Скачать презентацию 1 2 How diet affects the Скачать презентацию 1 2 How diet affects the


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How diet affects the brain: evolution & development Greg Downey Lecture 5. 2 3 How diet affects the brain: evolution & development Greg Downey Lecture 5. 2 3

Encephalization — ‘Bigger is better’ or something more? 4 Encephalization — ‘Bigger is better’ or something more? 4

Relative brain sizes Strepsirhines 12. 6 cc New world Monkey 34. 1 cc Most Relative brain sizes Strepsirhines 12. 6 cc New world Monkey 34. 1 cc Most formulae based on body size suggest human should be 600 Human cc. 1251. 8 cc Old World monkey 89. 1 cc Great ape Lesser ape 316. 7 cc 97. 5 cc Source: James K. Rilling. 2006. Human and Non. Human Primate Brains: Are They Allometrically Scaled Versions of the Same Design? Evolutionary Anthropology 15: 65 -77.

Encephalization: ‘expected’ brain size 6 Encephalization: ‘expected’ brain size 6

How big is the human brain? 7 How big is the human brain? 7

Encephalization — Evolutionary trends Graphic from Getty Images 8 Encephalization — Evolutionary trends Graphic from Getty Images 8

9 9

Encephalization among hominins 10 Encephalization among hominins 10

Brain growth over evolution Relative brain size Hominin doesn’t just get bigger, it spikes Brain growth over evolution Relative brain size Hominin doesn’t just get bigger, it spikes upward. Time, in millions of years ago http: //www. talkorigins. org/faqs/homs/a_brains. html

How big does a brain have to be? 750 cc - Author Keith. 12 How big does a brain have to be? 750 cc - Author Keith. 12

The first of our genus: Early Homo 13 The first of our genus: Early Homo 13

Homo habilis (Australopithecus habilis? ) • ‘Habilis’ because of ‘handy man’ (discovered 1960). • Homo habilis (Australopithecus habilis? ) • ‘Habilis’ because of ‘handy man’ (discovered 1960). • Remains 2. 3 -1. 6 mya. Overlaps Australopithecenes & Paranthropus. • Ape-like body. • Skeletal traits variable. H. rudolfensis for robust variant. • 600 -700 cc. brain. Is the big jump with H. /A. habilis or with H. erectus? • May have made stone tools. Homo habilis (skull OH 24) Source: http: //www. mnh. si. edu/anthro/humanorigins/ha/a_tree. html 14

Homo ergaster • ‘Work man’ (1976). • 1. 8 mya to. 6 mya. • Homo ergaster • ‘Work man’ (1976). • 1. 8 mya to. 6 mya. • Larger body than earlier hominins with modern proportions (savanna populations). • Human-like traits: Left Africa for Eurasia (range). Diet included meat (cooking? ). Tool use. Brain size around 800 cc. • Used to be called H. erectus, but now name is reserved for East Asian remains. ‘Nariokotome Boy’ KNM-WT 15000 Remains found at Lake Turkana Photo by Kenneth Garrett/National Geographic 15

Comparative neurology Human brain not simply quantitatively different (bigger). Qualitative differences are crucial. Terrence Comparative neurology Human brain not simply quantitatively different (bigger). Qualitative differences are crucial. Terrence Deacon: searching for special ‘language’ part of human brain. 16

17 17

Relative brain sizes Cerebral cortex much larger. Rat’s cortex = postage stamp Monkey’s = Relative brain sizes Cerebral cortex much larger. Rat’s cortex = postage stamp Monkey’s = post card Human’s = four pages Chimpanzee’s = page of printer paper

Relative brain size or. . . the neocortex is about the size of two Relative brain size or. . . the neocortex is about the size of two large pizzas. Thanks to Paul Mason for this slide! 19

Neocortex shape (sulchi, fissures, gyri) 20 Neocortex shape (sulchi, fissures, gyri) 20

Primordial plexiform layer (first & oldest); becomes I & subplate (SP) in human. Cortical Primordial plexiform layer (first & oldest); becomes I & subplate (SP) in human. Cortical plate divides PPL & forms II-VI. http: //www. nature. com/nature/journal/v 437/n 7055/fig_tab/nature 04103_F 1. html — see also www. brainmuseum. org

Brain areas that grew • Frontal lobe, associated with synthesizing information from other areas Brain areas that grew • Frontal lobe, associated with synthesizing information from other areas and inhibiting action. • Volume of white matter, brain interconnections, grows faster than neocortex, eventually constituting 34% of human brain. • Differentiation of tissue (but only through development). 22 Graphic from Getty Images

