- Количество слайдов: 62
1. acknowledge vt. 1) 承認 2) (公開 )表示感謝 3) 承認 (政府、領袖等的 )合法性、權威 (= recognize) 1) ◊ The factory produces what is widely acknowledged as/to be the finest leather in the world. (受到廣泛地認同 為 …) 2) ◊ The actor acknowledged the applause from the audience by taking a small bow.
acknowledge通常指「公開承認某事為真或承 認自己的錯誤」;confess表示「承認(自己意識到 )所犯的錯、罪行」或指天主教裡向神父的告解, 有坦白懺悔的意味;recognize譯作「承認」時, 多用在合法的或外交上的承認、公認; ◊ The couple divorced after the man confessed that he had committed adultery. ◊ After the referendum, South Sudan is recognized as a sovereign and independent state, by the United Nations and the United States.
2. abuse n. [U] 1) 辱罵 (= insults) 2) 濫用,妄用 (= misuse) 3) 虐待 2) ◊ Drug abuse has become a serious problem among teenagers. (濫用毒品 ) 3) ◊ The government set up an organization to help children who suffer physical abuse at home. (身體虐待 )
* abusive adj. 口出惡言的 ◊ Vanessa was terrified when she received the abusive mail from her ex husband. 字尾“ ive”可置於動詞的後方,以構成表示「 有…傾向的,喜歡…的」之形容詞,例: ◊ talk → talkative 愛說話的 ◊ invent → inventive 發明的 ◊ create → creative 有創造力的 ◊ represent → representative 具有代表性的
3. anticipate vt. 1) 預料 2) 期盼 (尤指好事 ) 3) 先 於 …之 前 (做 ) (= forestall) 1) ◊ Most media anticipate that a large percentage of voters will cast their ballots tomorrow. 2) ◊ Some students anticipate an extra day off in view of the coming typhoon.
* anticipation n. [U] 1) 期待 2) 預料 1) ◊ Apple fans around the world are waiting for the release of the new i. Phone in eager anticipation.
4. assault n. 1) [C] 嚴詞批評 (= attack) 2) [U] 傷害罪 3) [C] 襲擊,攻佔 (= attack) 3) ◊ The terrorists have warned the government that they will launch an assault on the train station.
* assault vt. 1) 攻擊,襲擊 (= attack) 2) 嚴詞批評,抨擊 3) 使難受 1) ◊ The highly respected professor is reported to have sexually/ assaulted one of his students. ( 性侵害 )
5. mock vt. 嘲弄,譏笑 (= make fun of) ◊ Some believe that those who mock others are mostly ignorant or feel insecure about themselves.
6. harass (v. ) * harassment n. [U] 騷擾 ◊ It is frustrating to see that racial harassment still exists in many parts of the world nowadays.
7. scold vt. 責罵 (= rebuke, tell off) ◊ My mother always scolds me if I spend my allowance on unnecessary stuff. * scolding n. sing. 責罵 ◊ The students got/received a scolding from the teacher for coming late. (挨罵 ) → The students were scolded by the teacher for coming late.
9. expose vt. 1) 使面臨,遭受 2) 露出,使顯露 (= reveal) 3) 使接觸,使學習 1) ◊ The doctor believes that the patient’s violent tendencies come from being exposed to too much violence on TV. 3) ◊ Both my parents were musicians, so I was exposed to music very early.
10. plague vt. 1) 使受折磨,煎熬 (= trouble) 2) 使惱怒,打攪 2) ◊ The celebrity was plagued by the media’s rapid fire questions about his recent scandal.
* plague n. [C] 瘟疫 (= epidemic) ◊ The Black Death is a deadly plague which broke out in the 14 th century and killed one third of the population of Europe.
* conscious adj. 1) 注意到,意識到 (= aware, ↔ unconscious) 2) 有知覺的,神智清醒的 (↔ unconscious) 3) 有意的,刻意的 1) ◊ The heavy smoker was not conscious of the danger of smoking until he was diagnosed with lung cancer. (意識到 …)
* consciousness n. [U] 1) 察覺,感覺 (= awareness) 2) 意識,神智 2) ◊ The man lost his consciousness in the nasty car accident. (某人失去知覺 )
13. disabled adj. 殘疾的,喪失能力的 ◊ The tremendous explosion left Emma severely disabled用來形容「殘疾的,有缺陷的」, 對於身心障礙人士的稱呼一般為people with disabilities或the disabled。handicapped也可表 示同樣的意思,不過語氣較為冒犯,目前已少 用此字。
lame 跛腳的 paralyzed 癱瘓 deaf 聾的,聽不見的 blind 瞎的,看不見的 dumb 啞的,不能說話的 (= mute)
* permanently adv. 永久地 (↔ temporarily) ◊ The serial killer was permanently deprived of his civil rights.
15. evidence n. [U] 1) 跡象 2) 證據,物證 2) ◊ Without any solid evidence against the suspects, the prosecutor couldn’t sue them.
17. utter vt. (fml. ) 1) 說出,講 2) 發出 達 3) 表 3) ◊ The crowd began uttering protests against the tyrant.
