Feminist ppt.pptx
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1848 Seneca Falls Convention “A convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman"
1920 Ratification of XIX Amendment The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex
Main goals of Suffragette Movement • • Right to vote Right to serve in government Right to own and control her own property Right to a good education Legal and civil rights as married women Better jobs(sure enough there was no “platform” on that) To be treated equally (sure enough there was no “platform” on that) • Legislation: • 19 th Amendment • Prohibited any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote because of gender. • Passed in August of 1920
The main critic of the first wave is the lack of intersectionality and basically racism within the movement
And that’s all? !
ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT From the 1830 s until 1870, the abolitionist movement attempted to achieve immediate emancipation of all slaves and the ending of racial segregation and discrimination.
Maria W. Stewart • (Maria Miller) (1803 – December 17, 1879) was an African. American domestic servant who became a teacher, journalist, lecturer, abolitionist, and women's rights activist. The first known American woman to speak to a mixed audience of men and women, whites and black, she was also the first African-American woman to make public lectures, as well as to lecture about women’s rights and make a public anti-slavery speech.
Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women held on May 9, 1837 The very first resolution was to agree the convention's purpose which was to interest women in the subject of antislavery, and establish a system of operations throughout every town and village in the free States, that would exert a powerful influence in the abolition of American slavery.
Not a joke, right?
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin • African-American publisher, journalist, civil rights leader, suffragist, and editor of the Woman's Era, founded in 1894 The Woman's Era played an important role in the national African-American women's club movement.
Anna Julia Cooper • American author, educator, speaker and one of the most prominent African-American scholars in United States history. Author of “Voice of the South” (1892)- which is considered a foundational voice of black feminism TODAY
Ida B. Wells African. American journalist, newspaper editor, suff ragist, sociologist, feminist, Georgist, and an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement. She was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. Author of ”Southern Horrors” (1892) and The Red Record (1895) pamphlets, which influence in forming women's and abolitionists activists groups can not be underestimated.
National Association of Colored Women's Clubs • The National Association of Colored Women Clubs (NACWC) is an American organization that was formed in July 1896 at the First Annual Convention of the National Federation of Afro. American Women in Washington, D. C. , United States, by a merger of the National Federation of African-American Women, the Woman's Era Club of Boston, and the National League of Colored Women of Washington, DC, at the call of Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
First president NACW Mary Church Terrell
Features of Second Wave • Closer look at the relations between man and women • Questions of different sexual orientation • Abortion issues (cases of forcible sterilization) • Women anatomy issues (surprise!) • Contraception (there were no information what contraceptive pills do the women bodies) • Rape issues • Variety of women’s organizations • And finally birth of academic discipline Gender Studies (Women’s studies in past)
Movements • NOW (National Organization For Women)- exists till this day founded in 1966. The organization consists of 550 chapters in all 50 U. S. states and the District of Columbia. • Redstockings-radical feminist group that was founded in January 1969. • W. I. T. C. H- Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell, was the name of several related but independent feminist groups active in the United States as part of the women's liberation movement during the late 1960 s • New York Radical Feminists-radical feminist group founded by Shulamith Firestone and Anne Koedt in 1969, after they had left Redstockings and The Feminists, respectively.
Kate Millet and her “Sexual Politics” Attended Oxford University and was the first American woman to be awarded a postgraduate degree with first-class honors by St. Hilda's. She has been described as "a seminal influence on secondwave feminism", and is best known for her 1970 book Sexual Politics, which was her doctoral dissertation at Columbia University.
Betty Friedan and her The Feminine Mystique (1963) Attended all-female Smith College in 1938. She won a scholarship prize in her first year for outstanding academic performance. In her second year she became interested in poetry, and had many poems published in campus publications. She graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1942 with a major in psychology. In 1943 she spent a year at the University of California, Berkeley on a fellowship for graduate work in psychology with Erikson.
Shulamith Firestone and her The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution Attended Yavneh of Rabbinical College of Telshe, near Cleveland, and Washington University in St. Louis before transferring to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she received a BFA degree in painting
Alliance with the “New Left” • Anti-war, black liberation movements etc.
The Nixon Protest 1969 - the protest against election of Nixon as the president of the U. S • Marilyn Webb decided to give speech to announced that “the women of new left”- feminist organization within New Left….
