1. Location 2. General Arrangement 3. Kinds Of House 4. Transportation 5. Green 6. Road Space And System Parking 7. Public Facility 8. Street Furniture Design By : Li Si Yuan Lin Zhi Ting 9. Advice Shi Zhao Hui Zhu Jin Fang
• located in the Li. Wan District • East from Kang. Wang Road to the long jin xi lu • Connecting the Chang. Shou West Road and the Zhong. Shan ba Road • Having an unique historic context
• Losing its characteristic appearance of the old days. • Having a west-east axis cross the community • With lots of public facilities along the axis
• Zhu tong House----saving the lands for other usage • Meanwhile it has deadly disadvantage such as ventilation • Depends on the general control of the government and public participants
• The Feng. Yuan Road and the Long. Jin Xi Road are the main roads. • In this area, bus, taxi, subway, and even if bicycle are available. • A comfortable dimension of the street recalls the geniality of the old community.
• The avenue with treelined scene are the main impression of the historic community • The full of green with lovely views could even meet the psychological requirements by weaken the sight disturb from the openness.
Ok, this section is over now ! Let’s welcome our teammates to continue the next section. Thank you ^-^