1/25/17 1 Enterprise Architecture Implementing
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Описание презентации 1/25/17 1 Enterprise Architecture Implementing по слайдам
1/25/17 1 Enterprise Architecture Implementing an effective Enterprise Architecture From C-suite to the front lines Leo Shuster Director, IT Architecture Nationwide Insurance
1/25/17 2 Enterprise Architecture Disclaimers Many competing perspectives and approaches to Enterprise Architecture exist – this is just one of them There is no single, agreed upon Enterprise Architecture standard Information presented here will not make you an instant Enterprise Architecture expert This presenter should not be held liable for any misconceptions, misrepresentations, or mistakes you make in your organization based on the information presented here
1/25/17 3 Enterprise Architecture The Architecture Continuum Enterprise Architecture (City) Portfolio Architecture (Street) System Architecture (Building)If enterprises were cities… Architecture Continuum
1/25/17 4 Enterprise Architecture & the Enterprise Strategy Fire and hope!Enterprise Architecture Business Operating Environment and IT Infrastructure. Transition Planning. G roup I T A rchit ecture D ef init io n. I nf rast ruct ure D esi gn & P lanni ng. Est abli sh I T Co m pet en cy Ce nt re. End U ser In frastru cture Up grade. In ter- co m pany W AN ( i mpl e. )Out so urce New C ore syst ems. Out so urce H elpdesk and D eskt op Out source n etwork. Ou tso ur ci ng I n iti ati ves. Co mpe ten cy C entre In i tiati ve s. E lectroni c S ervi ce Deli very. D at a W areho use. C usto mer S ervi ce Cent re. R eco gnis e a nd rep ort pr obl em. D iag nos e p rob lem. Es cala te p rob lem. An alys e p roble m. L og P ro blem. C lose pro ble m. U pda te cust om er. Re solv e p robl em. B ypa ss and /or fix. C onfig. M an age me nt. O per atio ns M ana ge men t. Ch ang e M ana ge men t. Call ma nag em ent. O pe ratio ns m an age me nt. Up date cu stom er. Perf an d C apa city m an age me nt. W AN in fra s truc tu re. Intr an et /M ail inf ras tr uct ure. Cu st om er S erv ice. D a ta W a reh ou s e. G ra ph ica l I SB. U. Do cu m en t M a na ge m en t Sy st em s M an ag em e nt M id dl ew ar e. NE TW ORKPl ann i ng / Des ign I niti at iv es. I n frastru ctu re I n it iati ves Ot her. Bu siness Uni t S ystem s. Kios ks. Tel em etr y sys tem setc. In it iat ives fo cused on m igrati ng t o t he new d el ivery envi ron ment. Planni ng/Desig n. Inf rast ructu re. Ou tsour cin g. In it iat ives fo cused on im plem ent ing t he visio n. Planni ng/d esig n. IT Com pet ency cen tr e. Key G ro up Decis io n Point s Architecture Governance. Bus Architecture IT Architecture AEICorpor a te. Yank e e. Gr oup. Sa tur n. G roup. Ya r n. Div is i on. Knit s. Div is i on. S ene c a. Pl a nt. Ral e igh. Pl ant. Ca sh. Man ag e men t. Sh ip pi ng. Acco u nt in g. C o mpo n e nt. De s ig n. Ya rn Bu ying. Ord e r E ntr y. C omp o ne n t. Sc he du l in g Ya rn. Dy e in g I nv e n tor y. As s or tme n t. Pla nn in g. C omp o ne n t. Kni tti ng. T a g gi ng & Packi ng Business Structure Business Locations. Classically, EA is the “planning” function between strategy formulation and delivery… Program focus Enterprise w ide focus Strategy Planning Design and Delivery Change Programs. Soln Outline Macro Design Micro Design Devt, etc. Program Architecture Gr ou p I T Ar chi te ct u re Def in it i on. Inf r ast r uctu r e Desi gn & Pl an ni ng. E st abl is h I T C om pet e nc y C en tr e. E nd Use r I nf r ast ru ctu re U pg rade. I n ter — com pan y W AN ( im pl e. )O ut so ur ce New C or e sys tem s. O ut so ur ce H el pd es k a nd D es ktop. Ou t so ur ce net w ork. Ou tsou r ci ng I ni ti at i ve s. Com p et en cy Cent r e Ini ti at iv es. El ect ro ni c Se rvi ce D el i ve ry. Dat a W ar ehouse. Cu st om er Ser vi ce C ent r e. WAN infra structur e. Intra net/M ail infra struct ure. C ustom er Se rvice. Data Ware hous e Grap hical IS B. U. Docum ent Manag emen t Sy stems Mana gemen t Midd leware. N ET W O R KPl anni ng/ D esig n Ini ti at iv es. I nf r ast ruc tu re I ni ti ati ves. Ot her. B u si ne s s U nit S y st em s. K io s ks. T el em e t ry s ys te m se tc. I ni ti at i ve s f oc us ed on m i gr at ing t o t he new d eli ver y envir on m ent. P la n nin g /D e sig n. I nf ra str uc tu re. O u ts ou rc in g. I ni ti at i ve s f oc us ed on i m pl eme nt ing t h e vis io n. P la n nin g /d es ig n. I T Co m p et en c y c e nt re. Key Gr oup D ecisi on Poi nt s