Same happening within the Black Liberation movement 1969 foundation of “Sneak black women liberation movement” to educate and speak with women of color within the communities. Fran Beal was the one of many women actively taking the stages within this communities
Black Sisters United Group With Linda Burnham. As a journalist and activis, the daughter of prominent black Communist Party USA member Dorothy Burnham. She graduated from Reed College in 1968.
Consciousness Raising Groups start evolved Women mostly have been sharing their issues there at the beginning, but the influence of these groups should be underestimated
Miss America 1968 • The protest was attended by about 400 feminists and separately, by civil rights advocates. The feminist protest, organized by New York Radical Women, included tossing a collection of symbolic feminine products, pots, false eyelashes, mops, and other items into a "Freedom trash can" on the Atlantic City boardwalk.
Poetry and literacy was a powerful thing and of course “space for manifesto” of these generation.
Alta Gerreya British-American poet, prose writer, and publisher, in 1969 start feminist press “Shameless Hussy Press”. Her 1980 collection The Shameless Hussy won the American Book Award in 1981. un. Fun facts: • By that time only 6% of published works in U. S was works of women • Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin best known by her pseudonym George Sand (guess why)a French novelist and memoirist has never been published in U. S for almost 90 years
Susan Griffin (born January 26, 1943) is an eco-feminist author. She describes her work as "draw[ing] connections between the destruction of nature, the diminishment of women and racism, and trac[ing] the causes of war to denial in both private and public life.
By that time a lot of artist start working with already numerous feminists publishers such as for example Trina Robbins(1977 Inkpot Award, 2002 Special John, Buscema Haxtur Award)
Busting out homophobia within the movement!! • “Why do you treat some women within the movement, as a man actually treat you? !” • The leaders of organizations was freaking out (Betty Friedan of NOW for instance, saying that in “was too soon”) • Many women were excluded even from radical feminist organizations and formed their own movements
In May of 1969, 12 women ranging in age from 23 to 39 met at a Boston feminist conference and began a discussion about health care and their bodies – an event which helped to launch the women’s health movement. Spurred by those discussions, they decided to research and discuss what they were learning about themselves, their bodies, and their health.
Fight for a daycare centers! • Most of the feminist accused in hating man and children- Absolute condition of liberation was the child care centers • In 1971 Congress actually approved a comprehensive childcare act • Short after that president Nixon vetoed it with the words “we don’t want our women like a soviet women, we want our women to take care of our children”
Reproductive justice; Forceful sterilization (specially in Puerto Rico). • Turned out to be a government plan • According to surveys of Puerto Rico residents of 1965, it was found that about one-third of all Puerto Rican women between the ages of twenty to forty-nine, were sterilized. • Provided with the false information about sterilization as a contraception method • Clearly a cause of double standards-if a white women wanted to be sterilized she would need to get through psychiatric expertise and get all necessary statements
1970 “Pill Hearings” in Congress or “Nelson Pill Hearings” • Basically by that time there was no info about the side effects of “birth pills”, while dozens of women experienced all sort of consequences from strokes and depression to their hair falling off (namely cause the huge amount of estrogen) • In 1970, Barbara Seaman a well-known feminist activist brought the dangers of combined oral contraceptive pill use to the attention of Senator Gaylord Nelson with her book The Doctors Case Against the Pill. • Nelson, who at the time was also busy organizing the first Earth Day, called Senate hearings in January 1970 to investigate the problems Seaman's book addressed • Consequently the info of side effects were putted on packs
Short after this events FBI start to tracking women’s groups as these time FBI Director G. Hoover was sure that this groups could be a potential foreign agent (USSR of course)
Women's Strike for Equality • took place in the United States on August 26, 1970. It celebrated the 50 th anniversary of the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, which effectively gave American women the right to vote
Results of a Second Wave • The gap of unequal payment have been reduced (though it’s still remains • • nowadays in a significant number) Numerous jurisdiction precedents of companies being suited for discriminating women on their jobs or in terms of getting jobs Sexual harassment is now exist in a legal framework Abortion is now legal Significant progress being made in studying women body and how it is function Contraception has not become more save, but now there is available info right on the pack Certain changes in academia being made- now there are Women Studies and/or Gender Studies degrees available at the most of American/European Universities (from the point of some activists is debatable in it’s “goodness” thing) The beginning of the modern conversation about sexuality is taking it’s roots from the Second Wave Numerous NGOS working on the gender issues around the world (from the point of some activists is debatable in it’s “goodness” thing)
Thank you for attention! And don’t forget- critical thinking as well as self-critical thinking- the only way to survive ; )