Скачать презентацию 1 The issue RPL making it easier Скачать презентацию 1 The issue RPL making it easier


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1. The issue RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A 1. The issue RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

The issue - TAFE • Traditional RPL processes are: – – Expensive Time-consuming Paper-based The issue - TAFE • Traditional RPL processes are: – – Expensive Time-consuming Paper-based Confusing for learners • Learners spread across vast distances – cost of travel • Process needs to be simplified & holistic flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

The issue - CENTROC • CENTROC provides services to 19 central NSW councils • The issue - CENTROC • CENTROC provides services to 19 central NSW councils • Spread across 70, 000 square kilometres • Council middle-managers need further qualifications to progress • Training is costly: – Cost of trainers/training program – Cost of staff taking time off work – Cost of travel and accommodation flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

2. The solution RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A 2. The solution RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Overview • Conduct RPL via online platform (Moodle) • Emphasis on digital evidence (eg Overview • Conduct RPL via online platform (Moodle) • Emphasis on digital evidence (eg audio, video), not paper • Online communication limits need for travel • Four staff selected for trial • RPL for four units from Graduate Certificate in Management Communication • Provides a fast-track to achieve qualification flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Technology platform • Moodle – free, online course management system • Set-up & supported Technology platform • Moodle – free, online course management system • Set-up & supported by technology consultants • Allows secure online submission of evidence • Facilitates learning community: forums, email through platform flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Developing the model • Needed to be: – Simple & user friendly – Allow Developing the model • Needed to be: – Simple & user friendly – Allow for holistic assessment/evidence • Decided on separate sections for each unit, with: – – Unit overview Self-assessment checklist Critical evidence guide Submission of evidence flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

The model flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations The model flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

The team • • • Lee Forrest, Teacher, Bathurst TAFE Sonia Battye, Regional Learning The team • • • Lee Forrest, Teacher, Bathurst TAFE Sonia Battye, Regional Learning & Development Manager, CENTROC Narelle Druitt, Prevocational Head Teacher, Bathurst TAFE Kirsty Ford, Teacher, Bathurst TAFE Alex Hayes, Technology Consultant Robyn Jay, AFLF flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

3. Outcomes RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership 3. Outcomes RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Key success indicators 1. 2. 3. 4. Ease of use for all stakeholders Suitability Key success indicators 1. 2. 3. 4. Ease of use for all stakeholders Suitability of technology Learner satisfaction Strategy meets the needs of: – learners in council workplaces – TAFE Western Institute’s strategic goals flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Outcomes - learners • • Learners happy with Moodle platform All learners submitted evidence Outcomes - learners • • Learners happy with Moodle platform All learners submitted evidence for RPL has been applied for in each unit RPL awarded for all 4 units – simple & complex units • Uptake limited by workplace demands on time flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Outcomes – project team • Steep learning curve – both technological & RPL processes Outcomes – project team • Steep learning curve – both technological & RPL processes • Model proven successful • Identified improvements to expand platform next year flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

4. Stakeholder reactions RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A 4. Stakeholder reactions RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Stakeholders • CENTROC – Looking at future applications for model/online training • Learners – Stakeholders • CENTROC – Looking at future applications for model/online training • Learners – Looking to seek further RPL – Easy to use flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Stakeholders cont. • Western Institute TAFE – Supportive – Valuable feedback for future uses Stakeholders cont. • Western Institute TAFE – Supportive – Valuable feedback for future uses of Moodle • Project team – Remain enthusiastic – Preparing for expansion next year flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

5. Lessons learned RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A 5. Lessons learned RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Key learnings – team • • • Establish clear roles in team Ensure depth Key learnings – team • • • Establish clear roles in team Ensure depth of skills – support other roles Paid support to trouble-shoot technical issues Skilled consultant invaluable in skills transfer Organisational buy-in critical to sustainability flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Key learnings – learners • • Trust-building more difficult online Privacy issues for uploaded Key learnings – learners • • Trust-building more difficult online Privacy issues for uploaded evidence Time-poor learners in work-based learning Easier to use than previous RPL experiences • Forces consideration of additional elearning technology uses in the workplace flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

What is evidence? • Need strong learner support at beginning • Provide clear guidelines What is evidence? • Need strong learner support at beginning • Provide clear guidelines on evidence: – – What is it, eg documents, audio/video recordings Amount needed Examples of acceptable evidence Critical evidence for unit • Set maximum upload limit in Moodle • Auditor’s requirements? flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Conclusion • The model works • Greater personalisation/support of learners needed in beginning • Conclusion • The model works • Greater personalisation/support of learners needed in beginning • Closer deadlines may stop procrastination • Organisation needs to fund support/ technical roles to ensure sustainability flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

6. Next steps RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A 6. Next steps RPL – making it easier in rural & remote areas A partnership between TAFE NSW Western & CENTROC flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Future development • Expand units offered for RPL • Expand number of learners • Future development • Expand units offered for RPL • Expand number of learners • Add online learning pathway via Moodle flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations

Links Project summary NSW e-learning Innovations wiki with 9 -minute video summarising project http: Links Project summary NSW e-learning Innovations wiki with 9 -minute video summarising project http: //nswinnovations. wikispaces. com/ 079 Edna Free online network for educators, based on Moodle, good examples and training www. edna. edu. au Mahara E-portfolio tool www. mahara. org Moodle www. moodle. org Resources and ideas for using Moodle flexiblelearning. net. au/innovations