- Количество слайдов: 42
1. Look at the photo and answer the questions. 1 What you think has happened in the photo? 2 Why does Kate look so upset? 3 What will Kate and Mark discuss in the conversation? 4 What will they do? Now watch Conversation 1 and check your answers.
Example answers 1 What do you think has happened in Photo l? I think we are looking at an example of bicycle theft. I think Kate’s bicycle has been stolen. 2 Why does Kate look so upset? She cannot find her bicycle. It isn’t where she left it. 3 What will Kate and Mark discuss in the conversation? They will talk about how to get the bike back / what they should do about the situation. 4 What will they do? They’ll probably contact / report it to the police.
Language and culture (1): Oxford is a university divided into colleges so the students need to move all the time around the city from their colleges to faculty buildings for lectures and also to various libraries. Students either walk or use bikes. For this reason you will see more bikes in Oxford than in almost any other UK city, except perhaps Cambridge.
Language and culture (2): Ranking of Oxford colleges: Norrington Table The Norrington Table is an annual ranking that lists the colleges of the University of Oxford that have undergraduate students in order of the performance of their undergraduate students on that year's final examinations.
Language and culture(3): Oxford University Libraries Oxford has an extremely rich and diverse library service provided by over one hundred libraries. There are major research libraries, libraries attached to the faculties, departments and other institutions of the University, and college libraries.
Bodleian Library Language and culture(3): The largest library is the Bodleian Library with a stock of over 6. 5 million items and a staff of over 400. It is a legal deposit library with extensive research collections and is mainly reference-only. College Libraries. Every College has its own library, often consisting of a modern, working library and older Merton collections. College library
Language and culture(4): Mountain bikes have gears to make it possible to use them on steep slopes. gear
The Most Expensive Bicycle in the World The Aurumania Gold Bike Crystal ü Make your boldest guess at the price of the bicycle. ü What you think can make a bicycle so expensive? ü Would you buy this bike or a car of the same price? and why? See Details >>>
Details • almost entirely plated with 24 karat gold • the Brooks saddle seat made with the finest leather • the hand sewn handlebar grips made from chocolate brown leather • The numbered badge is made of high grade leather • decorated with more than 600 Swarovski crystals • a limited edition item. Only ten will be made • € 80, 000 (US $114, 464)
Sales champion • Get into group of two. Student A is a salesperson and now is trying to sell the most expensive bicycle to a potential customer, student B. • The first who sells the bicycle is the sales champion. You gonna like it. Role cards >>>
Role card Student A You are a salesperson of a highstandard bicycle shop and the job pays well. But since the global economic difficulty, the shop you work in seems unable to sustain long. You need to sell a very expensive bicycle, otherwise you’ll get sacked. Today is the deadline and now it’s near closing time. You feel desperate when a guy, who seems able to afford the bicycle, walks in the shop.
Role card Student B You are an engineer in a multi-national company and you earn US $200, 000 per year. You’re busy with work and have no time to do exercise. And cycling is the only sport you like in the little leisure time you squeeze for yourself. You like the bicycle very much but you got a big family to support; your wife quit to take care of the three kids, the eldest 9 and the youngest 3. To buy or not to buy, it’s a question.
Conversation 1 Vocabulary learning 1) Enjoy a song by Radiohead.
… But I'm a ____, creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here… Tell the meaning of creep: a horrible person
2. Watch Conversation 1 again and answer the questions. 1 What did Mark and Kate think of the Itmovie? was good but too long. 2 It. What a mountain bike and her bike? was does Kate say about cost a fortune. 3 When they discover theft of the bike, what does Mark suggest? He will go down the street to see if he can see anyone with it, while Kate goes to ask the shopkeeper if they saw anything suspicious.
4 What does the shopkeeper tell Kate? She hasn’t seen anything. 5 What does the shopkeeper advise Kate to do? She advised Kate to report it to the police. 6 What else does the shopkeeper tell Kate? Bikes get stolen all the time. 7 What does Mark suggest at the end of the conversation? They should go back to the college and report it.
Follow-up activity The following are two pieces of comments on bicycle theft. Add your own comment. n So I'm curious; if you buy a second hand bike how sure can you be it wasn't stolen? Because if there's a 99. 9 per cent chance it was stolen, why do people still buy second hand? Don't they know they're encouraging the whole cycle to repeat itself and hence, are putting their own newly acquired bike at risk?
n. A man who stole an expensive bicycle and sold the parts on an Internet auction site was apprehended after the victim bought one of the parts and confirmed that it belonged to him.
Conversation 2 3. Work in pairs and check (✓) the things that you think will happen in Conversation 2. State you reasons in full sentences. ☐ 1 Kate rings the police to report theft. Well, that’s what they were talking about doing at the end of the first conversation. So, yes, I think so. ☐ 2 Kate tells Mark what the police said about theft. Yes, he is her friend so he will want to know what is happening.
☐ 3 Kate decides to go to a sale of abandoned bikes. Does that mean she will buy a new bike? I don’t think she will give up so quickly. ☐ 4 A man rings Kate to tell her he has found her bike. I hope so, but how would the man know it is Kate’s or have her phone number? It seems unlikely.
☐ 5 The police ring Kate to tell her they have found her bike. That would be a nice happy ending! ☐ 6 Kate decides to pick up the bike immediately. If No. 5 is true, I am sure she will. She seems very unhappy about not having her bike. ☐ 7 Kate does nothing to try and find her bike. She seems so angry about it, so I am quite sure she will go on searching for it.
