Скачать презентацию 12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Diary Date Скачать презентацию 12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Diary Date


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12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Diary Date News Calling all Parents…… We need 12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Diary Date News Calling all Parents…… We need a number of parent volunteers for the Royal Norfolk Show event. On Thursday 29 th June. Please register your interest with the office. We particularly need men to volunteer. Last year, we didn’t have a male appropriate adult to chaperone the boys to the toilet facilities. It’s beneficial for the school to have a good mix of helpers. Don’t Forget Joe Roebuck is visiting the school On Monday 15 th May. ALL children must bring in their PE Kits. Wristbands are on sale. Blue are £ 1 and red (including signature) are £ 3 Head injury forms With immediate effect we will adopt the new wristband system should your child bang their head. PLEASE return the slips to confirm you have read the letter sent. Mon 15 th May – Joe Roebuck and Team to complete fitness course with all children and Q & A assembly afterwards. Wed 17 th May – Whole School “pop-up” planetarium. Thur 18 th May –Residential meeting for parents of Yr 4, 5 and 6 Tue 23 rd May - Yr 3 & 4 Golf tournament for selected pupils. Wed 24 th May - Kwik Cricket Yr 4 5 and 6 selected pupils Friday 26 th May - Final Instalment due for the Residential trip to How Hill It is with real sadness That we will be saying Goodbye to Catherine Jones on Friday 26 th May. She works as an MSA on Mondays and is our school cook on Fridays. She is going on to pastures new and we wish her all the very best for the future. Nikki Battisson is increasing her working hours to accommodate this. Certificate Corner We like to give credit where credit is due and Certificate Corner is an ideal opportunity for teachers to give extra special recognition. Bittern. Well Done to: Freddy S and Kayden W Harriers. Well Done to; Imogen B and Ava H Kestrels Well done to: Ruby H and Holly L Hawks Well Done to : Sebastian M-D

12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Message from the Head Over the last 2 12 th May 2017 Seething Skylark Message from the Head Over the last 2 weeks we have received requests for term time holidays from numerous families. This is very disappointing after the improved attendance initiatives we have implemented over the last year. These changes have resulted in an improvement in our attendance figures as we were previously below National Data. I am in contact with the Local Authority and Sapientia Trust for guidance as to how to proceed with these requests. May and June are particularly busy times for statutory assessment for Years 1 , 2 and 6. However, all year groups have key assessments which are used to complete your child’s end of year report and therefore absence during this period places additional pressures on teachers and may have a detrimental effect on your child’s learning. N. S. p. c. c In assembly today, we had the pleasure of Hayley Kidd from the NSPCC counting all the sponsor money you have raised. We raised a whopping; £ 908. 00 Hayley was hugely impressed and thanked everyone for their generosity. Mrs Appleby thanks all the children for their kindness and caring attitude towards others. Please check out the other attachments with this newsletter. Friends have an interesting update for you to see how your fundraising efforts contribute toward the school.