- Количество слайдов: 13
+ 1 Websites California Measurement Advisory Council Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc. Collaborative for Energy Efficiency
+ 2 Websites Northwest Regional Technical Forum Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc. California Database for Energy Efficient Resources
+ National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency • • Released on July 31, 2006 at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners meeting Goal: To create a sustainable, aggressive national commitment to energy efficiency through gas and electric utilities, utility regulators, and partner organizations National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Recommendations 1. 2. Over 50 member public-private Leadership Group developed five recommendations and commits to take action 3. • Additional commitments to energy efficiency – exceeds 100 organizations 5. • Facilitated by US DOE and EPA • www. epa. gov/eeactionplan Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc. 3 4. Recognize energy efficiency as a highpriority energy resource. Make a strong, long-term commitment to implement cost-effective energy efficiency as a resource. Broadly communicate the benefits of and opportunities for energy efficiency. Provide sufficient, timely and stable program funding to deliver energy efficiency where cost-effective. Modify policies to align utility incentives with the delivery of costeffective energy efficiency and modify ratemaking practices to promote energy efficiency investments.
+ National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Model Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation Guide National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency www. epa. gov/eeactionplan www. epa. gov/ eeactionplan
+ NAPEE Guide Program & Evaluation Types Covered n Program types addressed: n Primary focus is resource acquisition, downstream energy efficiency programs n Includes detailed guidance n n Secondary focus is other demand-side programs and several supply-side programs n Guide addresses, no detailed guidance Evaluation types addressed: n Primary focus is impact evaluation n “Very” secondary focus on other evaluation types Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc. 5
+ 6 NAPEE Guide Audience n Program evaluation managers and policy decision makers looking for guidance on process and key issues relating to: n Documenting energy and/or demand savings n Documenting avoided emissions n Comparison of demand supply side resources n Program designers looking to understand how their programs will be evaluated n Energy efficiency community looking for: n Common terminology definitions n A central reference document that provides guidance, but also references publicly available best practices resources n An understanding of the mechanisms for determining the potential value of energy efficiency as an emissions avoidance strategy Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
NAPEE Guide Table of Contents Part 1 Executive Summary Part 2 Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Energy Efficiency Program Evaluation Chapter 3: Impact Evaluation Basics Part 3 Chapter 4: Calculating Gross Energy and Demand Savings Chapter 5: Calculating Net Energy and Demand Savings Chapter 6: Calculating Avoided Air Emissions Part 4 Chapter 7: Planning An Impact Evaluation Part 5 Appendix A: Leadership Group List Appendix B: Glossary Appendix C: Other Evaluation Types Also includes about 40 “sidebars” and 25 Appendix D: Uncertainty figures and tables Appendix E: Resources and References Appendix F: Renewables and Combined Heat and Power Program Evaluation Appendix G: References Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc. 7
+ 8 Key References Program Evaluation n 2006 International Energy Agency. Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policy Measures & DSM Programmes. http: //dsm. iea. org n 2007 NAPEE Model Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation Guide. www. epa. gov/cleanrgy/documents/evaluation_guide. pdf n 2006 California Energy Efficiency Evaluation Protocols: http: //www. calmac. org/publications/Evaluators. Protocols_Final_Adoptedvia. Ruling_06 -192006 ES. pdf n 2004 The California Evaluation Framework. http: //www. calmac. org/publications/California_Evaluation_Framework_June_2004. pdf n 2007 US DOE Impact Evaluation Framework for Technology Deployment Programs. http: //www. eere. energy. gov/ba/pba/km_portal/docs/pdf/2007/impact_framework_tech_ deploy_2007_main. pdf n 2006 US DOE Guide for Managing General Program Evaluation Studies. http: //www 1. eere. energy. gov/ba/pdfs/evl_mg_app. pdf Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
+ 9 Key References EM&V Websites n Evaluation reports and guidance document websites: n CALifornia Measurement Advisory Council (CALMAC): http: //www. aceee. org. n The Consortium for Energy Efficiency’s Market Assessment and Program Evaluation (MAPE) Clearinghouse: http: //www. cee 1. org/eval/clearinghouse. php 3. n Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: http: //www. nwalliance. org/research/evaluationreports. aspx n California PUC 2006 -08 Evaluation Contracts: http: //www. energydataweb. com/cpuc/default. aspx Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
+ 10 Key References EM&V Websites (cont) n n NAPEE database: http: //cfpub. epa. gov/ceird/index. cfm? fuseaction=napee. search_js n n California DEER Database: http: //eega. cpuc. ca. gov/deer/ New York Energy $mart. SM Program Evaluation: http: //www. nyserda. org/Energy_Information/evaluation. asp Other Sites: n Proceedings of the IEPEC Conference (http: //www. aceee. org) n ACEEE Summer Studies (http: //www. aceee. org) Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
+ 11 Key References M&V Guidelines/ Protocols n 2007 International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). (www. evo-world. org n 2008 Federal Energy Management Program M&V Guidelines. (http: //ateam. lbl. gov/mv/) n 2002 ASHRAE Guideline 14 Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings. (www. ashrae. org Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
+ 12 Selected Evaluation Training Opportunities (1) n Efficiency Valuation Organization n Fundamentals of Measurement & Verification: Applying the New IPMVP and Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) Certification n Web site: http: //www. evoworld. org/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id=2 78&Itemid=337 n ASHRAE n Determining Energy Savings from Performance Contracting Projects - Measurement and Verification n Web site: www. ashrae. org Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.
+ 13 Selected Evaluation Training Opportunities (2) n Consortium n Web site: www. cee 1. org/eval. cal. php 3 n Association n n for Energy Efficiency of Energy Services Professionals Marketing and Evaluation Subcommittee Web site: www. aesp. org Kentucky PSC 9/11/09 Schiller Consulting, Inc.