- Количество слайдов: 35
1 1/24/05 FSG A 11 y Standardization George Kraft IV gk 4@austin. ibm. com http: //www. linuxbase. org/~gk 4/a 11 y/stds/ www. a 11 y. org
2 1/24/05 The FSG ● ● The Free Standards Group is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the use of free and open source software by developing and promoting standards Founded in 2000 by the LSB workgroup Consensus standardization of de facto implementations Driven by ISV requirements www. a 11 y. org
3 1/24/05 FSG Board ● Richard Brunner (Corporate Member: AMD) ● Dirk Hohndel (Corporate Member: Intel) ● Thorsten Kukuk (Corporate Member: Su. SE) ● Jon "Maddog" Hall (Nonprofit Member: USENIX) ● Akio Kido (Nonprofit Member: Japan Linux Association; IBM) ● Ralf Flaxa (Individual Member; Su. SE) ● Roger So (Individual Member; Sun Wah) ● Theodore Ts'o (Individual Member; IBM) ● Hideki Hiura (Individual Member; Sun) www. a 11 y. org
4 1/24/05 FSG Staff ● Jim Zemlin = President, Executive Director ● Daniel Quinlan = Vice President, Chairman of the Board ● Roger So = Secretary ● Erik Troan = CFO ● Nick Stoughton = ISO/POSIX Liaison www. a 11 y. org
5 1/24/05 FSG Workgroups ● LSB ● Open. I 18 N http: //www. openi 18 n. org/ ● LANANA http: //www. lanana. org/ ● Open. Printing http: //www. openprinting. org/ ● Accessibility http: //www. a 11 y. org/ ● DWARF ● Open Cluster www. a 11 y. org http: //www. linuxbase. org/ http: //dwarf. freestandards. org/ http: //www. opencf. org/
6 1/24/05 Product Standards ● Conformance requirements specified for a particular type of product, for the purpose of certification or branding: – – ● LSB Runtime Environment LSB Internationalized Runtime Environment http: //www. linuxbase. org/test/registered. html www. a 11 y. org
7 1/24/05 Workgroup Deliverables ● Specifications – ● Application dependent API, ABI, and Commands Conformance tests in testing harness – Versus functional, unit, or system test www. a 11 y. org
8 1/24/05 FSG Adoption Criteria ● Specification – Upstream maintenance of implementation – Multiple Linux distribution implementations – Public review of release candidate specification – Doc. Book SGML/XML formatted – GFDL licensed www. a 11 y. org
9 1/24/05 FSG Adoption Criteria ● Certification – Conformance testing of implementation per release candidate specification – TETware (or other POSIX. 3 compatible harness) – GPL or Artistic licensed www. a 11 y. org
01 1/24/05 Specification Tiers I. Runtime Environment – Application Binary Interfaces – Application Programming Interfaces – Application Dependent Commands II. Development Environment III. User Environment IV. Sysem Management www. a 11 y. org
11 1/24/05 LSB Organization www. a 11 y. org
21 1/24/05 LSB Deliverables ● LSB Generic and Architectural Specifications – ● Conformance Tests – ● ● ● IA 32, IA 64, PPC 32, PPC 64, S 390 X, AMD 64 Existence and behavioral (POSIX style) Sample Implementation Application Battery Development Environment www. a 11 y. org