Social brain hypothesis Average group size correlates with the ration of neocortex to the Social brain hypothesis Average group size correlates with the ration of neocortex to the rest of the brain. R. I. M. Dunbar, et al. 2007. Evolution in the Social Brain. Science 317, 1344 -1347. DOI: 10. 1126/science. 1145463 23

Possibility: dietary change? Social brain hypothesis Problem: What kicks off the process? Larger brain Possibility: dietary change? Social brain hypothesis Problem: What kicks off the process? Larger brain only adaptive once social life complex. 24

Is intelligence all ‘in the brain’? • Human intellectual abilities, however, are not carried Is intelligence all ‘in the brain’? • Human intellectual abilities, however, are not carried entirely by genes. – “Feral children, ” for example… • Human company influences intellect. – Other primates raised in human environments develop greater intelligence. – E. g. tool use in “encultured” chimps & orangutans. – Carel van Schaik: gregarious adult social life key. • “Human” is especially immature at birth. – Brain less developed at same age to open wider learning window.

‘Extended brain’ • • Won’t deal with it today (during week on Language). . ‘Extended brain’ • • Won’t deal with it today (during week on Language). . . Language, culture, symbolic systems and other devices both create external supports for cognitive abilities, and. . . Generate developmental environments that shape the biological unfolding of humans. Human brains are shot through with culture. 26

27 27

Diet and brain: What were we ‘meant’ to eat? Hominin dietary patterns 28 Diet and brain: What were we ‘meant’ to eat? Hominin dietary patterns 28

Meat and Livestock Australia ad campaign: ‘Red Meat. We were meant to eat it. Meat and Livestock Australia ad campaign: ‘Red Meat. We were meant to eat it. ’ Downloaded from www. mla. com. au (Go to website for functioning video link. ) 29

Problems with a big brain Why doesn’t every animal want one? Graphic from Getty Problems with a big brain Why doesn’t every animal want one? Graphic from Getty Images 30

‘Expensive tissue’ hypothesis Large brain is energy hungry — human brain consumes 25% of ‘Expensive tissue’ hypothesis Large brain is energy hungry — human brain consumes 25% of our energy when resting. (See readings!) Brain tissue expends 9 x body tissue average. In infants, 75% of body’s energy! Only human babies fat (15%). Need for energy-rich food. 31 Graphic from Getty Images

Human diet • Richard Wrangham argued that human could not eat enough food on Human diet • Richard Wrangham argued that human could not eat enough food on ‘chimp diet’ to survive. (Besides, he found the fruit ‘very unpleasant. ’) • H. ergaster brain size increasing while teeth are growing smaller. Would need more than 5 kilos/day in raw plant food. Around 6 hours/day chewing. • Wrangham argues that cooking would be necessary. 32 Graphic from Getty Images

Cost of bigger brain Examining energy demanding organs. Human gut, especially, is significantly smaller Cost of bigger brain Examining energy demanding organs. Human gut, especially, is significantly smaller than predicted by patterns in other species. Makes digestive tract less efficient. 33

Comparative GI tract Humans have comparatively long intestine & shortened colon. Resembles other primates Comparative GI tract Humans have comparatively long intestine & shortened colon. Resembles other primates (such as capuchin monkeys) who process food in hands. 34

Diet, selection and reduced pressure 35 Diet, selection and reduced pressure 35

Frugivore gut • In spite of these challenges, humans clearly have frugivorederived gut (vegetarian). Frugivore gut • In spite of these challenges, humans clearly have frugivorederived gut (vegetarian). • Pouch in colon to ferment plant foods. • Intestine is expandable and quite long (compared to carnivore) & stomach small. • Gut transit time in humans: 3848 hours. Carnivores: 2. 5 to 26 hours. 36

The Radiator Hypothesis • In hot environment, brain temperature may be the one biggest The Radiator Hypothesis • In hot environment, brain temperature may be the one biggest limit on survival (and human brains generate energy). • A. afarensis began to develop openings in the skull (emissary foramina) through which blood could flow out to cool the brain. • Brain temperature was constraint; ‘radiator’ released this constraint. Lower photo from Wolfgang Zenker and Stefan Kubik (1996: 4); illustrations from http: //www. anthro. fsu. edu/research/falk/concepts. html Images and discussion from Dean Falk, http: //www. albany. edu/braindance/Theories. htm. 37

The Radiator Hypothesis Cranial capacity Mastoid foramina Parietal foramina 38 The Radiator Hypothesis Cranial capacity Mastoid foramina Parietal foramina 38