Words for Recognition 1. idiot n. [C] (infml. ) someone who is acting in a stupid way 笨蛋 補
1. idiot n. [C] (infml. ) 笨蛋 (= fool) ◊ I felt like a complete idiot for buying these useless books.
Words for Recognition 2. taunt vt. to say cruel things to someone to make that person angry 奚落,嘲諷 補
2. taunt vt. 奚落,嘲諷 ◊ It was absolutely improper for the heavy woman’s co workers to taunt her about her slow movement. ◊ Derek’s classmates taunted him for being fat/about his weight. ◊ Felix was taunted into fighting by the other boys. * taunt n. [C] (引人發怒或令人難過的 )嘲弄,譏 笑 ◊ The disabled girl endured taunts with indifference. ◊ In spite of others’ harsh taunts, Marco insisted on wearing a scarf on such a roasting day.
Words for Recognition 3. self-esteem n. [U] the feeling of liking or being satisfied with oneself, and the need to be respected 自尊 補 詞類變化
3. self-esteem n. [U] 自尊 (= self worth) ◊ Instead of always putting your kid down, you had better try to boost his self esteem and self confidence.
Words for Recognition esteem n. [U] (fml. ) 尊重 補 BACK
*esteem n. [U] (fml. ) 尊重 ◊ Myanmar political dissident Aung San Su Kyi has won worldwide esteem for her nonviolent struggle for democracy and human rights.
Words for Recognition 4. post-traumatic stress disorder po 2 n. (= PTSD) an anxiety disorder caused after someone experiences something so frightening that the person cannot handle it, which often leads to anger, nightmares, sleeplessness, etc. 創傷後壓力症候群 補 詞類變化
創傷後壓力症候群又可稱作創傷後壓力症、創傷後 壓力心理障礙症、創傷後壓力失調等,指人在遭遇或 對抗重大壓力後,其心理狀態產生失調之後遺症。這 些經驗包括生命遭到威脅、嚴重物理性傷害、身體或 心靈上的脅迫等。 PTSD的主要症狀包括惡夢、性格大變、情感解離、 麻木感(情感上的禁慾或疏離感)、失眠、逃避會引發創 傷回憶的事物、易怒、過度警覺、失憶和易受驚嚇。 PTSD是一種焦慮性失常,不應和一般的悲傷或創傷 後之調適混淆,此疾病也有可能伴隨著其他精神失調( 合併症comorbidity)包括重度憂鬱(major depression)、一 般性焦慮失調和各種成癮性。
PTSD的發病時間可能會延遲數年,甚至數 十年。創傷記憶有時候會被貯存在程序記憶 (procedural memory)中,當病患做了某一特定 身體動作時,便開始發作。 臨床研究指出:曾罹患PTSD之幼童,在成 年後比起沒有PTSD的人有更高的犯罪傾向。
字首“post ” 可置於名詞、動詞與形容詞的 前方,以構成表示「之後」之字詞,例: ◊ war → postwar 戰後的 ◊ date → postdate 發生在…之後 ◊ modern → postmodern 後現代的 ◊ graduate → postgraduate 研究生
Words for Recognition traumatic adj. 創傷的,受創的 補
*traumatic adj. 創傷的,受創的 ◊ Losing his wife in the plane crash is the most traumatic event for Henry. ◊ Marian still hasn’t got over the traumatic experience which happened two years ago.
Words for Recognition trauma n. [C] 創傷 補 BACK
* trauma n. [C] 1) 創傷 2) 痛苦的經 驗 1) ◊ Family’s love and support helped Laura leave the trauma behind. 2) ◊ The trauma of divorce made the woman insist on staying single for the rest of her life.
Words for Recognition 5. inflict vt. to make someone experience something unpleasant 給予打擊,使遭受 (傷害 ) 補
5. inflict vt. 給予打擊,使遭受 (傷害 ) ◊ Dry weather might have inflicted the bush fires in Western Australia.
Words for Recognition 6. long-term adj. continuing or having an effect for a long period of time, especially into the future 長期的 補
6. long-term adj. 長期的 (↔ short term) ◊ No one knows what the long term effects of the new drug will be. ◊ The disease has a long term effect on the body, which has made it impossible for the patient to ever walk again. 形容詞加上名詞可以形成複合形容詞 (compound adjectives),例: ◊ low fat 低脂的 ◊ left wing左派的 ◊ high class高級的 ◊ white collar白領階級的
Idioms and Phrases 1. point of view: a particular way of judging or thinking about a situation; someone’s way of looking at something 角度;觀點 From an ecological point of view, the discovery of hundreds of new species in Papua New Guinea implies that habitats can change. Children often find it hard to see things from their parents’ points of view. 補
1. point of view 1) 角度 (= perspective, angle) 2) 觀點 1) ◊ The novel was written from a career woman’s point of view. 2) ◊ The philosopher’s points of view are highly valued in this country.
