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화면 상세설계서 개발학기 2009년 1학기 교과목코드 교과목명 고급영어작문 주차명 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 집필 교수 날짜 조기석 교수 버전 교수설계자 변경/추가내역 검수
학습내용 분류표 보충내용 PAGE 화면번호 MENU 대분류 pop up download 1 en 010001 Introduction 학습목표 X X 2 en 010101 Warm up 사전학습 1 X 3 en 010201 Lecture 1 X X 4 en 010202 X X 2 X 1 X Lecture 2 1 X Practice 1 5 en 010203 6 en 010204 7 en 010301 Task Practice 2 8 en 010302 Task 1 X 9 en 010401 writing 1 X 10 en 010402 Error Correction X X Exercise 11 en 010403 12 en 010501 Grammar Tip 문법 팁 X X 13 en 010601 Wrap up 정리하기 X X X
개발 공통 적용 사항 1. 모든 클릭 이벤트에 효과음(화려하거나 크지 않도록)을 넣어주세요. 2. 다음 메뉴 화면에 배경음악을 깔아주세요. - Introduction, Exercise, Wrap up 3. 앞 뒤 화면간의 전환 시 적절한, 음향 효과음을 넣어 주세요. 4. 중요한 부분은 bold로 해주세요. 다른 색깔의 컬러로 해주세요. (기본 빨강, 파랑으로 합니다. ) 5. 지시어는 프로토타입 이후 모든 차시에 통일해주세요. 6. 팝업 창 디자인 통일해주세요. 성격 : 안내 블릿기호: 폰트: 돋음 글자크기: 10 글자색 : 검정
오리엔테이션 Introduction 학습위치, 차시 안내 학습목표/내용제시 1주차 Warm up 학습내용 관련 사전테스트 Practice 1 Lecture Task Practice 2 Lecture Task 6주차 중간고사 8주차 Exercise 기말고사 학습내용 관련 확인 문제 Grammar Tip 학습내용 관련 문법 강의 및 확인 문제 Wrap up 학습정리 및 다음 주차 예고
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 고급영어작문 5 화면 설명 과목명과 주차 제목을 표 시한 인트로 페이지 • 경쾌한 BGM 펜을 쥔 손이 나와서 과정 타이틀 제시되고 과정 타이 틀 사라지고 주차명 제시 (다음 슬라이드) 고급영어작문 Lesson 1: He found out a gift shop on the Internet 인트로 페이지(UI 시안 제작 중) 1 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010001 쪽번호 고급영어작문 화면 설명 1. 2. - ■ Introduction 교수님 동영상강의 교안 1주차 학습목표, 1주차 핵심내용 제시 Introduction 동영상 파일 En 010001. flv 오늘 학습할 내용에 대한 설명을 들어보세요. Warm up Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 동영상 영역 Lesson Objectives 1) Subject (1) Narrowing down subject (2) Brain Storming (3) Journalistic techniques Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Grammar Tip ------Error Correction 2) Purpose (1) Inform (2) Persuade (3) Entertain 3) Punctuation (1) Comma (2) Semicolon Wrap up 1 /13 6
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010101 고급영어작문 Answer 클릭 시 – 정답화면이 팝업으로 제시 Complete the chart by putting each type of writing in the appropriate box. Some types can go in more than one box. plays jokes newspaper articles memos stories novels songs letters essays editorials textbooks Lecture -------Task ------- poetry analyses instructions Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- 화면 설명 하여 아래 박스 안에 넣 을 수 있도록 Warm up Practice 1 7 1. 글의 유형들을 드래그 ■ Warm up Introduction 쪽번호 Entertaining Informing Persuading Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Answer Wrap up 2 /13
Close X 정답화면 Entertaining Informing plays jokes newspaper articles stories novels analyses songs poetry Persuading textbooks memos instructions editorials essays 2 letters
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010201 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 쪽번호 9 화면 설명 3개의 탭으로 구성, 클릭시 각각의 내용으로 이동 가능 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Lecture Introduction 글쓰기의 3가지 기본요소에 대한 설명을 들어보세요. Warm up Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Narrow down subject Brainstorming 음성 파일 En 010201. mp 3 Journalistic techniques Subject 1) Narrow down subject You should choose a topic to write an essay. A narrow and specific topic is easier to write about than a broad and general topic. You will need to go through a process of narrowing down the subject from general to something more specific to find a topic that is appropriate. (1) One step process of narrowing down subject General topic (broad topic) -> Specific Topic (narrow topic) ▪ Things that I like -> Going to the movies ▪ Things that I don’t like -> Going to school on Monday ▪ Sports -> Spectacular sports ▪ Movies -> Horror movies ▪ Universities in USA -> The Ivy League ▪ Places I visited -> Places I visited last summer vacation Wrap up 3 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010201 고급영어작문 쪽번호 10 화면 설명 강의에 맞춰 화면 제시 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Lecture Introduction 글쓰기의 3가지 기본요소에 대한 설명을 들어보세요. 음성 파일 En 010201. mp 3 Warm up (2) Multi step process of narrowing down subject Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- ▪ General topic (broad topic) -> Specific Topic (narrow topic) ▪ Movies -> Horror Movies -> Jurassic Park ▪ Television Program -> Soap Opera -> Winter Sonata Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise ▪ Hospitals -> Hospitals specializing in cancer operation -> Hospitals specializing in lung cancer operation ▪ Disease -> Animal Disease -> Bird Disease -> Avian Influenza ▪ Entertainment -> Concerts -> Rock music -> U 2 writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 3 /13
Brainstorming Subject 2) Brainstorming is a prewriting process. Brainstorming captures ideas, and opinions about the topic. You can write words, phrases, or sentences that you can think of about the topic. You do not have to write complete sentences for brainstorming. Words The smallest unit to express meaning Ex Phrases food, beauty, computer The unit between words and sentences Ex hate shopping, last summer vacation, against the idea A unit that has at least a subject and a verb Sentences Ex He likes playing cards, She likes listening to music
