Скачать презентацию 1 st What is John s explanation for his Скачать презентацию 1 st What is John s explanation for his


  • Количество слайдов: 14

(1 st) What is John’s explanation for his own purpose in preaching and baptizing? (1 st) What is John’s explanation for his own purpose in preaching and baptizing?

(1 st) What is John’s explanation for his own purpose in preaching and baptizing? (1 st) What is John’s explanation for his own purpose in preaching and baptizing? Jn. 1: 29 -34 (31) John didn’t know Him (33) the one whom the Spirit descends on is Him (so God said) (31) The reason for baptizing with water, that He might be revealed to Israel (and John)

(2 nd) What does Jesus say that a person must do in order to (2 nd) What does Jesus say that a person must do in order to see/enter the Kingdom of God? What kind of people won’t?

(2 nd) What does Jesus say that a person must do in order to (2 nd) What does Jesus say that a person must do in order to see/enter the Kingdom of God? What kind of people won’t? Jn. 3: 3, 5 (3) No one can see the Kingdom of God unless born again (born from above) (5) no one enters unless born of water and Spirit.

rd) (3 What all does Jesus heal? (Does He have limitations? ) rd) (3 What all does Jesus heal? (Does He have limitations? )

rd) (3 What all does Jesus heal? (Does He have limitations? ) Mk. 1: rd) (3 What all does Jesus heal? (Does He have limitations? ) Mk. 1: 23 -26 evil (unclean) spirits Lk. 4: 33 -35 demon Mk. 1: 30 -31 fever, 32 all sick and demon possessed, 34 various diseases, drove out many demons Mk. 1: 40 -45 Leprosy (in Lk. 4: 38 -38 Jesus rebuked

(4 th) Jesus is questioned about differences between John’s disciples and Jesus’; explain Jesus’ (4 th) Jesus is questioned about differences between John’s disciples and Jesus’; explain Jesus’ answer (s) ?

(4 th) Jesus is questioned about differences between John’s disciples and Jesus’; explain Jesus’ (4 th) Jesus is questioned about differences between John’s disciples and Jesus’; explain Jesus’ answer (s) ? Mk. 2: 18 -22/Mt. 9: 14 -17/Lk. 5: 33 -39 Bridegroom + guests don’t fast at wedding. / No new patch on old cloth / New wine in new skins not old ones (John and Pharisees=old law)

(5 th) Until heaven and earth disappear what else won’t disappear? (5 th) Until heaven and earth disappear what else won’t disappear?

(5 th) Until heaven and earth disappear what else won’t disappear? Mt. 5: 18 (5 th) Until heaven and earth disappear what else won’t disappear? Mt. 5: 18 Not the smallest letter…will…disappear from law until everything is accomplished…who ever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

(6 th) So what “has been heard” or “said” but is countered with a (6 th) So what “has been heard” or “said” but is countered with a “but I tell you”?

(6 th) So what “has been heard” or “said” but is countered with a (6 th) So what “has been heard” or “said” but is countered with a “but I tell you”? Mt. 5: 21 -47 (21) murder (22) anger (27) Adultery (28) lustful looks (31) Divorce (32) unfaithfulness (33) Break oath (34) no swearing (38) Eye for eye (39) don’t resist (43) Love/hate (44) Love

(7 th) What kind of person builds the foundation of their house on the (7 th) What kind of person builds the foundation of their house on the rock? What kind builds without a foundation?

(7 th) What kind of person builds the foundation of their house on the (7 th) What kind of person builds the foundation of their house on the rock? What kind builds without a foundation? Lk. 6: 48 -49 Person who hears Jesus’ words and puts into practice builds on rock Person who hears Jesus’ words and does not put into practice builds on loose dirt