- Количество слайдов: 12
Overview l l European money obtained through the RDPE Four Year Project (2010 -2013) Free TB advice and support to ALL livestock farmers South West Region Only “The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe Investing in Rural Areas”
The TB team Project Manager l Anthony Pope Farm advisors l l l Ian Wagstaff Adrian Chandler Sophie Jones Admin l Elizabeth Shearman
Current areas of work l l Badger surveys General bio-security Testing queries Trading options
Options for TB restricted calves l l l l Shot on farm Sold to slaughter On-farm isolation Selling to approved units Collection centres Restricted markets TB 2 -TB 2 movement
On-farm slaughter l l l This is dependent on calf quality Also dependent on individual farm circumstances. Time of year. Accommodation space. Forage stocks. Labour demand.
Sold to slaughter l l By collection or delivery to abattoir Generally price paid per kg lwt. Must be over 7 days of age. Useful for quick turnover of calves.
On-farm isolation l l l General conditions for isolation Separate shed (airspace) needed and machinery Personal bio-security 42 days to fill the unit Minimum of 120 days + 2 clear tests needed to regain OTF.
Approved TB restricted units (AQUs) l l l Specialist approved quarantine units set up on rearing farms. Can take calves up to 10 months of age. Separate holding number required. Similar conditions required to on farm isolation but can buy from multiple units. Generally pay between 50 -70% of market value.
Other options l Collection centres l Restricted markets l TB 2 to TB 2 holding movement
Recommendations l l Establish more approved units – More competition – better price. More involvement from milk buyers More co-operation throughout supply chain Encourage the restricted markets to help with marketing