Brainstorming (1) Demonstration of Brainstorming Nationality : Canadian Name: Dean Jackson Age : 35 years old Job : a dentist Gender : a man Self-introduction Likes and dislikes : love traveling around world, do not like lazy people Address : In Vancouver, Canada Dream: run my own hospital, help people with their dental problems
Journalistic techniques Subject 3) Journalistic techniques The journalistic technique approaches the topic in terms of ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘how, and ‘why’. These questions are useful to you when you are writing an informative essay such as an article in the newspaper. Suppose that you are writing about your summer vacation plan. You can approach the topic “My summer vacation plan” in terms of ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘how, and ‘why’. Ex My summer vacation plan 1. When will you go on summer vacation? - From August 22, 2008 to August 28, 2008 2. Where will you go for your summer vacation? - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 3. What will you do in summer vacation resort? - Enjoy swimming and snorkeling in Waikiki beach 4. Who will you go on your summer vacation with? - With my wife, and children 5. How will you get to your summer vacation resort? - We will take KAL 6. Why will you go there for your summer vacation? - Hawaii is one of famous vacation places.
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010202 고급영어작문 v 1 good public transportation Lecture -------Task ------- 2 service available for 24 hours 3 advantages of Korea Practice 2 4 low medical cost GT Lecture -------Task ------- 5 drinking alcohol GT GT Practice 1 6 how to get rid of stress 7 smoking cigarettes 8 writing ------Error Correction Answer 버튼 클릭시 정오답 표시되고 화면처럼 정답 제시 넥스트 버튼 활성화 Look at the lists below. Each box has four topics. Mark GT for general topics and mark ST for specific topics. Warm up Exercise overeating GT v v ST v GT ST ST v v GT ST ST ST GT v ST Grammar Tip Wrap up 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 1 Introduction 14 Answer Next 4 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010202 고급영어작문 Warm up Answer 버튼 클릭시 정답 제시되고, 넥스트 버튼 활성화 Derive three specific topics from one general topic. GT spectacular sports that I enjoy Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- ST ㅣ 입력해보세요. soccer ST baseball ST American football Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- GT ST things that make me happy ㅣ 입력해보세요. going to the movies with my friend Exercise ST writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 1 Introduction 15 discovering a good restaurant where I can have dinner with my family ST receiving money form my parents Answer Next 4 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010202 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 Warm up Derive one general topic from three specific topics. GT ㅣ 입력해보세요. how to stay in shape ST stop drinking ST stop smoking ST doing regular exercises Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- GT ㅣ 입력해보세요. how to reduce disposable items ST do not use paper cups ST do not use wood chopsticks ST carry personal cups Exercise writing ------Error Correction 화면 설명 Answer 버튼 클릭시 화면 처럼 정답 제시 Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 16 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 1 Introduction 쪽번호 Grammar Tip Wrap up Answer 4 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010203 고급영어작문 - Answer 버튼 클릭시 화면처럼 정답제시 넥스트 버튼 활성화 Introduction Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- Think of a place you visited before. For a prewriting process capture ideas and opinions about your topic in terms of ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘how, and ‘why’. Then write about your topic including as many details as possible. Prewriting process (1) When did I go to ㅣ 입력해보세요. (2) Where did I visit in ㅣ 입력해보세요. (3) What did I do in ㅣ 입력해보세요. Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise (4) Who did I go to ㅣ 입력해보세요. (5) How did I get to ㅣ 입력해보세요. (6) Why did I go ㅣ 입력해보세요. writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 2 Warm up 17 Next Answer 5 /13
Answer En 010204_pop 1 (1)When did I go to New York City? Last summer (2) Where did I visit in New York City? Visited Statue of Liberty, Pink Salt Restaurant, Central Park (3) What did I do in New York City? Visited famous places, went to see a show on Broadway, met up with friends, Went on a picnic with friends (4) Who did I go to New York City with? I went to New York City by myself. (5) How did I get to New York City? I flew to New York City. (6)Why did I go to New Work City? Wanted to see famous places such as the Statue of Liberty, Pink Salt Close X