How to afford your brain Evolutionary strategies Graphic from Getty Images 39 How to afford your brain Evolutionary strategies Graphic from Getty Images 39

‘Man the hunter’ hypothesis Did hunting drive human evolution by fueling hungry brain? Evidence ‘Man the hunter’ hypothesis Did hunting drive human evolution by fueling hungry brain? Evidence of butchering in stone marks on bones & refuse piles. Evidence from parasites. Modern foragers get 50% of calories from meat (chimps <3%, who don’t host tapeworms). 40

‘Man the hunter’ hypothesis Might seek especially rich foods (like brains or marrow). Would ‘Man the hunter’ hypothesis Might seek especially rich foods (like brains or marrow). Would also help explain expanding range of H. ergaster (out of Africa). But data and jaw suggests small animal hunting (not romantic image of big game hunting). 41 Graphic from Getty Images

Something fishy about the brain? Shoreline foraging provided high protein frogs, clams, fish, & Something fishy about the brain? Shoreline foraging provided high protein frogs, clams, fish, & bird eggs (fish bones with H. habilis). Shore rather than savannah as the crucial niche. Evidence: Iodine deficiency. Possible, but still theoretical… 42

H. sapiens and P. boisei teeth H. sapiens and P. boisei teeth

Graphic from Getty Images Recent changes in the brain In last 35, 000 years, Graphic from Getty Images Recent changes in the brain In last 35, 000 years, brain size has shrunk 11%. In last 10, 000 years, brain size has shrunk 8%. Are domesticated food sources adequate? 44 Ruff, Trinkaus & Holliday 1997.

Diet of early Homo? • Evidence suggests no single pattern (‘unspecialized frugivore’); tooth-wear patterns, Diet of early Homo? • Evidence suggests no single pattern (‘unspecialized frugivore’); tooth-wear patterns, for example, vary. • Perhaps the best evidence of dietary versatility and ability to inhabit variety of ecological niches (like the versatile lower body for locomotion). • The most interesting thing is the ability to meet energy demands from varied niches with underdeveloped guts (debated), jaws and teeth. • Humans likely omnivores for a very long time; clearly occupied a different niche from other living Great Apes (see also evidence from tapeworms). • Modern health problems are not because we are eating the wrong food; the problem is the lack of activity and surplus of calories. 45

Sex and reproduction Week Six Graphic from Getty Images 46 Sex and reproduction Week Six Graphic from Getty Images 46

Select References (see unit outline for more) • Aiello, L. C. , and P. Select References (see unit outline for more) • Aiello, L. C. , and P. Wheeler. 1995. The expensive-tissue hypothesis: The brain and the digestive system in humans and primate evolution. Current Anthropology 36: 199 -221. • Bradbury, Jane. 2005. Molecular Insights into Human Brain Evolution. PLo. S Biology 3(3): e 50. DOI: 10. 1371/journal. pbio. 0030050 • Dunbar, R. I. M. , et al. 2007. Evolution in the Social Brain. Science 317, 1344 -1347. DOI: 10. 1126/science. 1145463 • Hladik, C. M. , D. J. Chivers, and P. Pasquet (et al. ). 1999. On Diet and Gut Size in Non-Human Primates and Humans: Is There a Relationship to Brain Size? (and commentary) Current Anthropology 40(5): 695 -698. (pdf available) • Hladik, C. M. , and P. Pasquet. 2002. The human adaptations to meat eating: a reappraisal. Human Evolution 17(3 -4): 199 -206. (pdf available) • Rilling, James K. 2006. Human and Non. Human Primate Brains: Are They Allometrically Scaled Versions of the Same Design? Evolutionary Anthropology 15: 65 -77. (pdf available) • Ruff, Christopher B. , Erik Trinkaus and Trenton W. Holliday. 1997. Body mass and encephalization in Pleistocene Homo. Nature 387: 173 -176. • Ungar, Peter S. , Frederick E. Grine, and Mark F. Teaford. 2006. Diet in Early Homo: A Review of the Evidence and a New Model of Adaptive Versatility. Annual Review of Anthropology 35: 209 -228. • Wrangham, R. W. , J. H. Jones, G. Laden, D. Pilbeam and N. L. Conklin-Brittain. 1999. The raw and the stolen: Cooking and the Ecology of Human Origins. Current Anthropology 40: 567 -594. • Diet diagrams from Aiello and Wheeler. 1995. Current Anthropology. Reproduced in www. beyondveg. com. 47