- Количество слайдов: 10
2급 WRITING PART 2 [짧은 에세이 쓰기] 실전 테스트 1 Tip: 추가 근거 제시 및 주어진 근거들의 부연설명이 용이한 입장 선택 담당: Jay Baek
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Is living in a house better than living in an apartment? -Advantage 1. have own garden (정원 소유 가능) 2. more private (프라이버시 확보) 3. ? -Disadvantage 1. expensive (비싼 가격) 2. security problem (보안의 취약성) 3. ?
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Advantage 3. safer Living in a house is better than living in an apartment for several reasons. You can have your own garden with a house because you have more land space. You can grow flowers or fresh vegetables. A house is also more private than an apartment. Neighbors are not as close by, so it is more comfortable. You don’t have to worry about disturbing your neighbors with your music or cooking. land space / not as close by = 가깝지 않다 disturb A with B = B로 A를 방해하다(피해를 주다)
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Advantage 3. safer Lastly, a house is safer because you are on the ground floor. If there is ever a fire or natural disaster, it is easy to evacuate and get somewhere safe. For these reasons, I would choose to live in a house. (109 words) ground floor = 1층 If ~ ever ~, = 혹시라도 ~ 한다면, evacuate (a mandatory evacuation order = 긴급 대피 명령)
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Advantage (예시) 3. free remodeling A house would be a better place for living for the following reasons. Since there is more land space in a house, you can have your own garden with your house. Planting and growing flowers or fresh vegetables in a garden would be a pleasant thing to do. Also, a house provides more privacy than an apartment. You would have a lesser chance to hear a knock by a police officer upon your neighbor’s report. a better place for living / a pleasant thing a knock by a police = 경찰의 문 두드리는 소리 upon your neighbor’s report = 이웃의 신고로 인한
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Advantage (예시) 3. free remodeling Moreover, a house can be remodeled more freely than an apartment. An apartment is likely to have more regulations regarding the remodeling. Therefore, I believe living in a house is better than living in an apartment. (110 words) regulation = 규제 regarding ~ = ~에 관련하여
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Disadvantage 3. bad view Living in a house is not better than living in an apartment. There are several reasons why apartments are better. First of all, a house is more expensive. There is more to maintain. You also have to manage your own water, electricity, and gas bills. Second, security can be a problem. Usually, houses don’t have CCTV or a security guard. manage bill CCTV = closed-circuit television (폐쇄 회로 TV)
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Disadvantage 3. bad view Third, a house has a bad view. Houses are low to the ground and only one or two stories tall. Apartments can reach over 20 stories. You can look over the city and have a beautiful view. Because of these reasons, I would rather live in an apartment than a house. (109 words) view = 경관, 경치 story = 층 reach over would rather A than B = B 하느니 A 를 하겠다.
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Disadvantage (예시) 3. built less solidly I would not choose to live in a house. Living in a house is worse than living in an apartment for many reasons. Firstly, a house will cost you more money. Unlike an apartment, a house will have you manage your own water, electricity, and gas bills. Secondly, you have to pay extra attention to the security. Since houses don’t have CCTV or a security guard, houses are more likely to get robbed. have ~ manage = ~ 로 하여금 관리하도록 하다 pay extra attention to ~ = 각별한 주의를 기울이다
WRITING : PART 2 – 실전 테스트 1 Disadvantage (예시) 3. built less solidly Thirdly, houses are built less solidly than apartments in most cases. When a natural disaster strikes, you will feel less safe if you are living in a house. Thus, I would choose to live in an apartment. (110 words) less solidly than ~ = ~ 보다 덜 튼튼(견고)하게 in most cases = 대부분의 경우 when a natural disaster strikes = 자연재해가 닥치면