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010203 고급영어작문 Lecture -------Task ------- 화면 설명 - Answer 버튼 클릭시 팝업창으로 정답제시 Introduction Practice 1 19 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 2 Warm up 쪽번호 Think of a place you visited before. For a prewriting process capture ideas and opinions about your topic in terms of ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘how, and ‘why’. Then write about your topic including as many details as possible. Paragraph writing ㅣ 입력해보세요. Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up Answer 5 /13 En 010203_pop 2
Answer En 010203_pop 2 Last summer was such a blast because I visited New York City. I found out that there actually five boroughs that make up New York City, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. It was so much fun because I got to see the famous places that I've always seen on Sex and the City, including the Statue of Liberty and Pink Salt Restaurant. I also went to Central Park. Actually, that's where I met up with some of my friends from Korea. So we had a picnic together and then went to see a show on Broadway. On my last night in New York City, I I took a long walk around the city just listening to the sounds of the city. The next morning, I met up with my friends. Although I had flown to New York by myself, I flew back to Korea with my friends. It was the best trip I ever took. I will never forget it. Close X
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010204 고급영어작문 Warm up Suppose that you are writing about a topic “things that I want to achieve in the future. ” Brainstorm about the topic. Write 6 ideas about the topic as a prewriting process. how to stay in shape You can write words, phrases, or sentences. Lecture -------Task ------- Things that I want to achieve in the future (1) ㅣ 입력해보세요. (2) Lecture -------Task ------- (3) Exercise (5) writing ------Error Correction (4) (6) Grammar Tip Wrap up - Answer 버튼 클릭시 팝업창으로 정답제시 넥스트 버튼 활성화 En 010204_pop 1 Practice 2 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 3 Introduction 21 Answer Next 6 /13
Things that I want to achieve in the future (1) learning 1) swimming 2) driving 3) foreign language (2) traveling 4) visiting European countries 5) visiting South East Asian countries (3) purchasing 6) purchasing a garden house Close X En 010204_pop 1
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010204 고급영어작문 Warm up Write a paragraph about the topic ‘things that I want to achieve in the future. ’ For each thing that you want to achieve, elaborate on it by mentioning reasons or motivations for your goals. Make sure that your paragraph has a topic sentence that states how to stay in shape what the entire paragraph is talking about. 화면 설명 - Answer 버튼 클릭시 팝업창으로 정답제시 En 010204_pop 2 Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 23 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 3 Introduction 쪽번호 ㅣ 입력해보세요. Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Answer Wrap up 6 /13
En 010204_pop 2 Answer There are 6 things that I want to achieve in my life. (topic sentence) The first thing is learning to swim. When I was a child, I was afraid of the water, and so I did not learn to swim. But now I want to learn to swim. Secondly, I want to learn to drive a car. So far I have used public transportation, but now I want to drive my own car. Thirdly, I want to learn French as a foreign language. English is the international language, but learning another foreign language will help me understand another foreign culture. Fourthly, I want to visit some European countries. I have been to the US, but I have never been to any European countries. I want to visit countries such as France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Fifthly, I want to visit some South East Asian countries. I have been to Japan and China before, but I have not visited any South East Asian countries yet. I wish to make trips to countries such as Singapore, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Lastly, I long to have a garden house. So far I have lived in an apartment, but my ideal house is not an apartment but a garden house. I really want to purchase a garden house. Close X
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010301 고급영어작문 Introduction 목적에 따라 달라지는 다양한 글쓰기 유형입니다. 각 탭을 클릭하여 알아보세요. Warm up Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- 25 화면 설명 - 탭 방식으로 구현 클릭시 해당 내용이 화면에 제시됨 ■ Practice 2 ㅣ Lecture Practice 1 쪽번호 - 사운드 버튼 클릭시 원어민 음성 제공 번역보기 Inform Explain Entertain Argue Persuade 음성파일 En 010301_mp 3 Inform Writing to inform is one of the most common purposes for writing. Most journalistic writing fits this purpose. A journalist uncovers the facts about some incident and then reports those facts, as objectively as possible, to his or her readers. Of course, some bias or point-of-view is always present, but the purpose of informational or reportorial writing is to convey information as accurately and objectively as possible. Other examples of writing to inform include laboratory reports, economic reports, and business reports. Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 7 /13 En 010301_pop
