- Количество слайдов: 24
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Objectives § The survey addressed what it is like to live with new and advanced construction technology with the intention of evaluating the experiences and learning from them for the future. Areas: Italy and Switzerland § Province of Bolzano; § Province of Trento. 15. 03. 2018 7
Methodology The data was collected using two questionnaires that were supplied directly by the client: § The family questionnaire: conducted face-to-face, i. e. read aloud by the interviewer to a senior person selected among the apartment's residents. The questionnaire posed questions to do with the inhabitants and the building, social aspects, well being/comfort and housing satisfaction. § Each family member (or caretaker in the case of a small child) also filled out a personal questionnaire to do with health. 15. 03. 2018 8
Theories § Theory 1: Residents of energy-efficient buildings have higher levels of education. § Theory 2: Residents of energy-efficient buildings appreciate the comforts provided by such buildings. 15. 03. 2018 9
Theories § Theory 3: Residents of energy-efficient buildings are satisfied with the technology. § Theory 4: Residents of energy-efficient buildings are healthier. 15. 03. 2018 10
15. 03. 2018 Killer arguments and opportunities 11
Ventilation Editor: Province of Trento Topic: § Comfort § Energy efficiency § Safety 15. 03. 2018 12
15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 13
Heating and Cooling: Not effective heating Editor: FH-Rosenheim Argument: In periods with low temperatures, it isn`t longer possible to heat all rooms with the ventilation heating system. A additional active heating system is necessary! Refutation: Through the networked ventilation system and a placed measurement sensors the system regulated themself. For example, with falling temperatures in some rooms, the ventilation system can react and readjust the system. 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 14
Not effective cooling Argument: In periods with high temperatures, passive houses in wooden construction tend to overheat. The reason are excessive insulation or missing heat storage capacity! Refutation: Scientific studies prove that by monitoring of various passive houses the interior temperature rarely rose above 25°C. In the study were both wood – and solid construction involved. Helpful Link: http: //passiv. de/07_eng/news/CEPHEUS_ECEEE. pdf 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 15
Economics Aspect Editor slides: Tis Starting from the output of previous work phase, it will be analyzed the construction cost of each buildings and the incidence of single technological components and also high-performance products on the total price. Finally, will be possible to compare the results of different energetic scenarios to establish a percentage difference between the construction costs of two building energy performance classification. At the end, it will be calculated the payback period and break-even -point (BEP) of an investment for the more energy performance building. . 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 16
Economics Aspect § The carried out analysis process the measure of the economic life of this investment in terms of its payback period is 11 years. It means that the capital return per year from the start of the project until the 11 years of accumulated cash flow is equal to the cost of the investment. After that in 19 years it will be possible to have a profit equal to an initial capital § Is it more attractive to buy the apartment in energy performance A or B? Considering that the lifetime of a building is equal to 50 years and reasonable payback time for this type of investment is 25 years, the choice of a real estate in Climate. House standard A rather than Climate House standard B is profitable 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 17
Sad/Unattractive name Editor: ZVDK § Presumed problem: The term “passive” might induce negative connotations to people without professional knowledge about the Passive House concept and philosophy. The “Passive” house refers to e. g. Concept and standard § Promotions and subsidies § ESAP (Energy Saving And Producing) buildings § 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 18
§ Facts, killer arguments, opportunities: Concept and standard refer to the passive heating system. The term “passive” describes the minimum heating effort. The Passive House has also become a label and certificate (“Quality Approved Passive House”) for buildings which achieve a certain standard in energy efficiency. § Promotions and subsidies have raised awareness about the “Passive House”. The “Promotion of European Passive House” introduced the term to several European countries during 2005 -2008. In some countries, Passive House buildings qualify for federal or municipal subsidies. § ESAP (Energy Saving And Producing) buildings take the Passive House concept to the next level. They also rely on efficient thermal envelopes and low energy consumption. Furthermore, they actively produce at least as much primary energy as they consume during one year through heating, cooling, lighting, hot water, ventilation, and all electric appliances. § 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 19
Daylighting Editor: ZVDK § Presumed problem: Due to their function as thermal envelope, windows play a crucial role in the implementation of a Passive House building. As they are constructed usually, they decrease the incoming daylight and quality of view. Important factors are e. g. Architecture § Triple glazing § Thick window frames § Deep reveals § 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 20
§ Facts, killer arguments, opportunities: Architecture, floor plan layout, and orientation of windows determine the use of daylight in a building and each of its occupancy zones. Reflective surfaces or skylights can help to efficiently make use of daylight in the interior. § Triple glazing provides reliable thermal and acoustical insulation. The thickness of the glazing can be reduced with vacuum insulation glazing units. The balance between window surface, thermal values and coatings or tints help to determine a matching window for each orientation. § Thick window frames are used to complete thermal envelope. Overlapping insulation can reduce the frame size and its visible part. As a Passive House is ventilated by a MVHR system, not many opening windows are required, thus, fixed glazing without thick frames can be used. § Deep reveals are due to improved insulation. Reducing the wall thickness, beveling the reveals or increasing the window`s overall size provides more daylight incidence. § 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 21
Daylighting Editor: EURAC § Presumed Problems: o Triple glazing windows of passive houses do not let daylight pass and modify it in an uncomfortable way. o Thick frames block daylight contributions o Thick insulated walls create deep reveals and reduces the angle of daylight incidence. 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 22
Killer arguments and Opportunities § § Triple glazing o Reduction of light transmittance depends on gas filling and coating. Right Balance among window surface, Ug and Tv allows good illumination level. Thick window frames o Reduced by overlapping insulation and window frames or by using fixed glazing. Furthermore high performance products available on the market allow thinner frames. Deep reveals o Reduced by using high performance insulation materials or by using high reflective finishing. Opportunities o Daylight conscious planning: functional distribution of rooms and architectural solutions chosen in a whole building approach, windows size, bright paints, solar tubes, skylights 15. 03. 2018 Overview Results 23
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