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1 National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPs) and related UN/ISDR secretariat support in 2008 www. unisdr. org Meeting of European National Platforms and HFA Focal Points – Paris – 25 April 2008 UN/ISDR NP presentation
www. unisdr. org 2 Countries with National Platforms for DRR Countries in the process of establishing NPs
3 Global developments on National Platforms • 46 NPs declared (from 39) last year, 120 HFA Focal Points (168 signed HFA) • N° still limited, real challenge = sustaining them/ making them work • Expansion, but also relaunches/ revitalising, official establishment through decree takes often months • The set up and long-term functioning of NPs is a very volatile process – a new Government can forget about it or set new priorities www. unisdr. org Downside: • Challenges remain the same: lack of sustained (political, material/ human resources) support, need for capacity development to raise familiarity with key concepts and reference documents, lack of visibility • Challenge to achieve truly multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral approach, involving people from all levels – mainstreaming into sectors and at all levels, participation of civil society, consideration of gender aspects • More buy-in and proactive support by Governments/ national authorities and other ISDR partners for national coordination mechanisms/ NPs needed to gain on efficiency and effectiveness through better coordination and joint action by multi-stakeholders Upside: • Increase in number of NPs shows commitment of Governments beyond NPs also positive developments through adoption of new legislation and SNAPs (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Timor-Leste, on their way) • Very detailed and strong decrees for NP establishment (Senegal), long-term commitment in Europe • Good examples of cooperation and support to NPs by ISDR partners, not only UNDP COs, but also IFRC, WMO… - Growing interest among OECD/ donor countries to support NPs in developing countries, through NPs or else - Interest in “Twining with NPs” expressed by several NPs – things start to materialize (south-south, and northsouth) - Very positive exchange during int. meetings • CC/CA awareness of opportunities and need to become proactive in liaising with other communities • Support by bilateral agencies/ Ministries for NPs (internal MSTR and CD opened to partners, German FO support to NPs project, large EC funded project to support establishment of NPs in South/ South East Asia)
4 Examples of UN/ISDR support to National Platforms • (Mostly in collaboration with UNDP Country Offices) Help in planning and implementing multi-stakeholder dialogues as a prerequisite to the launch of National Platforms • With ISDR system partners, help in setting up National Platforms through technical support to National workshops • Institutional analyses of NPs to optimise their functioning • Development of guidance documents and good practice collections • Contribution to UNDP-led processes to elaborate Strategic National Action Plans and to ensure alignment with the HFA www. unisdr. org • Facilitation of exchange and “twinning” arrangements among NPs to promote lessons learning and capacity development • …
5 UN/ISDR support to National Platforms in 2008 (Geneva) 1. ”Good practices on NPs” publication 2. ”Toolkit for NPs” project 3. Second Consultative Meeting of NPs and HFA FP (Panama, 2123 October 2008) www. unisdr. org 4. (Upon request from ISDR Regional Offices) Provide direct support to NPs (e. g. CA in Madagascar + Senegal, other in-situ support upon request) 5. Facilitate proactive contribution of NPs in ISDR system, support to link up with partners and networks, facilitate contact with consultants, facilitate information-exchange and exchange visits, facilitate sharing NP concerns at ISDR Geneva level, help in providing visibility to NPs, etc.
6 UN/ISDR plans on National Platforms 2008 (Geneva) Documenting Good Practices by National Platforms for DRR 1. Assessing data available at UN/ISDR 2. Complement information through individual follow ups • Achieving progress in mainstreaming DRR and to raise high -level political commitment and engagement of politicians for disaster risk reduction (Nigeria), www. unisdr. org • Integrating DRR into national policy and legislation (Japan) • Decentralising DRM and achieve multi-stakeholder preparedness for response (Madagascar), • Financing DRR and NP activities (Costa Rica) • ….