Explain The purpose of expository writing is to gather facts and information, combine them with his or her own knowledge and experience, and clarify the whos, whats, hows, whys, and wherefores for the audience. Such explaining requires that the writer analyze the subject (divide it into its important parts) and show the relationship of those parts. Thus, writing to explain relies heavily on definition, process analysis, cause/effect analysis, and synthesis. Explaining differs from informing in that the writer adds his or her personal understanding, interpretation, or opinion to the information. So an expository writer says this is the right way to make lasagna, or the most relevant causes of an accident. Entertain As a purpose or goal of writing, entertaining is often used with some other purpose--to explain, or inform in a humorous way. However, entertaining others with humor is our main goal. Entertaining may take the form of a brief joke, a newspaper column, a television script or an Internet home page tidbit, and its goal is to relax our reader and share some story of human foibles or surprising acts. Argue Argument is a special kind of persuasion following basic rules. Those rules are that opposing positions will be presented accurately and fairly, and that appeals to logic, and reason will be the primary means of persuasion. 탭 클릭시 제시되는 내용
Persuade Persuasive writing, if necessary, ignores those rules and employs any strategy that might work. Advertisements are a good example of persuasive writing. They usually don't fairly represent the competing product, and they appeal to image, to emotion, to character, or to anything that works. 탭 클릭시 제시되는 내용
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1. Getting ready to write 1: 번역보기 Getting ready to write 쪽번호 고급영어작문 번역보기 고급영어작문 Print 28 화면 설명 화면설명 [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) ▶ Inform Writing to inform is one of the most common purposes for writing. Most journalistic writing fits this purpose. A journalist uncovers the facts about some incident and then reports those facts, as objectively as possible, to his or her readers. Of course, some bias or point-of-view is always present, but the purpose of informational or reportorial writing is to convey information as accurately and objectively as possible. Other examples of writing to inform include laboratory reports, economic reports, and business reports. [프린트] 버튼 삽입 ▶ 정보 정보를 제공하기 위해서 글을 쓰는 경우는 가장 보편적인 경우에 속합니다. 대부분의 신 문의 글이 이러한 목적에 부합니다. 언론기자는 사건에 대한 사실을 밝히고 가능한 개관 적으로 독자에게 전달합니다. 물론 약간의 편견이나 관점은 언제나 존재합니다. 그러나 정보성 또는 보도성 글은 정보를 가능한 정확하고 개관적으로 전달합니다. 실험 보고서, 경제보고서, 그리고 업무 보고서도 이러한 종류의 글에 속합니다. En 010301_pop ▶ Explain The purpose of expository writing is to gather facts and information, combine them with his or her own knowledge and experience, and clarify the whos, whats, hows, whys, and wherefores for the audience. Such explaining requires that the writer analyze the subject (divide it into its important parts) and show the relationship of those parts. Thus, writing to explain relies heavily on definition, process analysis, cause/effect analysis, and synthesis. Explaining differs from informing in that the writer adds his or her personal understanding, interpretation, or opinion to the information. So an expository writer says this is the right way to make lasagna, or the most relevant causes of an accident. /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: 번역보기 Getting ready to write 쪽번호 고급영어작문 29 화면 설명 화면설명 [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) ▶ 설명 무언가를 설명하는 글은 사실과 정보를 수집한 다음 자신의 지식과 경험을 결합하여 독자 를 위해서 ‘누가’, ‘무엇을’, ‘어떻게’, ‘왜’, 그리고 ‘무엇 때문에’ 했는지를 명쾌하게 전달합 니다. 이러한 설명적 글에서는 글쓴이가 주제를 분석하고 (주제를 중요한 부분으로 나눔) 부분들간의 관련성을 보여줍니다. 따라서 설명을 하는 글은 정의, 과정분석, 원인/결과 분 석, 그리고 종합에 많이 의존합니다. 설명을 하는 글은 글쓴이가 자신의 개인적 이해, 해석, 또는 의견을 정보에 추가한다는 점에서 정보를 제공하는 글과 차이가 있습니다. [프린트] 버튼 삽입 ▶ Entertain As a purpose or goal of writing, entertaining is often used with some other purpose-to explain, or inform in a humorous way. However, entertaining others with humor is our main goal. Entertaining may take the form of a brief joke, a newspaper column, a television script or an Internet home page tidbit, and its goal is to relax our reader and share some story of human foibles or surprising acts. ▶ 오락제공 글을 쓰는 목적의 하나로서 오락제공은 다른 목적을 함께 충족시킬 수 있습니다. 즉 유머러 스 하게 쓴 글은 설명의 글이 될 수 도 있고 정보전달의 글이 될 수도 있습니다. 하지만 오 락제공을 위한 글의 주된 목적은 다른 사람들을 유머로 즐겁게 해주는 것입니다. 오락제공의 글은 간단한joke, 신문칼럼, TV광고, 그리고 토막뉴스 와 같은 형태입니다. 그 것의 주된 목적은 독자에게 휴식을 주고 인간의 약점이나 놀라운 행동을 공유하는 것입니 다. /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 Lesson 1: 번역보기 Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 화면 설명 화면설명 [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) ▶ Argue Argument is a special kind of persuasion following basic rules. Those rules are that opposing positions will be presented accurately and fairly, and that appeals to logic, and reason will be the primary means of persuasion. [프린트] 버튼 삽입 ▶ 논쟁 논쟁적인 특별한 종류의 설득으로서 기본규칙을 준수합니다. 