- Количество слайдов: 54
Citizenship Education: A Tripartite Responsibility 2
The Future of Freedom ED 210 Democracy & Education 3
The rise of democracy In 1900 not a single nation had a democracy? 4
Today 119 nations are Democracies = 62% of world’s nations Every adult citizen may vote 5
9. 11. 01 Tension: Democracy v. State authority 6
Saudi Arabia What IF - Democracy? 7
U. S. Democratic Or Undemocratic? 8
U. S. Supreme Court 9 judges appointed for life U. S. Senate - 100 Senators CA-30 million - 2 Senators AZ - 3 million - 2 Senators 9
A. D. 324 10
The American Revolution A new England w/o the King An explosion of capitalism A Middle Class 1870 Black vote 1920 Women vote 11
Alice Paul (1912 -20) Women's Vote 12
http: //memory. loc. gov/ammem/nawshome. html 13
Eleanor Clift: Founding Sisters 1963: begin career as typist at Newsweek 1970: Gloria Steinem-Cover Newsweek 1970: Newsweek - Lawsuit Newsweek (K. Graham) settles 1977: (J. Carter) White House Correspondent 15
Paul left NAWSA and formed a political party, the National Woman's Party, that campaigned and demonstrated. Party members picketed the White House and ended up behind bars, where they continued their protest with a hunger strike, until officials force-fed them. 16
Internationally Cold war won Communism destroyed Socialism discredited U. S. towers: * Economically, Militarily, Culturally 17
“Public officials don’t care what people like me think. ” 1960’s -- 34% Now -- 63% 18
Pol Sci - Robert Putnam Engagement in public and civic affairs has declined by 40% since the 1960’s 19
Interest Groups have made the Government utterly dysfunctional. The bullet that killed the American political party was the primary election 20
Referendums: 2000 -> 204 Refs nationally Health Care Education Gay Rights Physician-Assisted Suicide 21
Today California government is an unmitigated mess. In 30 years CA pop. doubled Yet no new colleges Education is at an all time low. But 20 new prisons 22
Today 85% of California’s budget is outside of government control. In California power resides nowhere 23
Americans cannot file tax returns write wills configure computers But can pass laws ourselves 24
Delegation of powers to independent agencies may be in the public interest 25
Social Studies Methods National Council of the Social Studies (NCSS) 1. Culture & Cultural Diversity 2. Time, Continuity, & Change 3. People, Places, & Environments 4. Individual Development & Identity 5. Individuals, Groups, & Institutions 6. Power, Authority, & Governance 7. Production, Distribution, & Consumption 8. Science, Technology, & Society 9. Global Connections 10. Civic Ideals & Practices 26
Social Studies Methods Moderate Left Wing Right Wing Controversial Issues Critical Thinking Current Events Inquiry Reflection 27
Social Studies Methods ECE MC AYA Critical Thinking Freedom of thought and Speech are encouraged 28
Social Studies Methods ECE MC AYA NCATE/NCSS Program Review Programmatic, Testing(E & I) Performance Lesson/Unit planning, Teaching, Impact on student learning 29
A Tripartite Collaboration: Teaching and Living with an Urban Partnership 30
Goals: Improve teachers’ knowledge of American history. Build a network for sustained professional and resource development Create an innovative partnership model for the enhancement of American history teaching and learning. 33
Teacher Education Department 34
The Chesapeake Institute 6. 18. 04 – 6. 23. 04 DPS/WSU 38