31 1/24/05 LSB Timeline ● REVIEW: 10/99 g. LSB v 0. 1 (gk 4 becomes scribe) ● LAUNCH: 7/02 LSB v 1. 2 certification for IA 32 ● REVIEW: 7/00 g. LSB v 0. 2 (gk 4 becomes pm) ● RELEASE: 10/02 arch. LSB-IA 64 v 1. 2. 1 ● REVIEW: 1/01 g. LSB v 0. 4 ● REVIEW: 10/02 v 1. 3 of g. LSB, arch. LSB-IA 32, arch. LSB-PPC 32, arch. LSB- ● REVIEW: 3/01 g. LSB v 0. 7 (gk 4 becomes chair) ● REVIEW: 4/01 g. LSB v 0. 8 ● REVIEW: 10/02 arch. LSB-S 390 v 0. 5 ● REVIEW: 5/01 g. LSB v 0. 9 ● RELEASE: 12/02 v 1. 3 of g. LSB, arch. LSB for IA 32, PPC 32, IA 64, & S 390 ● RELEASE: 6/01 g. LSB v 1. 0 ● RELEASE: 6/03 arch. LSB v 1. 3 for PPC 64 ● REVIEW: 12/01 g. LSB v 1. 1 and arch. LSB-IA 32 v 1. 1 ● LAUNCH: 1/03 LSB v 1. 3 certification for IA 32, PPC 32, IA 64 ● RELEASE: 1/02 g. LSB v 1. 1 and arch. LSB-IA 32 v 1. 1 ● RESCIND: 8/03 arch. LSB v 1. 3 for PPC 64 recinded due to no glibc 2. 2. 5 ● REVIEW: 2/02 arch. LSB-IA 64 v 0. 9. 9 ● REVIEW: 5/02 g. LSB v 1. 2 and arch. LSB-IA 32 v 1. 2 ● LAUNCH: 8/03 LSB v 1. 3 certificaiton for S 390 ● RELEASE: 6/02 g. LSB v 1. 2 and arch. LSB-IA 32 v 1. 2 ● REVIEW: 2/04 LSB v 2. 0 ● RELEASE: 9/04 LSB v 2. 0 www. a 11 y. org IA 64 support
41 1/24/05 LSB Cross Check www. a 11 y. org
51 1/24/05 LSB Marketing ● Dozens of articles ● Dozens of interviews ● Deliverables ● Official Press Releases ● Tutorials ● Conference presence (FSG booth, BOF) ● Workgroup presence (freedesktop. org, x. org, ISO) ● Book www. a 11 y. org
61 1/24/05 LSB Adoption ● ● Most successful ABI in IT history All major Linux distributions have adopted – ● ● http: //www. linuxbase. org/test/registered. html ISVs guaranteed a binary compatible base LSB 2. 0. 1 being adopted by ISO www. a 11 y. org
71 1/24/05 LSB Futures ● Expansion Procedures – – ● Add new ABIs Add new Architectures http: //lsbbook. gforge. freestandards. org/contribute. ht ml www. a 11 y. org
81 1/24/05 LSB Partnerships www. a 11 y. org
91 1/24/05 LSB Desktop ● New “desktop” specification for LSB v 3. 0 – – Missing conformance test suites – ● Specifying ATK v 1. 9. 0 Is documentation adequate? http: //www. linuxbase. org/LSBWiki/Gnome. Plan 3 www. a 11 y. org
02 1/24/05 LSB Weakness ● Scope not large enough to support some ISVs – – ● ● ● Introduced C++ in LSB 2. 0 Need freedesktop. org to deliver specifications & tests Need to dramatically improve test case coverage LSB has overcommitted resources ISVs too sceptical and/or arrogant to adopt www. a 11 y. org
12 1/24/05 Open. I 18 N ● ● ● Globalization Specification Fixed upstream libraries and commands LSB Internationalization Runtime Certification – – ● Adopted by RHEL 3 and SLES 9 Phase 1 (Tier 1 imported into LSB 1. 3) Phase 2 (Tier 3) being withheld from cert. – User Environment hard to specify and test www. a 11 y. org
22 1/24/05 FSG A 11 y ● Specifications – – AT-SPI – ● Keyboard I/O CAUTION – Keep specification & testing scope tight & manageable – Defer implementation & system integration to GAP www. a 11 y. org – Invent/design as little as possible
32 1/24/05 Ally Specifications ● Documentation (Doc. Book SGML/XML) – ● Source Code Control (CVS) – ● http: //gforge. freestandards. org/scm/? group_id=1 9 Bug tracking (Bugzilla) – ● ABIs for Applications and ATs (ATK, IDL? ) http: //bugs. freestandards. org/ Openly available at all stages (HTTP) – http: //gforge. freestandards. org/projects/a 11 y/ www. a 11 y. org
42 1/24/05 API Work ● FSG A 11 y needs to work on APIs and ABIs – http: //developer. gnome. org/doc/API/2. 0/gtk/Gtk. Widget. html#gtk-widget-accessible – http: //developer. gnome. org/doc/API/2. 0/atk/ – http: //developer. gnome. org/doc/API/2. 0/gail/ – http: //developer. gnome. org/doc/API/2. 0/at-spi/ www. a 11 y. org
52 1/24/05 IDL ● Need to think about IDLs – Does an ISV's application use these ABIs? – http: //www. linuxbase. org/~gk 4/a 11 y/idl/ www. a 11 y. org