Soln Outline Macro Design Micro Design Devt, etc. Program Architecture G r oup I T A rc hi tec tu re D ef in iti o n. I nf r as tr uc t ur e De sig n & Pl a nn in g. Est abli sh I T Co mpet en cy Cent r e. En d U ser In f rast r uc tur e Up gr ade. Int er — com pany WA N (i m pl e. )O ut sour c e Ne w C or e s yst ems. O ut sour c e H elp desk and D eskt op. O ut so ur c e n etw o rk. Ou tso ur ci ng I ni t i ati ves. Co m pet ency C ent re In it ia t ives. E le ct r on ic S er vice Deli ver y. D at a W a reho use. C ust om er S er vi ce Ce nt re. WA N infr astruct ure. Intr anet/ Mail inf rastru cture Cust omer S ervice. D ata W arehou se Gra phical IS B. U. Docu men t Mana geme nt S ystem s Ma nagem ent Mid dlewa re. N E TW OR KPl anni ng/ D esi gn I ni ti at ive s. Inf r ast r uct ur e Ini t iat i ves. O th er. B u s in es s U ni t S y st em s. K io s ks. T e le m et ry s ys te m se tc. I ni tia ti ves f ocu se d on m i gr at i ng to t h e ne w de liv er y e nvir o nme nt. P la n ni ng /D e si gn. I nf ra st ru ct ur e. O u ts o ur cin g. I ni tia ti ves f ocu se d on i m pl em en ti ng t he v isi on. P la n ni ng /d e sig n. I T C om p et en c y ce nt re. Ke y G r oup Deci si on Po int s Enterprise Architecture = “the city plan” System Design = “the buildings” Strategy = “the city’s purpose & goals”Technology Availability. Business Opportunity Bus Strategy IT Strategy “ Do the Right Things” “ Do the Right Things Right”
1/25/17 5 Enterprise Architecture What is Enterprise Architecture? Simple definition: Enterprise Architecture is a strategy to minimize IT and business mistakes
1/25/17 6 Enterprise Architecture Program Cost focus Value focus. EA is a journey, often non-linear Tactical, opportunistic Strategic, systematic Cost Reduction What do we have? Need all of it? Consolidate to reduce costs? Desire for impact analysis Standardization Develop standards and recommended best practices (e. g. technology stacks, server platforms) Seeking repeatability Encourage IT evolution Focusing on IT scope only Broaden Scope Meet business needs by linking IT to business Managing architectures outside IT Increasing focus on business architecture and business processes Realizing Strategy Develop business strategy Value propositions, capabilities, resources Refine into to-be Compare to as-is Create transition plan Execute Enterprise Architecture has to be treated as an ongoing program that continues to evolve together with the organization
1/25/17 7 Enterprise Architecture Determining Your Path Self awareness Standardized technology Optimized core Pervasive governance EA Maturity. Low High. S trategic Tactical IT / B usiness Im pact. Laying out a vision of the Enterprise Architecture Program’s maturity is one of the most important first steps in ensuring its success and longevity * Based on MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research EA maturity model • Self awareness – Recognizing the problem – IT leadership starts the EA program • Standardized technology – Establishing technology standards – Moving to a shared infrastructure model • Optimized core – Moving from local to enterprise view of technology assets – Standardizing core business processes – Establishing core technology assets • Pervasive governance – Establishing effective centralized EA governance – Federation of
1/25/17 8 Enterprise Architecture Maturity Model • Stakeholder Support and Involvement – The involvement and support of the primary stakeholders – Includes all EA stakeholders • Team Resources – Skills and talent level of Enterprise Architects – Tools and support available • Architecture Development Method – Process to define architecture goals and outcomes – See EA Lifecycle • Organizational Integration – Integration with other processes and organizations • Deliverables – Existence of actionable EA deliverables – Alignment with EA lifecycle • EA Governance – Formally established EA Governance – Broad visibility across the organization • Metrics – Set of clearly defined metrics – Broadly understood and communicated • Stakeholder Perceptions – Perceived value of the EA program by the stakeholders – Indication of success or failure. Many EA Maturity Models exist. Choose the one that works best for you and adopt it. It will provide a prescriptive guidance and define the levers you can pull to maximize EA maturity. EA Maturity Dimensions
1/25/17 9 Enterprise Architecture Starting the EA Journey Gartner recommends establishing and evolving the EA program via six major phases.