이러한 규칙들은 반대편의 입장 을 정확하고 공평하게 나타내며 논리와 이성을 설득의 주된 수단으로 사용하는 것입니다. ▶ Persuade Persuasive writing, if necessary, ignores those rules and employs any strategy that might work. Advertisements are a good example of persuasive writing. They usually don't fairly represent the competing product, and they appeal to image, to emotion, to character, or to anything that works. ▶ 설득 설득적인 글은 필요에 따라서 기본규칙을 무시할 수 있으며 효과가 있는 어떠한 전략도 시도 할 수 있습니다. 광고는 설득적인 글의 좋은 예입니다. 광고는 경쟁 상품을 공정하게 나타내지 않습니다. 그리고 이미지, 감정, 성격, 또는 효과가 있는 어는 것이라도 사용할 수 있습니다. Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 30 Close /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 en 010302 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 Read the following directions and answer the questions. 번역보기 Warm up The common cobra is also known as the Asiatic cobra. It is usually slate gray to brown overall. The back of the hood may or may not have a pattern. It is responsible for many deaths each year. When aroused or threatened, the cobra will lift its head off the ground and spread its hood, making it more menacing. Its venom is highly neurotoxic, causing respiratory paralysis with some tissue damage. The cobra would rather retreat if possible, but if escape is shut off, it will be a dangerous creature to deal with. The common cobra can be found living in cultivated farms, swamps, open fields, and human dwellings where it searches for rodents. Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 1 Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up - Answer 버튼 클릭시 화면처럼 정답제시 넥스트 버튼 활성화 En 010302_pop Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 1 Introduction 31 What is the purpose of the following paragraph? (Answer in English) ㅣ 입력해보세요. 2 The purpose is to inform. What are the reasons for your answer? (Answer in English) ㅣ 입력해보세요. General information about the Asiatic cobra such as it color, shape, pattern, prey, character, and habitat are offered. Next Answer 8 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010302 고급영어작문 Read the following directions and answer the questions. 번역보기 Warm up 1. During the final days at Denver's old Stapleton airport, a crowded United flight was canceled. A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS. " Lecture -------Task ------- 2. The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. " Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- 1 Exercise 2 Grammar Tip Wrap up - Answer 버튼 클릭시 화면처럼 정답제시 넥스트 버튼 활성화 En 010302_pop Practice 1 writing ------Error Correction 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 1 ㅣ Task 2 Introduction 32 What is the purpose of the following paragraph? The purpose is to entertain. ㅣ 입력해보세요. Which paragraph do you think is the most humorous? The paragraph 4 ㅣ 입력해보세요. 3 If you paraphrase “Do you have any idea who I am” into a different type of interrogative clause, what would it be? ㅣ 입력해보세요. Do you know how important a person I am? Next Answer 8 /13
3. The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am? " 4. Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention please? " she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to the gate. " 5. With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "(Expletive) you. " 6. Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stand in line for that, too. " 7. The man retreated as the people in the terminal applauded loudly. Although the flight was canceled and people were late, they were no longer angry at United.
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010302 고급영어작문 - Answer 버튼 클릭시 화면처럼 정답제시 Read the following directions and answer the questions. 번역보기 En 010302_pop Warm up "A dog is man's best friend. " That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent house pets. Firstly, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. They will snuggle up and ask to be petted, or scratched under the chin. In the second place, cats are civilized members of the household. Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- 1 What is the writer of the following paragraph trying to persuade? ㅣ 입력해보세요. The writer is trying to persuade people that cats make excellent house pets. Exercise 화면 설명 아래 빈 칸에 입력이 가능 하도록 구현 ■ Practice 2 ㅣ Task 3 Introduction 34 2 writing ------Error Correction What kinds of strategy is the writer using for his purpose? ㅣ 입력해보세요. 3 The writer is using enumeration. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the paragraph. Grammar Tip make ㅣ 입력해보세요. Wrap up Answer 8 /13
Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make other loud noises. Most cats don't even meow very often. Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as house pets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. Cats are low maintenance, civilized companions. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal house pet.
