Скачать презентацию 1968 Election — Nixon Vice President under Eisenhower Скачать презентацию 1968 Election — Nixon Vice President under Eisenhower


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1968 Election - Nixon Vice President under Eisenhower from 19531961. Law and Order “Secret 1968 Election - Nixon Vice President under Eisenhower from 19531961. Law and Order “Secret Plan” to bring “Peace with Honor” to Vietnam “Silent Majority” Spiro Agnew Gov. of Maryland for V. P.

Nixon Hubert Humphrey George Wallace Nixon Hubert Humphrey George Wallace

Nixon Domestic Policy Problems: inflation due to rise of energy costs & unemployment from Nixon Domestic Policy Problems: inflation due to rise of energy costs & unemployment from deindustrialization Nixon: Raise interest & restrict money - “stagflation” “Law and Order” - FBI & Justice Dept. target activists “Southern Strategy” - weaken civil rights measures “New Federalism” - $ to states to dismantle “Great Society” Reshape S. C. -“Burger Court”(1969 -1986) & 3 other conservative judges. Chief Justice Warren Burger

Nixon Foreign Policy Henry Kissinger: National Security Advisor and Sec. of State Realpolitik “Vietnamization” Nixon Foreign Policy Henry Kissinger: National Security Advisor and Sec. of State Realpolitik “Vietnamization” “After a period of confrontation, we are entering an era of negotiation. ” - - Nixon’s 1 st Inaugural Address

The Nixon Doctrine (1969) America will support allies but they take care of own The Nixon Doctrine (1969) America will support allies but they take care of own military defense. America provide economic and limited military aid but no extensive ground troops. Most direct application: “Vietnamization”


Détente with China and the U. S. S. R. Détente = deliberate reduction of Détente with China and the U. S. S. R. Détente = deliberate reduction of Cold War tensions China visit in Feb. 1972 met with Mao & Zhou Enlai Visits Brezhnev in Moscow S. A. L. T. I (Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty) Triangular Diplomacy

1972 Election George Mc. Govern Nixon ran on success of detante George Mc. Govern 1972 Election George Mc. Govern Nixon ran on success of detante George Mc. Govern surprise liberal anti-war candidate George Wallace paralyzed by assassin Sen. Thomas Eagleton V. P. candidate Sen. Thomas Eagleton had electroshock therapy - replaced Democrats maintain control of Congress

Other Foreign Issues 1973 October “Yom Kippur” War - Syrians & Egyptians attack Israel Other Foreign Issues 1973 October “Yom Kippur” War - Syrians & Egyptians attack Israel - Nixon gives $2 billion in aid to Israel for victory OPEC embargo on oil to Israel’s allies Gas shortage - Americans turn to Japanese & German efficient cars 55 mph speed limit & Oil Drilling in Alaska 1973 CIA coup to remove Salvadore Allende in Chile replaced with dictator Augusto Pinochet