- Количество слайдов: 4
#1: If you want to know who we are Curtain opens at downbeat. m 5: DO (stage right) and MS come in to open downstage shojis; bow to the audience together before opening. As shojis are almost all the way open, RD and RP enter in the midst of a conversation. DO comes down to join them after opening the shojis. Discuss the weather, pork bellies, whatever, to give the impression that you have wandered into the town square to shoot the breeze with your friends. After MS opens his shoji, cross down to the tea house and get ready to relax, when he gets there, NM and FH come out from inside the tea house and all have a drink. All peasants should be in place by the top of p. 15. When ‘theme’ starts again, PT enters from upper platform and walks down to center. At same time, TS and PR are entering from respective sides; three meet in middle to discuss. Whenever nobles meet, there must be small bows. Rest of nobles, wait 4 bars after PT’s entrance then all walk all from stage left in order on lower platform. PT/PR/TS adjust their positions just before they sing. All turn to audience just before you sing. “If you want… Japan” – sing directly to audience, bow on “-pan” coming up on cut-off. Positions are rather stiff while singing. Bottom of pg 16: long “Oh” Long bow – NM/FH/MS bow to RD/DO/RP (return bow at same time). PR/TS bow to PT (has to return both bows). Other nobles, pair off (same as later) and bow simultaneously to each other. Tea house NM Ko-Ko’s house RD RP FH DO MS PT PR RO TP DL TS EF JGo JS Shoji A - Left Shoji A -Right Shoji B - Left Revised 1/23/05 Shoji B -Right #1 -1
#1: If you want to know who we are “Like a Japanese marionette” - imitate marionette. “You don’t understand…. etiquette”. Next few bars of music, straighten out into lines below. “Perhaps you suppose…wrong” imitate marionette again. First “Oh” everyone not on a platform, bow to audience, (up on next “oh”). All on a platform, bow on 2 nd “oh” up on next downbeat. “If you want to know…. Japan” – sing in place. “vase” FH/MS/NM, take one step forward; “jar” PR/TS, take one step forward. “screen” DO/RD/JW/RP, take one step forward. “fan” – PT take one step forward. 8 “manys” – 1 st: FH/MS/NM lift hands up. 3 rd: PR/TS, lift hands up. 5 th: DO/RD/RP, lift hands up 7 th: PT, lift hands up. “Ohs” two long bows. “on vase…. fan” all non-fans, clap hands together and do slow circle with hands; hands end up meeting back where they were on “fan”. After cut-off, break pose and chat amongst your group. DO/RD/RP cross to join FH/MS/NM. All nobles go to downstage right. See next page for picrture. Tea house PT FH MS DO RD RP NM PR TS RO TP DL EF JGo JS Shoji A - Left Shoji A -Right Shoji B - Left Revised 1/23/05 Ko-Ko’s house Shoji B -Right #1 -2
#1: If you want to know who we are (Nanki-Poo’s entrance) As you are all talking, Nanki-Poo is entering from house left (stage right) and coming up the side of the auditorium. He will get to the stage and wander about slightly, wondering who he should talk to. He finally decides to ask everyone. You’re all curious about a stranger; interested in a cautious way that he knows Yum-Yum and Ko-Ko. PT crosses slightly left to ask “Why, who are you…question”. Nanki-Poo decides he will use his charm to get what he wants; he’s not a good second trombone, but an excellent minstrel. Right after “who ask this question” NM and DL close downstage shojis during orchestra break; then rejoin your group. All adjust slightly to listen to him, close in a little, but keep groups distinct. Tea house MS DO RD PT NP PR Ko-Ko’s house RP FH RO JGo NM Shoji A - Left Shoji B - Left JS TP DL Revised 1/23/05 TS EF Shoji A -Right Shoji B -Right #1 -3
#1: If you want to know who we are – FANS P 19: “if you want to know who we are: holding fan closed in right hand, raise both arms out straight in front of you, after cutoff of “are” flex wrists up. “We are gentlemen of Japan” – spread hands out to shoulder width and pull back to shoulder plane. On short beats: “vase” – no one move. “jar” – JS/JGo – snap fan open. “screen” EF/DL snap fan open. “fan” – TP/RO snap fan open. Next 8 “manys” 1 st: JS-EF-TP flick fan in. 3 rd: JGo-DL-RO flick fan in/JS-EF-TP flick fan out. 5 th: everyone reverse. 7 th: everyone reverse On “jar” – everyone bring fan to chest. Four “ohs” – 1 st and 3 rd. JS/EF/TP bow to JGo/DL/RO respectively. 2 nd and 4 th: JGo/DL/RO return the bow. “On vase and jar” – half sweep to the right/left hand mimicing motion. “On screen and far” – return to neutral. Tea house PT FH MS DO JW RP Ko-Ko’s house NM PR TS RO Shoji A - Left Shoji B - Left Revised 1/23/05 RD TP DL EF JGo JS Shoji A -Right Shoji B -Right #1 -FANS