree on the fundamentals of Islam and share the same Holy Book (The Qur'an), but there are differences mostly derived from their different historical experiences, political and social developments, as well as ethnic composition. • These differences originate from the question of who would succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the emerging Muslim community after his death.
Sunni Muslims • The larger group of Muslims chose Abu Bakr, a close Companion of the Prophet, as the Caliph (politico-social leader) and he was accepted as such by much of the community which saw the succession in political and not spiritual terms. (Sunnis ) • Sunnis argue that the Prophet chose Abu Bakr to lead the congregational prayers as he lay on his deathbed,
Shia Muslims • However another smaller group, which also included some of the senior Companions, believed that the Prophet's son-in-law and cousin, Ali, should be Caliph. They understood that the Prophet had appointed him as the sole interpreter of his legacy, in both political and spiritual terms. (Shi'as ) • Muhammad stood up in front of his Companions on the way back from his last Hajj, and proclaimed Ali the spiritual guide and master of all believers. Shi'a reports say he took Ali's hand said that anyone who followed Muhammad should follow Ali.
Israeli – Arab wars • War of Independence • Sinai War 1956 1948 - 1949 Israel United Kingdom UK France • Six Day War 1967 Israel • War of Attrition 1967 - 1970 • Yom Kippur War 1973 Israel • First Lebanon War 1982 Patch. png SLA Israel against South Lebanon Army • Second Lebanon War 2006 Israel
1948 Korea proclaimed as two states North and South Korea. "In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel. Korea also became independent in 1948. However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation. Conceivably both countries may have become independent at the same time because the physical Israel inherited something from the spiritual Israel, Korea. The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering for 2, 000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins had been forgiven. Therefore, they could return to their original position. The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus returned was fulfilled. Because Jesus' death was indemnified, mankind was able to receive forgiveness and the Lord of the Second Advent could come. ” / 1975 The Turning Point of History S. M. Moon
Hamas • Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni Islamic or Islamist political party that governs the Gaza Strip. Hamas also has a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. • Since June 2007 Hamas has governed the Gaza portion of the Palestinian Territories, after it won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections and then defeated the Fatah political organization in a series of violent clashes. • The European Union, the United States, Canada, Israel and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, while nations such as Russia, Turkey, and Switzerland do not.
Al-Qaeda • Al-Qaeda "The Base" is a global Sunni Islamist militant group founded by Osama bin Laden sometime between August 1988 and late 1989. • It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad. • It has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, NATO, and various other countries (see below).
Al-Qaeda • Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, such as the September 11 attacks, 1998 US embassy bombings and 2002 Bali bombings.
2001 World Disasters • 9 -11 2001
Iraq War 2003 -present 2003 Saddam Hussein dictator of Iraq US Pres. Bush
Al-Qaeda • The US government responded by launching the War on Terror. Al-Qaeda has continued to exist and grew through the decade from 2001 to 2011. • Afghanistan - 2001 • Bush: Iraqi war – 2003 Saddam Hussein • Usama Bin Ladin – killed May 2011
The road ahead! towards Peace
Unification of Religions 3 Abramic Religions Judaism Islam Christianity World Religions united
TF, Sun. Myung. Moon on Terrorism • Together we need to connect everything internally and externally. Even the different kinds of martial arts, Tae Kwon Do and Won Hwa Do, must be unified We must expand the realm of martial arts to block Satan. We have to reverse the realm of incorrect teaching leading to terrorism. Terrorists are like false martial arts practitioners. To reverse this, there must be true martial arts. /2007. 06 • Then we turn our eyes to the conflict in the Middle East. What began as a struggle between religions is now grinding the entire world in a crucible of fear over terrorism and murder. Meanwhile, the Korean peninsula, my homeland, tragically remains the world's only divided nation. It still awaits day of unification with deep longing. By what means can we possibly save today's world, where morality and family values are utterly degraded? /20041213
TF on Terrorism • Three brothers, black brother, white brother and yellow brother must embrace each other and bring love to everyone. This is a very serious time. We must unite together. We committed for 12, 000 ministers to come. We must make a * coalition together and unite and bring hope to this nation. Without this kind of blessing ideas this country will not have any direction. White people should be humble, not be proud. Their power cannot stop these problems. The jet terrorist attack could not be stopped by power. • Now is the time to invite all religious leaders and give them the blessing. Man’s ideas can never solve the problems of war and terrorism. /2001. 09. 18 • The US is 70% white. Maybe it is 30% worldwide. You are white, descendants of the Scandinavians. In reality, not many people like America. If this trend continues, terrorism will take place in the broad daylight, and assets of whites will be taken and given away. I am trying to prevent that from happening, but they don’t understand, and treat me as an enemy. /2001. 02. 17
TF on Terrorism • The rapid spread of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases threatens the very existence of the human race. It is said that there is no safety zone against the HIV virus. A greater terrorism than that over which the entire world is now trembling is before our eyes, allowing us no safety zone. Once contracted, its victims must give up their dreams for happiness, ideals, and life itself. Unless we resolve this catastrophe plaguing our planet, how can we claim that we are world leaders? . /2001. 10. 21 • Only through practicing true love can we become true individuals, true parents, true teachers and true Lords. Only then can we finally become the leaders who can bring about peace on Earth. A life of living for the sake of others is the first gate to peace. • The path to peace ultimately must be based on "Godism" or "Head-Wing Ideology, " the teaching that can reconcile and embrace all sides in a conflict, from the thought to the fruit, by dealing with the starting-point of conflict in the relationship between Cain and Abel.
TF on Terrorism • How can we break the chain of hatred and violence we perpetrate against one another? Returning hatred in response to hatred only leads to more hatred, terror and destruction. This is certainly not the path to peace. We can touch, embrace and educate conflicting parties only by true love. True love that places God in the center disregards national boundaries; therefore it is international. /2001. 10. 20 • The world today continues to agonize over issues affecting all of humanity, such as the threat of war and terrorism, discord among races, antagonism among religious groups and the destruction of the environment. As we enter the new century, it is imperative that we give priority to developing an awareness of our responsibility for bringing about change in the family, nation and world. /1997. 11. 28
? • Old UN Kofi Annan In 2005, published his report In Larger Freedom, a proposal for reform of the UN.
Solution • New UN Internationl Day of Peace
• New UN Solution The era after the coming of heaven that God and True Parents have opened, is a time of dramatic change. As registered citizens of Cheon Il Guk, you have the mission to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing(s) and glory. . Therefore, please become Heaven's emissaries, fulfilling the dual missions of the "peace-kingdom police-force" and "peace-kingdom corps". Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, which is working to establish the position of the "Abel-type United Nations".
• New UN Solution Worthy countrymen and women, if not you, then who, will nurture and protect the Blessed (Unification Church-married) families and this blessed planet Earth that God has given us? Please become true princes and princesses, who live in attendance to God as your vertical True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending the King of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and fulfill the way (path) of a true, devoted child, a patriot, a saint, and a member of the family of God's sons and daughters. /Peace Messages
Final Solution • True Parents Holy Blessing of Mankind 2010
• Ref: • Divine Principle Red Color slides • www. euro-tongil. org/swedish/english/PPT/New_DP_Red_Colour_Slides/ • BBC Introduction on Islam • End www. bbc. co. uk/religions/islam/subdivisions/sunnishia_1. shtml • Wikipedia • Picture various sources Internet