1/25/17 10 Enterprise Architecture Lifecycle Create the Enterprise Architecture vision and program structure Document current state architecture Develop future state architecture Create a roadmap of transitioning from current state to future state. Establish and execute governance processes. Develop business case(s) for the initiative(s) identified on the roadmap EA lifecycle is a series of continuous iterations over these phases * Based on Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework
1/25/17 11 Enterprise Architecture EA Governance * Based on TOGAF Alignment • Enterprise Architecture establishes a number of governance mechanisms – Architecture Board serves as a governance body ensuring IT initiatives align with EA – CTO and/or Chief Architect provide stewardship and guidance – Enterprise Architects develop policies, practices, and processes that the Architecture Board supports • Enterprise Architecture and IT leadership ensures alignment with business goals, strategies, and objectives
1/25/17 12 Enterprise Architecture Recipe for EA Program Success The need should be evident (IT inefficiencies, duplication of capabilities, etc. ) Ideally, this should be a C-level exec. Start with highest possible level and aim for C-level sponsorship. Organize and announce the team. Clearly establish scope, charter, and responsibilities. Concentrate on low hanging fruit such as cost savings, platform and capability consolidation, etc. Make all IT leaders responsible for EA success with specific goals and objectives. Formalize all EA governance bodies and processes. Integrate them into all aspects of IT operations. Ensure universal adoption through executive (CIO / CTO) mandates and objectives. Incentivize positive behavior. Make everyone aware why EA is important to them and what value it brings. Concentrate on aligning business and IT strategy once core EA program has matured sufficiently.
1/25/17 13 Enterprise Architecture Keys to Success It is very hard to sell EA on its value alone. While there are many ways to demonstrate value, it is often not realistic enough for executives to grasp. Instead, identify real needs to establish the EA program and focus on showing results quickly. Once everyone sees the value, it will be easy to justify continuing investment. Frequently publish metrics to demonstrate progress.
1/25/17 14 Enterprise Architecture Designing an Effective EA Program From centralization to federation • Centralize at first to accelerate maturity – Establish a central EA team – Define and enhance all the EA processes – Pragmatically and systematically drive EA adoption • Exercise EA governance cautiously – Establish an Architecture Review Board – Slowly increase its scope and influence • Plan for federation – Ensure all the processes and structures can be easily federated when needed • Federate when enterprise is ready – Pull the trigger when the enterprise is mature enough for federation – This typically happens when EA is universally accepted and is not questioned • Align Enterprise Architects with business units – Absorb Portfolio Architecture functions – Ensure clear alignment between EA and Portfolio Architecture • Maintain governance and planning functions centrally – Keep Architecture Review Board as a central governance body
1/25/17 15 Enterprise Architecture Designing an Effective EA Program CIO CTO / Chief Architect EA Team Division CIO Division Architecture Team. Reports to. Small / medium organizations and early in large enterprises Influences. Reports to CIO CTO / Chief Architect EA Team Division CIO Division CTOReports to. Large mature enterprises Influences Reports to Lo. B Architecture Team Reports to. Influences All EA functions are managed and delivered centrally EA functions are federated. EA owns governance. Delivery decisions are made locally. Architecture Board. Sponsors
1/25/17 16 Enterprise Architecture Achieving Success EA is universally accepted Everyone (from executives to developers) believe in EA vision, mission, and purpose EA Governance is invisible yet omnipresent EA processes are tightly woven into the IT fabric A system to incentivize positive behavior and penalize negative behavior is in place Everyone understand their role and value they bring to EAThe success of an Enterprise Architecture program is hard to measure in objective terms. It is not just how much savings was achieved, what percentage of enterprise was modeled, how many roadmaps were created, etc. The primary indicator of success is the degree of change in the company’s culture. Below are the signs of what a successful Enterprise Architecture program looks and feels like.
1/25/17 Enterprise Architecture Q &
1/25/17 18 Enterprise Architecture About the Author. About • Leo Shuster directed IT Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, and SOA for a number of organizations including Nationwide Insurance, National City Corporation, and Ohio Savings Bank • Presented on Enterprise Architecture, SOA, BPM, and related topics at a number of events and conferences • MS in Computer Science and Engineering from Case Western Reserve University and MBA from Cleveland State University Publications • Blog: htp: //leoshuster. blogspot. com • SOA Governance Book with Thomas Erl: htp: //www. amazon. com/SOA-Governance-Governing-Premise-Service-Oriented/dp/0138156751 • Service-Driven Approaches to Architecture and Enterprise Integration Book: htp: //www. igi-global. com/book/service-driven-approaches-architecture-enterprise/74192 Contact Info • E-mail: leo@incipientech. com • Linked. In: htp: //www. linkedin. com/in/leoshuster