7 UN/ISDR plans on National Platforms 2008 (Geneva) ”Toolkit for NPs” • Compilation of templates, checklists, guidelines, workshop outlines, useful hints and tips, web links, etc. = Potentially useful documents and tips for addressing particular aspects of NPs’ work drawn from NPs, NDMCs/ focal point institutions, publications, web-based information sites and UN and other partner resources. www. unisdr. org Instead of a new production of material, the approach chosen is rather to identify existing resources, which can be considered relevant for the “Toolkit”. • It will summarize the main actions, which are considered critical for every National Platform to play its expected role as outlined in the related “Guidelines for National Platforms for DRR”. • Aligned with the Hyogo Framework for Action. This cannot see the day without the contribution of all stakeholders in particular NPs, HFA FPs institutions, UNDP, etc…
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10 UN/ISDR plans on National Platforms 2008 (Geneva) Second Consultative Meeting of NPs and HFA FP (Panama, 2123 October 2008) www. unisdr. org Overall Goal: Contribute to sustainable development at national level through support to National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction Specific Objectives: 1. Provide a forum for focal points of National Platforms and selected HFA FPs to share information and knowledge in coordinating national initiatives for disaster risk reduction; 2. Share experiences and review the effectiveness of ISDR reference documents, including the draft “Toolkit for National Platforms”; 3. Discuss challenges and options to strengthen National Platforms and decide on priority actions for 2008/2009; 4. Discuss the 2008/2009 ISDR World Disaster Reduction Campaign on “Hospitals safe from Disasters” and the promotion of gender in DRR
11 www. unisdr. org Thank you United Nations, secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction International Environment House II 7 -9 Chemin de Balexert, CH 1219 Chatelaine Geneva 10, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 917 8908/8907 Fax: +41 22 917 8964 isdr@un. org
12 1) What are « National Platforms » ? National Platforms – A definition • A nationally owned and led forum or committee of multistakeholders • Serves as an advocate for DRR at different levels www. unisdr. org • Provides coordination, analysis and advice on areas of priority requiring concerted action through a coordinated and participatory process. As such it is mentioned in the Hyogo Framework for Action’s Priority of Action 1 – adopted by 168 States Previously referred to in UN Economic and Social Council Resolution 1999/63 and 2005 UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/59/231
13 1) What are « National Platforms » ? National Platforms – A definition (cont’d) • Should be the coordination mechanism for mainstreaming DRR into development policies, planning and programmes in line with the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action www. unisdr. org • Should aim to contribute to the establishment and the development of a comprehensive national DRR system, as appropriate to each country and be its custodian. • They are not necessarily new institutions, but rather built on existing ones to become a forum for exchange and decision-making for coordinated DRR as a multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholder tool
14 1) What are « National Platforms » ? National Platforms are NOT: • The HFA Focal Point institution • The National Disaster Management Institution • A National Steering Committee composed of Government Ministries www. unisdr. org • The National Civil Protection Service • …
15 1) What are « National Platforms » ? National (Ministerial) Steering Committee/Cabinet/ Parliament/ Board Development, Humanitarian, Climate change communities www. unisdr. org CBOs NDMC/ NDMO/HFA FP “Coordinator”/ “Secretariat” incl. Planning Finance Line Ministries Technical Services National Platform Municipalities Nat. NGOs Red Cross/ Media +? Crescent Academia Private Professional Sector associations Disaster Victims? IFRC? Faith. Int. UN? Based Bilat. NGOs? Org. ? agencies? Gender balance
16 1) What are « National Platforms » ? National Platforms core functions: • Be a catalyst for national consultations and consensus building • Increase national leadership and commitment to the sustainability of disaster risk reduction and implementation of Hyogo Framework • Enhance collaboration and coordination amongst national stakeholders www. unisdr. org • Manage the progress towards achievement of DRR objectives rather than producing a « plan » , monitor & evaluate and report • Increase levels of knowledge and skills on risk reduction • Increase national commitment to help the most vulnerable and at risk population • Serves as national focal point within the ISDR system and strengthens links with the ISDR secretariat
17 2) Why « National Platforms » ? “All spheres of government, all sectors of society and every professional discipline has a responsibility to consider how it can contribute to reducing risk within its own sphere of responsibility. . . Every citizen can contribute to disaster risk reduction by thinking safety and acting safely. ” www. unisdr. org From the introduction to the South African Disaster Management Act (2002) as presented by the City of Cape Town Disaster Risk Management Centre… for use by councilors and officials with Disaster Risk Management responsibilities
18 www. unisdr. org 2) Why « National Platforms? » Disaster Risks – Some areas of relevance leading to stakeholders Professional, academic, applied interests - Public health, Epidemiology – Food and Livelihoods, production – Geography (human habitats) – Natural resources, Environmental management – Climate change – Physical sciences (natural hazards) – Social sciences, Sociology, Anthropology – Risk (and vulnerability) assessment – Engineering, Infrastructure, Physical facilities – Planning (“land use”) professions – Public administration – Economics
19 2) Why « National Platforms » ? – A tool for more efficient and effective action to reduce risks Efficiency – coordination, all under one umbrella, minimise parallel structures and duplication Resource Mobilisation – coordinated way of accessing existing resources available for Risk Reduction, avoid competition www. unisdr. org Sustainability of DRR interventions – put action on a more longterm footing, legal basis, structures, entry point, ensure continued funding