Language and culture(5): To report a theft Kate would go to the local police station not far from where the bike was stolen. There a duty officer would help her fill in a report form.
Report form for a lost bike
Language and culture(5): UK policing system Ø Types of police (Thames Valley Police) ØPolice ranks Ø Police equipment
Types of police • Territorial police forces, who carry out the majority of policing. These are police forces that cover a 'police area' (a particular region) and have an independent Police Authority. For example, the Metropolitan Police Service (大都市警察部队) and the City of London Police (金融城警察部队) are in charge of London and Thames Valley Police of Thames Valley area.
• Special police forces, which are national police forces that have a specific, nonregional jurisdiction, including the British Transport Police(大不列颠交通警察), Ministry of Defence Police(国防部警察), Civil Nuclear Constabulary(民用核能警察)and Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement(苏格兰犯罪与毒 品管制局). Ministry of Defence Back
Thames Valley Police is one of the largest territorial police forces in England the largest non-metropolitan one, covering 2200 sq mi (5, 700 km²) and a population of 2. 1 million. The force is responsible for the Thames Valley area covered by the ceremonial counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Back
Ranks Throughout the United Kingdom, the rank structure of police forces is identical up to the rank of Chief Superintendent (高级警司). At higher ranks, structures are distinct within London where the Metropolitan Police Service and the City of London Police have a series of Commander (总警司) and Commissioner (警察 总监) ranks as their top ranks whereas other UK police forces have assistants (助理警察局长), deputies (副警察局长) and a Chief Constable (j 郡警察局长) as their top ranks. All Commissioners and Chief Constables are equal in rank to each other. >>>
the Metropolitan Police Service ●Commander ●Commissioner Other police forces ●Chief Constable ●Deputy Chief Constable ●Assistant Chief Constable ●Chief Superintendent (高级警司) ●Superintendent (警司) ●Chief inspector (高级督察) ●Inspector (督查) ●Sergeant (警长) ●Constable (警员) Back
Equipment The vast majority of British police officers do not carry firearms on standard patrol; they do however carry Extendable "Asp" or fixed Monadnock PR-24 batons and CS/PAVA spray. However, every territorial force has a specialist Firearms Unit which maintain Armed Response Vehicles to respond to firearms related emergency calls. The British Transport Police is the only police force in the country without firearms officers, relying on the local territorial force should an armed incident occur on the railways.
Judge true or false about Britain police. ☐ × Britain has a centralized police organization. √ Chief Constable, head of the police station, ☐ is accountable to the home office in London and to the local Police Authority. ☐ × The police in UK usually carry arms on their routine patrol. ☐ × Police officials in Britain are underpaid so the threshhold for police recruiting is comparatively low. ☐ × People calls 119 for emergencies.
Vocabulary learning Match the words with faces. furious unbelievable
4. Watch Conversation 2 and choose the best way to complete the sentences. Answers 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (b)
5. Watch Conversation 2 again and complete the sentences. Mark So did you ring the police? Kate Yes. I went to the police station to report it. Mark What did they say? Kate No one’s found it. (1) This woman said that _________. Oxford has the fifth highest rate of bike theft in the country! You’re joking Mark (2) __________! That’s what she said Kate (3) __________. Checking: one pair of you will be invited to read the dialogue.
Mark What else did she say? Kate She told me that sometimes you do get bikes back – the thieves use them and then abandon them, apparently, and then people find them and report them. Mark So you might get it back. Kate I hope so, Mark, I really do. (4) It’s just too much _____, you know? But … um … what else? She told me to go to this sale they have of She thinks abandoned bikes. (5) _________ I might find it there. But it’s only every two months, I can’t wait till then! Honestly, I’m really furious Mark, (6) _________! Mark You can always buy a cheap bike on e. Bay.
Kate Hello … Speaking … You found it! Where was it? Is it …? Oh, that’s fantastic news! There was a lamp and a basket on it … Right … OK, thank you, I’ll be in tomorrow morning to pick it up. (7) ________! Unbelievable This guy found it! Mark Brilliant! Was that the police? Kate Yes. (8) ___________, someone What they said was dumped it outside this guy’s backyard. Mark That’s so strange! Kate The lamp’s been stolen and the basket. Mark Forget about it! You’re lucky to get it back!
Everyday English The creep! It cost a fortune. No luck. I guess it was a long shot. Honestly, … Forget about it! E. g. Ø There’s no way he could have won, not by a long shot. Ø Regaining others’ trust is a long shot, but well worth trying. More examples >>>
Tell the meaning of “shot” in the following sentences. 1. Mr. Smith acts like a big shot, actually he’s nobody. 2. She was shot when she got home. 3. Give it your best shot, otherwise you’ll regret. 4. She took a shot of me holding a lamp near my face. 5. ‘Would you go back? ’ ‘Like a shot. ’ 6. The discovery of gas reserves was a much needed shot in the arm for the economy. Key >>>
1. a big name 2. exhausted 3. try one’s best 4. take a picture 5. be glad to 6. encouragement
The creep! It cost a fortune. No luck. I guess it was a long shot. Honestly, … Forget about it! 6. Work in pairs and answer the questions about Everyday English. 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (a)
Practicing everyday English Work in pairs and create a dialogue using all the words and expressions in the box. The creep! It cost a fortune. No luck. I guess it was a long shot. Honestly, … Forget about it!
7. Work in pairs and act out the conversation. I need help expressing feelings. Sorry, I didn’t see anything suspicious. The creep!