62 1/24/05 Conformance Testing ● ● Conformance Testing per Public Specification POSIX. 3 Test Methodology – ● Special return codes TETware and the Open Source Test Environment Toolkit – Automated ● Test Case Coverage ● http: //lsbbook. gforge. freestandards. org/test-expand. html www. a 11 y. org
72 1/24/05 PASS ● Pass - the test has been executed correctly and to completion without any kind of problem ● Warning - the functionality is acceptable, but you should be aware that later revisions of the relevant standards or specification may change the requirements in this area. ● FIP - additional information is provided which needs to be checked manually. ● Unsupported - an optional feature is not available or not supported in the implementation under test. ● Not in Use - some tests may not be required in certain test modes or when an interface can be implemented by a macro or function and there are two versions of the test only one is used. ● Untested - no test written to check a particular feature or an optional facility needed to perform a test is not available on the system. www. a 11 y. org
82 1/24/05 FAIL ● ● Fail - the interface did not behave as expected. Uninitiated - the particular test in question did not start to execute. Unresolved - the test started but did not reach the point where the test was able to report success or failure. Unreported - a major error occurred during the testset execution. www. a 11 y. org
92 1/24/05 TETworks Languages ● Supported TETworks Languages – – Java – ● C, C++ Sh, Ksh, Perl, Tcl http: //tetworks. opengroup. org/contrib-3. 6/templates/ www. a 11 y. org
03 1/24/05 X 11 Testing ● Lsb-test-vsw 4: binary version of the LSB X Window System test suite. These tests are derived from the VSW 4 XTest test suites. – – http: //www. opengroup. org/testing/downloads/vsw 4. html – ● http: //www. linuxbase. org/download/index. php/test_suites/runti me http: //www. opengroup. org/testing/testsuites/vsw 5. htm VSM 5 – Motif conformance test suite – http: //www. opengroup. org/testing/testsuites/vsm 4. htm www. a 11 y. org
13 1/24/05 TETworks Tutorials ● http: //tetworks. opengroup. org/tutorial/ ● http: //tetworks. opengroup. org/documents/docs. htm www. a 11 y. org
23 1/24/05 A 11 y Recommendations ● Project Manage workgroup & subgroups – – ● Weekly subgroup calls – ● Roadmaps of specification & testing deliverables Action item tracking Establish formal A 11 y steering committee, committers, contributors, & procedures Establish formal GAP steering committee, committers, contributors, & procedures www. a 11 y. org
33 1/24/05 Deliverables? ● Specifications – ● Keyboard, GAP (ie. , ATK), I/O Conformance tests – Keyboard, GAP (ie. , ATK), I/O ● Application A 11 y Style Guide ● Application A 11 y How-To Guide ● Conf. Presentations, articles, press releases ● All deliverables complement implementation www. a 11 y. org
43 1/24/05 1 Q 05 Action Items ● ● Publish 0. 1 of individual specifications Get started on conformance tests FSG booth at Linux. World (Feb) DDC/OLS A 11 y Presentation (June) – ● GAP overview and How-To article for Linux Journal www. a 11 y. org
53 1/24/05 Reference ● FSG Workgroup Committee Procedures – ● LSB Workgroup Charter – ● http: //www. linuxbase. org/policy/charter. html Building Applications with the Linux Standard Base, IBM Press, 2005, ISBN 0131456954 – ● http: //www. linuxbase. org/~gk 4/Workgroup. Committee. Procedures. 7. tx t http: //lsbbook. gforge. freestandards. org/ TETware and the Open Source Test Environment Toolkit http: //tetworks. opengroup. org/ www. a 11 y. org –