Idioms and Phrases 2. tell someone off: to scold someone for doing something wrong 訓斥某人 The teacher told the student off for threatening some of his classmates with violence. 補
2. tell someone off 訓斥某人 (= scold) ◊ It is high time that someone told the spoiled child off for his rude and insensitive behavior. tell someone off 為可分離動詞片語,亦 可寫作 tell off someone。
Idioms and Phrases 3. at times: from time to time 有時候 Justin is a moody person. At times he seems nice, but he can come across as very cold and distant, too. 補
3. at times 有時候 ◊ Bernard doesn’t always have sandwiches for lunch. He eats hamburgers at times. ◊ Tony usually drives to work. At times, he takes a taxi. from time to time 有時 (= (every) once in a while, (every) now and then) ◊ Mrs. White’s children help her do some housework from time to time/(every) once in a while/(every) now and then.
Idioms and Phrases 4. run a risk of (doing) something: to be in a situation in which something bad could happen 冒 …風險 Firefighters run a higher risk of losing their own lives at work than most people in other professions do. 補
4. run a risk of (doing) something 冒 …風險 ◊ I dropped my cell phone in the river accidentally, but I would rather buy a new one than run a risk of falling into the water when trying to get it back.
Idioms and Phrases 5. wind up: to come to a particular situation 結果 … These backpackers forgot to arrange accommodations ahead of time, so they wound up having nowhere to stay. 補
5. wind up 1) 結果 … (= end up) 2) (會議、活動等 )結束 3) (公司、機構等 )結 束 1) ◊ For all his efforts, David wound up failing the test. 2) ◊ Our boss wound up the year end party by proposing a toast. 3) ◊ Unable to find sufficient financial support, the company was forced to wind up its business. It’s no longer operating.
Idioms and Phrases 6. bear something in mind: to remember something important 記住某事 When conducting an experiment, we should bear safety in mind at all times and never touch any chemicals with our bare hands. 補
6. bear something in mind 記住某事 (= keep something in mind) ◊ Professor Wu gave me a nice suggestion. I will bear it in mind. ◊ Whenever discouraged, you should bear in mind (that) your resolution to succeed is more important than anything else. 若 something 指的是後面的 that 子句, 則 something (it) 和 that 都可省略。
Idioms and Phrases 7. take something back: to admit that what has been said is not appropriate 收回 (不該說的話 ) I should have never said you were too immature to make a good decision. I’m sorry, and I take that back. 補
7. take something back 收回 (不該說的 話) ◊ It’s impossible to take back what you said, even if you didn’t mean to say it.
I. The prefix “self-” The prefix “self ” is put at the beginning of a noun or an adjective. It means “by oneself” or “of oneself. ” self-esteem self-centered 自尊心 自我中心的 self-aware self-control 自知的 自制 I. self-confidence self-sufficient II. 自信 自給自足的 補
字首 “self ”可置於名詞或分詞的前方, 以構成與「自我」相關的字詞,例: ◊ respect → self respect 自重 ◊ taught → self taught自學的 ◊ portrait → self portrait 自畫像 ◊ denying → self denying無私的 ◊ sacrifice → self sacrifice自我犧牲 ◊ discipline → self discipline 自律
II. Common expressions related to criticism 1. My English teacher picked me up on a few grammatical errors in my composition and asked me to make some revisions. (糾正、改正某人的錯誤) 2. Giving a presentation in front of our difficult boss is never easy. He will jump on us instantly even for one little mistake. (怒斥某人) 3. The demanding coach chewed out the team for not concentrating on the game and for losing by several points. (斥責某人,破口大罵)
II. Common expressions related to criticism 4. The crowd was stunned into silence when they witnessed that the pitcher laid into the umpire in the middle of the game. (痛打、痛斥某人) 5. The picky customer tore into the waitress about the food he had been served. He complained that it was too spicy and greasy. (嚴厲斥責…) 補
以下補充其它跟「批評」有關的字詞: ◊ The evening dress that the singer wore to the ceremony was savaged by several designers. They all liked it. (激 烈地批評 ) ◊ The librarian lectured the talkative girls about chatting loudly. (訓斥,告誡 ) ◊ I have been working on this project for a week without any rest. Hopefully, my boss won’t bit/snap my head off for not working hard enough. (嚴詞批評 ) ◊ I have a bone to pick with my neighbor upstairs. Their kids are making so much noise every night, which makes it impossible for me to get a good night’s sleep. (對 …不滿 並想與其說清楚、解決 )
◊ Movie critics slammed the director’s new production despite its good performance at the box office. (抨擊 ) I don’t think my boss is picking on me, after all I am a new employee and still have much to learn. (找碴) Mr. Chen believes that everything always has room for improvement. Though our team put a great deal of hear into the project. He still finds fault with it. (挑毛病) ◊ The Opposition took the president to task for his cross strait policy. ( 責 ) 譴
Linda was so mad at her boyfriend for lying to her that she couldn’t help but lash out at him. (破口大罵) Giving dressing down to others is likely to hurt their pride. (訓斥) Though dissatisfied with the service, Mr. Wang didn’t lowered the boom on the manager of the restaurant. (撂狠話)