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Eco-Friendly Recycling Certificate No. IND 96120 008 26135/A/0001/En 043 -C Determined to Lead We Recycle to Save Environment
ABOUT GRAVITA… Eco-Friendly Recycling v Established in the year 1992 v Dedicated to Secondary Lead Metal since past 19 years v Over 500 plus Lead Professionals placed globally v The company is head quartered at Jaipur (India) with presently owing 9 recycling facilities spread over the four continents & Supplied 39 Plants all over the Globe. INDIA We Recycle to Save Environment
OUR MAJOR BUSINESS VERTICALS… Eco-Friendly Recycling Turnkey Projects v Lead Recycling, Smelting and Refining Plants: End to End Solutions v Process & Pollution control Technology v Technical Consultancy to establish Lead Battery Recycling Projects Manufacturing Operations v Lead Smelting, Refining, Alloying, Oxides (LSO, Red Lead & Litharge) International Business v Import & Mercantile export of Lead Raw Materials & v finished Products Continuous R & D with Operational Excellence creates difference ” We Recycle to Save Environment ”
WHY LEAD RECYCLING… Eco-Friendly Recycling v ? Lead Battery Scrap is a Hazardous waste and unsafe disposal creates Environmental / Health problems. v Careful beneficial Recycling & cost is essential, effective in comparison to its safe disposal cost. v Secondary Production of Lead (Recycling) from Scrap results in less Solid Wastes, uses less energy & reduces the consumption of minerals resources compared to the Lead Production from Ores. We Recycle to Save Environment
BATTERY RECYCLING CYCLE… Eco-Friendly Recycling v Lead is the 5 th most widely used Metal on earth v Lead has highest rate of recycling among all Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals v v NEW BATTERY PLASTI C Lead is only metal on earth which retains its 100% Chemical & Physical properties, irrespective of any number of recycling Worldwide production of secondary Lead has increased substantially in the past decade. USED BATTERY END USER NEW COVERS & CASES PLASTIC PELLETS LEAD METAL IN GRIDS LEAD INGOTS ACID FOR NEUTRALIZATI ON Calcium Sulphate NEW GRIDS LEAD OXIDES We Recycle to Save Environment
TYPICAL COMPOSITION OF LEAD-ACID BATTERY SCRAP… Eco-Friendly Recycling Positive plate pack Electrolyte-tight seaing ring Grid plate Positive cell connection Negative Plate Micro porous separator Negative pole Valve adapter and valve Negative cell connection Negative plate pack Component by weight Percent Metallic Lead 30 Lead sulphates/oxides 45 Plastic 7 Acid 15 Residuals TOTAL 3 100 We Recycle to Save Environment
CONSUMPTION SEGMENTATION Eco-Friendly Recycling v BATTERIES 3% Ø Emerging demand of UPS BATTERIES Ø Invertors 5% Ø Power systems in Telecomm, 6% Automobile & Other fields ROLLED AND EXTRUDED PRODUCTS PIGMENTS & CHEMICALS AMMUNITION & SHOTS MISCELLANEOUS ALLOYS CABLE SHEATHING ” ” v v v 3% 1% 2% RADIATION SHIELDING PIGMENTS & CHEMICALS AMMUNITION & SHOTS SPECIAL ALLOYS 80% CABLE SHEATHING MISCELLANEOUS The total Lead metal consumption in batteries has increased in the past decade whereas the use in paints has decreased ” We Recycle to Save Environment
STEPS INVOLVED IN ECO-FRIENDLY LEAD RECYCLING PROCESS Eco-Friendly Recycling v Collection of whole wet BATTERIES v Safe Storage of Batteries v Battery Cutting/Crushing & Separation of Lead bearing material & other component along with Neutralization of Acid/Electrolyte v Smelting in Closed compact Furnace with Effective Pollution Control Equipments v Highly Efficient Refining Process v Effective control of the fumes & gases generated during operation of furnaces v Proper treatment of wet & solid effluents generated while pollution control We Recycle to Save Environment
WHAT WE OFFER… Eco-Friendly Recycling q Used Lead Acid Battery Recycling : An Environment Friendly Technology. q Lead Refining & Lead Alloying : A Proven Technology. q Lead Oxide Manufacturing : An Efficient Process & Plant for Litharge, Red Lead & Lead Sub-Oxide (Grey Oxide). q Training of Personnel for Smelting, Lead Refining / Alloying Techniques & Processes. We Recycle to Save Environment
OUR INVOLVEMENT… Eco-Friendly Recycling q Plant Layout q Structural Designing q Engineering of Plant & Machinery q Supply of complete Plant With Technical Know-How q Erection supervision at your site q Commissioning of plant with training of personals We Recycle to Save Environment
COMPONENTS OF LEAD RECYCLING… Eco-Friendly Recycling ü Battery Cutting Machine & PP Crusher ü OR Battery Crushing & Hydro separation Unit ü Acid Draining/Acid Neutralization System ü Smelting Furnace – Rotary Type ü Complete Pollution Control Equipments ü Refining /Alloying Furnace ü Fugitive Emission Control System ü Ingot Casting Machine We Recycle to Save Environment
PROCESS FLOW CHART Eco-Friendly Recycling We Recycle to Save Environment
REFINED LEAD / PURE LEAD…* Eco-Friendly Recycling Elements Composition in % Antimony (Sb) 0. 001% (max) Arsenic (As) 0. 001% (max) Tin (Sn) 0. 001% (max) Copper (Cu) 0. 001% (max) Bismuth (Bi) 0. 025% (max) Iron (Fe) 0. 001% (max) Nickel (Ni) 0. 001% (max) Silver (Ag) 0. 003% (max) Zinc (Zn) 0. 001% (max) Calcium (Ca) 0. 0005% (max) Sulphur (S) 0. 0005% (max) Aluminum (Al) 0. 0005% (max) Lead (Pb) 99. 970% (min) * Typical composition as per LME standards We Recycle to Save Environment
ENVIRONMENT… Eco-Friendly Recycling v Most critical part of ‘Lead Recycling Operation’ is of Air Pollution Control Lead Recycling Plants should be specifically designed to meet specific norms of particular country’s guide-line v v All Environmental Standards, Which has serious concern in Lead Smelting Operations are: v v v Ambient Air Standard Stack Emission Standard Effluent Discharge Standard Solid Waste Disposal Limits Noise Levels Occupational Exposure of work force We Recycle to Save Environment
TREATMENT SYSTEMS… Eco-Friendly Recycling The effective Pollution Control Equipments consist of the following : Dust Collector Bag House 16 Cyclone Cooling Tower Wet-Scrubber Chimney We Recycle to Save Environment
SUMMERY … Eco-Friendly Recycling v Lead Acid Battery Scrap Recycling is essential for mankind as well as for Industry survival v Recent technological deployments made Lead Battery Scrap Recycling Operations as Environment-friendly “ Increasing Environmental Awareness makes this operation more professional & technical, which finally leads to highly economic viability ” 17 We Recycle to Save Environment
LEAD ACID BATTERY RECYCLING Certificate No. 177788 008 Eco-Friendly Recycling 501, Gravita Tower, A-27 B, Shanti Path, Tilak Nagar JAIPUR-302004 (Rajasthan) INDIA Phone : +91 -141 -2623266, 2622697, 2621037 Fax : +91 -141 -2621491 Website : www. gravitaexim. com E-mail : sales@gravitaexim. com We Recycle to Save Environment