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 Lesson 1. Getting ready to write 1: 번역보기 Getting ready to write 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 고급영어작문 번역보기 고급영어작문 Print 36 화면 설명 화면설명 [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) The common cobra is also known as the Asiatic cobra. It is usually slate gray to brown overall. The back of the hood may or may not have a pattern. It is responsible for many deaths each year. When aroused or threatened, the cobra will lift its head off the ground and spread its hood, making it more menacing. Its venom is highly neurotoxic, causing respiratory paralysis with some tissue damage. The cobra would rather retreat if possible, but if escape is shut off, it will be a dangerous creature to deal with. The common cobra can be found living in cultivated farms, swamps, open fields, and human dwellings where it searches for rodents. [프린트] 버튼 삽입 En 010302_pop 일반적인 코브라는 일컬어 아시아 코브라로 알려져 있다. 보통 전체적으로 갈색에서 회색 을 띄고 있다. 넓적한 목뒤에는 무늬를 가지고 있기도 하다. 그것은 매년 많이 죽음을 유 발한다. 깨우거나 위협될 경우, 코브라는 땅 올라와 머리를 들고 목을 넓게 펼친다. 그 모 습은 더욱 위협적이다. 그것의 독은 독성이 강하고, 조직을 손상시켜 호흡 마비를 일으키 는 원인이 되기도 한다. 코브라는 만약에 가능하다면 오히려 도망가지만, 도망갈 수 없다 면, 위험한 동물이 될 것이다. 일반적인 코브라는 경작중인 농장, 늪, 넓은 평야 및 설치류 를 찾는 인간의 주거지 등에서 찾아볼 수 있다 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson (1) During the final days at Denver's old Stapleton airport, a crowded United flight 1: 번역보기 Getting was canceled. A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. ready to write 쪽번호 고급영어작문 37 화면 설명 화면설명 번역보기 Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS. " (2) The agent replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. " (3) The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am? " (4) Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention please? " she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to the gate. " (5) With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore "(Expletive) you. " (6) Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stand in line for that, too. " (7) The man retreated as the people in the terminal applauded loudly. Although the flight was canceled and people were late, they were no longer angry at United. [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) [프린트] 버튼 삽입 (1) 덴버의 옛 stapleton공항의 마지막 날, 혼잡한 유나이티드 항공편이 취소되었다. 불편 해하는 여행자들의 긴 줄을 단 한 명의 직원이 처리하고 있었다. 갑자기 어떤 화난 승객이 창구로 나가 창구에 표를 집어 던지며 말했다. “나는 이 비행기의 퍼스트클래스에 탑승해 야 해요. ” (2) 직원은 다음과 같이 답변했다. “손님, 죄송합니다. 도와드릴 수 있다면 좋겠지만 이분 들을 먼저 도와드려야 합니다. 곧 문제가 해결될 거에요. ” 3) 그 승객은 실망했다. 그는 뒤에 손님이 들을 수 있을 만큼 크게 물었다. “당신 내가 누 군지 알아? ” (4) 망설임 없이, 탑승구의 직원은 웃으며 마이크를 잡고 터미널 전체에 그녀의 목소리가 들리도록 말했다. "주목해주세요. 여기 탑승구에 본인이 누군지 모르는 승객 한 분이 계십 니다. 혹시 그가 정체성을 찾는데 도와주실 분이 있으면 탑승구로 와주시기 바랍니다. ” /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 Lesson 1: 뒤에 있던 사람들은 히스테릭 하게 웃었다. 남자는 직원을 노려보고 이를 갈며 말했다. 고급영어작문 (5) 남자 Getting ready to write “당신. ” 번역보기 (6)그녀는 위축되지 않고, 웃으며 말했다, “죄송합니다만 손님, 손님 역시 다른 분들처럼 줄을 서셔야 합니다. ” (7) 사람들은 크게 박수를 쳤고 남자는 물러갔다. 비록 비행이 취소되고 사람들은 늦었지만, 그 들은 더 이상 화를 내지 않았다. 화면 설명 화면설명 [스크립트 보기] 버튼 클 릭 시, 차시 전체의 학습 내용이 레이어 팝업으로 제시됨 (상단: 영문, 하단: 해석) [프린트] 버튼 삽입 "A dog is man's best friend. " That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent house pets. Firstly, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. They will snuggle up and ask to be petted, or scratched under the chin. In the second place, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make other loud noises. Most cats don't even meow very often. Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as house pets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. Cats are low maintenance, civilized companions. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal house pet. "개는 인간의 가장 친한 친구다. " 라는 말은 몇몇 진실을 담고 있다, 그러나 개가 인간과 함께하 는 유일한 동물친구는 아니다. 많은 사람들에게, 고양이는 그들의 가장 친한 친구이다. 애견애 호가들이 믿음에도 불구하고, 고양이는 훌륭한 애완 동물이다. 첫째로, 사람들은 고양이와의 교 우 관계를 좋아한다. 고양이들은 다정하다. 그들은 끌어안고 귀여워하거나, 턱의 밑에 긁어달라 고 조른다. 두 번째는, 고양이는 문명화된 가족의 일원이다. 개와는 다르게, 고양이는 짖지 않고 다른 시끄러운 소리들도 내지 않는다. 대부분의 고양이 별로 야옹 하고 울지도 않는다. 최근에, 애완 동물로 고양이의 가장 매력 특징 중 하나는 돌보기 편하다는 것이다. 고양이는 따로 산책시 킬 필요가 없다. 고양이를 키우는 데에는 경비가 적게 들고, 문명화되었다. 애완동물을 돌볼 시 간과 공간이 부족한 사람들은 고양이의 이런 특성을 고마워한다. 그러나, 충분한 공간과 시간을 가지고 있는 많은 사람들은 여전히 고양이를 선택한다. 왜냐하면 그들은 고양이의 성격을 좋아 하기 때문이다. 이러한 많은 이유로, 고양이는 이상적인 애완 동물이다. Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 38 Close /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 en 010401 고급영어작문 Do you enjoy seeing the movies recently? Think of one of the movies you saw recently. For prewriting process answer the following questions. For questions 4 and 5 write about five to six sentences for each. Warm up Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 1 2 3 Which country was the movie made in? en 010401_pop Who are starring in the movie? ㅣ 입력하세요. 4 Exercise Grammar Tip - 모범답안 클릭시 팝업창으로 모범답안 제시 ㅣ 입력하세요. Practice 2 writing ------Error Correction - 4번과 5번 정답창 입력한 답이 길어질 경우 자동스크롤이 생성되도록 구현 What is the title of the movie? ㅣ 입력하세요. Lecture -------Task ------- 화면 설명 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ writing Introduction 39 What is the main story of the movie? ㅣ 입력하세요. 5 How does the movie end? ㅣ 입력하세요. Wrap up Answer 9 /13
Answer en 010401_pop (1) The movie I saw was Dan in Real Life. (2) It was made in America. (3) The movie starred Steve Carrel. (4) Dan is a widower with three daughters. In this movie, the main character, Dan, falls in love with his brother's girlfriend. But when he meets her, he doesn't know it's his brother's girlfriend. Later when he finds out at a family get-together, he feels torn. He really likes her, but he doesn't want to hurt his brother. At the same time, he doesn't think his brother deserves such a good girl. Throughout the movie, Dan is trying to figure out what he should do. (5) In the end, Dan ends up with the girl he fell in love with. His daughters are happy about it, too. His relationship with his daughters is strengthened. Dan also gets a promotion at work. Although he stole his brother's girlfriend, his brother doesn't stay made for long because he quickly finds another girlfriend. In the end, everyone is happy, and relationships are strengthened. Close X
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010402 고급영어작문 This paragraph has 8 preposition mistakes. Find and correct them. Warm up Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 화면 설명 Answer 클릭시 학습자가 입력한 정답 아래 화면처럼 제시 됨 Introduction Lecture -------Task ------- 41 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ Error Correction Practice 1 쪽번호 My sister has a regular schedule. She lives at Incheon. She usually gets up early. She eats breakfast of Kimchi and rice. Her company is 30 minutes away, While she is under the subway, she listens her MPS. At her job, she is always through the phone with customers from around the world. She finds her work very exciting and likes to help her customers solve their problems. Her work is finished in 7 pm. Before she comes to home, she has dinner with some of her colleagues. She graduated with university five years ago. She does a little housework in the evening, and enjoys watching the movies that she down loads of the Internet. She usually falls asleep before 11 pm. She likes her work, but I hope that she will get married and have her own family. Answer My sister has a regular schedule. She lives in Incheon. She usually gets up early. She eats breakfast of Kimchi and rice. Her company is 30 minutes away, While she is on the subway, she listens to her MPS. At her job, she is always on the phone with customers from around the world. She finds her work very exciting and likes to help her customers solve their problems. Her work is finished at 7 pm. Before she comes home, she has dinner with some of her colleagues. She graduated with university five years ago. She does a little housework in the evening, and enjoys watching the movies that she down loads from the Internet. She usually falls asleep before 11 pm. She likes her work, but I hope that she will get married and have her own family. 10 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010501 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 Warm up 42 화면 설명 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ Grammar Tip Introduction 쪽번호 모범답안 클릭시 학습자가 입력한 정답 아래 제시 됨 Tip for punctuation [1] Comma When writing sentences, we use comma for various occasions. There are 5 common cases to use comma. Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up (1) When introducing dependent clauses followed by independent clauses, we use comma. • When Sue was a high school student, she used to cram the night before exams. • When making sentences, we have to use a subject. (2) When enumerating three or more than three items, we use comma. • Judy hates to eat meat such as pork, beef, and chicken. • Harry got up in the morning, ate breakfast, and went to school as usual. (3) When there is an introductory phrase, we use comma. • Frankly speaking, I do not like my homeroom teacher. • To tell you the truth, I do not know what to say about such a topic. (4) When introducing appositive or rephrased noun phrases, we use comma. • Mrs. Jackson, my cousin sister, is a real beauty. • Mr. King, vice principal in the First Elementary School, is a famous scholar in pedagogy. (5) When introducing inserted comments, we use comma. • Gandhi, who was a philanthropist, died at the age of 78. • Sue Thomson, I believe, was a great singer. 11 /13 음성파일 En 010501_mp 3
