Скачать презентацию 1 What do you suppose will happen next Скачать презентацию 1 What do you suppose will happen next


  • Количество слайдов: 27

1. What do you suppose will happen next? attack try to hurt 1. What do you suppose will happen next? attack try to hurt

Unit Twelve Lesson 46 Escape from the zoo Unit Twelve Lesson 46 Escape from the zoo

Put the sentences into the correct order according to the story. 7. a. She Put the sentences into the correct order according to the story. 7. a. She rushed to the baby and carried it back quickly. 6. b. The lion jumped off the table and ran to the meat. 5. c. She found a leg of pork and threw it as far as she could. 4. d. The lion jumped onto the table and stared at the baby. 2. e. Mrs. Cousins was cooking inside, leaving her baby outside. 8. f. Ms. Cousins called the police and all her neighbors. 3. g. The lion got into her garden. 1. h. A young lion escaped from the zoo. 9. i. The lion was caught again and carried away in a truck.

1. A young lion escaped from the zoo. 2. Ms. Cousins was cooking inside, 1. A young lion escaped from the zoo. 2. Ms. Cousins was cooking inside, leaving her baby outside. 3. The lion got into her garden. 4. It jumped onto the table and stared at the baby. 5. She found a leg of pork and threw it as far as she could. 6. The lion jumped off the table and ran to the meat. 7. She rushed to the baby and carried it back quickly. 8. Mrs. Cousins called the police and all her neighbors. 9. The lion was caught and carried away in a truck.

“A young lion has _____from Green Park Zoo in escaped southeast London. The manager “A young lion has _____from Green Park Zoo in escaped southeast London. The manager of the zoo said that the young lion would probably not____ people. However, if attack it becomes_____ it might be______. ” dangerous hungry

Mrs. Cousins _______ the radio. Her baby was turned off sleeping cook ____in its Mrs. Cousins _______ the radio. Her baby was turned off sleeping cook ____in its basket. She wanted to _______ some vegetables quickly for lunch. As it was a nice sunny day, she _______ her baby outside and went back _______. carried inside

She went to the window to see if______was all right. everything neighbor's got Her She went to the window to see if______was all right. everything neighbor's got Her ______big dog had _____into her garden, jumped onto the table and was ____at her baby. The looking _______ paler shape dog was ______and of a different______. She was not so sure ______ that it was a dog.

True or False: F 1. Mrs. cousins didn’t realize the animal was a lion. True or False: F 1. Mrs. cousins didn’t realize the animal was a lion. F 2. She did nothing but stand there crying. T 3. She found a leg of pork in the fridge and threw it as far as she could. F 4. The lion showed no interest in the pork.

unable Mrs Cousins stood in the kitchen, _______ to believe what police had happened. unable Mrs Cousins stood in the kitchen, _______ to believe what police had happened. Quickly she telephoned the ____ and gave her address She also telephoned all her neighbors to _______. warn _______ them.

Questions: 1. Who arrived at Mrs. Cousins’ soon? 2. What was one keeper’s suggestion? Questions: 1. Who arrived at Mrs. Cousins’ soon? 2. What was one keeper’s suggestion? 3. Did the suggestion work? 4. What happened to the lion at the end?

escape attack sleep cook arrive give. . . a shot be caught call warn escape attack sleep cook arrive give. . . a shot be caught call warn surprise get into bend find; throw pick up What will be the news coming next?

One possible version: This is Radio Two. Here is the one o’clock news. The One possible version: This is Radio Two. Here is the one o’clock news. The young lion which we reported had escaped from the zoo now has been caught. So there is no need to worry any more. The animal dropped in at Mrs Cousins’ garden, and at that time her baby was sleeping there. Luckily enough, Mrs Cousins found a good way to save her baby. Then she telephoned the police and soon two experts were called in. The lion was caught and carried away in a strong cage.

Further comprehension: 1. Which of following can be used to describe Mrs Cousins? A. Further comprehension: 1. Which of following can be used to describe Mrs Cousins? A. strong-minded B. absent-minded C. quick-minded D. narrow-minded 2. Which of the following can we draw from the passage? A. We should keep calm in time of danger. B. We should know what the lion likes to eat. C. We have to find a good way of catching animals. D. Women shouldn’t leave their children alone.

3. Why does the writer begin with a piece of news? A. Because stories 3. Why does the writer begin with a piece of news? A. Because stories often begin with news. B. To attract the readers’ attention. C. Because readers like news more than the story. D. Because the news can tell the readers everything. 4. “She prefers beef. Still, you’ll know next time, won’t you? ” When the keeper said the sentence above, he meant: A. the lion would visit Mrs Cousins again. B. she should buy some beef in case of danger. C. Mrs Cousins should remember what the lion likes to eat. D. nothing but a joke.

The structure of a news report: 1. Program identification. 2. Topic sentence. 3. Detailed The structure of a news report: 1. Program identification. 2. Topic sentence. 3. Detailed account. 4. Suggestion / warning. . .

How to give a news report: Suppose you are a journalist from the STV How to give a news report: Suppose you are a journalist from the STV (School TV Station). You are sent to cover a car accident. Please write an item of news depending on the witness’(目击者) description. The witness is named Li Hua. The accident is as fellows:

Time: yesterday morning. Place : Park Road. Characters: Li. Hua(witness), an old man a Time: yesterday morning. Place : Park Road. Characters: Li. Hua(witness), an old man a yellow-car woman driver. . . walking. . . come out of …;

. . . crossing…; drive up…, turn right into. . . . . . crossing…; drive up…, turn right into. . .

. . . knock. . . down; . . . fall to the ground; . . . knock. . . down; . . . fall to the ground;

…didn’t stop…; the plate…; . . . find the car… telephone. . . …didn’t stop…; the plate…; . . . find the car… telephone. . .

Homework 1. Write the news into your exercise books. 2. Retell the story to Homework 1. Write the news into your exercise books. 2. Retell the story to your partner. 3. Finish off the exercises in your workbook.

Thank you for your attention ! Thank you for your attention !

3. “She prefers beef. Still, you’ll know next time, won’t you? ” Which of 3. “She prefers beef. Still, you’ll know next time, won’t you? ” Which of the following can be used in place of “Still”? A. Therefore B. However C. Even so D. Besides

moment held bent At that very _____ the animal ______ over the baby. She______ moment held bent At that very _____ the animal ______ over the baby. She______ went rushed her breath, and her whole body ______ cold. Thoughts ____ kitchen through her head. She looked around the ____ for something throw pork to _______ at the lion. In the fridge there was a large leg of ______, She threw the leg of pork as ______as she could. It carried the meat far bushes into the _______. She picked up her baby and ran inside as quickly as possible.

Ten ______ minutes later the police arrived. Before long, a keepers ______ stopped in Ten ______ minutes later the police arrived. Before long, a keepers ______ stopped in front of her house. Two _______ from truck the zoo looked into the garden. One of them suggested pointed shot giving the lion a _______. He ____the pipe at the lion struggled fell and ______. The lion_____ to its feet , ______ over fired cage and lay still. They put the lion in a strong _____ and carried it to the truck.