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1828 OCEAN AVE & 1921 OCEAN FRONT WALK PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING City of Santa Monica ESA PCR October 20, 2016 City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
PLANNING PROCESS Community ARB EIR Meeting (August 25, 2016) Concept Design Review Process Planning Commission Hearing to Consider Approval of Projects and EIR Coastal ARB Commission Approval Final Design Approval City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
PURPOSE OF SCOPING MEETING Inform the public of the proposed projects Provide an overview of the environmental review Identify environmental issues for analysis in the EIR process Receive public comments regarding environmental topics, issue of concern, and alternatives to be evaluated City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
PROJECT LOCATIONS City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
EXISTING PROJECT SITES ue en Av an ce O d r va le ou B ico P t e re t S y Ba City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1828 OCEAN AVENUE CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1828 OCEAN AVENUE ELEVATIONS City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1828 OCEAN AVENUE ELEVATIONS City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1921 OCEAN FRONT WALK CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1921 OCEAN FRONT WALK ELEVATIONS City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
1921 OCEAN FRONT WALK ELEVATIONS City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
PROJECT COMPONENTS Use 1828 Ocean Avenue Residential 1921 Ocean Front Walk Units Total – Both Sites 83 22 105 88, 135 41, 779 129, 914 1 tenant – 2, 000 sf 2 tenants – 3, 880 sf 3 independently operated restaurants – 5, 880 sf 1, 250 sf 2, 910 sf 4, 160 sf 750 sf 970 sf 1, 720 sf 277 spaces (incl. 127 Casa del Mar valet) 61 spaces 338 spaces (incl. 127 Casa del Mar valet) Minimum Outdoor Living Area 8, 300 sf 2, 200 sf 10, 500 sf Building Height 47 feet 89, 385 sf 44, 689 Sf Restaurant/Cafes Indoor Outdoor Parking Total Area for Calculation of FAR 134, 074 SOURCE: Project plans current as of October 20, 2016. City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Purpose: to inform decision-makers and the public of a project’s potential physical effects on the environment Applies to discretionary projects Increases public understanding of and participation in environmental review process Discloses potential impacts on the environment Identifies ways to avoid or reduce potential significant impacts through feasible mitigation measures or alternatives City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
CEQA EIR is an informational document that represents “good faith” effort to disclose projects’ potential environmental impacts and identify ways to lessen such impacts CEQA does not deny or approve a project City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
OVERVIEW OF CEQA PROCESS Notice of Preparation (NOP) Extended public comment period (9/13/16 through 10/27/16) Scoping Meeting Prepare & Publish Draft EIR 45 -day public review Prepare & Publish Final EIR Response to comments on Draft EIR Corrections or additions to Draft EIR Planning Commission Considers Final EIR and Projects Certifies EIR If significant impacts, PC must make Findings, adopt a mitigation monitoring program, and adopt Statement of Overriding Considerations City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
THE CEQA EIR PROCESS Prepare/Distribute Notice of Preparation (30 -day review period extended to 44 days) Prepare Final EIR Including Response to Comments Public Scoping Meeting Review of Responses by Commenting Agencies Prepare Draft EIR Planning Commission Hearing Prepare Public Notice of Draft EIR Availability File Notice of Determination Public and Agency Review of Draft EIR (45 days) = Opportunities for Public Input City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
PRELIMINARY SCOPE: ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS FOR ANALYSIS IN EIR Aesthetics (including Shadows) Air Quality Cultural Resources Construction Effects Geology/Soils Greenhouse Land Effects Noise Population/Housing Public Services (Fire/Police) Transportation/Circulation Gas Emissions Utilities (Water/Sewer) Use and Planning City of Santa Monica Neighborhood Mandatory Significance Findings of 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
CONTENTS OF DRAFT EIR Description of the Projects Existing Environmental and Regulatory Setting (baseline) Analysis of Projects Impacts on the Environment Based on CEQA Guidelines and Thresholds and substantial evidence in the record Includes analysis of cumulative impacts Feasible Mitigation Measures, as necessary Analysis of Reasonable Range of Alternatives City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Public Comments on Scope, Focus, Content of EIR Provide comments at tonight’s meeting Form for written comments provided Turn in to staff Mail/drop off to City Hall E-mail comments Comments accepted through October 27, 2016 Comments will be reviewed by EIR consultant and City to ensure that environmental issues/concerns are addressed in the EIR City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
CONTACT INFORMATION Please direct your comments to: Russell Bunim, Associate Planner City Planning Division City of Santa Monica 1685 Main Street, Room 212 Santa Monica, California 90407 Email: Russell. Bunim@smgov. net City of Santa Monica 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR
Q&A/PUBLIC COMMENTS Questions? Public City of Santa Monica Comments 1828 Ocean Avenue/1921 Ocean Front Walk Projects EIR