10 Worst People in History 10th place Delphine
- Количество слайдов: 27
10 Worst People in History
10th place
Delphine LaLaurie LaLaurie was the representative of the upper stratum of New Orleans the first half of the XIX century. And yet, her home was a chamber of horrors. April 10, 1834 at his home in the kitchen caught fire, and firefighters found two slaves chained to the stove. Apparently, this they set fire to call for help. The two firefighters were taken to the attic, where they waited for a real surprise: more than a dozen mutilated and maimed people, chained to the wall or floor. Some were subjected to horrific medical experiments. One person was a victim of a strange change of sex. A woman sitting in a small cage, had fractured arms and legs so that she looked like a crab. And the other woman removed all legs and arms, and the places where they used to be, not sewn, so that it leaves a trail of agony like a caterpillar. Some have sewn their mouths and they were dying of hunger. Another hand sewn to different places on the body. Most of them were found dead, and those who survived, begged them to kill to get rid of the pain. Delphine LaLaurie managed to escape, and she was not caught.
9th place
Ilse Koch Known as the "witch Buchenwald" or "Frau Shade" because of her sadistic cruelty to prisoners. She was the wife of Karl Otto Koch Nazi. But Ilse surpassed him in inhuman disregard for human life, which became her credo. Using her sexuality, she strolled naked through the camp with a whip, and if someone dared to look at her, shot on the spot. Or go for a walk accompanied by a fierce sheepdogs and inciting it to pregnant women and children. The most famous of her allegation that she chose inmates with interesting tattoos, killed them and make their skin shades for your home (although, unfortunately, no evidence of these lampshades found). After the war, she was arrested, and in 1967, hanged himself in his cell.
8th place
Shirō Ishii Ishii was a microbiologist and the lieutenant-general of the Group 731 biological warfare in the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He studied medicine at the Imperial University of Kyoto. In 1932, he began to conduct experiments in a secret project for the Japanese military. In 1936, Group 731 has been formed. Some of the numerous atrocities committed by Ishii: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women), the use of people as human tests grenades and flamethrowers, disease testing, commissioning disguised as vaccinations and immunizations, studying the effects of sexually transmitted diseases by infection with syphilis and gonorrhea via rape . At the end of the war Ishii was granted immunity by the American occupation authorities. And he has not spent a day in prison for his crimes. He died at age 67 from throat cancer.
7th place
Ivan IV the Terrible Ivan the Terrible was the Grand Duke of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and was the first who took the title of king. In 1570, he was suspected of treason to know the Novgorod and went hiking. In Novgorod and other cities near the guardsmen staged massacres and looting. In 1581, Ivan beat his pregnant daughter for wearing immodest clothing, causing a miscarriage. His son Ivan, having learned about it, gave a heated argument with his father, resulting in Ivan the Terrible's son hit on the head to death.
6th place
Oliver Cromwell In 1649-1653 Cromwell participated in the conquest of Ireland, Britain, the result of which became more than 200,000 civilian deaths from hunger and disease, and 50,000 Irish people have become slaves. Cromwell was the personification of nationalism against the Irish in the XVII century. He died in 1658 and his so hated that in 1661, his body was removed from the grave, put in chains in Tyburn. Later, he was dismembered and the remains thrown into a pit.
5th place
Jiang Qing Jiang Qing was the wife of Mao Zedong, China's communist dictator. She managed to reach the highest positions of power within the Communist Party (in fact, it runs the country). It is believed that was the main driving force behind the cultural revolution in China. During this revolution happened ideological stultification of youth, they inspired the idea of the infallibility of Mao. From the youth formed the army, the so-called Red Guards - Red Guards and the Rebels, who killed the old generation or gave them to re-village. During the Cultural Revolution destroyed countless artifacts, antiques, books and paintings. Intellectuals were sent to the camps. Estimates of the number killed range from 500,000 to 3 million.
4th place
Pol Pot Pol Pot was the leader of the "Khmer Rouge" and the Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979. During his tenure, he held extreme version of communist agrarian reforms. All city residents were moved to the countryside to work in collective farms. This was accompanied by malnutrition, poor medical care and executions. Historians estimate that killed around 2 million Cambodians (about a third of the population). Killed intellectuals and other "bourgeois enemies." The Khmer Rouge committed mass executions in areas known as Paul murders. Executed were buried in mass graves. In order to save ammunition, executions are often carried out using hammers, axes, shovels, and sharpened bamboo sticks.
3rd place
Heinrich Himmler He was the creator of the Holocaust and is considered one of the greatest mass murderers in history. Holocaust would not have happened if not for this man. He tried to create a pure race, the Aryan race. After the war he was captured. He unsuccessfully tried to negotiate with the West and was genuinely shocked that he will be tried as a criminal. Himmler committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule.
2nd place
Adolf Hitler Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, he was the "Fuehrer" in 1934. By the end of World War II, his policy of territorial conquest and racial purity brought death to tens of millions of people, including the genocide of 6 million Jews. April 30, 1945, after learning that Soviet troops entered Berlin, he committed suicide by shooting himself while swallowing a cyanide capsule.
1st place
Joseph Stalin Stalin was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 1922 until his death in 1953. Under Stalin's leadership, Ukraine suffers from famine (Holodomor). His scale was so large that it is considered by many as an act of genocide by Stalin. Estimates of the number of deaths range from 2.5 million to 10 million. The famine was caused by direct political and administrative decisions. In addition to this, there is also cleaned in the USSR, to which the Leningrad case and Case doctors. In total, killed up to 60 million people.
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