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 en 010501 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 Warm up Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise 43 화면 설명 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ Grammar Tip Introduction 쪽번호 모범답안 클릭시 학습자가 입력한 정답 아래 제시 됨 Tip for punctuation [2] Semicolon When writing sentences, we can use semicolon. The semicolon binds two sentences more closely than a period and less closely than a comma. There are two common cases that we can use semicolon. (1) When enumerating items that have internal punctuation, we can use semicolon. • John ate hamburger; Harry, ice cream; and Mary, chocolate. • Mary scored 20 points, John, 10 points; and Jina, 5 points. (2) When combining two sentences without conjunctions we can use semicolon. • Yesterday I went to the Lotte Department Store to do shopping; I did not know it was closed on Monday. • I am not alone any more; my wife and children are back home. writing ------Error Correction Grammar Tip Wrap up 11 /13 음성파일 En 010501_mp 3
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 쪽번호 en 010502 고급영어작문 Answer 클릭시 학습자가 입력한 정답 아래 화면처럼 제시 됨 ( , 색만 빨간색) Introduction Read the following paragraph and use comma if necessary. Warm up Lecture -------Task ------- While making fine furniture the skill of the craftsman is important. To make a particular piece of furniture the woodworker must fit together all of the pieces correctly. To smooth out the surface of the wood much work with sand paper is required. As a final touch the craftsman rubs the wood with linseed oil. One of the top furniture makers in the USA is Stephen Crump founder of crump furniture. Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Answer Exercise writing ------Error Correction 화면 설명 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ Grammar Tip Practice 1 44 While making fine furniture, the skill of the craftsman is important. To make a particular piece of furniture, the woodworker must fit together all of the pieces correctly. To smooth out the surface of the wood, much work with sand paper is required. As a final touch, the craftsman rubs the wood with linseed oil. One of the top furniture makers in the USA is Stephen Crump, founder of crump furniture. Grammar Tip Wrap up 12 /13 Next
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 쪽번호 en 010502 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write 고급영어작문 Answer 클릭시 학습자가 입력한 정답 아래 화면처럼 제시 됨 ( ; 색만 빨간색) Introduction Rephrase each of the following sentences using semicolon. 1 We will visit stores of Waffle Houses in Atlanta, Georgia, Greenville, South Carolina, Gainesville, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama. Practice 1 We will visit stores of Waffle Houses in Atlanta, Georgia Lecture -------------Task ------------- ; Greenville, South ; Carolina; Gainesville, Florida and Mobile, Alabama. Practice 2 2 Answer I would like to travel to Vancouver, Canada, Tokyo, Japan, and Beijing, China. I would like to travel to Vancouver, Canada ; Tokyo, Japan; and Beijing, China. Answer Exercise writing ------Error Correction Because I went to school late yesterday, my homeroom teacher was very upset. Therefore she refused to talk to me all day long. 3 Grammar Tip Wrap up 화면 설명 각 빈 칸에 입력할 수 있도록 구현 ■ Exercise ㅣ Grammar Tip Warm up 45 Because I went to school late yesterday, my homeroom teacher was very upset; Therefore she refused to talk to me all day long. Answer 12 /13
과목명 고급영어작문 1주차 1. Getting ready to write 화면번호 Lesson 1: Getting ready to write en 010501 고급영어작문 쪽번호 46 화면 설명 1. 교수님 동영상강의 2. 교안 - 1주차 학습정리 ■ Wrap up ㅣ Summary 내용제시 Introduction 동영상 파일 en 010501. flv 오늘 학습한 내용에 대한 설명을 들어보세요. Warm up Practice 1 Lecture -------Task ------- 동영상 영역 Summary 1) Subject (1) Narrowing down subject (2) Brain Storming (3) Journalistic techniques Practice 2 Lecture -------Task ------- Exercise writing ------Error Correction 2) Purpose (1) Inform (2) Persuade (3) Entertain 3) Punctuation (1) Comma (2) Semicolon Grammar Tip Wrap up 13/13